Page 34 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 34

IU~STIUCH:U (,"hen cornplelcd)
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              opened the car door to speak to the driver and he said What the fuck do you want, you can't stop me". We
              identified ourselves as Police Officers by displaying my warrant card and he continued to say you have no
              power to Stop me what are your powers. It was explained why we were there and why we had stopped him.

              He remained aggressive saying that we did not know how to do our job and that we had no powers to search
              him. The other males in the van were telling the male to cahn down and let us get on with it. He was still
              aggressive saying that he was all legit saying that we had no reason to be there He then turned off the

              engine and jumped out the van and walked toward the pavement We explained he was detained for the
              search and he continued to shout "Don't you fucking touch me, I can walk around".  He continued to
              question our grounds and I again explained them to him. An elderly member of the public was walking past

              and he shouted at him "Oi mate die fucking Police want to search you coz they think you may be a burglar".
              The male turned round looked in disgust and walked off again. CORDELL continued to walk around by our
              vehicle and it was again explained he was detained for search as he was walking away from him Police took

              hold of his right arm. As this happened he shouted "Don't fucking touch me". He was continually
              aggressive. He was shouting "Get the fuck off me" and members of the public were at their windows trying
              to see what was going on. PC ASTON was trying to take out his left arm while PC SCOTT was trying to take

              out his right. He was shouting "Get the fuck off me" continually and another unit arrived. Handcuffs were
              applied in the rear stack position as he was still being aggressive and uncooperative. As he calmed down it
              was again explained why he was being searched and he said "you can't fucking touch me". He was searched

              under section 1 of pace and nothing was found The van was searched and again nothing was found The
               others males were searched under the same powers and nothing was found PC ASTON did check on the
               var. and the pne stated that it had no insurance. CORDELL stated he had traders which could not be proved

               so the van was seized He said "you are not fucking taking my van". At 1446 he was arrested for no
               insurance and section 5 of the public order act as he could not provide a valid name or address. CORDELL
               was later charged with no insurance and Section 5 public order
               PC SCOTT.

               12.  On 12th January 2013, Canary Wharf reported that they had a rave at Wood Wharf and supplying
               information to the vehicle that were involved gaining entry and carrying equipment. VRM YK60XJM,

               registered to GEOPOST Birmingham and VRM MA57LDY registered to Simon CORDELL He is
               known for drugs Class A, supply of drugs, possession of weapons and violence. Research for around
               the VlPD snows that this male is heavily involved in illegal Raves around London
               Ref: H1RT0G376798. PC PURCELL

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