Edmonton County Court (2).WMA


[00:00:03] Dog Barking in the Background Noise.




[00:00:04] Stop barking.


[00:01:14] How are you doing. who am I Speaking to?


[00:01:17] I'm not here. Okay. Slow and steady. anyway, You made me laugh.


[00:01:23] how can the court help.


[00:01:24] You are good. You are good. Basically, I have had an application go through that was fraudulently put under the Companies Act by a gentleman called Lemmy who works for Enfield Council.


[00:01:33] it is Mr. Cordell on the phone. Simon Cordell basically hmm, the application wasn't ever served to me in accordance to the law and the prohibitions for service of Notice. So, what I initially done was I went up on the 1st of January this I was in a police cell and when I was in a police cell being detained I had to have an appropriate adult my appropriate though I attended the police station and we had an interview with My solicitor at present after my Solicitor left and my appropriate left the police custody officer allowed the third party company to come into the police cells and try to serve me. He never mentioned. He never gave me no forms while I was in the cell. I couldn't open the door and the affidavit of services said my home address. So, I believe I was never served. When I was in the cell I'm waiting for the records. Now what happened is I went to court and I explained this on. On the 5th of January four days after the 1st yeah, and the judge was there he was very kind and a good judge and what he said is that he refuses to put the um the injunction order from me till he sees the affidavit of service.


[00:02:45] He refuses now I said to him in that courtroom. Is the tape in this courtroom being recorded. And he swore yes. Kept courtrooms being recorded and you can request a copy of the court case and you can hear it. I'm telling everybody that this is not on you. The injunction is not on you. So, on the 5th he told me it's not on me but what he would like to do is on the 30th which was.


[00:03:08] hmm, hmm.


[00:03:08] Yesterday. He would like to have another hearing. He would like to see the other day service and in that time of seeing the affidavit of service he will hmm he will tell me on the 30th  whether it is activated yet or not.

Yesterday I didn't go because I was feeling to ill to go to court but was able to call my mother to attended for me. And what's happened is a number of judges come into place and she has now said that she's seen this affidavit of service. She agrees that I wasn't served in the police cell but while I was in the police cell a bloke went to my front door and he's put something through my front door an affidavit of service a notice of service. Now she's saying because I attended court on the 5th she believes I and I I touched this service.

Now she's not only just started the injunction from starting from yesterday. She's saying it starts from the day when the judge said it wasn't on me which was which was the 5th. So she's saying she's back in everything that's happened in between which is all fabricated stuff that made up loads of stories ger stories which I have got the video evidence for. Now what I'm upset about is I couldn't have been served on this day yeah because I have a camera in my corridor one in my front room one in my kitchen on 24 hour recordings so you can see while I was in the police station not getting served in accordance to the law. You can see someone post something through my letterbox because my letterbox is recorded. Then you can see that my mother comes to my home address and then she, while I'm in the police station she takes the paperwork she opens it up she gives it to another gentleman my uncle he plays with it in my front room they're all reading it throwing it over in the front the dog's jumping all over him for two or three hours the police officers come to my house and do a section 18 while I'm in the cell yeah and there, there look at everyone's playing with his paperwork in the front room then my mum leaves the house while I'm still in the police station on the cameras with the paperwork. So, when I come back home you can see me walk through my front door. My cameras and there's no paperwork in my flat. I've never been given this paperwork yet. But then I got told on the 5th I got told by my mother who walked out the house that the police wanted me to let them know there was someone doing saying my name in court. So, I attended on the 5th just to entertain what was happening.


[00:05:23] yes.


[00:05:23] Now I've been told that an injunction activated because they're saying I've been served notice but I could not be served notice if it was not in my house and it's never been given to me in my hand. So now I'm supposed to have an injunction order on me and a lower court put on me. And it's not just an injunction that starts from yesterday. It's an injunction. Now she's back to the 5th. that starts from the 5th when the judge clearly said on the 5th he refuses to put this on me.


[00:05:48] Er yes, Sir How can I help you right now?


[00:05:50] I get an injunction order me because your court because your directors and your court have caused a miscarriage in the law. Misconduct and I would like to be called back into court a statutory declaration of notice it's not I'd like to be out bring the video evidence of the affidavit being taken out of my house when I was in the police station. that I have not been served and I'd like the order revoked.


[00:06:11] Ok, so do you have the paperwork ready. hmm with regards to making this request for the judge to see you to bring you into court


[00:06:16] a statue.


[00:06:21] This is why I'm on the phone to yourself. I have got I could. I'm just asking you if you can help me feel the statutory declaration of notice in and have the case released it so I can show my evidence and that there is an error in law and that's putting me at risk. I've done a risk assessment for myself and I am not happy that I feel endangered walking out my front door off an endangered walking in my community corridor because this affidavit of service would never put, what was fulfilled within it is an even correct all the statements are made but made in a second perspective by.


[00:06:52] Mr. Mathiyalagans. But he's referring to days that his wife was there. So if I get to trial for instance I can't even question the firsthand evidence because she hasn't even done one statement herself. Somebody else has done all of her statements while she's not even in the house. Well even in the house her husband wasn't there and he said she I want a firsthand statement and I would like to be able to question the integrity at trial of that statement and I can't do that cause she's not even wrote a statement but you are holding a case against me anyway in any sense in ten days’ time. And tomorrow is that is the six. This all happened on the first. Yeah. I've not been served in accordance to the law and the time limitation at 1980 means by tomorrow if I'm not served that the whole case no one can ever bring this case to me again. So I don't by tomorrow. This can never be served and I'd just like to show you somebody the video evidence of the paperwork and taken up my house and have the case relisted for that I want the injunction revoked and I want to be released.


[00:07:55] I'm going to the Supreme Court with all the video evidence in my diary in my report and I'm goanna sue the directors in your court and I'm going to sue the directors at Wood Green and Highbury I've already took them for holding me hostage you gave me an eight year sentence so that's another story but.


[00:08:16] First things first in terms of getting it before the judge and getting this the video the hmm the evidence that you have before the judge, hm, how soon could you get it all ready for us.


[00:08:21] Has probably already got a full report of every single day of every email everything I've got videos of me coming home like yesterday I'm sitting in my house and they're attacking me the people are trying to act the Mathiyalagans they're upstairs going bang, bang, bang I've got loads I'll go over I'll go over say six thousand videos yeah like different clips and audio of them attacking me my running around chasing me my bathroom flushing the toilet. I was 15 stone when I got in my house. I've lost I am eight stone now. Yeah I can't stop being sick every morning My heart I've been writing to the council from 14 to 16. I hope this is what happened. In layman's terms in full in 13. I've got Nick from gazebo handling stolen goods I've got put stringent bail conditions barred from central London bared from I had to give my passport to the police sign on police station every day at 4 plus a tag on my leg for 8 o'clock they ruined my life after a year I won the case for handling stolen goods they tried doing me for burglary but as for handling stolen goods anyway, yeah, for a gazebo that came out of a party building now I won the case by 14 in 14 this caused me problems in my 13 year relationships I lost my wifey, yeah, by 14 I won the case I went out my front door for five minutes when I went out some front door. Another girl called Shannon got with her living with her she's has got a white child was happy to be with her painting the kid's bedroom decorating doing everything for her eight months into it we agreed to have a baby eight months into it I've never had no disease and have no problems with me you end up had nothing I was in a 13 year relationship beforehand Yeah she gets a spot on the top of her ass Yeah this spot isn’t even a problem to us she goes to the clinic and gets checked yeah to see if she's pregnant and the rest of it the woman says to het that the spot at the top of your ass might be herpes. So she comes back and tells me while I'm painting the kid's bedroom for her and all of that she.


[00:10:08] Says this might be herpes or something like that so I say that is nothing it don’t matter. Me and her never argue to date. Me and I still talk to this moment right now. Now what initially happened. Yes I phoned up to the clinic and got all my medical notes. I got a clinic on recording and everyone on recording saying that there's nothing wrong with me. Now what happened is the police after, just as I got off the gazebo case the police threw a massive folder outside my front door now that massive folder.


[00:10:34] A bolder like a stone


[00:10:35] no a folder an Asbo application now this Asbo application was too big to fit through my letterbox. So what happened is when you got left outside i phoned my mother to come and get it and she brought it to lost property at Edmonton police station. I've got the stamp for it. Yeah. So I never took the Asbo folder. But my mum photocopy the Asbo folder before she put it to lost property. So I see copies of bits and pieces of it afterwards. Now what I noticed is that they were setting me up to grass six people are three people. I know and three that I don't know while I was on curfew in my house. They tried to turn me into a super grass.


[00:11:11] wow.


[00:11:11] So I went to Facebook. Yeah and these people were holding events while I was on curfew. I copied the Facebook profiles. These people didn't even do them in like fake names are a lot like zombie stomp or ott they done them in their personal names on their personal Facebook accounts and I know some of them now but Facebook accounts proving I never done these events I refused to be a super grass so I looked at the paperwork and I noticed that.


[00:11:36] The police setting in their own personal statements that Section 144 was on all of these doors and all these events were indoors or outdoors so I went to court and I said to the court. Yeah at trial trespass wasn't proven which is a requirement for the raised bow section of 1994 he said to me. They said they couldn't prove illegal and because they couldn't prove trespass they couldn't prove illegality. So I got all of the transcripts here the judge couldn't prove that I've done anything illegal. or that I had done anything.


[00:12:05] yeah.


[00:12:05] So now I know I have not done nothing. I think I've got the transcripts the judge said, now fifteen police officers went to call all the highest ranking police officers. I kept asking for disclosure or unfold for the witnesses to attend court and the victims. No victims would attend. Court. Yeah. So now I've asked Why will no victims attend court. Yeah. So now look at all the police officers statements and there was each police officers has done four statements four for the four for each one has done four statements in a second perspective for the victims and none of them are signed by the victims. So I asked for the police PNB books of them go into the people's house police notebooks. They said they're being destroyed then never allowed to be destroyed. So I asked for the audio to the 9 9 9 calls of these people calling and they said they've been destroyed. They're not allowed to be destroyed in criminal cases. So then I started looking into it more but the audio is destroyed there's no 999 call. Let me look at these timestamps here to this place. I looked at all the timestamps and the 9 9 9 call center times I so say I'm ringing you now they'd have a 10 o'clock stamp on this every day it starts at Number Zero and goes up to 15 hundred they get fifteen hundred calls a day. so, CAD: 500 happens every day and a copper knows that in his head. Now CAD 500 is nine o'clock. Yeah CAD: five hundred six hundred. Can't be eight O clock now that happens throughout my whole paperwork. were they made up the paperwork. They've got no victims now. I knew if they couldn't prove illegality in the court now I knew that if I, I said to them well this is not fair you can't prove illegality in timestamps are wrong sections are on the doors. You've not talked about money once you say that you were inside a building. We've got the right to be inside a building. You have to prove a commercial business is being run under the license Act Apex 4.


[00:13:47] Dog Barking in the Background.


[00:13:47] They refuse. I showed them these buildings but no right. I'm not going to grass my friends up of these people. Yeah you've got no right inside the buildings and you've not talked about money and your application once. So how can you fulfill the requirements of being in doors of the licensing Act that come. They didn't they couldn't do it. Yeah. So now I asked my friend and Sally Gilchrist and all the rest of them they made the application they say they don't care. I'm a brand bastard and I've been robbed. I've got hundreds of phone calls of all the executive directors of the call centers of everyone telling me that i have been robed They don't give a fuck. Yes. Because they couldn't get the application on me. Yeah. They started spreading out that I have got disease to try and make me run out of the fucking country. Sorry for swearing.


[00:14:28] No, no that is fine.


[00:14:28] They used my personal data and tried to make me run out of the country over a spot on Shannon's ass and when they know there's nothing wrong with me they can phone up evergreen clinic and Evergreen clinics got all of my medical notes. No there's nothing. I got all my medical notes from North Middlesex hospital and everything. Now Shannon's locked herself in a house and Hyde has locked themselves away and I've locked myself away. I won't go at my house because the maximum sentence if they did have enough a criminal conviction under the raves bill is six months in prison and a 20 grand fine. Yeah. They didn't have enough evidence.


[00:14:58] Knock at my front door.


[00:14:58] For a criminal conviction. who is that.


[00:14:59] Police will you open the door


[00:15:02] No I will not what for.


[00:15:03] No I am not opening the door what for.


[00:15:03] The police are at my front door trying to get me now, again


[00:15:11] As we speak.


[00:15:12] Yeah as we speak, they're trying to activate the injunction because they cause they're in trouble because of the missing signatures. They are at my front door now banging trying to set me up again because they because they know I'm talking about the missing signatures and Steve Elsmore they're Borough Commander Jane Johnson I have got her on recording and she got put in Royal Diplomatic protection that she can put in Royal diplomatic protection you went to buy a command pur spitting at me down the phone you've been robbed you can't have our borough commander I've got all the recordings of it i am saying that I never wrote this application I never done this and I never had the disease you lot are out of order doing this to me it is a breach of my human rights you allowing you you're tricking the members of the public and now the public are attacking me for what you are portraying to them now my neighbor started attacking me. This Mathiyalagans bloke on the top floor I helped him when he moved into the block someone some young boy had him by the front was going to bang him in his face and then I see the Mathiyalagans bloke because I was parking my car for the first, I knew that he'd been in my block for three weeks I said to him what's going on sort of thing, yeah, I Said to the young boy why you got him by the throat I said to him Well you can't touch Mathiyalagans because he's an adult and we must respect our adults and he lives in our block yes I got Mathiyalagans let go he got let back into the block no one could touch him he lived there for eight months yeah, quietly the I've lost by D so I'm lying on the sofa screwing she's cooking curry upstairs something she's a lovely wife too. I wish D treated me like that and never left me I had was good comments for them then the government done this shit about me and Shannon they started attacking me started banging at me and now the Mathiyalagans have started attacked me from 14 to 16. I wrote 500 emails to all the MP’s and told the Council and everyone, 500 emails I've got asking them to protect me over all of this video evidence is what they're doing to me in my house and then and then all a sudden Mathiyalagans have wrote in 2016 I'm a drug addict. Yeah, and now use lot are putting an application in because they said I'm a drug addict and they've lost some and they've got some tiers stabbed.


[00:17:08] There Basterds "mutter".


[00:17:08] Sir do you


[00:17:08] I got a website and I' am about to go public with it all yeah, and I am going and the court all of your judges are going to be in trouble and now I have got cops on my front door now you're telling me that I can call this back into court and show you that this injunction is not on me.


[00:17:26] This is the court and the injunction is not on me.


[00:17:28] Simon.


[00:17:28] yes.


[00:17:28] Can you talk to us please.


[00:17:28] why.


[00:17:35] because we have got to talk to you.


[00:17:35] You don't have to talk to me


[00:17:38] we need to find out what is going on.


[00:17:39] You setting me up because you've got no signatures on your paperwork, I've been telling you phoning you and you've been telling me that you won't you won't do what's in accordance to your reforms Act 2002.


[00:17:51] you are talking about something else that I am not here to talk to you about mate.


[00:17:51] I'm telling you that that you're holding me illegally in my house your company head is you falsified paperwork all your timestamps are wrong you've got no PNC books you don't know audio of the CADS: and you're holding me in my house now you are at my front door because you want to try to activate an injunction and the injunction was never even put on me.


[00:18:07] we are not even here for that.


[00:18:08] So why are you in for. we are here because somebody has called us, to say that there is something that we need to talk to you about


[00:18:14] Not left my flat.


[00:18:17] Yeah I've got cameras in this flat right now I've got the way to express myself inside my own premises yeah I'll give my opinion but I'm not saying I don't like you I just don't right now I'll put them on the ground force I'll get on with the ground force very well yeah normally Yeah my problem is that the higher ranking cops decided to manipulate me because they don't like the color of my skin they scribbled all the paperwork I'm a black boy on the block and there's nothing I can do about it.


[00:18:44] Simon we are not even here to deal with that, anything to do with that.


[00:18:44] So why are you here then.


[00:18:47] i just told you.


[00:18:48] Talking inside of my own house.


[00:18:49] we have had a call about something and we need to talk to you.


[00:18:49] Well i do not care i have got cameras in my house I've not left my premises and I'm talking in my own house it's my right to express myself in my house I don't care what other people can hear in my life I'm talking in my back garden.


[00:19:02] Simon it has nothing to do with what you are going on about.


[00:19:02] So what has he got to do with.


[00:19:07] I am not going to shout it out in the front here.


[00:19:07] I want you to tell me though the door you are not coming in my house.


[00:19:15] Open the door and we can have a conversation.


[00:19:15] You, I am not opening the door to you, I'm on the phone to the court and recording the conversation as where to talking I'm recording you and I'm talking to the court and I'm talking to everyone here now.


[00:19:26] Yeah.


[00:19:26] You've lot have attacked me and Shannon and used Shannon. Yeah, you've had me look you gave me nine-year curfew you gave me a nine year curfew yeah when the maximum sentence if you did get arrested for a six month for the raves Bill a nine year curfew because I won't cross my friends up yeah I've got their Facebook accounts I never throw the parties yeah,


[00:19:44] Simon I have got nothing to do with that.


[00:19:44] But you are a police officer no I'm telling you an EGM matter i am telling you that it is an emergency general matter in regards to your company No I'm telling you something and I've informed you. What is your badge number of informed you that Steve Elsmore falsified paperwork I would like you to address these issues and take them with the greater relevance that they deserve I am illegally getting held in my house in 9 years right now? Yeah. When you didn't even arrest me for your organization of illegal raves but you forgot to arrest me. You forgot to arrest me if you did arrest me. The maximum sentence is six months. Somebody forgot to arrest me. and I am riding a nine-year curfew because of use lot.


[00:20:23] I have got no idea of what you are talking about.


[00:20:23] Well I'm telling you right now what I'm talking about and look at the first Asbo folder and look at all the signatures that P.C. Matalin done he done four statements from members of the public and none of them in a third perspective and none of them have the witness signatures at the bottom of them. So did another police officer and so did they all done four false statements. And none of them on MG 11 forms under the police investigatory Act 1996. They filled out them MG 11 forms and they falsified the paperwork to detain me in my house illegally. I've been informing you and your colleagues and you refuse to act upon it. You just choose to discriminate me for other reasons.


[00:20:59] It is nothing to do with that I need to speak to you about another issue and once we have dealt with that other issues, we can sort that out


[00:21:02] I refuse.


[00:21:04] We need to speak to you.


[00:21:05] I refuse I'm talking to you now though my door. Yeah and if you do not understand what talking to somebody is. Yeah. You want to clearly do more than talk to me because you want access to my premises. I'm refusing. I'm talking to you. Now tell me your problem. Tell me your problem. Leave me alone.


[00:21:21] Tell me your problem. Leave me alone respect our right to my privacy in my home and respect my equality to rights yeah. Respect That. I'm living in my home and I've got the right to express myself and talk in here


[00:21:34] Police Officer opens my Letter Box to Chat to me.


[00:21:34] Simon


[00:21:34] Yes.


[00:21:34] Right we have had a chat many of a times yeah, mate.


[00:21:36] I don't know what. What's is your badge number and who are you


[00:21:40] i am "Mutter".


[00:21:40] Pardon.


[00:21:40] Open the door and we can have a discussion.


[00:21:40] No, I would like you to know who you are. I don't know. I don't believe that you are a police officer. Can you please tell me your badge number?


[00:21:48] And who you are. 6 6 3 / 7 6 3 and what is your name sir.


[00:21:57] Pc Armed?


[00:21:57] What Is the issue that you would you would like to deal with me. hang on then me stop the dog for a second please.


[00:22:05] Get out.


[00:22:07] Hello Sir.


[00:22:07] I'm sorry separatist but this is it.


[00:22:11] This is the daily life for me since I've been reporting about the timestamps being wrong and the things are no one will let me back into court. They spent over a million-pound holding in my house. Nine years is a long time to hold anybody yeah.


[00:22:24] Mutter.


[00:22:24] It says it says that you can't even hold a terrorist in his house for nine years here without there being a breach. Lady Howl from the Supreme Court and Prince Philip. Yeah. Oh, say you in their video documentary for the Supreme Court. It is against a person’s human rights to detain them in a house. I can't walk out my front door before 10 o'clock, yeah, because the police officers are still working in the borough that done this to me. And they're knocking on my door every second trying to set me up. I want disciplinary action so I can feel safe walking out my front door before 10 o'clock and I want the curfew lifted off me for 9 years of 10 o'clock. Plus, on top of that I'm not allowed to hire and not give no one no one personal or otherwise personal means personal give I give you an unpaid get five years and otherwise means business. I wrote to thirty.


[00:23:09] In three boroughs in London. I've wrote to the other thirty-two boroughs. Yeah, and asked for my license and that. They said because of the Asbo says the organization of illegal raves. It has the principle of being arrested for it and it is a criminal offence. They said not to go to special meetings with every borough to get my license and anytime I want to hold an event in London I would have to go on special committees in regards to these matters. Right now, I was already getting my license and before this I had the keys to my community hall Kemp Hall. I was managing can pull community when all the children next strip searching me in front of the children I had I was to look to look festival.


[00:23:45] I own Lock to Lock Festival which is for Enfield Island Village put on I own ponders end festival which is for Bangladesh people I own Durant’s Park Festival which is my park right next doors.


[00:23:56] Yeah I own al l of these festivals but they stuck below 500 people. Yeah, I got given. I wrote a brand-new constitution 100 percent in my grammar and my writing, yeah. I don't get a rough draft I don't get no less than 98 percent. Yeah, I know every law and every human right of By heart Yeah. Anyone can test me. I wrote a new constitution for the people but will print companies up to everything for the festival. I know the owner of Glastonbury and I know the owner of Isli Wight and they gave me all their management systems so I rewrote all of Glastonbury paperwork and all the wax paperwork and I made all the new paperwork for this area.


[00:24:31] Knocking at my front door by the police


[00:24:33] Will you leave me alone and stop threatening me within my own home. If you do not want to tell me what the allegations are please leave me alone and contact my solicitor.


[00:24:40] Ok if you do not open the door, we shall force entry.


[00:24:40] Well if you force entry you will going to get arrested because you have got no grounds and you got no reasonable cause. Yeah, you met you. Do you do it on a false allegation and you see this report in it and you see the rest and you see my camera evidence.


[00:24:55] Open the door.


[00:24:56] I got a gate behind here. You couldn't get in my house if you wanted to.


[00:24:57] well we will go through your windows.


[00:24:58] Well go through my windows.


[00:24:58] Well Ok we will do that


[00:25:05] Excuse me sir I'm goanna have to call you back in five minutes.


[00:25:07] Ok that is fine.


[00:25:07] But can I take your name and details for me trying to report get this injunction off me and the video evidence that I have got.


[00:25:12] Yes, my name is Paul and I am in the front office at Edmonton. We are here until 5pm


[00:25:20] I appreciate that Paul. I'm sorry for you. You haven't gone. Just glad you got to listen. I understand what's really happening here Paul.


[00:25:25] No that is fine.


[00:25:25] Thank you for taking the time to listen to this.


[00:25:27] Its fine, take care.


[00:25:28] Thank you Paul. I'm goanna do that Paul man.