Page 7 - Neighbours Council History Ruff Stuff
P. 7

feels petrified by his presence and as a
                              result refused to leave her flat for fear
                              bumping into him her way out. She has
                              missed a few appointments with her
                              social worker as a result, she been
                              subjected to making home appointments
                              pending the time this matter is resolved

                    Date                  Incident Logs              Facts      Si Note:

                 A3.          A3.
                 23/09/2015   23/09/2015: Update Complainant
                              Follow on action from Contact

                    Date                  Incident Logs              Facts      Si Note:

                 A4.          A4.
                 23/09/2015   23/09/2015: Letter - sent,
                              ACTION PLAN PROVIDED TO THE
                              VICTIM AND A COPY
                              FORWARDED TO HER CPN BOLA

                    Date                  Incident Logs              Facts      Si Note:

                 A5.          A5.
                 23/09/2015   23/09/2015: Email - sent,
                              Classification: PROTECT Hi Mark,
                              On second thoughts, could you contact
                              her on her landline instead and speak to
                              her directly please? Her number is
                              Thank you for your assistance
                              Dolly Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour
                              Officer Housing Anti-Social Behaviour
                              The recent event which took place a week
                              ago. She was on her way out to attend her
                              appointment with her CPN when he
                              apprehended her and threatened to kill
                              her. She was pretty shaken from the
                              incident that instead of attending her
                              appointment, returned home immediately.
                              She advised that she contacted the police
                              but, wasn't taken seriously as they
                              assumed, she was drunk at the time of the
                              call. She advised that she wasn't in the list
                              drunk but, just the way she spoke due to
                              her condition. She still wasn't taken
                              seriously and had to abandon the call.
                              She found this very frustrating and
                              advised that it was not the first time this
                              would happen to her. Her CPN also
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