Tape recording five z0000046


Outgoing call

Metropolitan Police introduction

Simon; I am not playing with them no more       

Police Officer; Metropolitan police hello what is your reason for calling 

Simon; hello I am trying to find out who is in charge of Edmonton police station what sergeant it is his name is, his name and number and an email to that person so that I can forward them correspondents in regards to some issues that I have 

Police Officer; right what, what station again 

Simon; Edmonton YE

Police Officer; ok 

Simon; it was Jane Johnson 

Police Officer; sorry 

Simon; it was a woman called Jane Johnson and she has been transferred to, first she went to Royal diplomatic protection then she has been transferred back to West Minister on active Jutty right now, I have issues of concern in regards to her but I would also like to know who is now in charge of all the police officers and took her job and there email, so that I can forward them an email right now in regards to a load of correspondents and evidence that I have here right now in regard s to his officers 

Police Officer; I do not have that information but I can pass that back down to the Borough commander

Simon; you do have this information it is on your computers 

Police Officer; no I do not 

Simon; and can you tell me then when a Pc 239ye is please 

Police Officer; I do not have that information 

Simon; I have got another recording of me speaking to another woman when ringing exactly the same number as what I am ringing right now and I have asked these questions before and as a member of the public if I give you a police officer’s badge number over the phone you are entitled to tell me who that officer is and what police station they are attached to 

Police Officer; if I have that information, I cannot look up for a shoulder number because I do not have that information because I do not have access to that 

Simon; a pc Shin nick can you tell me a contact for a pc Shin nick please Shin nick

Police Officer; Sir I am not going to be able to give you an email address of a police officer 

Simon; who am I actually speaking to 

Police Officer; my name is "mutter" I am busied in Lambeth control like I said I can take information and pass that down to the borough for someone to contact you I can look from your number and see that you have already passed down a complaint to the borough for the Jutty officer to get somebody to get in contact with you 

Simon; someone tried to call me and I never managed to pick up the phone on a private number in time so I might have already missed that call is there any way that you could resend that and pass it to them please

Police Officer; yes, I will pass it back and let them know that you had a missed call and they can give you a call back ok 

Simon; an d also I had in reference to what you just said that you can see a note on the computer about me calling earlier can you give the cad number for that call earlier and the cad number for the 

Police Officer; yes cad 440

Simon; and what is the cad for yesterday please 

Police Officer; silence

Simon; hello 

Police Officer; bear with me I am just trying to look it up 

Simon; ok thank you 

Police Officer; silence 

Simon; so you do not any whom is in charge of Edmonton Green police station right now 

Police Officer; sir, sir I do not have that information when the Jutty officer calls you back, you will be able to give your I am sitting down in Lambeth control centre 

Simon; yes I accept that

Police Officer; I do not have that information 

Simon; ok

Police Officer; your reference for yesterday is 498

Simon; 498

Police Officer; yes

[00:03:40] Simon; on the computer from 109 Burncroft Avenue and my name being Mr Simon Cordell, on the computer I have made complaints in regards to these issues  of police corruption that are on the police computer I have some of the Cad numbers for some of them but can you tell me the date of them please

Police Officer; I cannot see any other calls apart from the last two that I gave you

Simon; so I have never made a phone calls to 999 

Police Officer; I have not said that you have not done that what I have said is I cannot see it on the system

Simon; you can’t see

Police Officer; the two information reports that I can see

Simon; I know every page because I wrote to the developers of your system that you use and they have wrote to me back and have gave me all of the plans and schematics to your computers so I can see, I can picture everything and I can picture what you as a civilian or what a gold member has access to I can see every thing 

Police Officer; I cannot see any more

Simon; you have access to all police officers 

Police Officer; I do not 

Simon; you can tell what proposed officers are on duty and 

Police Officer; sir you want to have an argument

Simon; no I do not want to have an agreement I am just questioning you 

Police Officer; sir you are going to have to wait for the duty officer to call you back about your complaint

Simon; and you are going to send that out to day, do you have a cad number for this call today as well please

Police Officer; yes if you hold on I will give you a cad number 

Simon; OK thank you 

Police Officer; silence

Simon; what have you put down and what did, the last gentlemen actually put the last cad to be down for 

Police Officer; all you can see is that there has

Simon; a complaint and it does not say what that been a complaint and that the duty officer is meant to call you back complaint is in regards to 

Police Officer; no 

Simon; can you update that right now

Police Officer; it would be whatever information that you have given to the them sir I am not going to go into that cad again I will pass this down and the duty officer will call you back 

Simon; see the cad that you are creating right now, see the cad that you are creating right now 

Police Officer; I am just putting on there that you have called back you have asked me for details for officers that are in charge of the police station and I have told you that I do not have that information 

Simon; yes and I accept that 

Police Officer; I will get them to call you back 

Simon; I accept that 

Police Officer; with that information

Simon; yes and I accept that but what I am asking even further is basically the cad that we are creating write now and that you are going to send a message to that officer saying that I missed my private phone call, I missed a private phone call and that may have been him please can he call me back

Police Officer; I am not because it is going to be a reinterpretation I am not going to be able to do that

Simon; it is not a reinterpretation because the conversation that I last had got cut out half way through our conversation half way through the call the phone cut out rudely  

Police Officer; the cad is 695 I am not going to repeat that 

Simon; can you repeat that number again please 

Police Officer; yes it is 695 cads 695

Simon; and what is today's date the 13th of the 2nd 2017

Police Officer; yes 

Simon; so the other one will be the 12th and the other one will be the 11th on your computer of the 2nd 2017

Police Officer; all right then sir you wait for your call from the Jutty officer

Simon; OK thank you madam thank you, have a good day 

