Page 11 - Neighbours Council History Ruff Stuff
P. 11

about what had happened but none of it
                              made any sense.
                              We believe she was suffering from
                              mental health issues. On another occasion
                              we popped round to see her and she
                              wouldn't come and speak to us so instead
                              she spoke through her letterbox to us.
                              The male at 109 - Simon Cordell who is
                              causing the problems is very well known
                              to Police and is also very anti Police. I
                              know some Officers went around and
                              spoke to him and things seemed to get
                              better After that we have had no further
                              calls from the lady
                              We will try and get around to see her
                              when were back on duty on Monday.
                              Kind Regards
                              Classification: PROTECT
                              Good afternoon Mark,
                              Could you kindly assist with this query
                              please. Following reports of ASB by the
                              above tenant, my colleague and I visited
                              her this morning and were alarmed by the
                              nature of her complaints. She has in the
                              past few months being constantly
                              harassed, intimidated, bullied, stalked and
                              threatened to kill by her neighbour at 109.
                              As a result of his behaviour, she has
                              become too scared to leave her flat for
                              fear of what may happen to her. She is a
                              vulnerable tenant who requires support
                              from services. However, the unsettling
                              behaviour exhibited by number 109, has
                              hindered her from attending her
                              appointments and exacerbated her
                              condition. At the moment, she feels very
                              disorientated / agitated and will like the
                              harassment to stop.
                              She advised that she had reported this to
                              the police a few times but, wasn’t taken
                              I will appreciate if you could stop over at
                              to reassure her that the matter is being
                              dealt with and also to stop by 109 and
                              advise him that you are aware of what is
                              going on and the repercussions should it
                              Thank you for your support and
                              Doliy Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour
                              In light of the above, h a s been identified
                              as one of many cases involved in this
                              process. You will shortly hear from an
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