Speaker 1 (00:02):


Speaker 2 (00:06):

How are you doing? Um, my name is Mr. Cordell, Simon Cordell. And I'm represented on behalf of your solicitor firm. And, um, right now I believe that Um, Mr. Ronknack I met is in charge of my cases, the case handler. I'm just wondering if he was available,

Speaker 1 (00:32):


Speaker 2 (00:50):

Hello. How you doing? Is that Ronknack?

Speaker 1 (00:54):

Yeah, not to bad Mr. Cordell.

New Speaker (00:54):

How are you doing all right.

Speaker 2 (00:56):

Well I am a bit better with the news that you've brought to me, but I'm truly not satisfied with it.

New Speaker (01:00):

To be honest, I can prove that the 58 claims that are in the possession order are complete forged. I can prove when they were forged when i weren't in the house, and I'm not happy for a settlement under these grounds under the grounds that I haven't been out of trouble sort of thing. Even if we did go to court, legal aid is granted right now and at the other end So,

New Speaker (01:19):

It’s not.

New Speaker (01:19):

matter what your solicitor firms.

Speaker 1 (01:22):

Yeah, no, legally would be terminated.

Speaker 2 (01:25):

Yeah, but if we did, if we did accept the settlement, legal aid would be terminated, but me as me,

Speaker 1 (01:30):

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Legally Aid will be terminated. When they find out that there was an offer made, they'll say that it's not worth, they won't carry on funding. The case

Speaker 2 (01:40):

Legal aid won't continue funding my case under the grounds that I'm, I'm still being labelled as a perpetrator rather than being granted as innocent.

New Speaker (01:47):

yeah, Legal Aid don't care about that

New Speaker (01:47):

I'll can contact legally aid right now I can contact the, I can contact Legal Aid right now. And Legal Aid would agree with me in my emails that until my case, until my innocence has been proven. This has been filed four or five times now, malicious process alone.

New Speaker (02:01):

Legal Aid won't.

New Speaker (02:01):

Go on i understand what you are saying.

New Speaker (02:01):

I'm not happy calling on somebody on something.

Speaker 1 (02:04):

I understand you might not be happy but Legal Aid won't fund cases because your labelled as a pedophile perpetrator or whatever. Um, if your home's not at risk at this present moment, they won't continue funding it. So they will refuse funding and you can carry on the case, but there'll be no legal aid.

Speaker 2 (02:22):

So what you're saying is I can privately continue to Sue and I don't have to accept.

New Speaker (02:25):


New Speaker (02:25):

You as my solicitor. Can you, can you, in, in their thing, except that I don't accept the terms and the grounds to which they want to settle on because.

New Speaker (02:36):


Speaker 1 (02:36):

No, I can tell you that. But um, if your mom, mother just emails me back and says in one sentence that she refuses, that you refused the offer, that they want to discontinue the case. If your mother gets emails back and says that you refused the offer, then that's all I need to hear from her, you.

Speaker 2 (02:55):

Okay? because she was just writing to you something along the lines right now. I believe.

New Speaker (02:59):

No, no, No, no. I've received this long email four hundred words email from her I don't need something like that because that's not really relevant.

Speaker 2 (03:06):

Because they want to pursue the case for the lack of recent incidents. Not for, not for the fact that I haven't done these things. So now they're going to make me live next to these people who have maliciously made.

New Speaker (03:16):

yes, stories

New Speaker (03:16):

stories up about me for the rest of my life, violated my home and my privacy

Speaker 1 (03:22):


New Speaker (03:22):

well if you want to carry on the case you can, it's nothing to do with me

Speaker 2 (03:24):

I do a hundred percent, a hundred percent.

Speaker 1 (03:26):

Well, she needs to reply. She needs to send me an email just saying that she refuses the offer made by the Council.

Speaker 2 (03:32):

Yeah, course of course, of course I've been accused of some thinking. I have my right to the day in court against it.

Speaker 1 (03:38):

She just needs to say, she just needs to reply back to my email and say that you declined the offer made.

Speaker 2 (03:47):

Yeah. because I've got the insurance policies here and I'm writing to the insurance companies once this is over for malicious process.

New Speaker (03:53):

Yeah that's fine.

New Speaker (03:53):

and for them filing the rest of it.

New Speaker (03:55):

and if you could.

New Speaker (03:56):

them saying that I've done nothing wrong over this time. And that's why they're dropping it and that's not really a valid reason.

Speaker 1 (04:02):

No they haven't said that. They've just said that yet. There's been no recent incidents. So if you could get your mother to email me back and just, you decline.

New Speaker (04:11):

Ok i will do that.

New Speaker (04:11):

you decline, they're offered to withdraw the case

Speaker 2 (04:14):

Under the terms of watch their staying.

Speaker 1 (04:19):

No, just say that you declined the terms of their offer.

Speaker 2 (04:23):

Yeah, but obviously, I'm not going to, I'm not somebody that will free write like that or except, tell my mother to free, write.

New Speaker (04:27):


New Speaker (04:27):

If I'm going, if I'm going to be explaining something to somebody, I'll tell them why I'm explaining them to do that.

Speaker 1 (04:34):

That email is just for our records. It's not for anyone else it’s not going anywhere else.

New Speaker (04:38):

Hmm, well i understand.

New Speaker (04:38):

Because your mother has already sent me a 500 word email.

Speaker 2 (04:42):

Because it is very cold hearted when somebody else later that don't say you leave the firm you leave the firm or somebody else leaves the firm, you understand this bit of information that we're talking about and the reasons to why now you're going to make me just write a blunt sort letter.

New Speaker (04:52):

Yeah, but were going to be for higher and legal aid has been disconnected

Speaker 1 (04:54):

Can you stop talking so much?

New Speaker (04:55):


New Speaker (04:55):

Because I'm trying to explain something to you, um, we, we once legal aid is terminated, then we will close our file. That's basically how it works.

Speaker 2 (05:05):

I could appreciate that too. I can appreciate. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (05:08):

All I need from you is a sentence from you that you refused the offer.

New Speaker (05:10):

it’s illegal what.

New Speaker (05:10):

I don't understand why that's complicated.

Speaker 2 (05:14):

As I said, it's not that, as my solicitor that is suppose, to have my best interests at heart. I think that if someone had done this to you,

New Speaker (05:20):


New Speaker (05:20):

because there's 15,000 pages that these, the Enfield Council. And Lemmy have wrote in name my name didn't have no names in it. I could go and get job references and everything in it and now them lot have wrote 15,000 pages in my name. Now you were telling me as my solicitor that we're going to let them get away. when I can prove that they've maliciously forged it all. I weren't even in my house, I want to go to court.

New Speaker (05:40):

Mr. Cordell, Mr. Cordell.

New Speaker (05:40):

I want, I want to get my, I want to get them up on the court I want you to get me a good barista.

New Speaker (05:45):

Mr. Cordell.

New Speaker (05:45):

You, you should have you. You've already wasted my time in taking so long to deal with it and not notice that it's Hearsay, you should have got the case dropped time ago to be quite honest,

New Speaker (05:54):


New Speaker (05:54):

but you've never done that and were so many months into it right now because of the way you've handled it all the way you've handled it and your firm's handled my case and you'll be paid. You're going to take money.

New Speaker (06:04):

You need to stop taking right now.

New Speaker (06:04):

You're going to take money for it all at the end of it. Everyone's taking money here and you've all ruined my life and you are, and you're supposed to be the person that's telling me about hearsay applications.

Speaker 3 (06:15):
