MP3 mp3 Lemmy

Hello Lemmy it is Mr Simon Cordell again from 109 Bancroft Avenue I've been trying to contact you for my 9 o'clock this morning and I the phone keeps ringing now, I'm not sure I believe that you must have the message that I sent you yesterday, as well because yesterday the answer machine was only ringing once and this could get proved by the recordings and now it continues to ring, so I’ am hoping that you're going to contact me back, like I asked you to do, on your answering machine and just so that you can know that I'm being serious with you and about the recordings that I have also why I’ am quite confused is because in the recordings I have got of our first conversation; you kept mentioning that could not be proved and that is just allegations, so I'm going to play a bit of your own voice to you, just to let you know what time it is with the evidence that I have;

Lemming: Hello.
Simon: Hello is that Lemmy I am speaking to.
Lemming: Yes, Yes, speaking.
Simon: How are you doing?
Lemming: Who am I speaking with, yes I am good I am good, is that Simon.
Simon: Yes that is correct, it is Simon.
Lemming: How are you doing, hi?
Simon: Well I am OK I am just generally OK, I was just phoning in regard to the letters that I have been receiving of yourselves I have never really spook to yourself in person about it and this is the first opportunity that I have had.
Lemming: OK.
Simon: So I just wanted to take that opportunity and explain to you about how I feel about your request from me to come to a meeting at the civic centre on Wednesday the 22nd of February 2017 in regard to allegations of Anti-Social Behaviour, Harassment, Intimidation and threatening behaviour and my concerns are; is it OK to go through them with you.
Lemming: Yes, yes we need to meet with you.
Simon: No, No, you would like to meet with me, Lemmy not that you

Any way Lemmy if you really want to hear the rest of it, I will come down and play it for you, but you keep admitting that none of this that you are stating has been proved yet.

you're not giving me the right to go to trial not giving me the right to be seen Lemmy and I would like them rights I have now contacted the doctor's from when I was put into the hospital, by the council, police and the doctors are also writing a letter to confirm that I was continuously going on about you lot not protecting me and not doing the right things by me.

I also have the emails on Jackie Gabby, as well of when Jackie Gabby come here and told me that she had put Deborah Andrews in a hotel and she stood in my front room and I have got the recording of her with two police officers came to my home when she explaining this to her, when she moved Deborah into a hotel, so the banging for that week, them two weeks that I showed her the video evidence to wasn't Debra and she continued on and said yes it must be stain because she with the two police officers herd stain doing what they was doing to me and heard the Mathieu family doing what they was doing to me, she never continue to help me after that, she walked out the same as one of the doctor's come in here year, if you want to see some of this evidence I am waiting for you to call me to come down Lemmy yeah.

and I'm upset isn't making my days disappear I am supposed to have 2 weeks before you try to take my flat I'm trying to deal with it the next day and you're avoiding me in and I am trying to deal with it the day after that and you're avoiding me Lemmy, this is my time that you've given me you told me you want to have a meeting with me, I want to come down Lemmy at the earliest opportunity, not on the last day of the last two weeks so that you can use this to your advantage yeah,

I want you to take the first opportunity which is yesterday Lemmy, to have me in that building, today is another day that you can have me in the building Lemmy and I want to be in there today yeah, I don't want to be phoning you tomorrow Lemmy trying to get into the building tomorrow Lemmy and having the same problems please can you contact me back, because you've let me in fear of losing my flat, I'm legally not allowed to be homeless Lemmy yeah, I'm not allowed on Industrial Estates where people live in commercial buildings once you take my flat of me, or if you do take my flat of me year, to fraudulently, fraud the paperwork to make to make that happen Lemmy,

like I noticed that has happened, because that were going to come to my house I listen to see 117 lemmy117 the landlord of 117 tried to break into my house the other day, he come down to my house and I recorded him Lemmy yeah, and he pretended that he was a plumber, I've never met this gentleman before he is the owner of 117, he tried to pretend to me that he is a plumber I tried to get in my house yeah, I've only just work this out Lemmy because I just see his face yesterday yeah, I know Lemmy I could do an ID parade and I would point him out  Lemmy, he tried to break into my house under false allegations and false pretence that he is a plumber, when really he is the land owner Lemmy that is another illegal activity and I want you to do something about it Lemmy yeah let's keep this moving, can you please contact me back please or my mother like I have asked OK thank you goodbye.