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P. 58
RESTRICTED (nhcn complete) :
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CJ Act 1967, .9; MC Act I 980. ss.SA(J)(a) and 5B; Criminal Procedure Rules 2005, Rule 27. I
Statement of Douglas Skinner............. .......................... URN:
Age ifunder 18 Over 18 ............. . (i f over 18 insen ·over I 8") Occupation: Police Officer 189003 ............ .
This tatement (consisting of: .... 2 ...... pages each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and 1
make it kpowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shaU be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated anything in it
which I know to be false, or do not helieve ro he true.
,L.j I
Signature: ... ············r., ............... . Date: 09/09/2014 ........................ .
Tick if witness evidence is visually recorded (supply wirness details on rear)
This statement is completed in addition to one made on the 15th August 2014. I have been asked to clarify how I
know that Simon Cordell is an organiser of raves. As stated in my previous statement I have known of Cordell for
over 20 years. On the 7th June 2014 l was the Duty Officer for Enfield Borough. 1 was tasked to visit an ongoing
rave at Progress Way ENI and speak to the organiser to see how long it would be carrying on for.
I went to the location whjch was made up of several industrial buililings. I walked through the estate until 1 saw a
wrute van. Inside van was a male I recognised to be Cordell. As I got closer to the van he got out and waked
towards me. We shaked hands and said hello and talked about bow I remembered rum as a youngster over twenty
years ago.
I asked him if he was the organ.iser and he fully admitted to me that he was. He stated thal the rave was winding
down as there weren't many people there. I said that if it continued for another night then the likelihood was that
police would top it as the numbers were low and resources could deal with it. He told me that it would not be
continuing for another night and would be stopping that afternoon. I had a walk around the area and then left. The
rave did stop that afternoon.
On the 19th July 1 again came across Cordell at an empty industrial unit which people were arriving at. Cordell
told me that he was organ.ising a party for some friends. I told him that I was aware that over 100 people would be
arriving close by for a rave and await directions on where the venue was. The location was venue and it was
going to be a rave that he was the organiser. He adrn.itted to me that he wa the organiser. As a result has was
arrested to prevent a breach of the peace. He asked if the music equipment wruch was in a van could be removed
however the gate was padlocked. Cordell stated that he had padlocked the gate and had the keys however the keys
could not be found.
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