Page 70 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 70

Form MG11
                                          RESTRICTED (when complete)

                                              WITNESS  STATEMENT

                              (CJ  Act 1967, s.9; MC Act 1980, ss.5A(3) (a)  and 58; MC Rules  1981, r.70)
                                                                             URN  ll--.-J----'-----___t_-_j

             This  statement  (consisting  of ..... -k  ... :. ...... page(s) each signed  by  me)  is  true  to  the  best  of  my  knowledge
             and belief and I make it  knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, l shall be  liable  to prosecution if I have wilfully
             stated in it anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.

             Signature....  ~            --•-···:-]·_?_'=1 .. LC::1-_ ..... -·- Date  .t ~ ~ "Lo I ~c-.. --

             Tick if witri~~ evlden~e is visually recorded  O  (supply witness deta/1$ on rear)
            ..On.  -T' ~~..s  7__l. '4~.,_f~ '-': ~-2.:o l ~          2,.;~-b-~.~\~ __ c__~, .. ...-_
             _ wZA- '? c..  ~ ~~~.2 -~9 .. Y ~ -~.S:-~-~~f.· .. ~')  ~¥" ~-

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            -JJ,__,_,  ~ ~ ~'=""J-_4=.C"..o.,  ~, ' -,:':c.! ,1:, -- U.:...:,A J,._,,_  ~t
            Signature~ • ~ ,;:~. Y..(  Sig na ture witnessed by . . ,  .  ....  .. . .   .  . ...... .... ... ...  ..
                                                                                                       P, TO
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75