Page 5 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 5

Simon Cordell’s

                                          The 2nd Asbo Folder


          Number                Information                   Date         Report Id   Time          Page

         35         N/a                                 N/a                N/a         N/a     N/a

         36         CRIMINIT's,CAD's and CRIS's in      N/a                N/a         N/a     87
                    the following order

         37         CRIMINT report YERT00376728,        Event Date:        Event       N/a     88,89,90,91
                    Mill Marsh Lane, Aaron King         27/07/2014 -Cre- Date:
                                                        ated: 10/08/2014:  786- Cre-
                                                        Updated:           ated: 800,
                                                        12/08/2014         Updated:
         38         CRIMINT report YERT00376227,        Event Date:        Event       N/a     92,93,94,95
                    Mill Marsh Lane, Richard Chandler  27/07/2014Cre-      Date:786
                    Ye                                  ated: 27/07/2014  Created:
                                                        - Updated:         786 Up-
                                                        27/07/2014         dated: 786
         39         CRIMINT report YERT00376229,        Event Date:        Event       16:25   96,97,98
                    Jamie Edgoose Ye - Alma Rd          24/07/2014         Date:783
                                                        - Created:         - Created:
                                                        27/07/2014:        786 – Up-
                                                        Updated:           dated: 790
         40         CRIMINT report YERT00376024,        Event              Event       N/a     99,100,101
                    Southbury, Doug Skinner (RG)        Date:19/07/2014  Date: 778
                                                        - Created:         - Created:
                                                        21/07/2014: Up-    780 Up-
                                                        dated:22/07/2014 dated: 781
         41         CRIS report 1914855/14, 1 Falcon    20+21/06/2014      749,750     23:00  102,103,104,105,
                    Park, Pc Haworth 401Qk, Pc Griffh                                  -00:30 106,107,108,109,
                    188Qk, Page 100 Brown croft Ave-                                           101,,102,103,104,
                    nue                                                                        105,106,107,108

         42         CRIMINT report YERT00374531,        Event Date:        Event       N/a
                    Enfield Southbury Road, Cad         07/06/2014         Date: 736           118,119,120
                    1047/07/14, Not Progress Way Re-    - Created:         - Creat-
                    ally Crown road                     07/06/2014:        ed: 736:            109,110,111
                                                        Updated:           Updated:
                                                        10/06/2014         737
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10