Speaker 1 (00:07):

01:29Pm 17/09/2020 Enfield council.

Speaker 2 (00:40):

Hey, Osborne is currently unavailable. Please leave a message. After the tone. When you have finished, please hang up or press the pound key for more options.

Speaker 1 (00:53):

Hello? Kay. It's Mr. Cordell. I've been trying to contact you a few times, but you've obviously been busy. Um, obviously, you know, I record my calls so I can prove that I was trying to call you, um, and you was unavailable. I have. I just wanted to give you a quick update to where I'm at with trying to make my claim against Enfield Council, for what they've done to me. Um, basically what I've had to do is take all of the applications. As I've explained, the Asbo, the possession order, the other possession, put them, take all the pages out them, transfer all of them. Cause I'll just get images hard, a hard folder given to me, I OCR, all them and turn that into texts, make any amendments. And it's very hard doing the process, washing it up turning it all back into texts.

Speaker 1 (01:34):

And then I had to put it all back into date order and into the diary, I've just completed that . It covers the whole of my diary what's happened and what the dates that everyone's, I've took every day out of every page of every application and I have put everything in, I have not missed a date of what's happened. Obviously all of my phone recordings that I made, to Enfield Council Enfield homes and the rest of it. When they, when they're laughing in the background, telling me I'm not allowed out and all the rest of it. Um, basically I've had to transcribe a lot of them up. There's quite a few still to transcribe. I don't think I'm going to have to do so many. I've sat down and put together the applications together and I've worked out a scheme, as you should work out a way to manage the reports and to be able to understand what I want to approve.

Speaker 1 (02:20):

And basically I've done that. I can prove that the initial 12 or 16 or 12 bulletins that Lemmy was sending my mother which I didn't know about, um, were forged, which added up to 16 allegations were forged and I hadn't done them. I can prove that they weren't in the Council's histories in the people's specific histories. And I can prove that that when my mum put her FOI I these things, weren't in the histories and that the people that live the so-called victims who were the true perpetrators that we were messaging about 16 months prior for and what they were doing, and then use lot turning them into the victims and me as the perpetrator, when it was the wrong way around and what's not but intentionally done that I can prove that Lemmy basically. I can prove the Asbo is completely forged and I can proved that all the allegations were forged. My mum put her FOI in.

Speaker 1 (03:10):

And when things weren't in the things that no people, the claimants had never met them. Um, use lot and the rest of it because of the dates of what you've already scheduled and openly admitted to, I can prove that they were slipped into the history just before the injunction and given to me, I can prove all the time lapses in the rest of it. I can prove that I won every single application in court already. I've already won every application and surely as Enfield council and as my lease holders and landlords under the tenants Act and all of the rest of it use lot should be acting in a non-biased way. I've already won all of these applications. Surely I've suffered throughout them applications. And I don't see why use lot are making it so hard to taking a victim statement off me, but run to everybody else.

Speaker 1 (03:52):

Understand what you say that I'm claiming against your insurance, but you still got to Act with courtesy and respect under Equality Act 2010. And you are obliged to take a statement off me and to have a meeting with me in regards to these issues, especially in knowing that I won the case and I've had to suffer four years just for the possession order by malicious process for years for them and for the rest. Um, I've basically now just put it all into all that I'm taking out. What's not relevant for the dates. Cause obviously they count for a lot of dates. Lemmy will and Kenichewa will, and Daniel Ellis does. And the whole lot Jackie Gubby, Louise Brown, Ian Davis being messaged the whole lot of them. Yeah. I can prove when everyone was involved I can prove what they've done, how they've handled my case, sharing my personal data about what shouldn't of been.

Speaker 1 (04:36):

So I con do the lot. I can prove everything, but I'm just basically I'm proving that if any person comes to me or asked me to come to them, I can show them and I can give them whatever evidence they request that they say, well, you've shown me that. And that's clearly something I should take and put into the case file for the claim. I can do that and I can show them exactly what's happened, but because I'm detailing out everything that's happened. So I don't miss a single thing and the rest of it, which I can prove. I, um, it's taking me a bit longer. Cause you lot have over filed me. They, use lot have gave me too much paperwork to have to deal with as a person, as a civilian and a single person who was innocent and never done none of this, you also made me suffer for the Asbo.

Speaker 1 (05:15):

Yes, I think you catch the drift out of my update. Um, if you lot are prepare to meet me or anyone's prepared to meet me, cause I'm not happy that I've gotten not allowed to ever meet you. And in the recordings, you're saying to me that you don't think the insurance company will ever take a statement of me or listen to how you use the report, that I've had to be able to prove these things and use lot, won't do that. And that you treat disabled people or any other person in the same way that use lot. They have to send or a old person that can't read and write, they have to send you the paperwork and you lot won't support them. Even knowing that use lot were in the wrong. There's a chance that use lot we're in the wrong in the beginning. If there's a chance, even if there's a chance, if there's a chance that I'm an innocent person,

Speaker 3 (05:53):

The maximum length for voice messages. Goodbye.

Speaker 1 (06:03):

End of message. So, I'm going to leave it 13:35Pm 07/09/2020 Enfield Council insurance again,