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Incident Report 74507 - January 14, 201311:15 - Debra Redwin
            Update:    74507-L 1                              Operator:   Chris Duffy
            Entered at:   January 12, 2013 02:57              Occurred at:   January 12. 2013 02:12
            02:12hrs C DUFFY (E15) received a call from S BONNER (E4) who reported that he is on a External patrol with K WICKS (CW174) outside the
            Paintball sheds by Lutomer house and there is music coming from one of the buildings. (E4) also stated that a sign has been put up to the effect of
            "this is our home. someone is here 24f7 and you will need a court order to evict us". E4  reported that he will investigate further.
            02:20hrs S BONNER (E4) reports that there are 60-70 youths having an  illegal rave in the paintball sheds. II is believed that they removed our
            padlock and have placed their own one in its place locking themselves inside. (E4) requests that C BROWN (CW03) bP.  informed.
            02:21hrs C BROWN (CW03) message left on company mobile.
            02:24hrs C BROWN (CW03) message left on home phone answer machine and pager message left.
            02:28hrs (E4) reports that there could be upwards of 80-100 youths and there is a strong smell of drugs coming from the property. E4 asked that
            the police be tasked.
            02:29hrs Police tasked. CAD reference number 1122. No eta provided. Limehouse police station given the SOM company mobile number at their
           02:35hrs C BROWN (CW03) contacted the ECC and is transferred to S BONNER (E4).
           02:36hrs (E4) requests that K TROBIRDGE (CW02) be informed. Message left on (CW02) pager
           02:38hrs (E4) reports that K WICKS (CW174) conducted a Perimter patrol at around 00:00hrs and there was no indication of forced entry or music
           coming from the property. II is believed the youths entered after this time.
           02:41hrs (E4) requests that M MAER (CW01), S GRIEG and P TWEDDLE be informed. Messages left with S GRIEG and P TWEDDLE. M MAER
            (CW01) briefed.
           02:44hrs (E4) requests that K TROBRIDGE (CW02) be contacted at home. (CW02) contacted at home and informed of the situation.
           03:00hrs Calls received from C BROWN (CW03), S GRIEG and P TWEDDLE. No further updates available.
           03:0Shrs C DUFFY (E15) contacted Limehouse IBO for an update on an eta. IBO report that the section chief is due to attend but they cannot
           provide and eta as yet.

           Update:     74507-l2                               Operator:   Chris Duffy
           Entered at:   January 12, 2013 03:03               Occurred at:   January 12. 2013 03:13
           Information update - there has been no additional/unusual vehicle movements in and around  Lumtomer house indicating that the youths may have
           entered on foot.

           Update:     74507-L3                               Operator:   Chris Duffy
           Entered at:   January 12, 2013 03:12               Occurred at:   January 12, 2013 03:21
           Information update - S BONNER (E4) reports that the ravers are entering Shed 4 via a hole in the  fence off of Pres tons road. They have stated that
           they intend to  squat in the premises and  Canary Wharf will require a court order to remove them.

           Update:     74507-L4                               Operator:   Chris Duffy
           Entered at:   January 12, 2013 03:15               Occurred at:   January 12. 2013 03:27
           Copy of notice found on gate attached.

           Update:     74507-LS                               Operator:   Chris  Duffy
           Entered at:   January 12. 2013 03:27               Occurred at:   January 12, 2013 03:40
           (E4) reports that the police are in attendance.

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