Speaker 1 (00:02):

It’s the 24th of the eighth, 2020 09:42 in the morning and I am trying to ring Kay Osborne.

New Speaker (00:08):

ringing sound.

New Speaker (00:08):


Speaker 2 (00:29):

Good morning it's Kay speaking

Speaker 1 (00:30):

Hello. How you doing? Kay It's Mr. Cordell speaking.

Speaker 2 (00:34):

Hi, Mr. Cordell I was just about to call you.

New Speaker (00:34):


New Speaker (00:34):

I got an email from our Chef executive team

Speaker 1 (00:39):

Yeah, I am just trying to work out exactly where, uh, cause I feel like all I wanted the Enfield Council, use lot to do was to take a victim statement off me at the end of the day. And it feels like use lot won't take a victim statement from me. So when I'm putting that into like an environment, how would you treat a disabled person or how would you treat an old person that has problems writing with rheumatism or arthritis.

New Speaker (01:00):


New Speaker (01:00):

how would you use or treat them? Would you do the same? Do a lot of people not manage to make claims as they should be able to because you use are asking them to hmm, use lot won't send someone out to take a victim statement. Um, but my problem.

New Speaker (01:12):

Right ok.

New Speaker (01:12):

my problem right now is obviously I've got all of this paperwork here and I can a hundred percent proof from my diary and everything that's here and all the evidence that have built, because I've took every, every application that they've served me, I've took them and put them into a brand new book and, and I've took every Page, I've turned it all into texts.

Speaker 1 (01:30):

Again, I took every date of every page and I've put it into my diary on them pages. I took, what's not relevant out them things. So now I could tell what every member of staff done in that building on what days, when it happened, how it happened and who done want to me.

New Speaker (01:45):


New Speaker (01:45):

And I can prove exactly all the fraud that happened, I can come, I can prove attempted manslaughter. Yeah. And I can prove a lot more targeted malice, malicious prosses because you got, imagine I've got the, they have served me an Asbo, a possession order, an injunction order an injunction and then another possession order and all with the same claims in them now, because I've got the first injunction order on its date, I've also got the indexed injunction, which is like two years after. And it's got the same claims inside of it that I have already won in the injunction order. And the judge said can never be put back into it, which is malicious process instantly, which is a 10 year sentence for every person, truthfully I'm honesty, confident that my paperwork. Will issue at least 60 members of staff in that civic centre, a hundred years, each.

New Speaker (02:30):


New Speaker (02:30):

I'm that confident of my paperwork and that it is that prepared.

New Speaker (02:33):

But the claims that you are making.

New Speaker (02:33):

But you won’t come

Speaker 2 (02:35):

Mr. Cordell, the claim that you are making as I understood, it was for harassment.

New Speaker (02:42):

Hmm, no.

New Speaker (02:42):

for misfeasance in public office.

New Speaker (02:44):

Yeah, that's correct.

New Speaker (02:45):

And for millions prosecution,

Speaker 1 (02:46):

Malicious process. Yeah. Targeted malice is part of that. Fraud is a massive part of it. Conspiracy to conspiracy.

New Speaker (02:53):

ok, the claims that you are making against us as i said before will be dealt with, by, as I've said before, it will be dealt with, by our insurers, but we need to have the claim now you sent me some information. So what is it that you want me to do?

Speaker 1 (03:03):

Two, two things that I'm in dispute right now with my mother. Yeah.

New Speaker (03:08):


New Speaker (03:08):

About who's responsible for the Asbo for instance. Now.

New Speaker (03:11):

Now, ok.

New Speaker (03:11):

The Asbo itself says Stephen Elsmore made it on every single page. Yeah. And he's the one that made it. Now he says in his own witness statements and he stamps it everywhere. He is a police officer that is attached to the safer unit team, which is neighbourhood office, which the council's responsible for. And he's based inside of the civic centre B-block. Now he's now so, so from him saying that no matter what I would say, that is joint enterprise and the metropolitan police and the Council because Steven Elsmore gone and took a load of stuff out the police computer and his gone and involved the metropolitan police. And secondly, it also takes the metropolitan police and the council to make the Asbo together.

Speaker 1 (03:54):

That's why under the um, on the third page of the Asbo, there's a certificate of the council and a certificate of the police saying that they have to have a meeting together in the civic centre, under the crime and disorder Act 1998, for them to create the Asbo together with some victims, which the victims isn’t real. So I'd say just that alone would hold the Council responsible. And I knew, but my mother was saying she has phoned up the police. And the police are saying to her that he belongs to the police. And I phoned up the Council 0208-279-1000. She pulled out the whole manual and she said, he's a safer unit officer. And if he's based at the Civic Centre, she read that the whole thing on, in the recording she's told me he definitely belongs to the Council. Yeah. And.

New Speaker (04:36):


New Speaker (04:36):

so where, so you're asking for the paperwork, do I send you lot the Asbo paperwork and the proof.

Speaker 2 (04:42):

Yes, Yes.

New Speaker (04:43):


New Speaker (04:43):

Send that, send that and then it could be investigated. I can't give you details of what happens. Who did what at this point in time. because I don't know.

New Speaker (04:54):

Yeah, I just don't want to.

New Speaker (04:54):

I never was involved in that. Okay.

Speaker 1 (04:55):

Yeah, I just don't want to send you all the Asbo paperwork and use lot ain't responsible for it. And my mother is saying use lot shouldn't be served the Asbo, I wrote in draft because I wrote a little bit in draft.

Speaker 2 (05:03):

Mr. Cordell, Mr Cordell this is something our insurers would need to investigate.

New Speaker (05:08):

Yeah, I understand.

New Speaker (05:08):

So you need to provide that information to me. So then I can send that to you.

Speaker 1 (05:13):

Because another one of my points is it's I could, I can write it. Like I'm saying this document, just taking their own pages and putting them in all the places it's come up to three million words Yeah. And it's a lot for anyone to go through and I can but, to send it to you lot without sitting there and showing you how my, my system works and how I build it, I think is quite unfair. Now you asked me to um, like, Lemmy me himself. I, I think, Lemmy, when he's wrote every application, what he's done in, he like the possession and the injunction order, the injunction order and the other possession order, he's gone claim incident one. He says that you done this at time, blah, blah, blah. Then claim number two, she says you done this at that time, then Clam number three,

New Speaker (05:54):

Hmm, yes I would agree with that.

New Speaker (05:54):

which, which is, which is, which is a breach of the law because you have to name the victims for me to be able to question the victims, integrity and to be able to call them to Court. I can't call anyone to court. If it's just a he or she. That's illegal yes.

New Speaker (06:11):

Yeah. I understand well put in the claim then Mr. Cordell.

New Speaker (06:12):

Yeah, I understand that if I write to you now, and I like, you're asking me to write to you and just give you it. A member of staff committed fraud on this day in between that they, a member of staff done this and.

New Speaker (06:22):

I am not getting Involved in this conversation Mr. Cordell because our insurers need to make a decision.

Speaker 1 (06:31):

Okay. I wrote this.

New Speaker (06:31):

I can't get into this conversation hypothetically.

New Speaker (06:31):

I just wrote this in draft. Yeah. And like, just to try and get this done, I wrote this. This is not a conclusive summary. I Mr. Cordell have gotten asked to clarify why I'm launching an insurance claim against the listed one, the Enfield Council, Two, Enfield Safer Neighbourhood Team, Three, Police, Four, Doctors. The named and listed companies within this document have acted in joint circular throughout the years, 2013, till date of this letter, and must be able to be held legally liable to prosecution for their misplaced actions and or wrongdoings. I sustained personal and property damage to no fault of my own. As a result of failure's caused by the listed one, two, three, and four running companies, activities fault's. The local authority's listed above have caused me to suffer by way of negligence, gross misconduct and criminal offenses. And my sufferings I've gotten caused by failure of care on their part.

Speaker 1 (07:19):

I can prove the listed One, Two, Three, Four companies, staff have acted one bios and unreasonable while taking on running companies activities in the public domain. Two, them involved staff have caused, caused and are causing a poor reaction time to public concerns, Three, Negligence. Four, Gross misconduct, Five, criminal activities. And in a knock on effect, their reckless behaviour has caused me to suffer by way's such as general damages general damages relate to the impact of my life. Referring to such issues as pain and suffering caused by the listed One, Two, Three, Four, Two forced changes to my lifestyle. Three, mental trauma, special damages, special damages relate to impact on my life. referring to issues as One, loss of earnings. Two, My future loss of earnings. Three, medical treatment. Four, future medical treatment. Five, transport expenses relating to forge court cases. Six, changes to my living environment.

Speaker 1 (08:12):

Now, after that I've listed what the Council, what happened in the Asbo, what's happened in the possession order and the rest of it.

New Speaker (08:19):


New Speaker (08:19):

And what I'm concerned about is the size of what this document is now becoming whether. and like my mother is saying, should use lot get the paperwork for the Asbo. Or am I just putting a load of paperwork that's not relevant because she thinks that this police officer, even though he's saying he's based in there and he's attached to there and she's saying, well, he's a police officer at the end of the day. And I'm saying, well, no matter what, that's joint enterprise, joint circle. So my point is just, I do send you the whole lot of the paperwork and use lot will sort it at the other end. That's what you're saying. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (08:52):

Yeah, we need information from you. So I'm not going to dictate to you what you have or haven't had to provide to us. You need to put forward to us information that you think is supportive of your claims,

New Speaker (09:06):

Is Steven Elesmore attached.

New Speaker (09:06):

and that goes to the insurers,

New Speaker (09:09):

Sorry go on.

New Speaker (09:09):

insurers, and if i could just finish.

New Speaker (09:10):

Ok sorry about that.

New Speaker (09:10):

and insurers, then we'll make further investigations. And once those investigations are complete and it may take some time, but once those investigations are complete, they will then make a decision on the claim.

Speaker 1 (09:21):

Because I'm so upset with the way things are right now.

New Speaker (09:23):


New Speaker (09:23):

It's easier for me right now. I have just built a brand new website and everything. that no one has seen yet. And I've pushed it, i have built a proper sick website this time I've learned from my mistakes from my last one. So now I find it easier just to plug that website online, send it to absolutely everyone because I've got like 20 million emails here and send it to everyone.

New Speaker (09:44):


New Speaker (09:44):

Then i can direct it. Then I can direct to you. I can direct you and the public and the insurance companies to where everyone is liable in the website.

New Speaker (09:51):

No, but the problem with that Mr. Cordell is that website. You can that can come down, you can bring that website down. You can take it.

Speaker 1 (10:00):

I can't foresee. I can't. I don't want to take it down. I don't feel safe having it down with use lot, with the staff, that has done what they've done to me and the way that the doctors have been at my door.

Speaker 2 (10:08):

An insurance claim, can't be based on what is supported evidence cannot be put onto a website.

Speaker 1 (10:14):

Yes. It can, under the 1996 investigation Gorey powers before you couldn't use emails as evidence, but since 1996 in the investigatory powers act,

New Speaker (10:25):

Mr. Cordell that is fine.

New Speaker (10:25):

it says you can use any digital formation as evidence.

New Speaker (10:29):

Mr. Cordell.

New Speaker (10:29):

Or I wouldn't be able to use emails because that is a digital format as well,

Speaker 2 (10:33):

Right Mr. Cordell let's come to an agreement then that's fine. That's fine. You can tell the insurance that they can find that information on the website and the insurance can make the decision whether or not that's acceptable.

New Speaker (10:44):


New Speaker (10:45):

That is fine.

New Speaker (10:45):

I just want them to come out and take a statement,

New Speaker (10:46):

That's fine.

New Speaker (10:46):

I just want them to come out and take, take, take a statement.

New Speaker (10:48):

They are not going to come out and take a witness statement.

New Speaker (10:48):

A victim statement, After I've sent them this paperwork,

New Speaker (10:53):

I cant seen them doing that.

New Speaker (10:53):

they will never take a victim statement off me.

Speaker 2 (10:58):

I've never heard of them ever doing that. And I can't say they will or won't. If you want to say to them. This is where the evidence is. This is the website. That's fine. You can do that.

New Speaker (11:07):

It easier for me to do that.

New Speaker (11:07):

Our insurers Mr. Cordell the insurance. My say, thank you very much, Mr. Cordell, that's not acceptable. Or they may say, thank you very much,

Speaker 1 (11:17):

But this is going to be showed that this, this will be showed in front of everyone. And then no one will ever take their insurance company ever again, or bankrupt their insurance company just for them acting like that, no one who would want to be with an insurance company that acts like that, or who would want use lot to be insured, a government company that's there for the people to have an insurance company like that, that won't fight for the people.

New Speaker (11:40):

Mr. Cordell were not getting anywhere right now.

New Speaker (11:40):

I'm going to go.

New Speaker (11:40):


New Speaker (11:40):

I'm going to go right now.

New Speaker (11:41):

You know what you need to do.

New Speaker (11:41):

Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. All right. Well thank you madam and thank you for your help you have a good day and thank you for your help today.

Speaker 2 (11:46):

Okay. Bye.