Speaker 1:                           00:01                     Now, I know that there is a lot of history behind this case. What you have been laid down as the initial incident is not the start of these problems.

New Speaker:                    00:07                     t is just the starting of it. I also understand that you have been quite concerned about my mental health and that you think that because of this, because of what is actually happening to me that I should be explaining that. Yeah. This has had deterioration on my Mental Health but from me understanding the laws of the land that I represent I understand that under my Article 3 of my Human Rights.

New Speaker:                    00:28                     If a person just write Article 3 in; it will just come up with the layman terms the short summary, but you actually write; physical or mental sufferings will amount to Torture and then you will see that the acceptance of the key elements to what can happen to a person when someone is degraded by another person that that can become Torture, it doesn't mean that person's mentally ill to be mentally ill in any form of way. I have been checked by the doctors 130 times on different days now, since this has happened.

New Speaker:                    00:56                     And every time the doctor have said that there is nothing wrong with me and that I am very sane in the mind and that they've never been up to hold any section anything any section 3 or anything else on me.

New Speaker:                    01:11                     After my assessments that they have done and they have looked at my paperwork and they have read it in black and white and they have said that you are right Simon this is illegal what they are doing to you.

New Speaker:                    01:19                     Yeah, They're detaining me in my house for seven years for something that I never done. The first Asbo the Council have made four applications against me now,

New Speaker:                    01:31                     The first Asbo, which was forged, now that first Asbo is missing the signatures at the bottom of it there is no victims in the whole Asbo application and now I am ridding seven years for it. Yeah, the maximum sentence under the Raves Bill if you was arrested for it, is six months So if they didn't have enough evidence under the under criminal conviction to arrest me and to get me into prison. How have they extended the time limits and they couldn't understand the Standalone Asbo.

New Speaker:                    01:58                     There was multiple things that were wrong with the application and they realized how much trouble they was in when i was winding up the call centre at first and this is why they have done this scheme because I was calling the call centre explaining what was inside of the folder.

New Speaker:                    02:14                     I understand that Lemmy in creating a possession order.

New Speaker:                    02:15                     In 2016 for instance, which is one claim that said err, some tires have been done and one claimant that said that I told him that I am going to get him in the park.

New Speaker:                    02:21                     After two years of them attacking me and me doing nothing. Me acting in self-defence two years later telling these people to get away. The police won't protect me and no one else will and that was the minimum that I could do to protect myself from them and what they've been getting away with. Yeah.

New Speaker:                    02:41                     As the emails prove. Now basically I know that Lemmy, when you create the possession order he done exactly the same thing.

New Speaker:                    02:46                     He never got the statements of Stain, of John Irvon, or of any of the other people. He never took new statements and built the possession order

Speaker 1:                           02:57                     What he actually done is he has a line manager who is called Kinichewa and now Konichiwa was dealing with the criminal prosecution which was three cases one for stain one for them and one for them lot in the from the 16 that i am on about for the tiers and the thing.

New Speaker:                    03:09                     And what the witness care team done was Met from Hackney. Was Crown prosecution they messaged Konichiwa and said that there is no evidence in this case and that we are throwing all three of them out of the court and they throw all three of them out of the court on the 14 of September no August 2016.

New Speaker:                    03:19                     She messaged Lemmy because i have got all of the Emails of it all I have got all the emails between the prosecution and between Konichiwa them messaging each other from a freedom of Information. So she told Konichiwa there's no case in this no more. Then Lemmy has come to these people's houses and he said to them, there is no case cause Konichiwa told him that and handed them incident diaries. Because

New Speaker:                    03:47                     Now, he kept forcing himself into here houses and making them do more statements. So he took them same cases that the Crown Prosecution throw out and he built a possession order out of them.

New Speaker:                    03:51                     these lot had not giving him fresh statements so he had no statements for the possession order.

New Speaker:                    03:51                     order,

New Speaker:                    04:08                     So if you look at john Ivons statement he has tippexed out at the top of it and he's wrote in pen the new dates and no one has signed underneath it john Ivons did not know that this case was happening.

New Speaker:                    04:20                     So, when we went to court and we called for the hearsay rules 1995 and said that we want a trial.

New Speaker:                    04:21                     Lemmy ha got all stuck because he's got not true victims. like the first Asbo but what he also done was he took the paperwork from the first Asbo yeah. The bail conditions and he put that into the possession order. Yeah. And he's did not just put any paperwork in there he put the one when they subliminal threatened me inside of it yeah. In that possession order. Are you still there Annual and basically, I'm sorry that is so long? And that it is a lot of your time I am taking. And so, basically by him doing that. He, I have recordings of me speaking to Lemmy, just prior Saying to Lemmy that this is out of order what you are doing to me Lemmy please. Can you explain to me what your first complaint is? I got this on recording He phoned me on the 6th of 2017 the six months yeah. Now, I said to him in that conversation. Lemmy please, can you go into the computer and can you tell me the last complaint ever made about me? He goes into the computer and you can hear him typing.

New Speaker:                    05:18                     and he goes on 1st of January, 2017 so I lead Lemmy in the conversation and go oh well everything that you are accusing me of is out of the Time Limitation Act in that possession order under the 1980 rules So, you can't proceed with that. And less than three days later four days later he served me the Injunction Order

New Speaker:                    05:28                     but then he added an extra 42 no 22 incidents in it. that were not out of the Time Limitation Act

New Speaker:                    05:44                     So how can you get 22 incidents in less than four days. er, of him admitting on the computer on the phone the dates

New Speaker:                    05:48                     Every one that days is a copy and paste of the rest of them aggressively banging, aggressively banging, aggressively banging doing this doing that. That is why we have looked at this Injunction order and you can see it looks such a mess and now you will seem so similar the accounts. To each other and I am not happy about it and I am upset for it, for the situation that i am in and the position that they have put you into again and that I have done nothing wrong.

New Speaker:                    06:06                     [Blank.]

Speaker 2:                           06:27                     Okay.

Speaker 1:                           06:30                     I have a response bundle and I have lot of video evidence that I would like to get transcribed up, which proves that they are attacking me every day from 2014 of me phoning up the police station and asking them to protect me and it proves what these lot have really done to me and the neglect and the breaches of their statutory duties from the personnel the reasonable people who are working under the company head of Enfield Council towards me and it shows that they have, they have intrusively decided to invade my privacy and my private life and what they have done is done in such a reckless way

New Speaker:                    06:58                     [Blank.]

New Speaker:                    06:58                     it has caused me distress and emotional sufferings.

New Speaker:                    07:50                     [Blank.]

New Speaker:                    07:50                     Yeah so, on the second occasion that I come to see and you asked me and no, the first ever time I come to your office and see you asked me do I have Mental Health problems and I explained that you had met my mother once before and I explained to you No I don't and you explained to me that my mother had explained to you she had.

New Speaker:                    08:07                     [inaudible]. She is mistaken in what your / what she is explaining to you. I have learning difficulties yes but there is nothing wrong with my Mental Stability

New Speaker:                    08:07                     [Blank.]

New Speaker:                    08:48                     Yeah I have got evidence to put in for this case and in defence in properly and I would like to give you the video evidence of that and my report and then I would like for that to be served in my response bundle to the other party and that and I would like a good barrister that would represent me in my proceedings and I will 100% win the case I have just been on the phone to the claimant solicitor and I've been explaining to them about Lemmy and Lumia breaching there stationery duties. I think that they are going to be calling the other solicitor firm anyway. After they talk to you and served your firm like that I got upset so I just contacted them up about them

New Speaker:                    09:02                     Just contacted them and I recorded them I am not recording our conversation.

New Speaker:                    09:14                     Si Note: [I never realized that I had left the recorder on]

New Speaker:                    09:14                     but I record.

New Speaker:                    09:14                     [Blank.]

Speaker 3:                           09:19                     there solicitor from right now is, I'll give you the name of them. I've just spoke to the executive director and explained to her what was going to be happening. I think they've just realized how much trouble they're in and Kerwin's K .I .R .W.A.N.S. solicitor firm.

Speaker 1:                           09:36                     Yeah. Pardon?

Speaker 3:                           09:43                     What? What's, I did not understand the question.

New Speaker:                    09:47                     [Blank.].

New Speaker:                    09:47                     Yeah. Kirwan's K .I .R .W.A.N.S. Kirwans solicitor firm and the case handler is the Miller, L. U. D M. I. L. L. A. yeah. Lemmy, Lemmy, she represents this solicitor from Kirwans, solicitor firm and she, what she was is she would done five years training and after that training. She started working for Kirwans solicitor firm Kirwans.

New Speaker:                    10:17                     [Blank.].

New Speaker:                    10:17                     Yes, and I've just being on the phone to the, to the, there's a company head still that she works for. She don't just work for the company. Head Enfield Council, she has worked in partnership with Enfield Council before.

Speaker 1:                           10:41                     Since 2016 but the actual solicitor firm that she represents is Kirwans solicitor firm.

New Speaker:                    10:44                     And her thing is, um, executive director is Sonya Robins and I just spoke to them on the phone less than an hour ago.

New Speaker:                    10:56                     [Blank.].

New Speaker:                    10:57                     Yeah, I would like you to represent me and I would like you to go over my case papers and over my evidence and that's a Litigation officer I think that would only be fair on your party's behalf to sit down and go through my evidence with me. If you think that there's no weight in my evidence after you have seen it and there's no chance I will win the case then I think that'd be fair for you to dismiss the proceedings maybe or advise me to change my plea but in the circumstances and with the evidence that I have got and that we have not yet gone over that then I don't think that it would be fair on your behalf to do that to me.

New Speaker:                    11:26                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    11:26                     I have the strongest case ever and I have already told you that I am not going to cause any problems for your solicitor firm with the Council or with any other person.

Speaker 2:                           13:19                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    11:59                     I appreciate the time that you have given me and i hope that you have a good day sir.

New Speaker:                    11:59                     End of call.

New Speaker:                    11:59                    

New Speaker:                    11:59                    

New Speaker:                    11:59                    

New Speaker:                    11:59                    

New Speaker:                    11:59                    

New Speaker:                    11:59                    

New Speaker:                    11:59                    

New Speaker:                    13:27                     right. Okay. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]

Speaker 1:                           21:20                     yeah, that's a struggle. [inaudible] let's talk about men in the world. Conditional things I want to represent. Scare me. I'm next [inaudible]. I'm just telling you what that said. Just like in the PIP. Keep on telling me no, you must. Yeah. I'm Brian and [inaudible].

Speaker 2:                           26:43                     [inaudible]

Speaker 1:                           26:50                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    26:50                    

New Speaker:                    26:50                    

New Speaker:                    26:50                    

New Speaker:                    26:50                    

New Speaker:                    26:50                    

New Speaker:                    26:49                     New phone call to the court

New Speaker:                    26:49                    

New Speaker:                    26:49                    

New Speaker:                    26:49                    

New Speaker:                    26:49                    

Speaker 3:                           27:01                     Hello is this Edmonton County Court?

New Speaker:                    27:02                     It is Yes. How can I help?

New Speaker:                    27:04                     Basically, I have a few questions to ask. I'll have a case number. Is it possible I can give you the case number.

New Speaker:                    27:08                     Of course.

New Speaker:                    27:08                     is E.0.0.E.D.0.4.9.

New Speaker:                    27:10                     Ber with us for one moment.

New Speaker:                    27:10                     Ok, Thank you.

Speaker 4:                           27:28                     And who am I speaking to please

Speaker 3:                           27:29                     Mr. Simon Cordell.

New Speaker:                    27:33                     Hi how can I help.

New Speaker:                    27:33                     Basically I have a few queries. Basically I have the claimant , which is Enfield council trying to put another injunction order against me though your courts. They've put forth, this is the fourth application that they've put on me illegally and they're holding me hostage in my house. Under the first Asbo.

New Speaker:                    27:49                     application, which doesn't have no victims signatures at the bottom of it and also that it um, all the timestamps are wrong in it. They're saying that I'm an IC1, male in it. Then the nine, nine, nine callers are now, I'm riding seven years in my house illegally being detained because of it. And I basically kept phoning up and trying to get people to act reasonable like reasonable people under that statutory duties and they and going through the complaints procedures and they kept, they kept, um, they kept abusing their positions and avoiding disciplinary action and avoiding releasing me from my home.

Speaker 3:                           28:23                     Now because of this, they have continued the same company, head Enfield council have put another three applications on me since a possession order which they never had moved victims in its statements, either and then they put an injunction order on me after that to cover that up and another [inaudible] and the judge threw that out. Then they'd just put another in junction order on me illegally emergency applications. But none of them will call the emergency application in the court to get the, the missing signatures rectified and me release from being illegally detained in my house on the first application that they made in 2014 and now I don't think that the court has to, I've wrote a response bundle. I've kept a diary every day of everything that's happened.

New Speaker:                    29:02                     Hm.

New Speaker:                    29:02                     and I've kept all of my text messages for all my partners between me and my partners because they have caused the sex scandal in mine and my partner's name when we've never argued with each other and I've never had no problems with me and so forth.

Speaker 3:                           29:16                     And I've got all my medical notes and recordings of the clinic transcribed out I've been calling the call centre like, I've just explained explaining what I've been explaining to you. The nine, nine, nine call centre and they've been calling me a black bastard down the phone and telling me I've been robbed. I've transcribed all of these and put them into the recordings and speaking to all, I've spoken to all the executive directors of all the other courts that they accepted this case illegally in error of the law and I've also contacted I, I'm at a stage now I want to go through the Supreme courts, but if this application's being put on me again, illegally through this court by a judge called Taylor judge Taylor. I would like to know what the judge Taylor surname is and also I would like to be able to call them and call another meeting back into the courthouse so that I can show him my response bundle and that I am building my defence still and that this is taking me some time. It's taken me over six months to build it so far and that I've needed an extension in time to be able to serve my paperwork, my response,

Speaker 4:                           30:17                     Right you have got a hearing coming up on the 5th of February

Speaker 3:                           30:22                     on the 5th of February. The hearing is coming up, ok

Speaker 4:                           30:24                     on the 5th of February so you can voice your opinion there to the Judge

Speaker 3:                           30:29                     Okay. What is who is the Judge that actually um, allowed this to happen.

New Speaker:                    30:33                     Employment Judge it’s an employment Judge Taylor that is his surname Taylor

Speaker 3:                           30:38                     that's his surname and what was his first name?

New Speaker:                    30:40                     Hmm, hmm.

New Speaker:                    30:40                     Right let me find out if I can give you his first name just beer with me for one moment

Speaker 4:                           30:41                     Thank you.

New Speaker:                    31:00                     Hello,

New Speaker:                    31:00                     Hello.

New Speaker:                    31:00                     Yeah, I am unable to give her first name just Employment Judge Taylor.

Speaker 3:                           31:05                     Okay. I'm going to accept obviously that but under the law that I understand. Under your stationery duties that you represent for the courts. Yeah. As a reasonable person, I'm entitled to know any, any official persons under litigation cause they should all be on a registry and I'm allowed to voice my opinion.

New Speaker:                    31:23                     Right.

New Speaker:                    31:23                     Underneath there thing. So I'm quite surprised that you won't give me the judge who is dealing with me and who.

New Speaker:                    31:27                     Yeah, but I just asked my colleague but you can write in.

New Speaker:                    31:27                     ok.

Speaker 4:                           31:30                     And say that you want the judges name and we can get that referred up to the judge

Speaker 3:                           31:36                     Okay. I won't the judge's name oversly. I am entitled to know.

New Speaker:                    31:37                     Hm, hm.

New Speaker:                    31:37                     who's dealing with me.

New Speaker:                    31:39                     Sir that is fine.

New Speaker:                    31:39                     If I wanted to have a babysitter or something looking after my kid, I wouldn't just take their surname and these people are looking after me. I don't have children. So I look after myself and I want to know the person that's dealing with my life.

New Speaker:                    31:50                     Fine.

New Speaker:                    31:50                     That first name,

New Speaker:                    31:51                     That's fine but like I said you have got a hearing on the 5th.

New Speaker:                    31:51                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    31:51                     Of February.

New Speaker:                    31:51                    

New Speaker:                    31:52                     And obviously if you want the known name, just send us an email.

New Speaker:                    31:59                     Okay,

New Speaker:                    32:05                     And we can get that referral.

New Speaker:                    32:05                     What time is the hearing on the 5th may I ask.

New Speaker:                    32:05                     Hold on a second and just bear with me 2:00 O'clock.

New Speaker:                    32:06                     2:00 O'clock.

Speaker 3:                           32:07                     Hm, hm.

New Speaker:                    32:07                     Okay. Now this emergency applications has been put on me again. So now I'm being held on this emergence application. Now the day, that I come back from my home. Yeah. Now I've made a proper report in 2006 I asked the council for a um, noise abatement notice. They sent me a special one from the civic centre. Now every day in that diary I've been building, they put the diary, the table the wrong way round, say the right and go skinny I have turned it round. I've done, I've done a master's report, which is the highest grade I've done over 2 million words in my report. Yeah. All my, all my problem solving statements at the bottom all the potential causes, every email between me and every official person that they have sent me, every phone call I've transcribed. I've spent months doing it. Yeah. Now I'm, I'm obviously, they are in a lot of trouble.

Speaker 1:                           32:49                     For what has happened and what them Judges have done illegally holding me in my house. I don't think that the lower court has jurisdiction over this case and I would like the case to be weighed straight away. The judge to oversee that he doesn't have jurisdiction over the case for the Laws that are needed and send it straight up to the higher court.

Speaker 3:                           33:05                     Otherwise, I'm going to be going to the Supreme court myself. I'm going to prove everything. The day that i got released, the day that they gave me this Asbo, I'm sitting in my house and they started to.

New Speaker:                    33:15                     [Banging in background].

New Speaker:                    33:15                     my neighbours are attacking me in my house they are bang, bang. And now I have recorded this every single day and you can hear me in my house explaining to the people what they're doing is illegal to me. I'm having heart attacks in my house. I'm writing to the Council explaining that

Speaker 1:                           33:27                     I am having problems with my heart.

New Speaker:                    33:28                     That I have been; and that this is not correct. So I don't understand how this court will have the Jurisdiction to Taylor has not already understood that from what's going on. Lemmy, Lemmy and that have built this Possession Order under three applications under

New Speaker:                    33:43                     [inaudible]. Can I ask you a question? have they served you the paperwork?

New Speaker:                    33:43                     Basically what initially. No. this is what did saved them. What initially happened is the other day I was in my house and they come to my house again to get me out. They wanted to get the report, the paperwork when they come in my house i have got cameras in every room the front room and my kitchen and everything all on line yeah.

New Speaker:                    34:02                     so they cannot come into my house and get me and i have got a massive gate and dogs and everything to protect my house yeah, So they can't get into my house to get this report.

New Speaker:                    34:08                     They come in and they come to my house over some illegal pretence the other night and nicked me again, yeah, for threats to kill yeah, saying that I've threatened my neighbourhood. When my neighbours were attacking me and I phone them up. I phoned them up I phoned up Nine, nine, nine and said look I am in my house and can you hear my neighbours banging at me. Will you protect me and then BT transferred me over to the Nine, nine, nine call operator and they're on the phone. I'm recording all of this.

New Speaker:                    34:30                     Si Note: [I never realized that I had left the recorder on]

New Speaker:                    34:30                     Like I'm not recording our conversation now. That's the gossip ale honest truth. Yeah, this is between us yeah,

New Speaker:                    34:30                    

New Speaker:                    34:32                     Now I basically, they keep attacking me in my house yeah and I never done nothing.

New Speaker:                    34:38                     I never done no disease.

New Speaker:                    34:40                     they've said that they have done this to cover over what Robert Taylor done.

New Speaker:                    34:40                     This bloke called Robert Taylor.

New Speaker:                    34:43                     He was the barrister for the first case. The Asbo that the council brought against me. Now he'd done the same to somebody else a section assault if you write this down just on a bit of paper for your own inquiries and your offices, Bristow spot Light all one word Bristol spotlight.co.uk.

New Speaker:                    34:59                     Now when you look at that there, and there's another bloke the same as me, that this Robert Taylor was dealing with. Yeah.

New Speaker:                    35:06                     And he'd done exactly the same to him with this Sally Gilchrist the Executive Director of our country under Hue Gils Solicitor firm.

Speaker 1:                           35:13                     They forged all of the paperwork and done the same to this other bloke as well and caused a sex scandal in his name, they'd beat him up and done the same. No, I'd be phoning them saying, this is out of order. I put in under the prosecution the Crown Prosecution files in the right to a Fair Trial in the Right to a Fair and Speedy Trial.

New Speaker:                    35:26                     I served that to the judge and I said to the judge, um, look under I want, I'm requesting MG2, MG3, MG4 MG5, MG6, MG6E and MG6E is any person's criminal record that is dealing with my caseload. And they refuse to give this to me. And this bloke was doing exactly the same thing.

New Speaker:                    35:46                     to somebody else at the same time yeah, and they didn't pull him off and put somebody else on his caseload, that is illegal what they have done, they have got no victims signatures, all the time stamps to the call centres go backwards in time, in the course. And in the paperwork they have opened up. Every paper that they have found on the computer they have opened them up, which had been in there for a year, which are the incidents, they were all good things and edited them and then they wrote err he is a black battered. Brown boy on the block they have scribbled all over it about my ethnics and then they used these things once they've opened them and putting them into the application, the judge, they couldn't get a judge to get me.

New Speaker:                    36:23                     with the injunction order they served the Injunction outside of my front door and never served it to me correctly yeah not this second one the first one they left it outside.

New Speaker:                    36:23                     So mum, I got my mum to come down and bring it to lost property. Edmonton She handed it into the lost property and got a receipt for it yeah, all stamped Edmonton. One blue folder found outside Simons door and was never served properly.

Speaker 1:                           36:42                     Now all of a sudden that only had four victims in it. Saying that they got keep up overnight yeah, that's what this is all about. and why I got seven years for people got keep up overnight. Now I went to the, when I see the folder, I've been in my house for a year prior working for Bliss Charity, I was building a mode constitution and a CIC Association. I was working for Durant’s Park festival, Ponders End Festival.

New Speaker:                    37:01                     I had gone completely legit.

New Speaker:                    37:01                     so they couldn't they wanted to pull me back, so they accused me of all the people while I was on curfew for the first that year. Yeah, for another case that I won, they threw all loads of there is six people i there in their incidents. Now three of them. I know the people they are associates that run off and done their own thing and left me on curfew while I was in my house basically. And then that I have got to protect and then three of them could be your children.

Speaker 1:                           37:26                     So I went to my Facebook and then I copied the event profile pages, proving that I never though these events. Now, I refused to give them to the police, because I did not want to be a police informant and I don't do there lines of investigation for them anyway, and I kept showing this Robert Taylor, who was the Barrister that are in the picture of that Bristol spotlight, that I was showing you about what was going on but i would not give him the Facebook accounts.

New Speaker:                    37:44                     And they kept doing it, Now I have got all the transcripts. Yeah they accepted all the police officers. 15 coppers went to court and attended to be first-hand evidence. Yeah none of them had any progress. They were all, they all hearsay and they wrote, the case relies solely on hearsay yeah and in Highbury Court in 2007 the courts say it's against the law for anyone to have for a case to rely on hearsay. So after all of this they started trying to get me out of the country and done this to me and Shannon yeah, dirtied our names yeah and started saying that we have got all diseases and shit like that they're looked me in my house yeah.

New Speaker:                    38:15                     Sir.

New Speaker:                    38:15                     Yes.

New Speaker:                    38:15                     Can i just stop you there are you [inaudible].

Speaker 1:                           38:20                     Yes, that is correct. 100%.

New Speaker:                    38:28                     And do you have all of your paperwork ready.

New Speaker:                    38:28                     Yes madam yes i will do.

New Speaker:                    38:28                     Well get all your paperwork ready for 2:)) O'clock.

New Speaker:                    38:28                     and they never served me this injunction and that like

New Speaker:                    38:30                     Ok.

New Speaker:                    38:30                     When I was in the cell.

New Speaker:                    38:35                     Okay. You need to let you need to let the court you need to let the office know when you come here for your hearing. You need to let them know that they have not served the paperwork on you.

New Speaker:                    38:35                     Yes that is correct I will do that I understand

New Speaker:                    38:35                     How did you get this case number [She is trying to trick me into saying how i got served]

New Speaker:                    38:38                     because what they've done is they tried to reopen another case because they got the Injunction Order from before because they never severed it in time

New Speaker:                    38:44                     This case number.

New Speaker:                    38:44                     This case number, they basically, what they've done is when I got put into the police cell they tried to bring some block from an independent company into my police cell and tried to serve me the paperwork and I started to put my fingers into my ears and run over to the camera.

New Speaker:                    39:01                     and started screaming, saying, that this is against the law. you cannot serve me while I am in my cell yeah, you can't do this it says that you have got to serve me at my house or place of work it is illegal it illegal it's illegal and I was screaming at the bloke to go away and the cops would not let him in my cell yeah, so, he could not serve me and then he tried.

New Speaker:                    39:05                     So how did you get the case number.

New Speaker:                    39:05                     Because what they done is when I was in the police cell he throw the paperwork throw my letter box.

New Speaker:                    39:05                     Err so

New Speaker:                    39:05                    

New Speaker:                    39:05                     So he never served me directly.

New Speaker:                    39:30                     All right, so what you do is tell the Judge that as well when you come on the 5th of February.

New Speaker:                    39:32                     yeah. I will do.

New Speaker:                    39:32                     And in the meantime say all of that in an email.

New Speaker:                    39:32                     Saying that they have to re serve me and that.

New Speaker:                    39:32                     thank you.

New Speaker:                    39:32                     bye

New Speaker:                    39:32                     have a good day madam.

New Speaker:                    39:32                     And you to