Speaker 1:                           00:07                     Hello. Hi. It's me against [inaudible] the clients at the moment.

Speaker 2:                           00:11                     Hello.

New Speaker:                    00:11                     Hello Hi it is me again Sorry for [inaudible] at the moment.

New Speaker:                    00:11                     Okay. Should I attempt to call back a bit late on this afternoon?

Speaker 1:                           00:15                     You can call there or as I said, if there is something that you want our company to be aware of. What I suggest you do is send an email. Would you have an email?

Speaker 2:                           00:23                     If I put if I write this to, what I've got here now is an official report yet from every day.

New Speaker:                    00:28                     [Your dead]

New Speaker:                    00:28                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    00:28                     and if I send that official report to you, I've got every email from Enfield Council every text.

New Speaker:                    00:34                     Okay. [Your dead]

New Speaker:                    00:34                     I've got all my medical notes, I've got everything in that report. Yeah.

New Speaker:                    00:37                     [Your dead].

New Speaker:                    00:37                     And I'm telling you if I served that report to anybody, it's goanna cause problems. The impact that it's goanna cause in the backlash afterwards is goanna be massive. because I'm going to, I'm, I'm requesting to go to JR for this case here in a minute. I'm going to Juristically Review. The judge doesn't have jurisdiction over the case that Luminida is dealing with.

New Speaker:                    00:55                     [Your dead].

New Speaker:                    00:55                     I'm going to be serving my, I'm going to be serving my paperwork in my response bundle and once it's served then there is no turning back. Yeah. So right now,

Speaker 1:                           01:05                     well, what I suggest just again just to get the attention of the head office, you know like.

New Speaker:                    01:09                     [inaudible]

New Speaker:                    01:09                     because at the moment I said I am an assistant.

New Speaker:                    01:12                     Yeah. I can appreciate that.

New Speaker:                    01:12                     So, I cannot make

Speaker 2:                           01:15                     no matter what you have statutory duties you have to be a reasonable person. You work for a company head. That company head, you are employed. So no matter what, as an employee for that company you, you have say so now I have told you something important about was is happening, like corruption within your department. It's down to you as the assistant to call the EGM. Meeting or an AGM. Meeting an annual general meeting or an emergency general meeting in regards to what is happening within your company. This is your statutory duties. Do it's a part of our tort law and it means that you have to do this under our Magna Carta, Yeah. Which means that we have the right.

Speaker 1:                           01:51                     Okay. Yeah. I understand what you're saying and I agree with it, but it, so I can give you my email or the main Company email

Speaker 2:                           02:00                     I don't want to take your Email. I don't want to take your email. I don't want to do that. I just, I would just like a little, I just like somebody to please go over to case files and I'd like somebody to understand that since 2014 to 16 I've been sending the council emails and every MP, they're all in my report, hundreds of asking them to protect me. They chose to in entangle my personal data under DPA.

Speaker 1:                           02:21                     I'm sorry. I understand. If I, again, just to make it simple and just to make it more efficient, I would suggest,

New Speaker:                    02:30                     Calling somebody back latter.

New Speaker:                    02:30                     Well, you can call back later. I'm not sure if she's going to be available or if she isn't or if she is available. I'll pass her on to you about again. Meanwhile, why you wait why don’t try again. Why don't you, whatever you want to say over the phone, why don't you put it down on email? As simple as you can and just send it over.

Speaker 2:                           02:45                     Because once it's served to you in an email, it's, it's called an official document and official documents. Something has to be done about it. We're talking right now off the records between ourselves. Then we can clean up the mess with minimal impact. If I serve you thought people's jobs are definitely getting taken. Emails are dangerous. And every email that I'm sending, every email you send me back, I'm going to copy them emails and put them into my report and I'm going to do my problem statements below them.

Speaker 1:                           03:14                     Okay, well you can try and call back latter exactly as you wish

Speaker 2:                           03:18                     Okay. Well I'm goanna let, I'm goanna let you have a good day and I'll for I'll get in contact with Sonya. And if I can't get in contact with her by phone. I'll be coming into the office.

Speaker 1:                           03:26                     Okay. You have a good day, sir.

New Speaker:                    03:28                     Ok you to Bye.

New Speaker:                    03:28                    

New Speaker:                    03:28                    

New Speaker:                    03:28                    

New Speaker:                    03:28                    

New Speaker:                    03:28                     08: dealaeate

Speaker 4:                           03:28                    

New Speaker:                    03:28                    

New Speaker:                    03:28                    

New Speaker:                    03:28                    

New Speaker:                    03:28                    

Speaker 3:                           25:57                     mm [inaudible]. [inaudible] [inaudible]. [inaudible] no, I'm [inaudible]. Huh? Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa.

Speaker 4:                           29:44                     I'm being told for my ankle. There's nothing wrong with it. There's nothing. Oh, my mental health must ability. There's nothing wrong. There's no break time. The doctors have agreed, read the papers and said, yeah, they can't take me away with nothing wrong with my mental health. Yes, I am physically suffering or mentally suffering. Yes. Under article three of month human rights, anything that he's deep ratings, humiliating amounts too amounts. The truth that there is nothing. There is not one mental health work wrote in the article free. Did you know that? You just look at the faces of the article three on human rights and just look at it. Yeah. You don't see the food demeanour of it, but do you know when you write physical or mental health a mental sufferings amount to show that in article three then you see the full detail and then you read did not one part where it says, you can only be crazy for this to happen or have mental health issues for this to happen.

Speaker 4:                           30:51                     Oh mommy, you're in another world of all these laws I'm telling you. Oh, I'm sick of it. If you write in your human rights article free. Yeah. If you just read the facelift of it, he started to say too much. But if you write physical or men to software rooms and now to tool shop, yeah. Then you see the full article free and what we represent and what it says is that if any state official, anyone deed humiliates the needed to be littles, any party, you have to be [inaudible]. I have to fucking be labelled. I don't agree with that one. Yeah. Yeah. Be little [inaudible]. It says the couple of things that I bet. Yeah, but none of them. I'm mental health. Oh, you must have mental health. The feel like this problems that feel like they're, none of them say that. Yeah, but I still waiting in my slides. If you feel demeaned, you mediate the graded or whatever way. That's how I feel. I feel them three not mental health issue. Yeah. Depression, depression, eight don't have to be a mental health issue. The person is just knowing that something is being done to you. It causes anxiety. It causes suffering. Yes. Neglecting suffering. Yes. I'll accept that one button. Anything that would be fucking mental health. I do not know why you fucking [inaudible] evil. You couldn't like fucking right and you don't understand what you represented us. You're trying to crush me on what meal for the rest of my fucking life. You see me and my name was number then

Speaker 3:                           30:51                    

New Speaker:                    30:51                    

New Speaker:                    30:51                    

New Speaker:                    30:51                    

New Speaker:                    30:51                    

New Speaker:                    30:51                    

New Speaker:                    33:45                     [inaudible].

Speaker 4:                           33:51                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    34:31                     Hello how are you doing. Is this Emmanuel speaking.

New Speaker:                    34:31                     Blank.

New Speaker:                    34:31                     Hello how are you doing

New Speaker:                    34:31                     Blank

New Speaker:                    34:31                     It's Mr Cordell speaking. I was just wondering if you had five minutes to go through something with me.

New Speaker:                    34:43                     Blank.

New Speaker:                    34:43                     Yeah. Do you have five minutes at the moment to go through something or shall I call you back? At a more convenient time.

New Speaker:                    34:51                     Blank.

New Speaker:                    34:51                     Um, basically I appreciate it. I appreciate it that your solicitor firm represented me and that you helped me and I'm sorry that for first of all that the claimant has served your solicitor firm. I think that's disrespectful of them and I don't think it's a good business practice. You didn't have legal aid in place to be representing me again and I think that is out of order for them to do that. It just shows how, um, how, Bios they are and how determined they are to breach stationery duties, Um, basically, after you, um, you represent me. I did continue to go home and I did continue to act within the constraints of the United Kingdom's laws

Speaker 4:                           35:29                     I didn't go upstairs and cause problems Um, I'll stayed quite and I just continued to build my report, my defence that I have been building. because I would like to go to the Supreme Court and have a lot of errors in law rectified and I would like to go to Prince Philip and Lady Howe. Under my equality rights and so forth and show the unfair processing that has happened thought this case and then basically when doing that and while sitting down in my house the neighbours who were initially attacking me in the beginning. That the Council would not protect me from. That my mum has sent you proof in the way of emails before.

New Speaker:                    36:05                     Started to attack me again.

New Speaker:                    36:08                     So, I phoned up the Metropolitan Police and like I have done on every other occasion and in that conversation BT a BT handler passed me over to the call centre of nine, nine, nine, at Bow and I explained to them that I am being attacked in my house as I was speaking to you lease will you send someone to my house and like in many other recordings before they showed me neglect and you can hear the bagging in the recordings and she said, no, I'm not; were not coming out to help you. I said look I have just been released from the police station for accusations of what I have been going thru with you again.

New Speaker:                    36:36                     and basically, I'm recording this and you can hear them in the background attacking me. She put the phone down, she did and then BT picked up the phone call that the call handler put down and BT said that this is out of order what they're doing to you and I have got that on recording and now I know that I can prove my innocence and when I went upstairs what actually happened is that I recorded it when I went