Page 98 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 98

                   Printed By: Stephen ELSMORE (YE)                         Print Dateffime 13/08/2014 07:40:01
                   Printed for: Stephen ELSMORE (YE)

                            METROPOLITAN              REMEMBER THE DATA PROTECTION ACT
                              POLICE                          No Unauthorised Disclosure
                                                            Dispose of as Confidential Waste
                  Working tDgether for a safer London


                   On arrival at millmarsh Lane there were nt..1merous·young people milling around trying to
                   locate the rave which was eventually found on the North footway just by the Greggs
                   Factory. It was a small strip of concrete completely open to the .air with a large amplified
                   sound system at the far end obstructed from  view of the street by vegetation.

                   Simon Cordell was at the gate and immediately shut it on police arrival. Eventually, Mr
                   Cordell agreed to let me and APS Ames onto the property to confirm there was no
                   damage or theft offences being comitted.

                   Simon Cordell's car a silver ford focus VRM MA57LDY was present and contained at
                   least three massive nitrous oxide tanks. When queried he admitted he had seen the
                   news article about the dangerous effects of this and how the Government would probably
                  I regulate it.

                  i There was about 30 people in so in discussion Mr Cordell was told it was an illegal rave
                   and i would be seeking Supt authority to seize the sound equipment. Mr Cordell began to
                   pack away his equipment stating it was a birthday party only but he was going.

                   Whilst stood waiting for him to leave a group of about 100 teenagers turned up on mass
                   and immediately became confrontational stating they were going to storm the rave. As
                  , we had good numbers the group initially dispersed but tried to go via a back entrane to
                  I the venue which led to arrests when scuffles with police started.
                  1  The group then completely moved off but returned about twenty minutes later in even
                  :  bigger numbers. The situation quickly escalated as the group started throwing cones and
                  , general road furniture towards police. luckily dogs were on hand and the crowd was
                  ! dispersed after numerous missiles were thrown at police and a number of arrests were
                  : made.

                   The group then hung around and  got on trains only to try and enter Progress Way and
                  1 the previous rave site.  It was only large numbers of TSG that prevented the grou  forcing
                  , their way in.  Again, Simon Cordell and his silver Focus were present.

                   The net result was at least 4 arrests for various public order and one oficer injured who

                  Strictly NO unauthorised disclosure    Page 2 of 4        Dispose of as  'Confidential Waste·

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