Speaker 1:                           00:19                     Hello, [inaudible] good afternoon.

New Speaker:                    00:20                     Hello, is this evergreen sexual clinic?

New Speaker:                    00:25                     yes, it is.

New Speaker:                    00:25                     I was wondering if you could help me. Um, in February I attended the clinic. Well, just before February I attended the clinic and I had attended a few times before. I never really had a problem. I'd load the checks and never had a problem. On one occasion I attended the clinic and I'd been informed by a partner that I was with that there was a chance that I might have had HSV1 HSV2, which is herpes.

New Speaker:                    00:48                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    00:49                     Now, what actually happened is I, I asked for a blood test to be done and evergreen surgery explained to me that they don't normally do blood tests in regards to herpes,

New Speaker:                    00:58                     Yes.

New Speaker:                    00:58                     but I was quite, I was quite distressed about being accused of such allegations. So I asked the, I asked the clinic, they would do, do this for me. Yeah.

New Speaker:                    01:07                     hmm.

New Speaker:                    01:07                     They agreed to do it and they'd done the blood test. A couple of months later I received a phone call back off of a woman. Now, this woman explained, she explained to me that I, I tested positive for HSV1 HSV2 and I asked a general questions as any other person would. I believe it might even be yourself that I actually spoke to who actually phoned me. Am I correct in thinking that.

New Speaker:                    01:31                     I'm not so sure because it is normally another person that does the results

Speaker 1:                           01:37                     Okay. Well, what actually happened is she phoned me and after her telling me I tested positive. Like I basically,

New Speaker:                    01:44                     And this was a blood test.

New Speaker:                    01:44                     yeah, it was a black woman. Yeah, that's correct.

New Speaker:                    01:53                     No, no it was a blood test.

New Speaker:                    01:53                     it was a what.

New Speaker:                    01:53                     it was, was it a blood test.

New Speaker:                    01:53                     a black woman.

New Speaker:                    01:53                     Yeah. Blood test yeah, a blood test,

New Speaker:                    01:54                     year.

New Speaker:                    01:54                     I forced the blood test. Yeah,

New Speaker:                    01:58                     OK.

New Speaker:                    01:58                     because I never had no symptoms.

New Speaker:                    01:59                     [inaudible] there dead

New Speaker:                    01:59                     I never had no symptoms. At the same time, I never had no understand into what HSV1 was. I thought HSV1 was like If I let somebody else's blood touch my blood, I might destroy their life. And I was working in community halls with lots of children. I was working in local parks,

New Speaker:                    02:16                     hmm, hmm.

New Speaker:                    02:16                     so I was so, I was left in a bad way thinking I can't even work with children anymore, let alone have children year. After I spoke.

New Speaker:                    02:23                     [inaudible] there dead

New Speaker:                    02:23                     this woman and I asked this woman on the phone that informed me if I can have sexual contact with any other person.

Speaker 1:                           02:29                     She told me, no, I can't kiss another person, and she told me I can't have sex with another person. so, I said to her if I wear if I wear a condom, can I still have sex with my partner? She said, no, there's still a chance that you will give that to your partner. wearing a condom.

New Speaker:                    02:43                     [inaudible]. there dead

New Speaker:                    02:43                     So I was so upset. So I put the phone down. I thought my life was over. I tried to hang myself and kill myself. It took me months to repair myself. Yeah. I've sat down at my mum's bed at the end of my mum's bed one day and I was so upset like what had happened and I was like, practically at the stage where I was ready to kill myself because of what I had been informed and the way that I had been informed and she explained to me, hasn't my mother asked me, didn't you get called in for a consultation of such form.

New Speaker:                    03:08                     Hmm,

New Speaker:                    03:08                     or given no protection?

New Speaker:                    03:10                     Hmm, hmm.

New Speaker:                    03:10                     I was like, no. Funny enough, I never got given a consultation. I never got given protection. So I arranged another meeting with the clinic and I come and I see a doctor, Chung wing, I believe her name is Chung Wang or something.

Speaker 2:                           03:20                     Oh no, no, no, no. I'm that is the consultant here. That's what our consultant is called

Speaker 1:                           03:24                     You had a consultant. Now in meeting a consultant. And I brought another witness with me because I was quite concerned for the, for the, for how the company, how Evergreen had actually run it, run itself. And how it actually contacted me and told me this information. In getting to the office, I looked into the files and I looked at my own blood tests results.

New Speaker:                    03:44                     Hmm, hmm.

New Speaker:                    03:44                     And it says it suggest I may be a carrier, not that I am a carrier, It said that it suggests. Now, this woman misinformed me. So what I asked Mrs. Chung to do was to write me a letter explaining that, explaining that I was misinformed on the phone. She did write me this letter and I, I have a copy of the letter and it says, I'm sorry that you was informed. Informed incorrectly. Yeah, but it doesn't really go into detail to who the person was that informed me incorrectly and how she did it.

New Speaker:                    04:15                     Hmm, hmm.

New Speaker:                    04:15                     And how she did inform me incorrectly.

New Speaker:                    04:16                     There Dead

Speaker 1:                           04:17                     It wasn't as conclusive as I wish it could be. Now I'm still left in a state of confusion even to this date now because that letter contradicts itself in three places. It says that there, might still be a chance of me giving it to somebody there might be this, but on the bottom hand it says that it suggest I may be a carrier. I'm a very confused person.

New Speaker:                    04:37                     I still feel very.

New Speaker:                    04:38                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    04:38                     suicidal because of the advice that has been given to me.

New Speaker:                    04:42                     Year.

New Speaker:                    04:42                     and I've, and I've read and I've learned from a lot of places now and I understand I should never have been informed in such a way and I should have been called in for a consultation. I'm at a stage where I want to put prosecute. I want to put a proper complaint in, in regards to this.

New Speaker:                    04:55                     Hmm, hmm.

New Speaker:                    04:55                     and.

New Speaker:                    04:55                     There Dead.

New Speaker:                    04:55                     I'd like to know who the person actually that gives the results out to people is because.

New Speaker:                    04:59                     There Dead.

New Speaker:                    04:59                     this destroyed my life still today Now.

Speaker 1:                           05:01                     I still don't know how I feel. I don't even want to talk to other people anymore. I won't even say hello to another person anymore because of it let alone work in a community hall with all the children, I've got emails and me having to ask my community hall questions that I should have been informed by yourselves.

New Speaker:                    05:16                     Like, am I safe working around children anymore? I've had to write, I had to write to my secretaries and things like that. I've got all the correspondence. I'm asking other people the advice that I should've been given by yourselves or by other representatives of your company. I was wondering if I can find out the person's name, if I can get re sent out a copy of the letter that was wrote by Miss. Chung so, I can have another copy of that please And I would ask and I would like Miss Chung to re go over what she's wrote and see how contradicting is and how that could lead.

Speaker 2:                           05:47                     I think what I would suggest is, um, what's this? We would, um, what do you have worries in the compliant, isn't it? And the other, is I don't know what, what's happening at the moment. I don't know about the letter. If you want, you can see our consultant Um, we have, um, Doctor [inaudible] is not in the clinic, Um, she's, Oh leave. So it, it's another consultant that is on the clinic.

Speaker 1:                           06:14                     Yeah. Can I see another consult and arrange another meeting with another person then.

New Speaker:                    06:17                     Year, you can hmm,

New Speaker:                    06:17                     Can I actually find out what my blood tests were actually, because from reading now,

New Speaker:                    06:24                     I'm not really sure. I think what you have to do is when you see the consultant, I'm going to speak to him. When you see the consultant, then they can check everything. because obviously we don't have your file here.

Speaker 1:                           06:33                     Yeah. What blood tests were actually taken on the [inaudible] . Well, can I,

New Speaker:                    06:38                     Year because I will not know.

New Speaker:                    06:38                     Can I arrange that meeting for as soon as practically possible then please so that I can resolve these issues.

Speaker 2:                           06:45                     [inaudible] will have to inform office. I will have to speak to our consultants on because, um, our newsroom, I don't, I'm not so sure. Um, was this when he is available, but, um, let me get your name and then I'm going goanna let you hang.

New Speaker:                    06:58                     UR, OK.

New Speaker:                    06:58                     Ur, hang on for a while.

Speaker 1:                           06:59                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    07:00                     What is your name.

New Speaker:                    07:00                     Mr. Simon Cordell, C O R D E L L.

New Speaker:                    07:08                     And what is your date of birth.

New Speaker:                    07:08                     26, the first 1981.

New Speaker:                    07:13                     26th of the 1st.

New Speaker:                    07:13                     of the 1st 1981?

New Speaker:                    07:16                     January, year.

New Speaker:                    07:16                     Yes, that's correct Madam.

Speaker 2:                           07:17                     Okay. And um, your mobile number?

Speaker 1:                           07:20                     Um, I can be contacted on 02082457454.

Speaker 2:                           07:32                     I'm going to have to see if our consultant is available at the moment because she, he is in the clinic. If not, I'm goanna. Um, let you hang on for a while. Let me just have a look. Yeah.

Speaker 1:                           07:43                     Okay. That's perfect. Thank you. Thank you for your help. Okay. Okay.

New Speaker:                    08:10                     Hi.

New Speaker:                    08:59                     Hello?

Speaker 2:                           08:59                     Hello. Yeah, he's still, with what is it a patient at the moment and they're doing I think a procedure. So, um, they told me I have to wait, so what I'm going to do. I'm going to have to talk to him once he started, because I told him what is this and I told him to see me once his done and then I will speak to him and um, yeah. Can we call you on 0208 245 7454.

New Speaker:                    09:26                     245 7454.

New Speaker:                    09:26                     So can we call you like in 5 or 10 minutes.

Speaker 1:                           09:27                     Yeah, that'd be perfect. Did you actually, can you actually see the copies of the letters that were sent to myself?

Speaker 2:                           09:32                     No, no, . I don't know anything and he will not know, he might not know anything.

Speaker 1:                           09:43                     Himself.

New Speaker:                    09:43                     Um, yeah

New Speaker:                    09:43                     That's perfect. Thank you for your time. for your help.

New Speaker:                    09:47                     so, 0208 245 7454.

New Speaker:                    09:47                     That's correct.

New Speaker:                    09:48                     Thank you for your time and thank you for your help.

New Speaker:                    09:49                     Okay, bye.

New Speaker:                    09:52                     bye.