Page 10 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 10

Application for an Anti-social Behaviour Order

                                            and Interim Anti Social Behaviour Order

                             (Crime and Disorder .-\ct 1998, s 1 as amended by the Police Reform Act 2002)

                                                                       Highbury Comer Magistrates' Court
                                                                                    51-53 Holloway Road

                                                                                                N7 8JA
                                                                                             (Code: 2572)

                       Date:         5 September 2014

                       Applicant:    The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis

                       Defendant:    Simon Cordell

                       Address:      109 Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7JQ

                       Date of Birth:  26/01/1981

                       Local Government Area in

                       respect of which Application
                       is made:                                 London Borough of Enfield

                       Relevant Authorities consulted:          London Borough of Enfield

                      And it is alleged:

                          I.     that the  defendant has  acted on dates  between January 2013  to  date  (the last

                                 such incident being 10 August 2014) in  [he London Borough of Enfield in an
                                 anti-social  manner,  that  is  to  say,  in  a  manner  that  caused  or  was  likely to

                                 cause  harassment, alarm  or disuess  to  one or  more persons not  of the same
                                 household as himself; and

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