Page 180 - Main Second Asbo Book1
P. 180

?~! ~~ED  AT  15 : 22  11:AUG:14  G?C                           7ll2!13  YE

            3I jGLE  ~. CIDE~T  PRINTOUT

            I NCIDENT  No.   1323: 07JUN14

            Time       Da te    Opid    Termid
                      person  c oncerned  as  vulne=able.
                       Remember  t o  use  SMF/VULNERABLE  and/or  SMF/REPEATVICTIM .
                       If  the  questions  below  do  not  appear  valid ,  have  yo~  se lec:ed  the
                      correct  openi ng  code?
                      1 .  Has  anything  l ike  this  happened  befor e? :  Yes
                      2 .  Has  the  cal ler  spoken  to  police  about  this  o r  any  other  matte r
                      relating  t o  ASB?:  No
                      3.  If  the  answe=  to  2  i s  ' Yes '  when  were  police  called  (approximate l y)?

                      4 .  Pri or  to  cal l ing  police  t oday,  has  the  person  sought  help  from
                      elsewhere  (e.g .  Local  Authority,  Security,  Housing  Associa ti on,
                      Samaritans,  Citizens  Advice ,  BT ,  etc . )? :  Yes
                      5.  If  the  answer  to  4  is  ' Yes '  pl ease  state  who?  :
                      6.  Any  othe r  relevant  information?  :
            02:48 : 32  07JUN14  088142  B3346
                      GPC~YE  - URN  REQD?
                      LINKED  TO  NL
            02:49:13  07JUN14  CHS
                      ENTERED  BY :  CHS   AT :  2014 - 06- 07  02 : 48 :50
                      ·' f cop :  noi:: ed
            02:49 : 33  07JUN14  088"42  B3346
                      UNITS  ON  SCENE  NL  ALSO .. DEALING
            02:56:21  07JUN14  712 90 9  B3345
                      GPC  ~  YEC  - MetCC-SC037  Policy  dictates  that  ALL  ASB  CAD 's
                      irrespec::ive  of  Police  Officer  depl oyment  are  to  be  passed  to  GPC  for
                      a llocation  of  a  ASB/URN .  If  no  URN  is  required  this  and  the  r eason  why
                      must  be  recorded  in  t he  Closing  Remarks  along  with  t he  Police/S t a f f
                      number  of  t he  decis i on  maker.
            16 : 41:31  07JUN14  085462  8332 1
                      ~GPC  (528YE)  - CLOSE  CAD

           Previous  .zl.ct ions :
           'Time      Dace     Opid    'Iermid    ACTION
           -------- ------- ------ -------- -------
           02:47 : 16  07 JUN14  CHS   CCC :CCH   0()  215 :ASB  - NUISANCE , 21 1: NOISE
           02 :47:28           088142  DIV:YE     AK
           02 : 47 : 29                           XP/ AK/ 02 11
           02 :47:36           CHS     CCC:CCH    CR()
                         "        "        "      CT ()

                                                                                          CONTINUED  ...

                 ::iUBJEC1'  TO:)  FREEDOM Cc  iNl:Ocl.!"IATION  ACT  A, D  DATA  PROTECTIIJN  AC'I
                  NO  LlNACTHORI SED  DI SCLOS UP~ - o: SPOSE  Of  AS  CONf I DE .lTIAL  WAs=E.

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