Page 67 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 67

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            W itne  s con t11ct dctnils
           Home address:  Enfield Police Station ................................................................................... ......................................................... .
            ....................... . ........ .... ....................... .............................. .... ....... ......... ....................................... .....  Postcode:   EN1  ...................... .
           Home telephone number                             Work telephone number   0208 345 1123 ......... ........................ ..
           Mobile/pager number                               Email address:
           Preferred means of contact:
           Ma-le-/ Female (dclc1e as applicable)   Date and place of birth:
           Former name:   ..................... ..........................   Ethnicity Code ( 16+ I):   .....................  Religion/belief:
           Dates of witness non-:ivailability   23/12/14 - 02/01/2015

           Witness care
           a)   Is the witness willing and likely to attend court? Yes. If ' No', include reason(s) on M GG.
           b)   What can be done to eusure attendance?

           c)   Does the witness require a Special Measures Assessment as a vulnerable or intimidated witness?
                No. If ' Yes' submi t MG2 with file.

           d)   Does the witness have any specific care needs? No. If 'Yes' what are they? (Disabili1y. hcnl1hcarc. childelln:. 1ra11spor1 •. la111:uagc diflicul1i~
                vi~,mlly i1npain:d. n:s1ricted  111obili1y or other conecn,s?)

           Witness Consent (for  witness completion)
           a)   The criminaJ justice process and  Victim Personal Statement scheme (victims only) has   Yes   No
                been explained io me                                                      □  □
                                                                                          □  □
                l have been given the Victim  Persona l Statement leaflet             Yes      No
                                                                                          □  □
                I have been given the le110e1 ' Giving a witness statement to  police -  what happens next?'   Yes   No
                                                                                          □  □
                I consent to police having access to my medical record(s) in relation to this matter:   Ye '   No   NIA □
                (ob1.1ined in nccord:mcc wilh  toc..11  11racticc)
                                                                                          □  □
                I consent to my medical record in relacion to  this matter being disclosed to the defence:   Yes   No   NIA □
                I consent lo the slalemelll being disclosed for the purposes of civil proceedings e.g.  child   Ye$   No
               care proceed ings, CICA                                                    □  □
               The infomiation recorded above will  be disclosed to  the W itness Service so they can offer
               help and support,  unless you  ask them not to. T ick th is box  to decline their services:   □

          Signature of witness:                                            Print name:   ······················································
          Signal  lire of adult:              Print name:   ············· ·········································
          Address and  tele  hone  number if different from above:

          Statement taken by (print na me):   PC  Sophie THEODOU LOU ...........................  Station:   ENFIELD .......................................... .
          Time and place statement taken:   . _1_3.1 o ... J:µ.rs. ..... 9-t .... En p aJd. .... Pw.C2.. ...... ~ o..h.0,................. . . . . . . . . ............. .

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