Speaker 1 (00:00):


New Speaker (00:00):

I'm sorry. It's Mr. Cordell phoning up. I've been asking for you to phone me back, but I'm not being able to get through to you.

Speaker 2 (00:08):

I haven't received any messages.

Speaker 1 (00:10):

I've got lots, I have recorded loads and transcribed loads up.

New Speaker (00:13):


New Speaker (00:13):

If you go to my website, horrific corruption. And you go just to like Simon's case files and you go to audio in horrific corruption.com. If you scroll down, you will see loads of audios, all the audios, all the end of them are phone calls that I've made to you. I've transcribed them up.

New Speaker (00:32):

You have left messages.

New Speaker (00:32):

Loads of them, loads and loads and loads and loads.

New Speaker (00:35):

Oh, gosh.

New Speaker (00:35):

Yeah. I've transcribed them. It looks terrible. What you're doing to me.

Speaker 2 (00:41):

But Mr Cordell hang on a second. Hang on a second. Um, I wasn't aware of that. There is obviously a problem there is obviously a problem with my phone because I've spoken to you quite a few times. Haven't I,

Speaker 1 (00:53):

In the ones that I have got I have phoned up about a hundred times and I have transcribed up most of them I've left. I've left about um, I do not know, quite a few messages, at least 30 at least 50 60 messages for you on your number.

New Speaker (01:04):

You have left 60 messages.

New Speaker (01:04):

Yeah, go to Horrific Corruption.com. because my neighbours can see it now. And I'm about to start to show everybody else because I feel like I can't take much more from what this company has done to me yeah. Um, if you go to a Horrific Corruption.com and you go,

Speaker 2 (01:22):

Uh, hang on, hang on a second hang on a second. Let me just get the, uh, get the internet up hang on one moment okay. So, let’s have a look. Okay so when I am on the phone to you, I don't think I will be able to hear anything on the website, but I am going to log onto it now.

New Speaker (01:55):

What are you going to use the phone to log onto it.

New Speaker (01:55):

Let me see if I can get onto it now.

Speaker 1 (01:57):

Because a phone Um, a mobile phone doesn't really show everything a proper PC does though. But if I give you some codes yeah, because, like a website link because what's happened is I've built horrific corruption and in-building horrific corruption with Wix you're not allowed to host the files in Wix because of the sizes of them so, I have had to go and get a server because they were going to charge me like £1,400 pounds because of the size of the files.

New Speaker (02:23):


New Speaker (02:23):

So, I've got the server here now. And um, basically I've loaded up loads of stuff onto my server. I haven't connected it into the Wix website yet. So you can't see it, you can see a lot of stuff in the Wix website, but you can't see all of the new books and you can't see all of the diary, my diary, which I've been keeping every day and working out what's actually happened here. But

Speaker 2 (02:49):


New Speaker (02:49):

So, Mr. Cordell I have got into Horrific Corruption.com

Speaker 1 (02:53):

And you go to Simon's cases and under Simon's case,

Speaker 2 (02:56):

I haven't, I haven't got that far yet. It's frozen. Oh, it's started again. Yep. Okay. oh, no it frozen. Uh, yeah. Okay. So

New Speaker (03:05):

Under Simon's cases is all of the stuff that.

New Speaker (03:09):

Yeah. Yep. I can see that.

Speaker 1 (03:13):

Is all the stuff that has happened.

New Speaker (03:13):

Audio evidence

New Speaker (03:13):

Under audio evidence? If you scroll down.

New Speaker (03:15):


New Speaker (03:15):

If you scroll down to audio evidence, click on audio evidence and you just scroll down, there is some pictures, but if you just scroll down and you start to see at the bottom of all of the stuff Audio evidence in date order when you get to it?

Speaker 2 (03:27):

I'm clicking on audio evidence, but nothing's happening

Speaker 1 (03:33):

It might just take a second for your computer to except it

Speaker 2 (03:37):

Yeah. I mean, I certainly, am not saying that you didn't phone me. That's differently not what I'm saying. I'm saying that I ‘am not getting the messages.

New Speaker (03:44):

I don’t understand why.

New Speaker (03:44):

And that's really a problem and I need to talk to my IT department.

New Speaker (03:48):

Can I give you?

New Speaker (03:48):

To find out

Speaker 1 (03:51):

Have you got a pen and paper handy? Just handy to yourself.

New Speaker (03:54):

I have yes.

New Speaker (03:54):

Um, my server where I'm hosting the files on my server that is separate place at the moment and I'm going to put that right. I have to put "Https" do you know the S at the end, when you've got a link, a website link, they have an S at the end of it, that's like the highest security. I just have to pay a little bit more money to a company.

New Speaker (04:12):


New Speaker (04:12):

Then I'm allowed to get an S put onto my server. Then I'm allowed to put them files inside of my website, Wix.

New Speaker (04:18):


New Speaker (04:18):

So, what I've had to do is I've got this thing called um, server, S .E .R. V .E .R, server one, O.N.E.

New Speaker (04:25):


New Speaker (04:25):

. Hop, H. O. P " T O" hopto.org.

New Speaker (04:37):

Hmm, hmm.

New Speaker (04:37):

And that will show, when you write that linking in on its own. What will happen is it will show my newspaper, which is part of my new company, which I'm planning to launch in a minute from,

New Speaker (04:48):


New Speaker (04:48):

I'm going to basically use the information that's happened. I've got here. But if you, if you write server one.hopto.org and then put a forward slash on it and you write diary, D .I. A. R. Y,

New Speaker (04:59):


New Speaker (04:59):

and a percentage and a percentage sign. Then what you'd write is 20.

New Speaker (05:05):


Speaker 2 (05:09):

And then after that I started with 200. So 20200 will bring up an index of, um, an index of the email diary. So all the correspondence between the council and my mum and the police, and that what it will do is bring up an index?

New Speaker (05:25):


New Speaker (05:25):

So, what you do after that is where it says 200 at the end, at 20200,

New Speaker (05:31):


New Speaker (05:31):

you'd bring it up to 2200. And let me just quickly get it up the first, the first one, 201. So what you'd write is diary percentage sign, 200.

New Speaker (05:42):


New Speaker (05:42):

and you would change the 200 to 201, then you change the 200 to two 202, 203, 204. do you know what I ‘am on about?

New Speaker (05:52):


New Speaker (05:52):

and basically,

New Speaker (05:53):


New Speaker (05:53):

let me just get it so that I can show, get it, make sure that I'm one hundred percent correct. Um, if it's all right, because I've been trying to contact you because I've done all the work that you've asked me to do, and I can prove absolutely everything, it is horrifying what I can prove. If I click, um, diary 2012, for instance, what you would want.

New Speaker (06:13):


New Speaker (06:13):

is diary, percentage sign 202012 so it'd be 2012 after the 20 and now that will bring up my diary for 2012. Then if you write, um, serverone.hopto.org/diary%202013 that will bring up 2013. If you write um server.org um, serverone.hopto.org/diary%202013.

New Speaker (06:28):

Hold on, I got serverone O.N.E

Speaker 1 (06:50):

Yeah. That's correct. And then you'd have,

New Speaker (06:53):

Perfect .hopto

Speaker 1 (06:56):

.hopto that's correct, .org.

Speaker 2 (06:58):

Yep. .org So, org and then forward slash diary.

New Speaker (07:01):


New Speaker (07:01):

Then percentage.

New Speaker (07:01):

If you,

New Speaker (07:01):


New Speaker (07:01):

20201 or 20202, now the 2012 at the end will represent 2012. And if you leave the 20 at the end.

New Speaker (07:17):


New Speaker (07:17):

And if you just take the 2 away and change the two and put that to a 3 at the end of it, that will bring 2013 up, if you put a four at the end of it 2014, that will bring up 2014 and so forth, you can keep going upwards, now another code, which is what the server has at the moment is for all of the actual books of what everyone's done. So the email books themselves and all of the application books. So to get to that, there's a separate code. You'd still write.

New Speaker (07:45):

Sorry Mr. Cordell can you forgive me just one moment? What do you mean by email books? You just mean folders or,

Speaker 1 (07:53):

Okay, well, what I've done is if you’re on the computer now, this is what I've done.

New Speaker (07:56):

I ‘am.

New Speaker (07:56):

Say that, um, my mum and use lot sent over 4500 emails to each other. Yeah, and Lemmy and everyone did so, I've got all the emails of my mum.

New Speaker (08:09):


New Speaker (08:09):

and I've got all my personal emails and I've basically created a flip book for it, which I can put online. Now,

New Speaker (08:18):


New Speaker (08:18):

When you watch, when you write this, if you write sreverone.hopto.Org forward slash, and then you write email percentage sign,

New Speaker (08:29):

Err, Hang on a second hang on a second, hang on one moment

Speaker 2 (08:31):

Because then everyone can start to.

New Speaker (08:31):


New Speaker (08:31):

Yeah, then you write

Speaker 1 (08:39):

20 then book, then book.

New Speaker (08:43):

Book, yes.

New Speaker (08:43):

Then percentage, sign 200. Now that I bring up the index for the, for the, um, email diary, which has all the emails. Yeah. So that's why; to keep it easy because I've been showing my neighbour’s what's going on. If I, if I wrote, um, like for instance, I've got the first Asbo. If I wrote first Asbo and labelled it first Asbo it would say first Asbo and it is hard to show everyone. So what I've done is I've just kept the email percentage, 20 book percentage sign and then at the 200 what you do, where it says 200. You'd go; give me one second. I'm just going to get it up myself so I can make sure I'm a hundred percent correct. You'd go 201 instead of the 200. So you'd write email percentage, sign, 20 book percentage, sign 201

Speaker 1 (09:36):

Now that's going to bring the first email book up. The index is at 200 for it. Right.

New Speaker (09:40):

Now, if you want to go to the next book, you'd write email percentage, sign 20 book percentage sign 202 and then if you want to go to the next book, 203, 204 205,

New Speaker (09:51):


New Speaker (09:51):

And now you can keep going up wards and what will happened is you're going to; there is something like about 18 books in total from the first Injunction Order, the second Injunction Order the first Possession Order. The second Possession Order, the Asbo itself, that the Council made the, um, the second Asbo the Response Bundle for the Asbo the Skeleton Argument. So they are all in their own separate books.

New Speaker (10:22):


New Speaker (10:22):

Then what I've done is took all of the information from all of them emails and from all of them books and applications. And I put them in date order in my diary, which I gave you the first link for diary. do you understand what I am on about?

New Speaker (10:34):

Yes. Yep, yep, yep, I understand

Speaker 1 (10:37):

So, if you just went like Um, email percentage, 20 book, percentage 20, and I think six, 206 it will bring up the first Asbo. Then 207 will bring up the next book behind it and so forth like that. So that,

New Speaker (10:58):

Right, Ok.

New Speaker (10:58):

that code right now, so basically that's all of everything that everything use lot have served me and all of the emails that went across, then I made.

New Speaker (11:08):

Hmm, hmm.

New Speaker (11:08):

Then my mum got blanked for 16 months because Dawn Allen, the neighbourhood office team, which the Council's in charge of, she decides; my mum was messaging her, asking her to protect me from my neighbours, they blanked me Dawn Allen, Jackie Guppy and Louise Brown all blanked all blocked my mum never talked to her on the emails for 16 months. Then all of a sudden, one of the neighbour’s, Debbie, who is Deborah Andrews who lived above me. That was banging and I got loads of recordings of this. Yeah. Who was attacking me. She was outside the front of the block and I've walked out my block and I've walked behind her. She turned around and she was so guilty for what she had been doing to me. She screamed really loud. Me and my mum wrote a letter straight away to Jackie Gubby and Dawn Allen on the emails that they hadn't been replying on. And we told them that, um, basically what had happened, I'd walked behind Deborah and I have known Deborah for years, it's never been a problem, but because what she's been doing to me recently, she must've been felt. She felt guilt and screamed. Dawn Allen decided to tell my mum, they all message my mum back on the email on when, the ones that they hadn't been answering from after 16 months, because they fought, they had something, they fought, I'd done something to Deborah and they fought now we've got something we can get Simon in trouble for.

Speaker 1 (12:22):

So basically because of that,

New Speaker (12:25):


New Speaker (12:25):

they've emailed my mum back on the emails that they'd been blanking my mum for 16 months. But at the same time, Dawn Alen sent; my mum sent in a letter explaining, well, Simon just walked behind that and explained everything away. Then Dawn Alan's decided to log into the doctor's computers and talk to the doctors behind my mum's back on the same day. And she was too faced in a sense, she said to my mum, she's going to resolve the problems for the past 16 months. She's been blocking all the emails and that, but then she's talking to the doctors and she's saying, Oh, we're in trouble with Simon, do you have any history on Simon? And the doctors are like, no, no one has any history on Simon. He's not known on any computers then Dawn Alen is like we're in a lot of trouble here. And then the doctors have said, Oh, well, now, now, now Simon can see things he's delusional. And the rest of it Dawn Allen start asking for the doctors to come to my house and do a mental health assessment. I hadn't even met her before in my whole life. All my mum had done is message her for 16 months. And then all of a sudden doing that as message, because she thought she had something on me. Yeah, now, basically all the doctors got agreed to come. She's asking them to bring, bite back spray, to spray my dog I got a gate inside my front door can the police knocked my front door and the rest of it to get in the house. She's agreeing with the police and all the doctors to meet on Shaftbury Avenue. So they can come in and do an assessment. I've never met none of them at this stage and I haven't done anything wrong then basically what happens from there is she, she knows because she's been, my mum's been getting blocked. Two days before she done that, I had, um, some police. The police come to my house or something like that and I had recording equipment all in my house. So the police were aware that I was recording anything like anybody who come into, my house was being recorded.

New Speaker (14:09):


New Speaker (14:09):

So they told Dawn Alen and Jackie Gubby, Simon's got recording equipment in his house and they didn't want to come and meet the doctors that they had arranged to come to my house. So stead they sent Louise Brown in her place because they knew if they sat in the same front room, my mum come to the other meeting just two days prior. So they knew my mum was going to be in the front room. Me in the front, my front room was going to have recording equipment. And we was going to say, well, this is your fault because you've avoided this for 16 months. Here is some evidence of what my neighbours have been doing to me. So they sent, they sent Louise Brown in her place on stead. From that day there,

New Speaker (14:45):


New Speaker (14:45):

everyone Started the next day all of the doctors are talking in the forum with them, all the Enfield Council and they have agreed that they need to make a history for me. So they started Scaring

Speaker 2 (14:56):

When Louise Brown came to your property, were the doctors there as well.

Speaker 1 (15:01):

Yeah, the only reason Louise Brown come to my house.

New Speaker (15:03):

Yeah, yeah.

New Speaker (15:03):

is because Dawn Allen herself had messaged the doctors and told the doctors are this Simon. Um, she's having problems with Simon's mother emailing her. Can the doctors come and basically take me out. The doctors come, she knew she and Jackie and Louise Brown Um, and um, no, Jackie Gubby and Dawn Allen both knew they couldn't attend because my mum would be present. And my mum had good evidence for the 16 months prior of what they had been ignoring. And that Deborah's already got mental health issues. The person that they were trying to say now is the victim Now, what happened? Because of that, they sent Louise Brown in her place. Louise Brown met all of the doctors on Shaftsbury Avenue, just over there.

New Speaker (15:46):

then they came to your property.

New Speaker (15:46):

They all come into my house. Yeah.

New Speaker (15:48):

They all came inside yeah,

New Speaker (15:48):

And they done this massive assessment on me. Yeah.

New Speaker (15:52):


New Speaker (15:52):

And this is all because of Enfield Council and the neighbourhood office teams have forced this assessment and because I've been asking them to protect me for 16 months and my mum was sending the emails asking them. So basically.

New Speaker (16:02):


New Speaker (16:02):

I've got the recording of that assessment, which is in audio recordings, which I just showed you roughly,

New Speaker (16:08):

OK. yeah, ok.

New Speaker (16:08):

where is.

New Speaker (16:08):


New Speaker (16:08):

So, all the audience or the assessment or every assessment I've ever had. I've never been found as Mental ill.

New Speaker (16:13):


New Speaker (16:13):

they've never every time I've been put in a hospital because of all of this, they've never been able to find me ill. Do you know at no point have I ever been ill, or have I ever been found guilty for any of these offences I've been accused of in any court of law,

New Speaker (16:27):


New Speaker (16:27):

I'm an innocent person till date and all of the claims were fabricated to have a negative effect on my life. And now basically,

Speaker 2 (16:37):

You know, these emails that your mum was sending.

New Speaker (16:42):


New Speaker (16:42):

For sixteen months.

New Speaker (16:42):


New Speaker (16:44):

What was she saying?

Speaker 1 (16:45):

She was explaining that basically I've lived here since 2006.

New Speaker (16:50):


New Speaker (16:50):

She put an FOI into the Councils computers at the same time and in the FOI "Cough sound" sorry. the reply come back. I've got the FOI here in the, in the book's. It said that I'm not knowing on the council's computers. There's no history in my name, all that is in the Council's computer is my housing benefits and the rest of it. And some of the letters for a support team that helped me when I was younger and that Tulip.

New Speaker (17:14):


New Speaker (17:14):

Now, all of a sudden, my mum's writing complaints to them so, Jeffrey oman who was Dawn Allen’s team leader, he wrote a reply back to my mum, a letter to my mum. And he said, he's checked the computers as well. And that there's no history in my name prior one previous offence. That's what he said. There was only there has only ever been one complaint about me prior. Now that one complaint about me, he never explained what that complaint was and the reason he didn't explain what that compliant was is, because he made it up with Dawn Allen and that, that was them lot pretend like even though they had never met me, they, they try to swindle it and turn me into the perpetrator. Like I had done something to Deborah. They called the doctors in knowing that I hadn't done that.

Speaker 2 (17:58):

Sorry. Can we go back one second please?

New Speaker (18:01):

Go on.

New Speaker (18:01):

So your mum's sending these emails for 16 months.

New Speaker (18:05):

Yeah, that's correct.

Speaker 1 (18:07):

What was she saying.

New Speaker (18:07):

She was explaining that my life that, my life, has gotten put in danger by my neighbours in so many words.

New Speaker (18:12):

Right ok.

New Speaker (18:12):

that I'm being, I'm being badly attacked in my home. And that she feels that this is unfair. It's a breach of my human rights and that it's a criminal offence. What these people are doing to me because physical or mental torture even if it like physically. If like you're a woman and it's a domestic violence um, a Domestic problem. Um, if I, if I li up some men, I'm not like that. If some men try to undermine a woman, sometimes they might not hit the woman, but it's as bad as bad as when they're undermining them.

New Speaker (18:45):

I understand that.

New Speaker (18:45):

So, do you understand.

New Speaker (18:45):

Yeah, I do, yeah, I do.

New Speaker (18:45):

So they are saying that Physical or Mental. If someone's hitting you physically, that still counts as a criminal offence. Or if someone's doing something like that to you that still counts as a criminal offence under our Human Rights. So,

Speaker 2 (18:58):

So, your mother basically was saying to the Council over 16 months. She was emailing them saying, I'm really concerned about the neighbours.

New Speaker (19:09):

Yes please protect.

New Speaker (19:09):

Were Simon lives because they are causing him harm.

New Speaker (19:13):

Yeah, yeah, basically,

New Speaker (19:14):

Is that a fair.

New Speaker (19:14):


New Speaker (19:14):

Yeah, that's ok, I understand that.

New Speaker (19:14):

She is saying, please protect my son. Please protect my son from what's going on. We have video evidence. We have audio evidence of him being attacked in his home, Dawn Allen and that blanked the emails for 16 months. Then I've walked out behind Deborah. One of the people that was doing it, she screened.

New Speaker (19:31):


New Speaker (19:31):

Debora's um, Debora had a care worker with her at the time because she's mentally ill. So one of our care workers was there. The care worker must've contacted the Council and the neighbourhood office team and said Simon um, Debora um, I just see Simon walk up behind Deborah and Deborah has just screamed and my mum. So Dawn Alan replied back to my mum for the first time of the same emails. And so did Jackie Gubby and that and they said, Ah, we, um, Simon, basically Simon, Simon's just done this to one of our clients and all the rest of it.

Speaker 1 (20:03):

My mum wrote a letter saying, Oh, that's a load of rubbish like. Simon has only walked behind somebody. And then.

New Speaker (20:10):


New Speaker (20:10):

and then what Dawn Alen done is Dawn Alen decided to move Deborah out of the house for a little while. Then they've moved Deborah back into the House and they know that Deborah had her two light-skin, Deborah had two or three children. And they were all taken off Deborah because Debra's a bad alcoholic. She's been an alcoholic since she was a child since she was younger. So they, they know that they have left Deborah, they moved Deborah into a hotel. Then they moved Deborah back in and let Debra start to attack me even more again. And my mum's writing to them. So, everything was really vicious, what they were doing to me, even though they had never met me or I hadn't ever done anything wrong, now, a year later. Lemmy start at work. And Lemmy has basically Lemmy started working with Civic in B block Civic Centre. And but you've got remember at the same time, Steven Elsmore works in the civic centre and Stephen Elsmore forged the whole Asbo, yeah, so I'll be put on curfew and locked into my house for forged Asbo. Stephen Elsmore is basically a police office, uh, that's in the civic centre and his attached to the Safer neighbourhood's office team. He's been getting lots of phone calls about Southbury Road and the old man building opposite the Southbury Rd train station that got all graffiti over it. Now the council owned that building I got all the newspaper article's proven this. Now that is the Council's building until they sold it just recently. Now,

New Speaker (21:29):


New Speaker (21:29):

he's been getting lots of phone calls and I'm on curfew for this other case a Gazebo cases that I won. eventually now what's happened is some of my friends have thrown a party.

Speaker 3 (21:39):

Over, um, in next to Lincoln road and I haven't been out for over a year because I just won another case that gazebo case that I've got arrested for handling stolen goods or something. They come in my back garden and picked up the Gazebo out of my back garden. And I said, I stole it. So I got put on bail conditions for the year and for like six months waiting for trial. When the six months I went for the trial for the gazebo case, they basically, um, extended it for another six months. So I got upset saying, well, this is long Like I know I'm going to win the case. I'll be locked in my house on a year for bail conditions. So, I phoned up doctor Javas it's opposite silver street and went over there and brought him my evidence and said I'm going to win this case. And the police have just extended the trial period for another.

New Speaker (22:25):

Who is Doctor Javas?

Speaker 1 (22:27):

He was just some Doctor, um, in, in the silver street clinic opposite the civic centre.

New Speaker (22:33):


New Speaker (22:33):

Now I just went to him and I spoke to him in person and he didn't. He said that there's nothing wrong with me. He just said that, um, he just took.

New Speaker (22:42):

Is he your Doctor.

New Speaker (22:42):

what he was is a mental health person. So

New Speaker (22:46):


New Speaker (22:46):

So, basic basically in 2013, there was girls birthday, birthday party. I throw. Um, I got told that she wanted to hire a sound system. I agreed to hire a sound system. The party initially started outside the police come and shut the party down from outside. And the party got moved just up, up to a different location. Um, somehow.

New Speaker (23:07):


New Speaker (23:07):

I got accused of taking a gazebo from the new location. Yeah. And basically the police come to my house and nicked me for the gazebo. Now I got put on bail conditions for six months waiting for trial.

Speaker 1 (23:21):

Um, I knew I was going to win the case because I could prove that I had the receipt for my gazebo and everything else. And I bought it in good faith and I bought it from a correct normal correct shop. Yeah. Then basically when I went to trial, the police extended it and the court said for an extra six months. So I've got upset. Like this is ruining my life a year, like 2013 up to 2014. This was like the 10th, 2018 to 10th 2014. Then basically because of that, I went to Doctor Jarvis opposite the silver street opposite the Civic Centre and I spoke to him and I said to him, well, this is unfair. What they are doing to me? And I feel that it's making me have depression and anxiety and I'm having my life taken away from me and being punished as an innocent person when I shouldn't be.

New Speaker (24:06):


New Speaker (24:06):

Na, He just wrote a little letter saying that this isn't right. And that got put into my, um, medical notes, um, on Rio, the doctor's notes, a little note that I met Dr. Jarvis and he said that, um, Simon was upset and anxious because of this court case and the rest of it. I won the court case after a year. I went out

Speaker 2 (24:30):

About the Gazebo.

New Speaker (24:32):

Yeah, about the Gazebo.

New Speaker (24:32):

or about the um.

New Speaker (24:33):

Yeah, about the Gazebo.

Speaker 1 (24:35):

Case. And I went out, um, I lost my partner because of the year on curfew, I was on bail conditions. I'm not allowed to leave my house after eight o'clock in the afternoon, till six in the morning, I had to sign on at the police station at four o'clock every single day. So I had to be at the police station by three o'clock in the afternoon, back at home. I had to be back at home by eight o'clock. I was on curfew to six in the morning. So I was you like that for like six, seven hours a day throughout the whole of the gazebo case, they took my passport or for me, and kept it at Edmonton Police Station after winning the case.

New Speaker (25:12):


New Speaker (25:12):

After a year, they, the police got upset, they completely set me up in the case and I've got all the case files, which prove like they really tried to set me up. So I basically, um, after that my partner walked out the door, like say at nine at night, one night, my partner from the child and I couldn't go out my front door and chase her do you know? Sort of thing I was stuck on the curfew. So I lost my partner because of the stress it put on us both. eventually after the gazebo case.

Speaker 2 (25:42):

Do you know the Gazebo case what did Enfield do? Sorry Mr. Cordell do you know the gazebo what did Enfield do is this all a police matter.

New Speaker (25:45):

That there was more of a police matter.

New Speaker (25:45):

Right ok.

New Speaker (25:45):

But what the Enfield Council has done is lived off the back of that for a second, because of what's happened is I won the case and I've gone out and met a new partner. Me and my partner she's agreed to me. Like after being with me for a while, she asked me for a child, will I give her a child and everything like that to forget my previous partner, she's the one feeding me and stuff like that. So me and her never argued or nothing in the middle of us; I was sleeping with her with protection for a while. And the rest of it like that eventually one day she come back to my home. We only come back to my flat about three times in total. So, none of my neighbours ever met her. None of my neighbours haven't met this girl.

New Speaker (26:30):


New Speaker (26:30):

And one of the times she convinced me Err well give Heidi and her a baby brother and Heidi a baby brother, or sister with her, I'm forgetting my previous partner. Who's not been there for me. So I agreed with her. Well, we're going to be a family now. Yeah. And I thought, well, I'm going to live with this person for the rest of my life. Now basically what's happened is that the.

New Speaker (26:53):

Council have come in and got involved by serving me an Asbo folder outside my front door, the police did the Council, made the Asbo and served it to me 12 weeks into getting off the gazebo case. Me and my new partner. Now, when I looked in the Asbo the day that I actually met my new partner is actually inside the Asbo for the day of 420, because I was hiring my generator to Enfield Council to do local events in the local borough and I was hired to go to a party an event called 420, which is up in Hyde park. I bought the generator,

Speaker 2 (27:30):

Sorry can I ask a question, sorry, the Council served you the Asbo.

New Speaker (27:36):


New Speaker (27:36):

Be really clear Mr. Cordell Why did they serve the Asbo.

New Speaker (27:38):

Why did the Asbo. This is this. This is,

New Speaker (27:42):

what was the exact reason for that first Asbo

Speaker 1 (27:45):

This is what, this is what really upset me while I was on curfew for the gazebo case, the police, let, lots of people that I knew continue to have parties. Now I never spoke to none of them. I was on curfew in my house for a year. Now what's happened is Steven, Steve and this is how the Council got involved Stephen Elsmore.

New Speaker (28:06):


New Speaker (28:06):

Once I got off curfew, I went out my front door because I'd lost my partner. And I went to an event called 420 to hire my generator, which I'd been hired for. When I got to the Gates with the generator, the police turned me away and said, you're not allowed to come in. And I was like, well, I have been hired here I am it is a legit event that I have been hired to, they didn't want to believe me. So I just took the generator back home.

New Speaker (28:26):


Speaker 1 (28:28):

I'd invited lots of friends to meet me at legit event. So I had invited quite a few people to turn up. They have all got down to the event of 420, but I'm bringing the generator home. They have all told me, well, they have not seen me for a year, anyway, they're going to throw an after party after 420. So, I said to them, I'll be; is it alright if I come down and say hello to you lot and all of that and they said you more than welcome Si come and say hello to us, so I went down there and that is the day that I met my new partner. I met Shannon on that day. Now me and Shannon kept seeing each other for say 12 weeks. After that, a bit longer than but basically at one stage. I've agreed to give her, have a baby with her in my house on one of the three occasions that we went there.

Speaker 2 (29:11):

Sorry, Mr. Cordell Mr. Cordell Why did "Indubitable"

Speaker 1 (29:16):

I am explaining I'm explaining that to you right now Yeah, because it has to be explained like this. What happened is I've come up. I've gone to, I've gone to the, um, to the after party. And I met this new girl, Shannon, now that is one of the first dates that is in the Asbo the 420. When I went to hire my legit generator after getting of curfew I went to the after party and met this girl Shannon. Then a couple of weeks later, we have agreed to have a baby or whatever. As mad as it sounds. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (29:47):

And then basically what's happened from there is; she's eventually gone to go to one of the clinics. Yeah. And they've said that she's got a spot on her bum. Now, they wanted to check the spot on her bum it was next to the top of her belt buckle a normal spot. I don't even remember it. They done a check on her a swab on her; now, we both had to wait two weeks for the results to come back. So I couldn't blame her. She couldn't blame me. So we've never argued. We just stayed together. And we started decided to go back out a few more times. Now I went to one or two other parties with her. And as I have turned up to one of the parties what is on Lincoln Rd the police were at the gates now, the police tried to speak to me and asked me my name. And I told them, this has nothing to do with me this event I'm just attending to say hello to some old school friends and that

Speaker 3 (30:37):


New Speaker (30:37):

Now, nothing happened that day. Now, next week after that, there's another party which was on Mill Marsh lane. Yeah. Which is just next to Brimsdown McDonald's

Speaker 1 (30:48):

And the police officer has blocked the top of the road corded of the top of the Rd So, people can’t get down the Rd half a mile down the Rd to the party. Somewhere in the Asbo and this is how I know this because it is all wrote in the Asbo a police officer got his hand cut. Now, the police officers have all lost their temper and the next I've already lost their temper. And the next day the Asbo was created by Steven Elsmore in the Civic Centre. Now what's the reason.

New Speaker (31:12):

Steven Elsmore is a community police officer.

New Speaker (31:16):

Yeah. Yeah, community police officer.

New Speaker (31:16):

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

New Speaker (31:16):

Now what’s actually happened after that is, um, Steven Elsmore has basically gone and created a Cad, took a Cad out of the police computers and he's gets a unique number with the date on it. Now he's what he's done is he's wrote the Mill Marsh Lane as the first offence, which is easy to tell because of the date's. And then he's gone into the history and gone into my personal history and gone back to 2010. This is in 2014, and he's found a party to do in Canary Wolf that got NFA by the police. He's took the information. What he'd done is he couldn't use that information because of it belongs to a police officer out of this Borough up in Canary Wolf. So, what he's done is he took all of the information out of the, uh, of the original Crimits, took another Crimits out after the Mill Marsh Lanes Crimits and put all of the information into that.

Speaker 3 (32:10):

He changed the police officer's name, which I can prove. because I've got a real copy of my PNC out of the police records. And he changed all of the copper's names in it. Now he owns a new Crimits, which is 50 after. So, say, um, the unique number from Mill Marsh Lane is 2678; now the Canary Wolf. One is 50 after that which is impossible because it was four years prior. Yeah.

New Speaker (32:35):

Yeah, Ok,

New Speaker (32:35):

It's a completely different number. Yeah. Now what his done is after that, he's found something about Ray or something, but I never got some nightclub on that. And he's decided.

New Speaker (32:45):


New Speaker (32:45):

There was something about once I was hiring a nightclub and through the night club being hired, something like that. I gave the keys back to the club and everything. Then something happened to the club. Some stuff went missing.

Speaker 3 (32:59):

I had nothing to do with that because I was on the gazebo case. But now Steven Elsmore has gone into my notes, in 2010 and took the Canary, took the information out of the Canary Wolf. Proper Crimits and created a new one, put that in. And he's seen that in the same year. He has seen the ray thing. Now he's used some of that information and started to put that into the thing, which brought this ray gentlemen into it, Ray's name, into everything. Yeah. Even though I hadn't been arrested then after that he's continued going forward and he has found another Cad of whenever, say you're a known person in, in, in to the police, in an area. What they tend to do is if a police officer pulls you over, they will create a Crimits saying oh, that we pulled this person over on this day and he talked to us. So one day I was driving from my mum's house on a Thursday at 12 midday, I'm in my normal car.

Speaker 3 (33:48):

I was driving down Alma road two, one, road down from my house, coming back from my Nan, from seeing my Nan because she had cancer, and she was at my mum's house. So I got pulled by four police officers under-covers in my car. Now they started talking to me and asking me what I'm doing. I've told them, I'm building a festival. I've just been buying some, some new sound equipment, doing the paperwork. And that and now what he's done is he found Steven Elsmore found, that Crimits afterwards. And what he'd done is he's opened up the Crimits, because it says opened on it, which is illegal. It's called Tampering with evidence and he's put, omitted loads of extra information into it. Yeah. And now he started saying, Aar, Simon is a black boy on the block. Simon said he was running black boy occupations. Now this is just me in my car on a Thursday, driving down Alma Road at 12 mid-day with nothing on me, no sound equipment, no nothing.

Speaker 3 (34:37):

Now he's put that into the Asbo as well now. So I don't see how, how he can prosecute me for that. Now he has eventually got to the day of um, Lincoln Road. When Southbury when the adults were in Southbury the old man building while I was on curfew for like six months prior. And then what he's got to on the same day, where there was another party on Lincoln road, which is next to the BMW factory. Now what he's done is Steven Elsmore, while I was on curfew for the gazebo case, Steven Elsmore was getting loads of messages off the local neighbours at Southbury Road, complaining about the adults in the building. And it's all in the Asbo. And the police couldn't go into the building or the Council couldn't get their own building back off them because there was a fragile roof in the old man building.

Speaker 3 (35:22):

And the police said, if they done a risk assessment, if they went into the building, people could run to the top floor and fall through the roof and it could cause a potential hazard.

New Speaker (35:30):


New Speaker (35:30):

So the police couldn't or nobody could do nothing about the old man. Building even low the Council are the owners of it, so Stephen Elsmore was getting loads of phone calls while I'm on curfew, for the Gazebo case and he's very upset about it, but then I've come off a curfew. I've gone over to Lincoln road to see my mates because they're gone to have a party over there. And the police have talked to me. Now, what happened is next doors to that the Steven James building. Just there is a brand new police patrol centre that I didn't know was there? Now. What happens is a PC shink was inside of that patrol centre.

Speaker 3 (36:04):

Cad 10471 and what he actually does is he makes a phone call to Bow Met CCC while he's on work. It says staff on duty Pc Shnick he makes the nine, nine, nine call. He says, a, party has just started beside me on Lincoln road. Can you send some police out to it? So the Bow CCC send a load of police out and what Pc Shink says is I think I can see Simon Benjamin. I can see Si and Tyrone Benjamin. My brother was in hospital because he had a motor bike crash.

New Speaker (36:35):


New Speaker (36:36):

Say that I beg your pardon is that you because I thought you were Simon. Cordell

Speaker 3 (36:39):

I am Simon. Yeah, my brother yeah, my dad's surname is Benjamin.

New Speaker (36:40):

Who is Simon Benjamin.

New Speaker (36:40):

My Dad's surname is Benjamin and I went to school in Benjamin.

Speaker 4 (36:47):

Oh, I beg your pardon ok Simon Benjamin and Simon Cordell there both there your names your names.

Speaker 3 (36:52):

Yeah, my dad's surname is Benjamin.

New Speaker (36:53):


New Speaker (36:53):

and I went to school in Benjamin. I've always had my birth certificate as Simon Cordell because my uncle Andrew is gay. and I'm the last Cordell. I'm the last male Cordell. So I'm supposed to carry the Cordell family on my mum was scared when she was younger. My dad might take me or something like that. So she kept me in her surname. Now basically I went to school in Benjamin. The same as my brother, my brother and sister were real Benjamin's because their names; their names were put in that. I'm the only Cordell. Now basically what's happening

Speaker 4 (37:24):

So, Pc Shinik said that he saw you.

Speaker 3 (37:27):

He saw Simon Benjamin at the party from inside of the police patrol centre. When he's on the phone to Met Bow CCC. Now the Bow Met CCC sent a load of police out they come and talk to me, come and talk to me. As I was walking into the; up to the Gates, the a load of police officer saw me and the council officers. And they talked to me and said, is this your party Simon? I said, no, l have just come to say hello to a few people, and I've been on curfew for a year, like leave it out and that sort of thing. And I'm um, with Shannon. Yeah. I picked Shannon up from South London to bring her over, so, we can both go and say hello to a few friends. Now.

New Speaker (38:02):


New Speaker (38:02):

Now, nothing happened that week. And I never knew that Pc Shnick made that phone call from the patrol centre.

Speaker 3 (38:10):

But the following week after that Mill Marsh Lane happens and the copper gets his hand cut PC, Steven Elsmore crates, the Cad. Then he goes to 2010. He takes the information out of that and puts it into another Cad after 50 after Mill Marsh Lane, which is illegal. Finds me driving down the road on Alma road. I'm in my car on, on the Thursday, puts that into the application, finds another case that. Now what he does. He finds like six case normal things I'm doing on normal days. And he changed any, any police officer that's out of this Borough, he changes the police officer's name and opens up a new Cad for them and puts all the information into the new Cad, changing all their names, like Brown A, Brown B, Brown C and stuff like that Yeah, not when he finally gets to the Lincoln Road event when Steve Elsmore um, PC Shnick, has made the phone call and he adds that into the, into the application saying I basically that, um, I was running the party and it was my party.

Speaker 3 (39:15):

Now, what Steven Elsmore also does is he, the week prior to Lincoln Road party happened and Southbury Road, party happening when I went there, is Steven Elsmore was getting phone calls prior to that, like I was saying, while I was on curfew, he takes all of the phone calls prior and he puts them all into the application, blaming me for all of the; using all of them nine, nine, nine calls for the months prior, blaming me for it all. Yeah. Um, saying, I've thrown this party over there and all of these calls are for that one day. Yeah. Now what he does then, then basically from doing that, he forgot when he was putting the information in he forgot to take the grid, reference numbers out, so, when you put the grid, reference in like X to Y into Google, it shows the old man building and, and he forgot to take all of the victim's the people phoning up phone numbers out. So I phoned them and recorded them all and they tell me, no, we phoned up about the old man building and say I don't know nothing about Lincoln road, how can we hear music from Lincoln Road? We was hearing the bloody music from, from over from the old man building. So, Steven Elsmore used all of the previous Cads before from before the Lincoln Road day from the party’s is in the old man, building but can you understand what I'm saying and he just left a massive trial of evidence for me to be able to un-raffle and foe me to be able to prove what he'd done yeah, now at the same time.

Speaker 4 (40:40):

So, the Lincoln Rd party and the Old Man Building.

New Speaker (40:40):


New Speaker (40:40):

are the same place.

New Speaker (40:40):

Are two different places.

New Speaker (40:45):

No. Lincoln Rd

Speaker 3 (40:48):

There two different places.

New Speaker (40:48):

The Lincoln road is where Steven James is, do you know where Steven James is?

New Speaker (40:52):

I do Yeah.

Speaker 4 (40:54):

The BMW.

New Speaker (40:54):

And this is Yeah, yep.

Speaker 3 (40:57):

It's behind that do you know that there is a new travel in there.

New Speaker (41:00):

Yeah, I do.

New Speaker (41:00):

behind the travelling. Is the police patrol building and behind the police patrol building

New Speaker (41:04):

Right and the old man building

New Speaker (41:04):

is if you stand,

New Speaker (41:08):

where is that.

New Speaker (41:08):

if you go to Southbury Rd,

New Speaker (41:10):

Southbury Rd,

New Speaker (41:10):

if you go to Southbury Rd, and go up the Hill and go to the top.

New Speaker (41:12):


New Speaker (41:12):

of the Hill at the train station if you, bang opposite the train station,

New Speaker (41:15):

Bus Station.

New Speaker (41:15):

there's a massive white building there and it had all spray writing all over it. Now that was the adults in that building while I was on curfew for the gazebo case. Now Stephen Elsmore was getting loads of phone calls for that building the Council are the key holders and owners of the building at the time? So the Council was very upset. They couldn't get the adults out of the building and that the adults have damaged it all. Yeah. Now, what Steven Elsmore

Speaker 4 (41:41):

But you didn't go to the old man building did you.

New Speaker (41:42):

I was on curfew No, never, never, never not in my life.

New Speaker (41:45):

No, you never went

Speaker 3 (41:46):

No I was on curfew. I was on curfew. I was on curfew for all of the dates for it. And then I finally got off a curfew. I've gone to Lincoln road to say hello to my friends.

New Speaker (41:56):


New Speaker (41:56):

for the first time in a year. And Steven, Elsmore PC Shnick has made the phone call to Bow then the following week, Marsh Lane happens. The police officer hurts his hand. They, Stephen Elsmore w when, when PC Shinnick was writing to Bow phoning up Bow, PC Shinick and Bow; Bow was saying to PC Shinick have you contacted Enfield Council about this. And PC Shinnick says yeah am going to contact them Enfield Council they say I'm going to contact Enfield Council. So, PC Shinick contacts Steven Elsmore Stephen Elsmore has been getting phone calls for months prior while I'm on curfew about the old man building. So he takes all of the calls from months prior.

Speaker 4 (42:35):

Yeah, I understand, I understand what you're saying?

Speaker 3 (42:38):

Puts them into the application creating the Asbo.

New Speaker (42:42):

Yeah, yeah.

New Speaker (42:42):

Now, he forgets to take all the victims all of the people's phone numbers that were phoning.

New Speaker (42:45):

Yeah, I understand that. I will make a note of that.

New Speaker (42:45):

Forgets to take all the Grid references out.

New Speaker (42:48):

Yeah, yeah.

New Speaker (42:48):

And then basically I'm phoning in and I'm saying, well, this is wrong. What everyone's done to me. I've never done none of this. Now, in court I've got the transcribes of Court PC, Steve Elsmore.

New Speaker (42:58):

I am sorry Mr. Cordell.

New Speaker (42:58):

Go on

Speaker 4 (43:00):

Sorry hold on one second. So all that information from the police that then is in the Asbo and that's the Asbo that the Council served you is that correct.

Speaker 3 (43:10):

Yeah, the Asbo that the Council the Council made in their offices, if you look at the Asbo its self, the flip book and you flip it open, what you'll see what is says for an Asbo to be created they have to the Civic Centre and the local Council and the Police have to have a meeting together and they have to have a meeting with the victims or the people that want the Asbo. Now there never was no real victims. There was only the people from Crown Road upset about Crown Road. No one really phoned about Progress, Way, maybe about one person, might have phone about progress. So now what the police officers did.

New Speaker (43:47):

Hang on one second, hang on a second we have got other names here

Speaker 4 (43:50):

Crown road?

New Speaker (43:50):


New Speaker (43:50):

What’s that one is it the Old Man Building?

Speaker 3 (43:54):

Yeah, Crown Road is opposites. Yeah. Crown road is the Old Man Building,

New Speaker (43:57):

Yeah, yeah, that's fine.

New Speaker (43:57):

if you, if you are at Southbury train station.

Speaker 4 (44:00):

Yeah. I know where it is.

New Speaker (44:00):


New Speaker (44:00):

I just wanted to make sure that it was just one thing and that it is not another the other Road you just said, said you said another Road then.

New Speaker (44:03):

Crown Road and Southbury Road.