Speaker 1 (00:03):

Friday the 13th of the 11th 2020 11:07am Kay Osborne. Enfield Civic centre insurance. It takes a long for some reason, for it to ring for some reason and it's gone blank, Now it saying that I am barred from calling her so, because they barred my phone number, so what we're going to do is try and unblock that number. by blocking um hiding my telephone number call forwarding call waiting show my caller ID. My phone seems to be running very slow and the reason being um, Hide number, back out and back out and lets try and ring her again. there we go.

Speaker 2 (01:17):

Key, Osborne is currently unavailable. Please leave a message. After the tone. When you have finished, please hang up or press the pound key for more options.

Speaker 1 (01:29):

Hello? Kay. It's Mr. Cordell calling Simon Cordell. Um, I've basically been prearranging the documentation that you asked me to send to you lot. Because of the size of it as you're aware its near on impossible to send that through emails and that. I have posted it on a website and information, which makes because you explained to me, you won't have any meetings with me or let me show you the paperwork or where the fault lies and you're just going to make your own assumptions from what is sent to you, um, in the majority, which is quite a large, amount a lot of documentation. Well, basically what I've done is I've hosted everything on a server. So now you can go to it. When I turn the server on, when you agree with me and you can download the files from there and you can also view a, display of the files and see what's inside of them. And I've been able to write up notes and explain where everything plays and what's going on and what's not. Um, I'm just wondering if you can contact me back. So on my telephone number. (07864)-217-519. That's (07864)-217-519. And then we can talk about going through getting the paperwork to you and continue with everything. All right. Thank you. I'll speak to you later. Bye.