Page 65 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 65

RESTRICTED (when complete)

                                             WITNESS ST A TEMENT
                         CJ Act  1967, s.9; MC Act  1980, ss.5A(J)(a) and 5B; Criminal Procedure Rules 2005, Rule 27.1

               Statement of     PC 327YE EDGOOSE ......... ...... .... .............  URN:

               Age if under l 8   Over 18 ............. .   (ifover 18  insen  ·over  18')  Occupation:   Police Officer 206063 ........... ..

               This statement  (consisting of:  .... 1.....  pages each signed by me)  is  true  to  the best of my  knowledge and  belief and I
               make it  knowing that,  if it  is  tendered in evidence, 1 shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated anything in  it
               which I know to  be false, or do  no t believe to  be true.

               Signarure:                                                    Date:    31st AUGUST 2014 ........... .

              Tick if witness evidence is  visually recorded   {supply witness details on rear)

             On THURSDAY 24th JULY 20 l 4 I was on duty in plain clothes as operator of an unmarked police vehicle in
             company with APS 212YE MARTIN, PC 151YE ROBERTSON, and PC 229YE O'NEILL. At around 1625
             hours on Alma Road EN3 we had cause to stop a silver Ford Focus vnn MA57LDY due to the manner of its
             driving. The driver was a male I know to be Simon CORDELL dob21 /01/l 981 . I know him as I have dealt with
             on a number of previous occasions. He was initially hostile about having been stopped, but once he had calmed

             down he engaged in conversation with us.  He stated that he is staying out of trouble now, and he does not get
             involved in any of the things he used to. He stated that he has 4 brand new speakers at home which are suitable
             for use at raves, but he does not use them and has offered to lend them to any "youngsters" to use. He went on to
             say that they are not interested though as these days they just want to steal everything. He said he gets inundated
             with requests to run raves all the time, but he doesn't get involved now. He claims to have 20,000 followers on
             one social  media site, and 70,000 on another. He said he could organise a rave and get 20,000 people at it with no

             problems whatsoever, and he gets requests from anarchist type groups to  nm raves for them. He went on to say
             that he had been asked by Occupy London, Black Block and other anarchist type groups to run a rave at Notting
             Hill Carnival for them so that they could cause carnage and mayhem, but he had refused.  Whilst on public order
             duty at Notting Hi ll  Carnival I saw M r CORDELL walking through the area I was deployed around TAVISTOCK

             RO.AD.  He was pushing a wheelie bin, and he was approached by members of a group of around IO - 20 people
             who had been wait ing at a junction near our location.  This group had  been playing drum and bass music and  bad
             told officers they were heading to an event but were awaiting the location. It  was somewhere between 2200 -
             2300 hours when I had seen the group, and Mr Cordell.

            Signature:       ~ .... ..                 Signarure  wi tnessed by:
                                                               .  .       .
                                             RESTRICTED (when complete.!)
            12□()6,071 I):  1\1G  11, I~
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