Speaker 1 (00:00):

I'm not too sure.

New Speaker (00:04):

No, it was not that. Um, you are saying that there were no real victims apart from the people phoning up from.

New Speaker (00:04):


New Speaker (00:04):

Crown Rd.

New Speaker (00:04):

Yeah, from Crown Rd.

New Speaker (00:04):


Speaker 2 (00:10):

And what happened is um, at the Lincoln road building two seconds around the corner from that is a road called wood grange Rd. Now what happened is Steven Elsmore used; when Steven Elsmore, tapped into the computers. He's used all of the police officers crimits. So, like on Thursday when they pulled me over on Alma Rd, he used that police officers Crimits and he opened it and edited it. So now he's got that police officer, them police officers involved, and he's put that in the Asbo now he's he has because they're local in the Borough, and they all know each other, he was happy. They were all happy to work together like that. But when he's dealing with like Canary Wharf in Canary, he couldn't involve them police officers in what they were doing. So, he's took the information out of the real Crimits and, created a new Crimits

Speaker 2 (00:57):

So he has got control of it. Put the information in that changed the police officer's names and everything, which I've got the criminal record which proves that And then he's put, he's submitted that in yeah now what happened is PC Shinick because he was the only true Victim supposedly who heard music for, for Lincoln Road. He didn't want to attend court and say, I'm a victim while I'm on police duty in my building, do you know what I mean? so each police officer made up four statements each 5 different police officers made up four statements each and all pretended that they went to different addresses on wood-grange Gardens, which is next to Lincoln Road. Now they all done.

New Speaker (01:35):


New Speaker (01:35):

They all done statements in a third perspective, if that makes sense.

New Speaker (01:40):


New Speaker (01:40):

So, they are taking the statement of science and none of this, because there were no real victims on wood grange drive each copper, just lied and said, I went to four houses and done four different statements that none of them were ever signed by the victims because and no victims would attend Court.

Speaker 2 (01:55):

Yeah, now. What happened is basically I I've gone and got my Criminal record and I can prove that all of the copper's names were changed now in, in trial, I've got a copy of the transcripts of every court case I've been to. So, at the, at the Asbo trial, Steven Elsmore was put under oath, which is if you go to the website and you click on the Asbo folder in Simon's cases in Simon's cases, if you click on Simon's cases and you go to the first Asbo folder, if you scroll down proper low, because these books are different to the other books there these ones are flashing their baring flash, So, I've had to make the other ones in the server in HTML, and Now, if you scroll down, there's an index there. And then there's a heading saying that says, heading, then it takes three key holders to complete a successful Asbo And now that gives some instructions there. But just below that is the transcripts of the court case. Yeah. And what actually, Steven Elsmore does under oath. He was asked by my barrister are you sure that all of the information you've put into the Asbo isn't Crown Road, a separate party. Now he swears under oath yeah, that everything he put in that Asbo is all to do with Progress Way. Now, because no one really called for progress.

New Speaker (03:13):

Progress Way, Progress Way were is that

Speaker 3 (03:15):

Progress Way is Lincoln Rd.

New Speaker (03:15):

That's the word that you mentioned, right? Thank you.

Speaker 2 (03:20):

So you've got Southbury Road, Southbury Rd Way but Southbury Road is Crown Road. That's the old man building. Then you've got, um,

New Speaker (03:28):


New Speaker (03:28):

Lincoln road off of Lincoln Road is Progress Way, which is where the other party was.

New Speaker (03:33):

Right okay, thank you.

New Speaker (03:33):

So, now, he was asked under oath. Are you sure that this isn't, that, that, um, everything you've put in that Asbo folder is to do with progress way and not crown road. Now he swears under oath that everything isn't nothing that folder that was to do with Crown Road. Now he's forgot to take Crown Road out of all of the Cad's now, because no one really phoned for progress Way Lincoln road. No one really; only one, I think maybe one person might have here that I've spoken to and he didn't want to attend court or give evidence. It's basically what he's done. Oh, sorry. I just lost my thought of thinking, but basically because no one attended the place.

Speaker 2 (04:12):

What he'd done is he made up a load of Cads for Progress Way. Now he got the times wrong on all of the Progress Way, Cads that he made up, which were making it look like people had phoned up for progress way. And that's what w who the police officers went to speak to on Wood grange Gardens. Now, all of the Cad's for progress, where I've got backwards timestamps, but in all of the rest of the Cads in the Asbo were all correct in time. But all the rest of the Cads are saying crown road, they say, when you check or check the X to Y it's Crown Road again, then what he's done is took a load of other parties some from Cheshunt Hertfordshire some from Ponder End. And he's put all of them in the Asbo as well, but forgot to take the grid references out.

Speaker 2 (04:55):

So he used loads of anyone that phoned up on the 7th Saying Oh, we've had a part of your music. He's used them from bushel park, from everywhere, thrown them in the Asbo. He made up a load of Cad's for Progress Way to make it look like people that had phoned up got the timestamps all wrong from that took all of the before the Progress Way event, took all of the cats from Crown Road months, a couple of days prior the week prior, and put all of that into the Asbo to make it look really bad for me. And I can prove all of this very easily. Now I was explaining this is highly illegal. He's modded did all of the cards. He's done this they have forged statements. None of the signatures are on it. I'm riding an eight year sentence for the Asbo.

Speaker 2 (05:38):

I had to ride two years for the injunction plus five years for the Asbo itself. So that's seven years. Plus I read the year for the gazebo case, just prior at 12 weeks prior.

New Speaker (05:49):


New Speaker (05:49):

So that means I've lost eight years of my life. Like now, if you go to put this; In the Asbo, it says the organization, a legal raves. Now that I went to court to defend myself against the organisation of illegal raves, and I've proved my innocence for that. No one could find any, um, criminal aspect towards it. So I said, well, if the application says the organisation legal raves, and you can't prove anything illegal, then I've won the case. Basically the summer, they've just still decided to prosecute me and find me guilty. The maximum sentence, if a police officer or safety unit officer did not have enough evidence for criminal conviction to proven in illegal raves, the maximum sentence, if you did get arrested is six months.

Speaker 2 (06:35):

So you'd only do free months in prison. And the maximum they can give you is a 20 grand fine as well. Now they don't have enough for criminal conviction and they've made me get seven years for that. Plus, I read a year for the gazebo case prior, which I just won, which the Gazebo case proves that I hadn't done anything I'd been in my house anyway. Yeah, if that makes sense. So it's a massive mess. Now he's got all the MP's now what's happened is because Steven Elsmore has gone in and he's like used the Lincoln is used Alma Road on the Thursday when I'm driving from seeing my mum at my Nan's, he's involved them police officers. Now, the police officers have all been screaming say at their bosses, which would have been Jane Johnson, the Borough Commander, and would have been Hogan, Hale. Sir Barned Holgun Hale. Now, them lot are obviously concerned because Steven Elsmore has used the Council's and Neighbourhood’s officer's powers to use these coppers. So, now they've all gone for me to protect the coppers and to protect Steven. And now I've suffered all of this and me. And so as Shannon and the rest of it, which I think is very unfair, I've been explaining that I can prove all these things all the way through it. And they've made me ride the whole eight or seven years for that. If you, if any person that gets a criminal conviction, you do half of your sentence. Yeah. So in a sense, like if my brother got 10 years for something he's only going to do five years, maybe four years for that, I've had to write the whole seven years and be suffered. So technically if you was to double them seven years, like criminal like, that'd be a 14 year sentence, which is over a life sentence. I've just ride yeah. Like a life sentence I've had to ride because of these forging this paperwork, and I've lost from 32 years old, I'm 40 now I have been stuck in my house. And I have been scared to go out the house now because Steven Elsmore has done all of this Dawn, Steve they've created the Asbo and I'm making phone calls, which are all in a website saying, well I can prove this, this is wrong. This is wrong yeah. And basically the Council has hired in um, some bloke called Lemmy who starts working for the company. Now Lemmy decides to try to get away from my mum, writing, about the neighbour’s attacking this is in like 2014. Lemmy start work on the 10th of 2016 Lemmy started work, but my mum.

New Speaker (09:00):

Lemmy what sorry.

New Speaker (09:00):

On the 10th of; On the 10th month of 2016; On the 01/10/2016, Lemmy start at work.

New Speaker (09:06):

Right OK yeah, Lemmy 01/10/2016 right OK

New Speaker (09:08):

Lemmy start at work for Council. Now a year prior, my mum had been writing to Dawn Allen about, um, about Debra and Dawn Allen, had arranged for the doctors to come and get me out of a meeting.

Speaker 4 (09:22):

Right. And that's what we were talking about earlier.

New Speaker (09:24):

Yeah, yes. So, Dawn Allen has that and Steven Elsmore has done the Asbo on me.

New Speaker (09:29):

Yeah, yep.

New Speaker (09:29):

Now I'm phoning up the police station. I'm phoning up nine, nine, nine. And I'm speaking to Bow police station and Bow Met CCC and I'm saying to Bow, I can prove that the timestamps are wrong on that and now Bow knew that they let Pc Shink make the phone call. So Bow knows that they're just as involved as anybody else. Now, Bow is screaming also at Sir Holgun Hale and at Jane Johnson, when the, when the Asbo was made it had, like I said it has to be; the Council, have to agree. Local council and, and the police Jane Johnson, the Borough Commander come to the Civic Centre. She had A meeting there and she signed the certificate, which is in the first Asbo and the Council singed a certificate which is in the first.

New Speaker (10:11):

Who signed it for the Council.

New Speaker (10:11):

The council. Um, I think it was Rob Leek. I think Rob leek was in charge at the time a gentleman called Rob leek. Yeah.

New Speaker (10:19):

He signed it.

New Speaker (10:19):

Yeah, They have to sign it. Yeah. It's

Speaker 4 (10:22):

So, Rob Leek the Chief Executive.

New Speaker (10:22):


New Speaker (10:23):

So, Rob Leak the Chief executive signed it. It wasn't anyone else?

New Speaker (10:24):

No. I don't know if it was him personally.

New Speaker (10:26):


New Speaker (10:26):

that signed it, but he was, he is in charge of, he was the main person in charge of the building. And everything but I think if you go to email percentage,

New Speaker (10:34):

Because I can’t open anything, all the things you've given me to open, I can't open on my computer at all. I can open your website, but I can't open anything else and when I go and put the information in that you gave me; it's coming up as I can’t open anything.

New Speaker (10:51):

So, If you put, so listen, if you, if you write the serverone.hopto.org and you write.

New Speaker (10:58):

Yeah, and it won’t let me, it just freezes.

New Speaker (11:04):

AR, it freezes.

New Speaker (11:04):

And the internet stops.

Speaker 2 (11:07):

It just freezing and your internet stops. Okay. Well.

New Speaker (11:08):

yeah, and then I have to close the internet browser. Bring it back up again.

Speaker 2 (11:15):

We have got the same link yeah, So serverone.hopto.org actually does that to you.

New Speaker (11:18):


New Speaker (11:18):


New Speaker (11:18):

When you write server one; server one.

New Speaker (11:23):

Serverone.hopto.org and then the forward slash diary, it doesn't work for me. Maybe the council has a block on it because there's certain sites we can't access.

Speaker 2 (11:40):

Yeah. Because it might have HTTPS forward slash diary, 'm just having a look to see if I can see it again. Um, the code to it is;

Speaker 4 (11:51):

Because I can see your website.

New Speaker (11:53):

The code too. It is forward slash diary.

Speaker 2 (11:56):

Then the percentage 202013.

New Speaker (12:00):


New Speaker (12:00):

202013, So, it's forward slash.

New Speaker (12:06):

I put 12.

New Speaker (12:06):

pardon? Yeah.12.

New Speaker (12:11):

I put 12.

New Speaker (12:11):

So if you write, um, server hop to.org forward slash diary%202012, 2013 that will bring 2013 at the end of it is just the year. So, the main code would be forward slash diary percent 20 then the year we want like 2012, 2013 would be 13 and onwards and in the email books. And the rest of it is just email percentage sign, 20 book, percentage sign, and then you'd write 200 and then you'd get an index and you write 201 and 202 Now, I don't know perhaps because it isn’t got HTTPs you might not be able to see it, but I have got the files available for you to be able to get them.

Speaker 2 (13:05):

And in the first Asbo book on, once you actually opened up the first Asbo book is email percentage sign, 20 book percentage sign 206. Now that will open up the first Asbo. If you're on a computer that will accept it then. And on page, um, let me just have a quick botch, the Commission Anti-Social Behaviour Crime & Disorder. I'm just having a quick look now. On page 10 of that one, there is one certificate saying, signed by S. H O D G S O N signed on behalf of the London borough of Enfield. And when it says it is here by certificate, by the London, Borough Of Enfield the local authority and the Metropolitan Police as required by section one, two of the Crime and Disorder Act 1990 that on the 13th of August, 2014 the local authority and the police held a consultation meeting together with the other relevant organisations to discuss issues concerned.

Speaker 2 (14:10):

In the case of Simon Cordell. Now Jane Johnson, the Borough Commander signed that and S. Hodgson signed it.

New Speaker (14:18):

Right, OK.

New Speaker (14:18):

H O D G S O N. Now with them two companies, that's why I'm saying both companies have definitely created it, without them it couldn't exist. And both companies are involved in the fraud as much as each other. In what I've basically explained to you, Jane Johnson, the Borough Commander, she actually left and got put into in one of the recordings. When I was explaining it, one of the Police Officers said, that's it Jane? Johnson's no longer running Edmonton police station. She's in Royal Diplomatic protection as of now. Um, and then they really went heavy for me after that do you know, they me, because they didn't realise I was recording them. Like I've got Sally Gilchrist, Now, the Council when the police made it. And they gave it to a woman in Scotland yard called Sally Gilchrist.

Speaker 2 (15:00):

Now, she is the legal director of law and governance for the whole of the UK and Wales. So she's the big boss for like Jeremy Chambers, is the law and governance for Enfield Civic centre at the moment she's in charge of the whole of London and Wales. This woman is she's the biggest Boss of it all for Law. Now she took control of the Asbo and went to every single court cases. There was 35 of them in total. Yeah. And basically I've got recordings of her and she's telling me down the phone, you're a dead man and she doesn't realize that I'm recording her. Yeah. I've got recordings.

New Speaker (15:37):

Sorry, what’s her name again.

New Speaker (15:37):

Her name is Sally Gilchrist. Now Sally Gilchrist was getting the folders and she was given them

Speaker 4 (15:45):

And she is police is she

Speaker 2 (15:46):

She's Scotland yard. She's the legal director, um, for law and governance for the whole of the UK and Wales. Now she was in charge of the case. Yeah. Um, for the civic centre and for the police. Now I was recording. I've been recording her.

New Speaker (16:01):

And she has telephoned you.

New Speaker (16:01):

No, I've been telephoning her. I've been telling her.

Speaker 4 (16:07):

Sorry, you telephoned her and she said what to you down the phone

Speaker 2 (16:08):

Like, when I'm, when I'm saying to her this illegal, use lot are holding me in my house. I basically had the conversation I just had with yourself. Yeah. We've heard,

New Speaker (16:15):


New Speaker (16:15):

Trying to explain, can we just get this squashed now sort of thing. So I could just go back out and live my life now she's; she saying to me, she goes to me, you're dead, like that down the phone and you've been robbed basically. And so I said to her, hang on, did you just tell me I'm dead? And she's like, no, I wouldn't say something like that to you and I was like, Oh, well, I'm glad that I'm recording this conversation. I'm going to; when I do the transcribes to it later. I'm going to see if you really done that to me now I've done them transcribes. So she definitely does say that which is the recordings inside of where I showed you.

Speaker 2 (16:45):

Now, when I phone Neighbourhood office team, they, they're the worst, because they made the Asbo They get all the staff in the background to the caller centre saying you been robbed, ha, ha, you're not allowed that ha, ha you can't go out. You can't go out. Um, you're um, you're a dead man. You're dead, man. Now, they, they must tell me that I am dead at least 20 times, just in each recording. Now out of say there's 300 recordings there out of them. 300 recordings are transcribed 150 of them up. Now a hundred of them I'm being told without people, realising that I'm recording them. You're dead.

New Speaker (17:18):


New Speaker (17:18):

You've been robbed. All the neighbourhood office team loved to do it. And the civic centre loves to do, I've got loads of recordings of the civic centre telling me you're dead. You've been, they didn't realise I was recording them all.

Speaker 4 (17:30):

Okay. who, have you got any names of anybody.

Speaker 2 (17:33):

The list goes on, do you know, if you,

Speaker 4 (17:36):

Because unfortunately when I put into the, I've just tried to be, um, uh, the address.

New Speaker (17:43):

What address.

New Speaker (17:43):

that you gave me do you know the serverone.

New Speaker (17:45):

Yeah the serverone.

New Speaker (17:45):

O.N.E, I've actually put that into my own phone. So, it’s not an Enfield device. It's my own personal phone. And it says the site can't be reached.

Speaker 3 (17:54):

What so, that must be that something um, somewhere, what we're explaining to each other in the code is, uh, um, is wrong because it does definitely,

Speaker 4 (18:02):

But I put in serverone So, I put S. E. R.V. E.R the letter, Sorry, the number one,

Speaker 3 (18:11):

Not the number one, O N E , O. N. E. You spell it one, not the number one.

New Speaker (18:18):

Beg your pardon Mr Cordell I am sorry I apologise

New Speaker (18:18):

I kept saying that to you. lol.

New Speaker (18:21):

Right, Ok.

New Speaker (18:21):

You write serverone O .N. E -O .N .E. hopto.org.

New Speaker (18:27):

Right, Okay, OK let’s have another go Sorry beg your pardon I thought you said server1one but you were spelling it for me sorry.

New Speaker (18:27):


Speaker 4 (18:31):

Let's have a go on that then. So serverone, all one word.

New Speaker (18:40):


New Speaker (18:40):

Hopto.org. then its diary% whoops [Inaudible] Uh, Diary, diary percentage 20 uh, So, 202012.

Speaker 3 (19:09):

Yeah. just let me just quickly look.

New Speaker (19:10):

Is that right.

New Speaker (19:10):

So, I write, I'm just going to quickly get back up for myself. Yeah.

New Speaker (19:15):

Thank you.

New Speaker (19:15):

I write server S .E. R.V.E.R.O.N.E then um, .hopto.org,

New Speaker (19:26):


New Speaker (19:26):

O R G then forward slash then you'd write diary, percentage sign 20 2012.

Speaker 4 (19:39):

Okay, hang on let me try and take that one out. Right. 12 let’s give that a go

Speaker 3 (19:49):

Now that will bring up Simon Cordell's 2020 annual diary.

Speaker 4 (19:53):

It's not coming up.

New Speaker (19:55):


New Speaker (19:55):

It's just freezing. This is on my own phone Mr. Cordell

Speaker 3 (19:59):

I can go on my phone right now and it works straight away. um, I don't do what; hang on

Speaker 4 (20:06):

Because if all the information is on there and I need to send that somewhere. Obviously it needs to work.

Speaker 3 (20:15):

It does as well, do you know what I think that somewhere where just and if I could just send you a screenshot of it or something.

Speaker 4 (20:20):

Could you email me? So that I can just copy and paste.

Speaker 3 (20:27):

So, Yeah, to the email that was in the letter that you originally gave to me.

Speaker 4 (20:31):

That's it yeah, yep.

New Speaker (20:42):

Kayosborne@enfield.gov.uk If you email me the um, address as you have said it to me over the phone.

New Speaker (20:42):

Yeah, I will do that.

New Speaker (20:42):

I can then try that again and then I can see what.

New Speaker (20:42):

What I am explaining. yeah, you can see some of it

New Speaker (20:42):

So, I now understand a little bit more so that all the things that this police officer hmm, is he employed by the metropolitan police?

Speaker 1 (21:08):

When I, phone up the civic centre in his own email, when he, when he's writing in like the Asbo he basically says, I'm, uh, uh, I'm, uh, my name's Steven Elsmore and I'm doing this statement for, um, I'm doing a statement. I'm a Metropolitan, I'm a Met. I'm a police officer that is attached to the safer neighbourhood unit and based in the civic centre. so he's, he's actually based. His office is in the civic centre but he's attached.

Speaker 4 (21:38):

His not an employee of Enfield it sounds like he is a police officer for the Met Police

Speaker 1 (21:43):

When we phone up the Met Police, the Met Police say that he is, um, he, he belongs to them, but when we phone up the Civic Centre and asked the Civic Centre they do checks on the phone, they say, well, if he is based at the Civic Centre. He belongs to the Civic Centre. If he's on the Safer Neighbourhood office team, he's a Community Office. So he could still be a police officer. And he could he's he could be attached to both of these is linked to all basically. So he's basically that's as far as I can understand, it's a bit sceptical where, but he says from his own,

New Speaker (22:16):


New Speaker (22:16):

he says from his own, he says in his own statements, he's based in his office is in the civic centre. He's an attached to the Safer Neighbour office Team and he's a police officer. So he says all three of them,

Speaker 4 (22:27):

But he is a police officer. He is a police officer, as far as you know,

New Speaker (22:31):

Yeah I ‘am not so sure.

New Speaker (22:31):

he is not a Council Officer he's a police officer

Speaker 1 (22:35):

Yeah. He's, he's a patrol safer patrol officer.

Speaker 4 (22:40):

I understand that being a police officer not a Council Officer, even though he is attached to the neighbourhood policing or the neighbourhood office,

Speaker 1 (22:48):

But if his office is inside of B block civic centre. If he's office is in there, he definitely belongs to the civic centre.

Speaker 4 (22:56):

No, it's not, not, not, not necessarily, not necessarily. There maybe people who are in the, in the civic centre, um, who are not counsel employees. They may be police officers

Speaker 1 (23:08):

Under Joint Circular of the Equality Act 2010, under joint circular the principle of joint circular. If he's, if he's working in, if his office is based inside of the civic centre, he is a part of that company still. And he could also be, and he's also a part of the safer neighbourhood team.

Speaker 4 (23:25):

Well for insurance purposes? He may not be an employee of the council.

New Speaker (23:33):

No matter what way the Council had to.

New Speaker (23:33):

So, he maybe under the Equality Act but I ‘am not going to advise as I do not have enough knowledge of Equality Act to discuss that.

New Speaker (23:39):

OK, I understand that.

New Speaker (23:39):

So it's not really for me to do that. He might know, but I've not yet.

Speaker 1 (23:48):

Steven Hodison is low.

New Speaker (23:50):


Speaker 4 (23:51):

I'm going to discuss it. I just want to talk about Steven Elsmore It sounds like Steven Elsmore from what you've said to me, he's the one that's put together, all the information he's pulled, whatever information you say from different incidents. Some that are outside of the Borough you’re saying that it is him Steven Elsmore who is changing that information.

Speaker 1 (24:13):

Yeah, of course. The reason I say that, the reason I say that is because on every page of Asbo, when someone has to look into the computer to get the information out and now, his name is the log-in name at the top of every page. So he, they used his ID to look into create. So that's why I hold him highly responding. He's classed as he was classed as the Asbo developed or the Creator or the Asbo. So I do hold him.

Speaker 4 (24:42):

Okay. So, Steven Elsmore put all this information together. Okay.

New Speaker (24:45):

Yeah, yeah.

New Speaker (24:45):

This is how I'm understanding. And please correct me if I'm wrong.

New Speaker (24:49):

No, I think you are correct

New Speaker (24:49):

He puts all this information together. He then, uh, um, uh, at some point there was a meeting between the police and the council for them to actually put together that Asbo and then that served on you. is that correct

New Speaker (25:05):


Speaker 1 (25:06):

Yeah, that's correct.

New Speaker (25:06):


New Speaker (25:06):

Yeah. It goes to, it goes to Sally Gilchrist and then, then Sally handled it from then afterwards. And then what happens is Sally will send,

New Speaker (25:14):


New Speaker (25:14):

use lot up Sally sends use lot updates. So for instance, I was speaking to Daniel Ellis. Who's the head of community. Um, who's a communications man in your, in your department, communications and complaints, Daniel Elis is, and Daniel Elis was saying to me that they don't have Asbo folder inside of the civic centre, they had nothing to do with it. He was trying to wash away any responsibility or liability to which is understandable but then what happened is, Lemmy start at work. And I told Lemmy on the phone in a conversation in one of our first conversations, like, can you go to the Asbo folder? And can you go and look inside of it?

Speaker 1 (25:51):

And can you, um, have a look at some of this evidence I'm saying, and can you get this thing sorted? Lemmy please, yeah. Now Lemmy goes to the Asbo folder. And what he does is in one of the pages, they're quite funny. They, wrote um, in it. If I, if I get any, if I attend court and try to do this, they're goanna hire, they're goanna hire a new staff; if I; Attend court and dis us and we will re-man. So what they; How they done that.

New Speaker (26:18):


New Speaker (26:18):

Do you know when you've got, do you know when you've got normal writing? Yeah, like a letter or something, do you know when you scribble out a word and then another word and you spell something else like that, Yeah.

New Speaker (26:28):


New Speaker (26:28):

That's what they, that's what they done with a piece of paper. And they put that in the beginning of Asbo

Speaker 1 (26:33):

And what it says attend court and dis us and we will remind yeah, Now, That's a, it's a, it's a threat Yeah. Now any of any solicitor I tried to get hold of to represent me, would pick up the Asbo and open it up and they will see the normal letter which is supposed to be some bail conditions from me. And that you can see where the people scribbled it out and wrote this funny stuff. Now I could never prove, because I never hold held the Council responsible at the beginning for this? I have though Err, it’s the metropolitan police. Let's go from the metropolitan police, do you know like, so I'm, I'm having a go at the metropolitan police for it. But then at the end of it, what happened is at the end of my, at the end of the trial for the magistrates' court case, my solicitor had a copy of, um, all of the folders.

Speaker 1 (27:21):

And now she has to give me the folder so I can give them back to her and to my whatever solicitor I choose to do the appeal stage because legal aid isn't present for her yet.

New Speaker (27:33):


New Speaker (27:33):

So she's like, well, you can have anyone as your solicitor. So, um,

New Speaker (27:36):


New Speaker (27:36):

so you need a copy of these now. So I went to my Solicitors office when my mum and collected the hard copied folders.

New Speaker (27:43):


New Speaker (27:43):

Now in them folder, straight after Magistrates they had used the bail conditioners and wrote them then that funny stuff attend court and dis us and we will re-man. Now, I couldn't prove whether it was Sally or the, the police or if it was my solicitor that had done that because my, as solicitor was so sketchy saying, I'm not going to represent you for the appeal stage, but I've, me and my solicitor are very close. We've known each other for many years. So I was quite shocked that she had got cold feet against this sort of thing and she knew I was in the right as well because my solicitor was it was looking at the paperwork and this is completely fraud, you'd look at the URNs. Look at this my solicitor was showing me stuff

Speaker 4 (28:21):

Yes. And the court forgive me. The court heard it.

New Speaker (28:25):


New Speaker (28:25):

heard the evidence,

New Speaker (28:29):


New Speaker (28:29):

but then the magistrate is it a magistrates

Speaker 1 (28:32):

Yeah, at the magistrates at the lower court,

Speaker 4 (28:35):

So then magistrates, then sentence you,

Speaker 1 (28:39):

What the magistrates?

New Speaker (28:41):

Five years.

New Speaker (28:41):

They gave me five years and I had to wait for the trial, went on the 35 say 15 there is 35 in total but just say just say 15 for the Lower Court and the rest for the Crown Court, for the appeal stage 15 appearances at the lower court, through them 15 appearances. I was allowed to write one letter explaining what had happened. So, I wrote one letter saying that I ‘am a valued member of the community. Um, I'm, I'm key holder to my community hall I’m throwing local events here, I'm doing this and doing that. You can imagine the letter, and uh, when we went to the trial at first, the judge read the letter, she's told the other judge, she's told them, if you read this, read the statement. And they're like, yeah, we still want to prosecute any way. Yeah. And over ride what I have wrote.

New Speaker (29:28):


New Speaker (29:28):

Now the case went on for a while and when Steven Elsmore and then are getting questioned, which is in the transcripts, in the website in the horrific corruption under the Asbo folder when you scroll down, but see some documents. One of the documents is the transcript Steven

Speaker 4 (29:44):

I can’t open it.

New Speaker (29:47):


New Speaker (29:47):

Dot com.

New Speaker (29:47):

Na, can’t open anything it’s all Gray. I see Simon's cases. I can click on it. And it's got a lot of it's got list. So things like audio, evidence, video, evidence, picture issues, and disrepair issues. And lots of other bits but when I go to click on it doesn't work.

New Speaker (30:05):

I will send you the links over then.

Speaker 1 (30:06):

Yeah. I'll send you over the information anywhere again and the appropriate links. And then basically what's happened is Steven Elsmore and that was under so much pressure when they're, when they're being brought up in Court. At first no Judge would hold the case. So like Sally's trying to get some conditions on me because she's only served outside my front door and now.

New Speaker (30:28):

And that’s the police.

New Speaker (30:28):

Yeah, Sally Gilchrest is the police she's trying to get some condition. The conditions on me,

New Speaker (30:33):


New Speaker (30:33):

While the Asbo is being made by the police and the Council Yeah,

New Speaker (30:34):


New Speaker (30:34):

Now I basically go to the Court and I, the judge because I've got like a little good name I had quite a good name I was doing good things for the community that Jude didn't put the conditions on me, refused to put the conditions on me. So then I went back to the court the next time and Sally kept Calling in applications trying to get the conditions on me So the Judge were looking at the folder and saying I'm not hearing that and throw the folder one of the one of the judges walked out of the courtroom and said, I'm not dealing with that and walked out of the Courtroom, So, now we have to get another judge get moved out courtroom to upstairs. Now this happened about four times Sally trying to get the conditions on me.

New Speaker (31:12):


New Speaker (31:12):

Eventually my surname is Cordell. I went into one of the Court Cases and went into one of the things. And the judge said to me, something funny, he said to me, um, are you related to maybe Maggie, Maggie Cordell and I said to him, you know, he goes to me well that's good because my surname is Cordell as well. And basically you'd understand the conflict of interest.

New Speaker (31:33):

Yes of course.

New Speaker (31:33):

And that's what he said to me. So, I was like thank god I said that thank god I said no

Speaker 1 (31:41):

Sally has asked for the conditions again. And he's told her no, now she's lost her temper.

New Speaker (31:46):


New Speaker (31:46):

She lost her tempted because now not, she's tried to get twice the other judge has walk out and now all of a sudden, I got a Cordell judge all the good things I had done at that stage were working for me. So now Sally's lost hr temper and next to her is head of communications for the metropolitan police. And basically my name started getting made dirty like they are saying and I would say my name's gone viral personally the doctors don't like me to say that they want to put me on ECT treatment Electronic compulsive treatment and they want to take me off my mum and dad and that because of the Councils orders asking for that. Yeah. So basically my but basically what happened is Sally lost her temper and my name started because of after the Cordell Judge she just, and my name started getting made dirty and all this.

Speaker 1 (32:39):

So now all of a sudden some, judge a high court judge because the Asbo is supposed to be Civil Law she's come in a woman now. I done a I'd check on the Judge because I'm just checking people's names and that and she deals with Paedophile, um, sex, rape cases and stuff like that for young children, then they have their statistics online. So how many cases a Judge has won and this Jude has just killed; like basically she's done all of the bad people; I would prefer to say yeah, because she deals with children cases for um, sexual assaults against children, she's quite an old woman judge like Gray hair that; I've done checks and I've told my mum look all this stuff that's going on about my name being changed. Now, all of a sudden, this Judge is here instead of the Cordell Judge Right mum I feel that this is going the wrong way, mums like stop being silly sort so I've gone to the Court. Now eventually that judge has told them lot have you seen his statement? Sort of thing.

New Speaker (33:41):


New Speaker (33:41):

and the Police said we still want to prosecute. And the Council and that because they've spent, the reason they gave is they spent too much money on the application to turn back. So Okay. So you spent too much money. And then basically, um, eventually Steven Elsmore is getting called on to stage under Oath.

Speaker 1 (34:01):

He is lying saying that he never put the Crown Road ones in there and all that in the statements transcribed, all the other coopers are going up and there getting battered because none of them, none of the coopers that attended Court were really at any of the events yeah. That I'm supposed to have done. And the reason for that is because Steven Elsmore gone into the computer and he has picked coppers on a Thursday.

New Speaker (34:21):

Yep, you told me that

New Speaker (34:21):

On the Thursday they weren't. So, they can’t attend day; So, so what that technically does is that makes them hearsay So then they're not really, if you're, if I hearsay means that a secondary person,

New Speaker (34:36):

I already know what hearsay is.

New Speaker (34:36):

yeah. A secondary person that wasn't really there.

New Speaker (34:38):


New Speaker (34:38):

So my barrister is ripping them my barrister is ripping them all on the stage saying, well, you weren't even there everything you're saying hearsay, there's no evidence based on this.

Speaker 1 (34:47):

And you can see that in the transcripts. And then the coppers are getting off the stage. And that all Steve Elermore and that and they are going to the Judge, Oh, we're sorry. We didn't mean to do this. Now this judge, this naughty judge at the end of it, she's basically been asked by the prosecutor against me who was Robert Taylor whose Sally comes with a team of them. So she comes with 5 people. Some people would sit in the back of the Court like under writers for law I think and she would come with Robert Taylor, who's their prosecutor. And they're come as a pack. Yeah. Sort of thing Robert has basically asked for a lifetime Asbo and even this Judge who destroys people's lives who are bad people I suspect normally, not for parties or anything like that. Yeah. Or anyone just trying to start a family. She's basically had to say to Robert and to Sally, no, I can't give him the lifetime Asbo but what I would do is I'll give him five years + the last two years that he's ride while the trial was being gone on wont run current So I have to ride the whole seven years there plus the year for the Gazebo, which made the eight years, if that makes any sense, then.

New Speaker (35:52):

It does when was the Court Case

Speaker 4 (35:55):

The Court case was 2000.

New Speaker (35:56):

When was that.

Speaker 1 (35:58):

The court case was initially started I can’t be precise about the date unless I look and go through folders

Speaker 4 (36:01):

I want to ruffly when was it

Speaker 1 (36:05):


New Speaker (36:06):


New Speaker (36:06):

The curfew, the curfew come of me three months ago.

New Speaker (36:10):

Yes OK.

New Speaker (36:10):

The curfew is just three months ago. I finally come of the curfew. But what happened is because of it like gotten back on it. because of Dawn Allen and everything about that. And my mum writing them emails and that after Dawn Allen and Deborah they moved Deborah out and back in. She's moved back out again. I can explain why in detail why that happened but what happened is a year

Speaker 4 (36:36):

Can I just stop you there Mr. Cordell Okay? We've now been talking for an hour and 20 minutes.

Speaker 1 (36:38):

I can appreciate that. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (36:41):

Last time that however, the problem I have is at the moment I still don't have access to all the documents you're talking about.

New Speaker (36:51):

OK I can understand.

New Speaker (36:51):

I do apologise. I can't be on the phone till like 06:30 this evening.

New Speaker (36:53):

I can appreciate that.

New Speaker (36:53):

I still don't have the documents I need to have the document

Speaker 3 (37:01):

OK, is it possible that I can like, because rather than rushing everything now I didn't expect you to pick up the phone to be honest, lol

Speaker 1 (37:07):

Is there any way that I can phone you tomorrow

Speaker 4 (37:10):

And also, I need you to tell me when you phoned me because I need to be talking to my IT tomorrow.

New Speaker (37:18):


New Speaker (37:18):

Because if you telephoned me and you said maybe like 50 times.

New Speaker (37:21):

I might have done it more.

New Speaker (37:21):

Uh, hang on a minute I made some notes of what you said because I am really worried about that because I should be getting, uh, the, the, the messages I can see that I'm not getting the messages and that's really concerning.

New Speaker (37:36):

I can understand that.

New Speaker (37:36):

Like you said you have rung me a hundred times. That's it?

New Speaker (37:44):

Well yeah.

New Speaker (37:44):

And you said that you have left 50 to 60 messages.

New Speaker (37:47):

Yeah, I have.

New Speaker (37:47):

I'm really worried because there's clearly a problem with my phone. If I haven't got 50 or 60 messages from you It's clearly a big problem.

New Speaker (37:55):


New Speaker (37:55):

So I need to ruffly

Speaker 3 (37:57):

I'll be, I'll be precise. The accurate, if I went and logged in, I could count them if like, um, oversley. I'm just, I'm just putting a number out there a rough average number at the moment but I have made a lot of phone calls.

New Speaker (38:09):

When was the last time you rung me.

New Speaker (38:09):

Some of, some of the times, I've not necessarily all the time. out of the number that I gave you, not necessarily all of them times.

New Speaker (38:16):


New Speaker (38:16):

I have left a message. Sometimes I'll just phone and it gone to answer machine and I'm just like, ah, no, one's going to pick up and then I'll put down and I will say alright It doesn't necessarily mean that I've always left a personal message to speak to you. But I have left quite a few of them still out of the whole count of times. I've called. If that makes any sense.

Speaker 4 (38:38):

It does and what's the mobile number you've been phoning from?

Speaker 3 (38:41):

Um, it's, I'm not allowed to phone the civics because of what Jeremy Chambers and all that done and what I can prove Lemmy, they barred my phone from phone in the civic centre all the way through.

New Speaker (38:50):


New Speaker (38:50):

every one of my neighbours attacking me. I'm allowed to phone your phone now because I'm barred My phone.

New Speaker (38:57):

why are you then.

New Speaker (38:57):

How have you got through.

New Speaker (38:57):

Because what I do is they've not barred the IMEI on my phone, what they've barred is my telephone number. So, if I go into my settings and I say, hide, telephone number, I'm allowed to phone you from an anonymous number.

Speaker 4 (39:16):

Why if you, I’m Sorry. I'm a little bit, I just need to clarify something with you then. So Jeremy Chambers and the Council

New Speaker (39:22):

Barred me from phoning the civic centre,

New Speaker (39:27):

And the Council has barred you from calling the civic centre

Speaker 3 (39:30):

Yeah, I have recorded them.

New Speaker (39:30):

What dates what dates did that happen.

New Speaker (39:30):

through, pretty much all of me being attacked after, after what happened is after a year thing settled down for yeah, but I was still under a lot of problems from my neighbours and still going through the curfew and that, but a year later, Lemmy has started work for the Council and say on the first.

New Speaker (39:50):

Yes, ok you told me that.

New Speaker (39:50):

10, 16, then what's happened is.

New Speaker (39:52):


New Speaker (39:52):

On the fifth of the 10th of the 16. Well, what actually happened is one of my other neighbours. She, she was looking after Stan who, is, one of the old man's that was attacking me and Stan would go into a house every single day. And he, she would cook him dinner and look after him.

New Speaker (40:08):


New Speaker (40:08):

Now she made a malicious phone call, but and pretended that I went out into my back garden and I've looked across 3 gardens to and two floors higher and I've shouted across to them what their precise words were.

Speaker 3 (40:22):

I said, what, what, what I'm going to kill you and your fing children to this woman. Now I never went out in my back garden on that day. The police come here because they knew they was in so much trouble for the Asbo where I was phoning and making recordings. And they took me straight out and took me to the police station, held me in the police station for 48 hours. And they never sent no Sergeant down to me. Wouldn't let me speak to a solicitor or anything. I've got all the custody papers of it all. And then what they've done is they sent some woman to a woman and some doctors to my cell flap. Now they let me go in my cell with my belt, my trainer Lacey's. I just went to sleep and had some food and I was just quiet and that yeah, I was proper normal because it didn't bother me, but they've come to my flap and said some woman called Maggie Fuller for the AMT team.

Speaker 3 (41:08):

She's come to my cell. And she said we're taking you to the mental hospital and I said to them Mental hospital. Why are you taking me to a Mental Hospital, there's nothing wrong. I'm waiting for my Solicitor to come so I can do my interview and prove that I never done none of this. I never went out in my backyard and swore at no neighbours. Now, she said she, they walked off and had a conversation just two seconds from the cell door, come back and said, it doesn't matter. What's going on. You're going to the hospital. Now she's took me to St. Ann's hospital. What in the police notes.

New Speaker (41:37):

Hmm, hmm.

New Speaker (41:37):

The second that the police got me in the police station from the neighbour making the fake claims, they started asking all the hospitals, have you got a bed for Simon?

Speaker 3 (41:45):

All the hospitals refuse to take me. So they started phoning up private hospitals, pay for a private hospital for me to get put into, even though I hadn't done anything wrong. Yeah, now what's happened is. She, she, um, eventually they have took me to St. Ann's hospital had me in there and they put me in a room. Now, when I look at my room, there was loads of Girls queuing up in St Ann's hospital out of place and I never paid much attention to it for the first day or two. I went through a massive process in the hospital. They wanted to put me on ECT treatment and try that before I even got to the hospital, they had a list of like 20 different. tablets that they well let’s just say 10. Yeah. Different tablets that they wonted; like they had already pre planned to put me on to, to basically hurt me.

Speaker 3 (42:33):

Yeah. And to make it so that I couldn't talk none of this stuff anymore. And uh, basically while I'm in the hospital, one of the women comes to my cell and I said, why is all the girls outside there? Why, why do they queue up every day? Because I'm stuck in a little room, looking at a window. She's like, that's the sex clinic. I was like, that's the sex clinic you've got a sex clinic, sort of thing here. And then she's like, she's like, yeah, like they're thinking that they've got me and make me get me into a corner or something. I'm like that's great. because you can go right in there now and I wrote a letter, signed authorisation, go and check my medical notes with evergreen clinic where I went and you can see that there's nothing wrong with me then. Yeah. So after that I've signed authorisation and the St Ann's hospital have gone into there, obviously done their checks and they've checked out. He's really got nothing with him. Now in that they're trying to do loads of blood sticking needles in me and everything. They're messaging their own teams. Can we have his blood test? And the blood test teams are all saying he's like a normal person. You have to wait for him. Like everybody else in all their notes. And then eventually, they got all the and everything, and I come back as healthy as anything they released me. I went for Tribunal I called my solicitor and prepared my case. And I got released straight away at the hospital. they knew that they were in trouble, but they had started to build a profile because this neighbour lied and said that I went outside. Now what's happened is I've come back home while I'm in the hospital. I had another partner after that, Katie. And we'd been, Katie come to the clinic because I told her what happened with Shannon.