Page 265 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 265

2,  I.ITED  AT  :.5:  6  11 :AUG : 1 _  GPC                     7 11243  YE:   DIVISION

           SINGLE  -NCIDENT  PRINTOUT                                                       ?AGE   3

           INCIDENT  No .  1048 1: 07JUN 14
           Time      Date     Opid    Termid

                     severa _  hundred  people  a·  the  -ocation.

                     they  have  broken  into  an  industrial  estate.
           22 : 49 :2 4  07JUN1 4  CHS
                     **  **START  OF  DATA  AUTOMATICALLY  COPIED  FROM  OPEN  PROMPT**  **
                     OPEN  CODE  "2 02 "  :
                     USE  SMF/ASB
                     **  ...,E,ND  OF  DATA  AUTOMATICALLY COPIED  FROM  OPEN  PROMPT**  **
           22:50 :51  07JUN14  CHS
                     ENTERED  BY:  CHS   AT:  2014-06-07  22: 50 :51
                     SMF  ASB  (For  All  Incidents  Of  Ant:i-social  Behaviour)
                     Always  consi der  whether  the  circumstances  of  the  i ncident  render  the
                     person  concerned  a s  vulnerable.
                     Remember  to  use  SMF/VULNERABLE  and/or  SMF/REPEATVICTIM.
                     If  the  questions  below  do  not  appear  valid,  have  you  se  ected  the
                     correct  opening  code ?
                     1.  Has  anything  li ke  this  happened  before?:  Yes
                     2.  Has  the  caller  spoken  to  police  about  this  or  any  other  matter
                     relating  to  ASB? :  Yes
                     3 .  I f  t he  answer  to  2  is  'Yes '  when  were  police  called  (appr oximately)?
                     :  07 /06/ 14
                     4 .  Prior  t o  calling  police  today ,  has  the  person  sought  he l p  from
                     elsewhere  (e.g .  Local  Authority ,  Security,  Hous ing  Associacion ,
                     Samari tans ,  Citizens  Advice,  BT ,  etc . )? :  Yes
                     5.  If  the  answer  to  4  is  'Yes'  pl ease  stat e  who?  :  e.h.o
                     6.  Any  ocher  relevant  information?  :  unable  to  contact  e. h . o  as  she  has
                    been  on  hold  for  20  mins
          22 :51 : 20  07JUN14  CHS
                     ENTERE:D  BY:  CHS   AT:  2014 - 06- 07  22 : 51 : 20
                    can  see  many  many  l i nked  cads  on  chi s.
          22 : 51 : 20  07JUN14  CHS
                    **  -*START  OF  DATA  AUTOMATICALLY  COPIED  FROM  OPEN  PROMPT**  **
                    OPEN  CODE  " 211 "  :
                    USE  SMF/ ASB
                     •·.,- •··•END  OE'  DATA  AUTOMATI'-ALLY  COP  ED  E'ROM  OPEN  PROMPT**  ""'
          22 :51:31  07JUN14  CHS
                    ENTERED  BY :  CHS   AT :  2014-06- 07  22:51 : 31
                    SMF  REPEATVICTIM  (Repeat  Caller/  Victim)
                    GPC  Supervi sor  - Pl ease  note  that  this  caller  has  been  categorised  as :
                     •~epeat  c a  le r'  and/  or  ' Victim ' .
                    -:pc  - Pri oritise  any  addi""io,_a l  in-ell igence  chec ks  &  · nform  re l evanc
                                                                                       coNr 1u:::D  . . .

                3UBJE  T  ~o  :REE  OM  Cf  I Nf.ORW,T _QN  ACT  A JD  DA~A  PROTE  TION  ACT

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