Page 287 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 287

PRINTED  AT  09 : 53  12:AUG:14   GPC                           711243  YE    DI VI SI ON

             SI NGLE  I NCI DENT  PKI NTOUT                                                   PAG~    3

             I NCIDENT  No.    47 : 08JrJNl4
            Time       Date     Opid    ':"ermid
                       08JUN14  CHS     CHS        (pre  1st  routi ng)
                       CREATED  IN:  CHS   AT:  2014-06-08  00:0C:13    CAD  AT:  2Cl4-06-09  00:05:25
                       ENTERED  BY:  CHS   (c720796)  AT:  2014 - 06-08  00:02:49
                      ALL  NIGHT,  SHE  STATES  IT  HAS  BEEN  GOIN  FOR  THE  PAST  2RHR
            00:05:25  08JUN14  CHS
                       **  **START  OF  DATA  AUTOMATICALLY  COPIED  FROM  OPEN  PROMPT****
                      OPEN  CODE  "211"  :
                      USE  SMF/ASB
                      **  **END  OF  DATA  AUTOMATICALLY  COPIED  FROM  OPEN  PROMPT****
            00:05:25  08JUN14  CHS
                      ENTERED  BY:  CHS   (c720796)  AT:  2014-06- 08  00:02 : 56
                      CALLER  HAS  ALREADY  CALLED  THE  COUNCIL
            00:05:26  08JUN14  CHS
                      ENTERED  BY:  CHS   (c720796)  AT:  2014-06-08  00:03:54
                      SMF  ASB  (For  All  Incidents  O.f  Anti-social  Behaviour)
                      Always  consider  whether  the  circumstances  of  the  incident  render  the
                      person  concerned  as  vulnerabl e.
                      Remember  to  use  SMF/VULNERABLE  and/or  SMF/REPEATVI CTIM.
                      If  the  questions  below  do  not  appear  valid,  have  you  selected  the
                      correct  opening  code?
                      1.  Has  anything  like  this  happened  before?:  Yes
                      2 .  Has  the  ca l ler  spoken  to  police  about  this  or  any  other  matter
                      re l ating  to  ASB?:  Yes
                      3.  If  t he  answer  to  2  is  'Yes'  when  were  police  called  (approximately ) ?
                      :  07/0 6/14
                      4 .  ?rior  to  calling  police  today,  has  the  person  sought  help  from
                      elsewhere  (e.g.  Local  Authority,  Security,  Housi ng  Association ,
                      Samaritan s,  Citizans  Advice,  BT,  etc.)?:  Yes
                      5.  If  the  answer  to  4  is  'Yes'  please  state  who?  :  COUNCIL
                      6.  An y  othe r  rele v ant  information?  :
           OJ : 05 : 2 6  08JUNl4  CHS
                      ENTERED  BY:  CHS   (c720796  I  AT :  2014-06-08  00:04:00
                      SMf  REPEATVI CTIM  (Repeat  Cal ler/  Victim )
                      GPC  Supervi s o r  - Please  note  that  thi s  caller  has  been  categorised  as:
                      'Repeat  ca:ler '  a nd /  or  'Victim'.
                      GPC  - Prioritise  any  additional  intelligence  chec ks  &  inform  re l evant
                     Conside r  i f  ~he  person  i s  suscept ib:e  t o  p hysical  abuse ,  emotional  or

                                                                                         CONTI  iUED  . . .

                 SUa J ECT  ~O  f~E3 DOM OF  - NfORMA ~I ON  ACT  AND  DATA  PRuT8CTION  ACT
                  NO  :JN,"'.u I'H 1) RISC:D  DLSCLOSTj cli: - 0IS?OS C:  OF  AS  CO~ic'I DENT I AL  ;v.A.STE.

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