Speaker 1 (00:16):


Speaker 2 (00:17):

Thanks for calling a London Magistrates courts. We record our calls for monitoring and training as it helps improve the service we deliver. If you want to know more about how we handle your personal data, visit www.gov.uk/HMCPS, please be aware. We are currently experiencing technical difficulties, so you may experience an increased. Wait time, please be aware all non-urgent cases in the magistrate courts have been enjoyed until further notice. Press one. If you are calling to pay a court, fine, press two. If you want to discuss a notice of fine, you have received press three. If you want to talk to us about anything else, press nine. To hear these options again, press one. If you want general information, go to our court buildings. For example, opening hours of facilities, press two. If you want to talk to us about a hearing taking place today or tomorrow, press three. If you want to talk to us about anything else, press nine. To hear these options to again.

Speaker 1 (01:16):


Speaker 2 (01:23):

Good afternoon you are through to Stephanie. how can I help.

New Speaker (01:24):

Hello, how you doing?

New Speaker (01:28):

I am good thank you and yourself.

New Speaker (01:29):

I am alright thank you

New Speaker (01:29):

I'm just trying to make a general inquiry. I'm trying to find a member of staff. And I was wondering if you could help me do that.

New Speaker (01:36):

Um, probably unlikely do you know where they work?

New Speaker (01:40):

Yeah. I'm Clapton junction 176 Lavender Hill. Battersea London, admin officer.

New Speaker (01:48):

Oh, what in the Court.

New Speaker (01:52):


New Speaker (01:52):

Yeah, in the Court.

New Speaker (01:53):

Is it in the Court there and, Yeah, because we're not based in the Court? We're an admin centre that covers all of the London Courts, so we don't really know individual members of staff, what did you need them for? Is it something to do with a hearing?

New Speaker (02:04):

Yeah, that's correct. Is it, is there a way that can be, um, transferred to the Court directly please.

New Speaker (02:12):

No, Lavender Hill are closed at the moment but there isn't any way but the under normal circumstances, you wouldn't be able to go in.

Speaker 2 (02:18):

They have like a help windows, you know, so you'd be able to go in and kind of make inquiries at the Court, but they're actually not working at the moment. at all they have only got there admin staff in. So they're not letting anyone in and out of the Court.

New Speaker (02:33):


New Speaker (02:33):

Unless there staff are there, tell. So, I mean unless you kind of I don't know I don't really know. to be perfectly honest No one is going to give you any contact information for a member staff. on the telephone to you.

New Speaker (02:43):

Well, I'm not after contact information. I just want to confirm contact information.

New Speaker (02:47):


New Speaker (02:47):

I just want to confirm that a member of staff actually exists.

New Speaker (02:51):

Okay. So what you could do is you could email Lavinda Hill.

New Speaker (02:57):

. So there Admin teams are working so you could send an email and ask that way.

New Speaker (03:01):

Um, I don't think that's the answer Na, as that would spoil what I’m trying to resolve at the end of it, but it's perfect. Thank you for your help today. Anyway,

New Speaker (03:10):

you're welcome. All right, bye.

New Speaker (03:13):
