Page 13 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 13

Summons on Application for Anti-Social Behaviour Order
                                         (Crime and Disorder Act 1998,  Section  1)

                                                                       Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court
                                                                                     51-53 Holloway Road
                                                                                                    N7 8JA
                                                                                    Court Reference: 2572

                 Date:                           il/C,/lq
                 To the defendant:               Simon Cordell
                 Address:                        109 Burncroft Avenue
                                                 EN3 7JQ

                                                 .       -      ·-               21714-··-·--·        -   .

               You are her~by ~ummoned to appear on  J/fJ  day of 0~  before the Magistrates'
               court at  H ;ql16~  ~ eff:°ZO f'!m                                            to  answer an
               application r6r an an<i-social behaviour order; the application is attached to this summons.

               Note:  Where the court is  satisfied that you  received  this summons within what appears to
               the  court to be  a reasonable time before the  hearing or adjourned hearing, it may proceed
              in your absence.

              If an  Anti-social  Behaviour Order is  made  against  you  and  if,  without  reasonable  excuse,
              you  do  anything  you  are  prohibited  from  doing  by  such  an  order  you  shall  be  liable  on
              conviction on  indictment to imprisonment for a term  not exceeding five years or a fine, or to


                                                                                        ~ [Justices' Cle, ks]

                                                                                                Role 6(:sj-

                                                   SPECIAL NOTICE  10/99
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