

Good morning ASB team speaking Lemmy speaking

Hello Lemmy how are you doing good morning it's Mr Simon Cordell

Hello Mr Cordell good morning

Yeah, I was just wondering did you get the last two messages that was put onto your answer machine

I have only just come in

Ok I left a message on your answer machine on Friday for you

I was not here

Ok I understand that and I also left a message over the weekend so I think you would have two messages on your answering machine in regards to your application

I have literally just got in

Question to ask you

Ok go ahead

Is it ok to ask you a question then?

Yeah go ahead

I just wanted to know how's your career because obviously you're working for Enfield Council what is a company are you trained as a solicitor


Why what has that got to do with anything

Because you gave me an application the reason I'm asking you this question it's because you've handed me an official letter that have caught you personally posting through my letterbox I spoke to you outside with the police officers outside the front door when I call you now my concern right now is after reading that myself I'm quite well knowledge in the law and I'm concerned that you don't have no first-time material witnesses and you personally me on tape recordings that there's no truth found in these allegations and I'm saying to you

I said that they are just allegations

Yeah let me just allegations yeah

Yeah, no reason why and that is why I just wanted but you can't friend to take my [00:01:44] 

And then if the police find any truth in them then you can follow through the police have already arrested me for these allegations and found them not true

This has got nothing to do with the police this is a civil matter

No, they are all criminal matters

As I keep trying to explain to you

Lemmy all of what you are saying to me are criminal offences

This is a breach of tenancy matter

Lemmy all of what you are saying to me Lemmy what you are saying to me are all criminal offences yeah Lemmy I am happy to meet with you anyway Lemmy and I'm happy to come to you lot because I built a book like I've explained to you a 600 page book of everyday of what they done to me in this house up to date with all of the recordings that I've got transcribed inside of it and you are now in my book Lemmy so anybody can hear your precise words that have come out of your mouth Lemmy know and like I said I'm going to show this to the public and I believe put my hand on my heart let me I never wanted when I said to you in the first conversation that are transcribed the messages and I'll send them to you after speaking to you I felt you humanities for you I felt do you know what this is a person is coming to this situation and he is just following the lead of the other people so let him have a bit of time to analyse the situation and really know what I'm saying has heart and meaning to it and that these people were trying to kill me Lemmy police let me these people trying to kill me Lemmy year


Yeah you can't find to take my home off me over allegations unless any truth found in them in this country let me, I feel that you're trying to trick me

It has to go before a judge anyway


And these are the reasons that I wanted to speak to you

Yeah but you can't pretend to take my home off me over allegations unless there's any truth found in them first

No, no let me can I say something you can't

Go on

Ok so I can say something to you and you normally I would have a fair trial I'll never hearing while claiming hearing loss low 4 or something like that in regards to these issues or I'll be able to sit down and you'll be able to give them to the police 214 time


And I have been showing

Mr Cordell Mr Cordell Mr Cordell

In 2014 Lemmy may I say one thing to you listen to me listen to this it's important 

P2014 when it's all first started to me they started to victimize me yeah I started to get all my friends to stay here and we started to take witness statements of them and they were all victims as well so now I have got at least 30 friends throughout the last few years that I stayed in that have all done then nothing and to stop them going upstairs and taking things personally as well I've made them right witness statements on Stead and little willing to come to court with me let me hear and to top it off the allegations I'm saying against these not these. I've attempted to kill me let me yeah

What they doing to me is very badly me yeah now what I have done when the doctors tried to come into my house to cover up what the police had done they come in my house and I had tape recording systems waiting for them let me know because I knew what they was trying to do trying to get me off road to cover the mess that use lots well your other colleagues have made and to cover up the mess that the police themselves have made yeah so I knew that I was coming and so did my loved ones and we are waiting in this house with tape recording systems for them doctors have been at my f why this has been going on and they have not found me crazy or anything wrong with me or her anybody I'm always very well minded and a very intelligent person let me



Unwanted applications they broke into my house with a fake warrant and I have got them all on tape recordings from the meeting that they forced with a fake Warrant to get into my house Lemmy they also came with a council officer yeah now that cancel officer was in my house when all this was omitted on the tape recordings Lemmy now they all lose their jobs for ever Lemmy because I have handed it to a complaints department advocate for the NHS and she said to me Simon I'm scared to press enter on the keyboard I'm can understand they you know the law and you can see what you have wrote if you want me to press return I will press return yeah Lemmy that's how much trouble these people are in Lemmy

These things that you are telling me

No, they have no me because I explained

No, it hasn't missed a call down listen please

Lemmy let Me Explain let me let me finish what I am saying and I will listen to you let me just finish let me finish because it's one thing let me

Don’t Tell me about court issues

I am saying let me finish let me please don't be rude to me let me let me I'll give you half an hour on the phone after let me please let me just finish let me because it does have relevance but you have to let me explain to you why it has relevance let me you have to let me explain myself to let me I listen to you you've got half an hour after I have finished we don't have to get off the phone let me so just let me finish please let me finish let me do not want to talk to you this morning


No Lemmy you cannot tell me that you do not want to talk to me this morning you are trying to take my flat what do you mean that you don't want to talk to me Lemmy you're trying to take my flat off me and I am recording you

Yeah by all means recorded me

Yeah Lemmy yeah Lemmy see what I'm telling you I'm willing to come down to the Civic Centre right now I'm going to come down now my solicitor willing to come with me if you aren’t busy I've got a private solicitor let me I've been on the phone to your legal department the Civic Centre already to call him and to all the legal departments that letter that you sent me should have gone through their hands you shouldn't send legal letters if you're not trying to lose it yourself or have them checked and I phoned up the legal department of the Civic Centre already and are you with me Lemmy



And I swear to God let me I know my rights so now what I'm trying to finish off with is that day when that house officer came into this house

In two thousand and fourteen and I recorded them I showed them exactly what name neighbours the Matthew the guns and Deborah were doing to me I walked up to the taps and show them you can listen to it on the tape recordings and see it was all the police were in here and I ask the council offices to protect me from what these people were making me fixing to let me and now you're telling me you're upset that I have knocked on the door yes I may have knocked on the door 6 times in the last 15 years of living in my house but that's to defend myself let me and to ask them to stop making me fixing because you lot won't take action and protect me know me neither will the police because you both signed a load of fools paperwork that has got me seven years of my life let me taken away if you make me homeless Lemmy I'm not legally allowed to be homeless I can't sleep in a park I can't sleep in a police station near me that only place I'm legally allowed to sleep is in a refuge where I won't sleep because I've already told you I've got gangs after m all I'm allowed to sleep in an industrial estate in commercial buildings so if you take away my flat away from me I'm legally allowed to go back to 2 what and all the copies that falls this paperwork and broke my human rights and use this flat as a prison cell you're going to show them for their true colours [00:07:53]

Because it is all going to come out because I am going to need somewhere to stay and I'm telling you it's going to be one of them where heart is where I should legally be allowed to stay Lemmy you are going to show them how bad these police officers and councillors really breached my human rights and how they use in my flat as a prison cell then me and you that I getting paid rent for this prison cell that I'm living in you took my personal home away from me let me I'm not allowed to hire equipment out to anybody personal or otherwise personal means if I give you an amp personally or a speaker or otherwise is business than me to me unless I have Enfield council's signature that is to any private birthday party that is to anything then me I am not allowed to do nothing I have a lot of Sound equipment sitting in a lock up and I can't use it I have to come to use them and I've wrote to every other borough has told me that use that are wrong in writing what you have stated because every department has its own licensing department let me and because it says illegal the organisation of illegal raves it is an illegal offence I have never been arrested for something that is illegal than me use not holding me in here and I have the true Facebook profiles of the people that you're setting me up to be but I don't see why I should have to hand them to use that to prove my innocence and grasshopper London up [00:09:11] 

And use lot are trying to take my home off me when you are not protecting me let me yeah I'm telling you I have done nothing wrong here yeah and these allegations I have that woman from 117 saying we're doing this to get a new council flat we want new council flat I have her all and recordings Mathiyalagan 117 every time I have been to the front door to protect myself I bring this dictator phone that I'm using against you and record the conversations so anything you want to hear about what really happened I'll play the audio to you let me you still there Lemmy

Whenever you are finished, I will start to talk I'm letting you talk first like you asked me to

OK Lemmy I am happy to listen to you now


I have listened to you without interrupting you so I'm going to say my beer please if you interrupt me, I will put the phone down

Ok and thank you for doing that for me let me let me

Alright and I have explained to you and it is in your rights to seek legal advice the action Enfield Council is taken against you is not criminal it's for civil matter it's a breach of your tenancy agreement so it's within your rights

It is harassment I have already been arrested and found not guilty for these offences

See what I'm saying I'll listen to you

Ok I'm sorry

I did not interrupt you I will put the phone down now all I'm giving you some advice you have to write to take the advice or you can do whatever you like now

No now that voice I need to give you if that this is a civil matter when Enfield Council house do you signed a tenancy agreement

15 years ago

And this is a breach of that tenancy agreement

No I have not done what you are saying that I have done and I'm saying that I'm willing to come to the office today now and willing to have a meeting can you please set a date so I can come with you and show you my evidence and defend myself fairly

We have offices

Can you give me a date just to come and defend myself and show you what I'm legally telling you about being writing and let me show my side of the story and give me a date today now please and I'll bring my solicitor and you can bring your legal department and we can put my side down on to paper

I do not need a legal department present

Ok then can we arrange a meeting then you don't need a legal department so can I come to you then please let me I hope you know that this is getting recorded let me

It does not bother me whether you are recording it or not

Let me the general public will not agree let me you just come to work to pay for your mortgage the same as anybody else and your pet and gain your pension don't take things personally because you're upset than me because that's what you are doing

I am not upset

So can you set a date then please for me to come to the office like you was telling me to do that's all that we need to do is a date then I'm going to come to you and then I show you my deference and you can make your decision after I've shown you it


Things will begin to make sense this conversation I am free on Wednesday so you choose your time when you want to come and you give me your mother the right to speak on your behalf so if you can also invite her to the meeting

Yes, that is correct

Let me and if I show you true of what they're doing to me in 2014

 Mr Cordell I'm going to put this phone down

No that's not correct I am just asking one question

I'm going to put the phone down

Don't do that please don't do that no me because this is my home and I don't want you to do that

You asked me to arrange a meeting I am trying to do that

Yes, you said Wednesday and I said 12 o'clock I am happy to do that with you and that would be perfect

12 1 clock on Wednesday is just fine so

Ok what the Civic Centre what floor what room where do I meet you

If you come to the Civic Centre and go to reception ask to speak to Lemmy

And let me if I bring you the video evidence can I ask you on that day at that meeting understand that you're going to be showing me points and I'm going to be showing you the true evidence that proves are never done these things that you're accusing me of yeah and I'm going to defend myself but if I show you the evidence of what they've been doing to me while I'm a tenant yeah while I was still a tenant in 2014 if you did find any truth I coz let me I want them to go to prison let me and I don't care about 10 years that woman and that man and so stand and so is Karen I've lost my right finger Lemmy


I have been putting a naughty hospital because of them because they made false allegations and started let me when you see the truth of what has really happened you're going to realise that they should go to prison I can't even believe what you're telling me that I'm in trouble for aren’t even a prison able offence and what you're using their signatures for right now against me or at least 10 years sentences and with the evidence that I have they won't just get 10 years they get 30 and have to pray that they end up consecutive and there be lucky to get Lemmy I am a very intelligent person and know what you are doing with these people signatures after I've been found not guilty it is out of order Lemmy let me I want you to treat them the same way as what you are trying to treat me for what they done to me in 2014 and up to date once I show you all the videos and bring all of my witness statements with me let me I want to be treated like a person as well but a person with credibility

Mr call down we have been very, very, very patient 4 weeks what has been going on we have been patient with

No Lemmy you have allowed it to go on you have not been patient I have been calling you and you have not been protecting me I have you all on recording in my flat and loads of other times asking you not to protect me I have also got the videos of Me showing the police and everything and telling them what my neighbours are doing and the police officers run out of my house and I have them on video


I have them on video going please Simon don't get us involved don't show us that stuff I said to them you are supposed to protect me see when Jackie Gabby was in this house  that is another  time go and see her and say did you go into Simon's house with two police officers because I recorded her and she is telling me that she moved Debbie out of the house a week before to a hotel and what's Dan and what the Matthew the guns are doing is definitely not Debbie because she has put her into a hotel use not paid for Debbie who lived in 113 to be put in a hotel

Alright just give me one minute can I trust continua say something

They are very serious charges that I am saying to you lots and you all not doing anything about it and your key workers are my Witnesses because I have them on voice recordings

Lemmy because of what you've done you're going to rap a lot of people up

Mr call Dale can I just say something

Of course, you can say of course you can go on

There are certain conditions that would have to be made if you do not want us to seek possession of your property number one you have to stop harassing your neighbours

Never did harass my neighbours if I ever did anything it was just defend myself



Hold on hold on

I defend myself because use lot don't defend me let me

Hold on hold on let me finish for number one you have to stop harassing your neighbours

I never have

Number two you have to give Enfield Council unlimited amount of access into your home when they want to come to see you

Lemmy I have allowed the council into my flat recently over six times in the last couple of weeks six or seven times they have been into my house

No, no

Lemmy do you know why 117 can I say something to you

This is Monday morning Mr Cordell and I'm not going to get into an argument with you

Yes and I agree with that too

Thank you very much this phone call has lasted 16 minutes

Yes and I am glad that you have actually spoke to me and that you have spent 15 minutes of your page salary 15 minutes of your paid salary to look after a one of your clients tenants let me 15 minutes of your paid salary let me to look after one of your pay tenants when you're trying to take his flat let me

I am going to have to end this phone call you are coming on Wednesday with your mother so when you come on Wednesday we will discuss everything

And are you going to arrest these people when I show you everything true crimes that they have committed that they have done to me with real witness statements

 I am not going to

I am not going to I am not going

Are you going to take the real Lions of Investigation and treat them the way that they deserve to be treated then me

I am not going to I am not go I am not the police


The police it is only the police that can deal with

But you are not the police but you are dealing with harassment right now intimidation they're all criminal offences let me they're all criminal and they've all been found not guilty by the police about me the police have said that have not been found guilty before Lemmy


Let me have been found not guilty I have been arrested and found not guilty already let me I went to an interview we spoke in the interview room for threats to kill 


I have got the CD for it near me from when I went there a few months before you all started writing this the police found me not guilty c stand next door's Stan wrote a statement in June 2016 and what supposedly happened is I Stan pepper salt in me all the 2014 and I kept calling the council offices to come here and I know you would protect me by 2016 I was supposed to have said test done if I see you in the park I will get you if you keep doing what you're doing to me you're destroying my life and had his life and Shannon's life you're ruining my life and you've got no right all I've ever done is look after you stand and treat you with respect yeah that's all I've ever done for you and care for you like a father figure stands for you to be doing this for spoke to me is inhumane treatment and it accounts to torture yeah it's not fair so 2016 I'll supposedly said to Stan if you keep doing this to me I'll get up doing something to you because you don't even know Shannon's phone number or Heidi's phone number to make sure that they're ok I want something like this done I'll phone I phoned them right now I need to speak to both of them you've got no right in victimising me and then a your constitution should protect me it says that there should be no political Persuasion or oh I see Status nobody should be treated any different

The phone cuts out by lemon putting the phone down end of call