Speaker 1 (00:00):

But when it comes to, when you give me the information tomorrow that will be forwarded to their representative. Okay.

New Speaker (00:09):


New Speaker (00:09):

And then they will look through that and they we'll come back to you,

New Speaker (00:16):

See what is upsetting.

New Speaker (00:16):

Come out with the equation. Okay and I do not get involved. It is for the insurer and

Speaker 2 (00:21):

See what upset me about it. Yeah. I didn't want to cause so much problems for anybody throughout all of this and throughout, in all of my recordings, I have gave escape clause to everybody of how we can all resolve this with minimal impact on the staff in that civic centre and on myself and my local neighbour, like I, like it's easy for I've won every case already in the Court of Law, all the, Asbo and Possession.

New Speaker (00:43):

You have not told me how I can resolve this I have never heard that

New Speaker (00:44):

Well, a couple of them a couple of. A couple of things that I wanted that I thought could have been done is obviously like I have highlighted just slightly a couple of issues in that respect, in that Asbo and I would have been happy for somebody to go to the Court and just to get the Asbo revoked and basically all you all.

New Speaker (01:07):

Right OK it’s not anything to do with me

New Speaker (01:07):

I want to do.

New Speaker (01:07):

It’s not anything to do with me.

New Speaker (01:07):

Yeah well, you’re not in trouble

Speaker 2 (01:11):

It’s to do with other people.

New Speaker (01:11):

All I want it to be done is I didn't want to get, I don't need Lemmy to go to prison for a hundred years and I don't need myself to go through. I don't need to, all of everyone in that civic centre to be in; even though some of them really do deserve what happens, I was saying one of the easiest solutions anyone could have done here is if I've won every case already, which the Council are a hundred percent sure of, and I've suffered for a long period of time for everything that I have won. The only one that never got revoked was the ASBOs. And there's enough evidence on the table for the Council themselves to overview the Asbo and to notice an error in it themselves, like Lemmy was begging after he lost the possession order in the Court to have it reopened use lot can go to the High bury Court and you can say that you've overseen the case, and you've noticed an error yourselves in the case, and you can get the case revoked under a simple term of an error. Now we just, because it's, once you've got that error all you have to do is give the error to the insurance companies and that I have suffered for eight years because of an error. And then I will be able to resolve; get my life back on track. And there's minimal impact on your staff and everybody else. And this, none of this would be necessary. I just wanted it

Speaker 1 (02:25):

That's not for me to decide that though is it Mr. Cordell,

New Speaker (02:27):

I understand that.

New Speaker (02:28):

I can't decide that.

New Speaker (02:31):

I understand that.

New Speaker (02:31):

It would be for others in the council,

New Speaker (02:34):

Yeah, I understand that.

New Speaker (02:34):

I do understand what you're saying, but that's not something that is not my area of expertise

Speaker 2 (02:40):

Jemmy Chambers, and that could have overseen it but instead they block my phone and not answered, they blocked my phone. There was something that was important. I was going to explain to you, but it's clear, we've talked quite a lot,

New Speaker (02:52):


New Speaker (02:52):

quite a lot. I thank you for your time and everything do you know.

Speaker 1 (02:56):

I'm sorry, Mr. Cordell can you just tell me what your phone number is because I need to raise that with my IT department.

New Speaker (03:01):

I have left it on all you.

New Speaker (03:01):

I am not getting these messages,

Speaker 2 (03:06):

Uh, um, one second, my telephone number is 07864.

New Speaker (03:21):


New Speaker (03:21):


New Speaker (03:21):


New Speaker (03:21):


New Speaker (03:21):


New Speaker (03:21):


Speaker 1 (03:23):

OK because I need to raise that's with them because that is not right. You shouldn't be leaving messages and me not getting them.

New Speaker (03:35):


New Speaker (03:35):

That's not, that's not. Um, I'm going to send you an email in a moment, Mr. Cordell, just to confirm we've had our telephone conversation today and to confirm what I'm expecting from you tomorrow.

New Speaker (03:50):

Yeah that understandable.

New Speaker (03:50):

If you could get it to me. Tomorrow is fine. It's not a problem.

New Speaker (03:53):

I will email you no matter what

Speaker 2 (03:54):


New Speaker (03:55):

I will get. I'll email you and I'll have that information over to you. And there is something I want to explain to you because. Obviously something like this can have a lot more work put into it like sort of thing continuously, but if I can prove the aspects of what's happened and where the fraud has happen, I've made; like, if you could get into the website for instance, and you went to, um, inside the website, itself horrific corruption.com. I showed you about the Audio.

New Speaker (04:23):


New Speaker (04:23):

And that you can click on like the first Asbo and go below the first Asbo which if you scroll down, you see an index for it. And you see like the transcribes and that.

New Speaker (04:33):

Yeah, I click on it and nothing happens

New Speaker (04:33):

Yeah. Okay. Okay. Maybe now, but it is on and everyone else can get to it. But if you went to like the newsroom also yeah, I've been showing my neighbours throughout this different thing that have been going on because I can put it on live screen and shout out to them because I can do live video calls. If you click on like the Newsroom and you will see a T like a horrific corruption news stream, there's free lines at the bottom of that.

New Speaker (05:00):

No, I don’t see it

New Speaker (05:00):

If you click on the free lines. Okay I can understand that you can't at the moment, but if you clicked on the 3 lines. Yeah. in the new stream room, there's loads of videos in there, which I've been showcasing my evidence and showcasing there's, there's videos in there with the answers. One that's called the answers and that, and them videos show how all of the applications get ripped apart and everything like that. So if you can get into the newsroom and the newspaper room, both have their own TV screens in them there is 3 lines on the TV screen, when you click them three lines, you can see all a load of videos, which display, everything a lot easier and are a lot more short of what I can prove with the documentation because I show my neighbours, I turn it all on to put it on live stream, and these lot can all watch and log in and watch what's going on and I pull all the files apart and show everything. So that's just something that I've obviously I would like to make you aware of just in case did manage to get into the website. And, but horrific corruption is H O R R I F I C

Speaker 1 (06:03):

I've got it here. It just says this just blocking on the world's news and current affairs and I can see home page, newspaper, newsroom, Global news feed.

New Speaker (06:14):

Refresh it maybe.

New Speaker (06:14):

about us and some UK laws. There's a picture of a person looking at some documentation, but it says crime scene and when an inspector clues. So, um, so I can get into it. I just can't access any of the documents within it.

Speaker 2 (06:27):

Yeah. Well, maybe I'll refresh the server in a minute and maybe in a little while or tomorrow, that might be an issue that gets rectified but I don't see why that's happening, but I'm going to look into that. Um, in general, I can prove what the Lumina has done as well. She defrauded a load of paperwork while I was in the hospital and chase for There's a bit more to what happened overseas, but I know that you've been, it's been a lengthy conversation and I appreciate just for your time so far, do you know today

Speaker 1 (06:57):

Yeah. Okay. So, let's; I will email you now just to say, you had a call.

New Speaker (07:04):


New Speaker (07:04):

And what I'm expecting you to give me,

New Speaker (07:06):


New Speaker (07:06):

Then you can let me know once that's, um, uh,

New Speaker (07:11):

Sorted out I will look into it what’s happening

New Speaker (07:11):


New Speaker (07:12):

Ok and then I can send, it will be forwarded to our insurers and, and their representative.

New Speaker (07:18):

Ok that is better.

New Speaker (07:18):

They will then look at the claim, um, uh, on the council's behalf. And I then just step out of the equation.

New Speaker (07:25):


New Speaker (07:25):

Because it's for the insurers to decide what they want to do with it. Okay.

New Speaker (07:31):


New Speaker (07:31):

Alright then well thank you madam.

New Speaker (07:31):

That's brilliant. Okay. I'll email you now.

New Speaker (07:34):

Alright then Thank you. I'll speak to you soon.

New Speaker (07:36):

Alright bye.

New Speaker (07:36):

Okay. Thanks Mr. Cordell Thanks. Bye.