Page 296 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 296

PRINTED  AT  15:54  11:AUG:1 4  GPC                               1.:.2 . 3  ':'E:   D~VISION

             SINGLE  INC-DENT  PRI~TOUT                                                        PAGE   3

             INCIDENT  No.    625:0BJU 114

             No  Comments  for  t hi s  Location
             ~emarks :
            Time       Date     Opid    Termid
                       08JUN14  CHS     CHS        (pre  1st  routi ng)
                       CREATED  IN :  CHS   AT :  2014-06-08  00:54:40  CAD  AT :  2014-06-08  00:59:20
                       = ·===~-~==c.;=:::::z===-=c::--·-=====-=.::======-=-=======-==-=-=====-==~=-====-=-- - ---=
                       ENTERED  BY :  CHS   (c060648)  AT :  2014 - 06- 08  00 : 59: 12
                       the  rave  from  last  night  has  started  up  again  . .  _oud  musi c  from  the
                       estate  ..  advised  police  aware  and  to  concact  local  authority  ..  chs
                       ref  supplied
            00:59 :2 0  08JUN14  CHS
                       **  **START  OF  DATA  AUTOMATICALLY  COPIED  FROM  OPEN  PROMPT* ***
                      OPEN  CODE  " 211"  :
                       USE  SMF/ASB
                       **  **SND OF  DATA  AUTOMATICALLY  COPIED  FROM  OPEN  PROMPT****
            Q_ ;Q0:11  08JUN14  CHS
                      ENTERED  BY :  CHS   AT:  2014 - 06 - 08  00:59 :42
                      SMF  ASB  (For  All  Incidents  Of  Anti -soci al  Behaviour)
                      Always  consider  whether  the  c i rcumstances  of  the  incident  render  the
                      person  concerned  as  vulnerable.
                      Remember  to  use  SMF/VU....,NERABLE  and/ or  SMF/ REPEATVICTIM .
                      If  the  questions  be low  do  not  appear  valid,  have  you  selected  che
                      correct  opening  code?
                      1.  Has  anything  iKe  t his  happened  before .:  Yes
                      2 .  Has  the  call er  spoken  to  pol i ce  abo  t  t .. is  or  any  other  matter
                      re l at i ~g  to  AS3? :  No

                                                                                           ON'!'INCE!J  . . .

                  SUBJECT  TO  : REEDOi"I  Of  I.ifORN'.ATIOM AC".'  A~ID   AT"  ?RG  E~T ION  AC .
                   NO  UNAUTH0 8ISED  DISCLOSURE- • ISP0.:3~  or  AS  ':ON  : DEN  - ,!l;L  WASTE.

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