Page 31 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 31

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               C  ntinuntion of S1a1cment  f   Steve ELSMORE ........... . ..................................................................................... .

               1" from the bumper of the car in front of him and his driving was erratic. He claimed to know the other

               driver; this male however approached officers saying he had been driving like that behind him since YR.
               CORDELL was obstructive as usual, refusing to get out of his vehicle etc. He stated that his solicitor has a big
               case going where all his criminal records will be wiped as Police have unlawfully picked on him for years ect

               of interest he stated that he has 4 brand new speaker systems at home which he is happy to loan people for
               raves etc and that he is inundated with requests to run raves. He stated that he has 20,000 followers on one
               social media network and 70,000 in another. He says that he could organi2e a rave and get 20,000 people at i

               without any problems what so ever, and that he gets lots of requests from anarchist type groups etc to run
               raves for them. Of note he claims Occupy London, Black Block and other anarchist groups have been asking
               him to organize one for Notting Hill Carnival so that they can "Cause carnage and mayhem".

               Ref: YERT00376229. PC EDGCX)SE.

               4. On 19th July 2014 at 2205 hours Police were called to the Carpet Right show room on the AlO Great
               Cambridge Road Enfield regarding a possible rave in the empty premises. There was about 20 people inside

               the premises with sound equipment which they were about to set up. When officers arrived they blocked the
               front of the venue to stop anyone else getting in. The main organiser was spoken to by Police. This male was
               Simon CORDELL. He admitted to organising the party and said he was expecting several hundred people.

               Whilst dealing with CORDELL Police were told that crowds were gathering outside Southbury Road train
               station waiting to be told where the rave was. After a long conversation with CORDELL he was arrested to
               prevent a breach of the peace and taken to Edmonton Police Station C/N 01 YE3597/14 refers. As a result of

               his arrest the people inside the venue all left. The music system was loaded into a white van VRM
               PE52UHW. The owner and driver of this vehicle was Elliot LAIDLER. He stated it was the first time he had
               worked for CORDELL. The van could not leave the car park as the key for the padlocked gate could not be

               found However after two hours the vehicle was able to leave by driving over the pavement. CORDELL wa;s

               released at 0430 as a breach of the peace was no longer likely to take place. Clearly CORDELL makes a living
               by organising raves in North London. Or note is when officers searched the car park after everyone had left
               they found a set of keys by the electronic steel shutters. These keys opened the shutters lo the premises and

               on the key fob attached to the keys was a PIN nUJ11ber for the alarm system. This is how youths gained entry
               to the premises. It is possible that CORDELL has obtained them via the security company or an ex employee
               REF YERT00376024. INSPSKINNER.

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