Speaker 1:                           00:00                     Met.Police.UK that's Met.Police.UK for custody related inquiries. Please press one to report a new crime press two to provide or receive an update on an existing crime report, press three for road traffic incident to provide or request an update on your crime, please visit our website www.Met.Police.UK/contact thats www.met. Police.UK/contact for custody related inquiries. Please press one to report a new crime press two to provide or receive an update. Please report all non emergency crimes via our website. Visit www.Met. Police.UK/report thats www.Met. Police.UK/report where you will find our online crime reporting system. If the crime you are reporting occurred on the London underground or a national rail train or station. Please report this to the British transport police by calling O800 40 50 40 that 0800 40 50 40 to have this call transferred to the British transport police. Please press one to speak with an operator. Press nine to end this call. Please hang up.

New Speaker:                    01:36                     Hang up.

New Speaker:                    01:36                     Metropolitan Police. What's the reason for your call?

Speaker 2:                           01:38                     Hello? I'm trying to get somebody to go through a load of evidence with me in regards to a load of complaints that I have and um, crimes that have been committed against me. Is it possible that you might be able to do that?

Speaker 1:                           01:53                     What do you mean go throw it with you? What is it you, you want from us sorry

Speaker 2:                           01:57                     I want the police to act efficiently within, within regards to their policies. I have a website here now that I've created and I can turn that on public right this second. And I would like to show you where the police officers recordings that are being phoning in them telling me that i have been robbed down the phone and all the transcribed. I'd like to show you how I'm illegally being detained by police officers who caused fraud, misconduct under the police the police force that they represent and they've caused negligence towards my life. How they keep, i have been threatened multiple times by officers. I've had incoming calls that they're threatening me and I've recorded them and I'll put them up on my website i am being held.

New Speaker:                    02:39                     Right.

New Speaker:                    02:39                     illegally in my, I phoned yourselves loads of times in regards to sorting things. My neighbors have been allowed to attack me and a sex scandal, was created in my name when there was nothing wrong with me medically wrong and no one had any rights and never served an Asbo and scribbled all over in the Asbo that I'm a black boy on the block and that's why this is happening to me and I don't think want somebody to deal with it. I'm being held in my house today illegally against my will. And

Speaker 1:                           03:04                     who has held you in your house.

Speaker 2:                           03:05                     the metropolitan at woman called Sally Gilchrist.

New Speaker:                    03:07                     ok.

New Speaker:                    03:07                     There is a Sir Hogan Howell himself, um, authorized it and Jane Johnson the borough commander for Edmonton, she authorised it and they've let another gentleman called Lemmy now who works for the council come in whose fraudulently put a possession order against me.

Speaker 1:                           03:26                     Okay. Okay. Okay, well you've obviously got a lot going on there. Can I just take a few details? Can I take your name?

Speaker 2:                           03:30                     My name? Mr. Simon Paul Cordell. My Christian name is Paul. I'm not Christian anymore low, now I don't really believe in Christianity.

Speaker 1:                           03:38                     So you're known as Paul Cordell?

Speaker 2:                           03:40                     Simon Paul Simon. Middle name is Paul. My first name. Simon.

Speaker 1:                           03:44                     Okay, and your address for me?

Speaker 2:                           03:46                     That's 109 Burncroft Avenue.

Speaker 1:                           03:49                     Sorry, what Avenue?

Speaker 2:                           03:50                     109 Burncroft Avenue. B U R N Croft Avenue. Who am I speaking to?

Speaker 1:                           03:57                     My name is Allison Addison.

Speaker 2:                           03:58                     And what borough, what scent? Where am I actually speaking to you from? Where are you based?

Speaker 1:                           04:02                     Communications command in Bow

Speaker 2:                           04:05                     communications in Bow, Okay, thank you. Who's in charge in charge of you at the moment? Who's in charge of both at the moment? Who's the senior officer there?

Speaker 1:                           04:14                     Well, it'd be a duty officer.

New Speaker:                    04:14                     Oh, ok, is it ok if

Speaker 2:                           04:17                     I no that one.

New Speaker:                    04:17                     You have access to.

New Speaker:                    04:18                     Yer go on.

New Speaker:                    04:18                     You have access to Google, is that correct?

Speaker 1:                           04:21                     No, not while I'm working. No. There'd be no need for me to use Google while I'm working.

New Speaker:                    04:25                     Ar, so.

New Speaker:                    04:25                     Would it not be best. Just go if you've got all this evidence, would it not be best to take it all into a police station.

Speaker 2:                           04:32                     I, I'm, I'm in fear of reimbursables of walking into the police station. Every time I walk into a police station I get viciously attacked or, and I've, I've, I've, I've had to lock myself in my house. I've had to block my letter box so that nothing can be put in my house. I've got, I've built a website called Horrific corruption.com I've got all the recordings of the nine nine nine call centers that I've ever made, there is 220 phone calls asking for your assistance. I've got all the videos of what my neighbors were doing to me, banging on all the walls, attempting to murder me, taking my right to life. Article 2 and Article 13 I've got all of me explaining then the phones, what they were doing to me, they, they, they.

New Speaker:                    05:09                     falsified paperwork.

Speaker 1:                           05:10                     Ok but is it's complaints against police,

Speaker 2:                           05:12                     it's not just.

New Speaker:                    05:14                     And you are not happy.

New Speaker:                    05:14                     it's against civilians as well they attempted to murder me and it's attempted murder. It's more a knock a bangging noise starts with something called Christie V Davey, which is a tort law, which is okay. Two people started, a woman's started bangging a block once a long time ago and they created the law, the tort law, the Christie V Davey. Then after that become hate crime. When somebody continues doing that hate crime is an actual crime. It's in a criminal offense than after hate crime. When someone continues to do something for a duration, like a five years torturing you while you're inside your house being illegally held and they banging on the walls and an I am phoning the police that becomes attempted manslaughter and it's above section 18 with intent even though it's still does hold a tenant and have spoke to the Supreme courts and I spoke to the European committees and that and I'm building my, i built a official report. I've got loads of police officers that I've let into my house and had dictators in my pockets. I've gone, going through the report with them in my front room. They've not known that on recording,

Speaker 1:                           06:12                     Simon, Simon, I'm going to have to stop you there.

New Speaker:                    06:14                     For what reason.

New Speaker:                    06:14                     Okay. I don't think, I don't think this is something I can deal with over the phone.

New Speaker:                    06:18                     why.

New Speaker:                    06:18                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    06:18                     So, can you send a police officer to my house.

New Speaker:                    06:18                     Have you spoken to the Independent complaints commission.

Speaker 2:                           06:23                     Yes, I have spoke. I've, I've had dealings with the independence complaint commission and I've had dealings.

New Speaker:                    06:26                     Right.

New Speaker:                    06:26                     and I've had dealings with guy. I went through this case through the appeal stage for JR and the plea, the metropolitan police in your course and as a lot of the people that I have on recording from your call centers who's about to most recently lose their jobs because their voice are on there and the names and everything they've signed that said and done, every single one of them is all say that i have been robbed. your black boy on the block. You dead. Do you listen to the recordings now online? Yeah, before I publish it.

New Speaker:                    06:53                     I, I, I am not going to do that yeah. Yeah. I'm not going to actually do that. I can't do that

Speaker 2:                           06:56                     before I publish.

New Speaker:                    06:57                     ok.

New Speaker:                    06:57                     them to everybody. Yeah. But you can get a police officer, a police station that can take my case on and deal with it efficiently how it's supposed to be dealt with. You have whistle-blowing policies and procedures. One of them is called the Codes of efficiency, the Act 1999 and 2003 and now I call you and your name and I tell you what that efficiency Act 1999 does and 2003, it says if I tell you what another police officer is doing or another servent who assigned the Alliance of oth and you do not act a formatively and call and interview between you and that person you are as bad as that person if not worse. Now I've informed you that Steve Ellis has fraudulently made an Asbo application. You can go to that Asbo application cause you are working for that company and you can see that each police officer falsified four statements in them, four statements. They never got victims. They never got no victims to sign for them. The statements, yeah, they falsified the paperwork. All the timestamps to your Cads, the crimits that are come out. Yeah, they made them all up for progress way which is one area because no one really went there.

Speaker 1:                           08:06                     Simon, Simon,. I'm going to have to stop you. This is nothing I can deal with other the phone.

Speaker 2:                           08:11                     You can do connect efficiently. I'm telling you what they're doing.

New Speaker:                    08:14                     Please.

New Speaker:                    08:14                     I'm going to put your record.

New Speaker:                    08:15                     Simon.

New Speaker:                    08:15                     in online in a second and.

New Speaker:                    08:17                     please.

New Speaker:                    08:17                     you're going to be famous as well for not protecting me.

New Speaker:                    08:20                     Please listen to me. I want to help you you need to listen to me

New Speaker:                    08:20                     My human rights are important,

Speaker 1:                           08:21                     so listen to me. Okay? This is not something I can deal with over phone at the moment. Okay.

Speaker 2:                           08:29                     You can send a police officer under the police reforms at 2003 which or 1999 which is,

New Speaker:                    08:34                     ok, Simon

Speaker 1:                           08:35                     Simon i am going to advice you for the first time. This is not something I can deal with over the phone,

Speaker 2:                           08:40                     so you consider.

New Speaker:                    08:41                     ok if you want an officer, if you want an officer.

New Speaker:                    08:41                     use people do, you have resources that you have available to you.

New Speaker:                    08:44                     Go down to a police station.

New Speaker:                    08:44                     Can you look at, can you look at complaints now and please, can you, can you look a complaint and send it? Can you log a complaint right now for me? Please?

New Speaker:                    08:52                     I am now advising you for the twice.

New Speaker:                    08:52                     Can you, can you please look a complaint from you? I'd like to make an official complaint to you right now in regard for the offices that I'm putting you in receipt of the evidence of, and I want you to log that onto the computers, now in front of you as somebody to deal with that with the duty of your care that you are supposed to

Speaker 1:                           09:06                     Lower your voice then. Lower your voice Simon. Okay.

New Speaker:                    09:09                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    09:09                     You need to lower your voice So the idea is always, if you wish for me to help you,

Speaker 2:                           09:11                     I'm tongue tied madam, i'am, tongue tied and I have pressured speech. I went to speech therapy as a kid and everything. I don't ever mean to be like that or be any way. It's just lisp when I'm trying to speak. That's what happens sometimes.

Speaker 1:                           09:25                     Okay. So which what is your new complaints you wish to make?

Speaker 2:                           09:28                     My complaint is that metropolitan police force are illegal.

Speaker 1:                           09:32                     Right. Can you speak slowly as well? Because I do have to type. Okay, so you wish to complain that the met police? Yeah.

Speaker 2:                           09:38                     Yeah. Have promised that once the case, the ASCO case had finished in court that they will, and I've got the recording of this.

New Speaker:                    09:46                     Can you slow down for me. Yeah.

New Speaker:                    09:46                     have promised in the recordings. That I have online that once the Asbo,

Speaker 1:                           09:53                     sorry, sorry, sorry, the Asbo case once it is finished in court.

Speaker 2:                           09:57                     Yeah. That Steve, Tom, Sergeant Thomas on phone me on an incoming call as well as many of our offices did throughout the four years, of it ongoing. And they promised me that the second that the case is over the second iPhone use lot again in regards to putting an official complaint in that you will act efficiently and that you will, you will stop them police officers from working and do whatever has to be done. If the evidence,

Speaker 1:                           10:21                     I'll write slow down slow down because I have no idea what you're talking about. The slow down. So they promised you that once the case was over they would efficiently and the police officers would do what?

Speaker 2:                           10:31                     Take an investigation in regards to the negligence and misconduct that I claim that their officers have pursued in against my free will against me.

Speaker 1:                           10:41                     Okay. Okay. So they would investigate. Yeah.

Speaker 2:                           10:44                     The negligence and misconduct.

New Speaker:                    10:47                     Against you.

New Speaker:                    10:47                     that the police officers have falsified against me under the Fraudulent companies Act 2006

Speaker 1:                           10:55                     The officers have falsified information. Yeah.

Speaker 2:                           10:57                     They falsified under the companies Act 2006 falsified fraud under the fraud company Act 2006.

New Speaker:                    11:02                     ok.

New Speaker:                    11:02                     and I would, and I've got recordings of loads of the sergeants phoning me telling me that the second I have, I can do this, that they're going to investigate the timestamps that go backwards in your call centers. They're going to investigate the, I'm not the right color skin to fit the crime in the beginning. And an IC1 has committed the crimes not an IC3.

New Speaker:                    11:25                     Ok you need to slow down.

New Speaker:                    11:25                     I am sorry Madam,

New Speaker:                    11:29                     Its just me typing.

New Speaker:                    11:29                     I am sorry Madam. Sorry.

New Speaker:                    11:31                     If you want me to help you.

New Speaker:                    11:31                     Sorry, i can type fast. That's what it is. I, I, I'm not even trained. I'm not even trained or in a call center and used to see how fast i can type.

New Speaker:                    11:40                     Good for me.

New Speaker:                    11:40                     Good for me. That's good for all of us. because I wrote paperwork and policies for all of us, I wrote a model constitution to protect your children, my children and everyone and use and your company discriminated me and scribbled my black boy on the block. They called me a black boy down the phone and I'm going to go public. And then hopefully when them coppers come into work tomorrow, if you look at the website when you go home, if I leave it on overnight, you're going to say to them, why did you come into work? Are you all going to be looking at each other, put in handcuffs on each other? How have your friends in that call centre that I've got on recordings are in so much trouble. It's unreal.

Speaker 2:                           12:16                     You don't need to start taking this very seriously. Cause I wanna do an inner bodey claim and sort this out in a body and you all keep on boying me and telling me to go out and go out of bodey and go to a solicitor. I'm ready to send my paperwork to solicitor and that's what I'm trying to show you through that website now. Yeah. Yeah. I want somebody to deal with this inner body and what my proposal is to use lot.

Speaker 1:                           12:36                     Simon lower the voice,

Speaker 2:                           12:38                     Sorry, sorry. What my proposal was to use lot what has been in all the recordings. I knew that use lot fraudulently defrauded me from that the company done that to me, but what I'm saying is they never proved, I never really threw the parties. The Facebook part. The people that really throw the parties. I copied their Facebook profiles and I've put them on Facebook so you can see that i never really throw the parties.

New Speaker:                    12:57                     There dead

Speaker 1:                           13:00                     Simon, I've got to tell you now, I'm not going to be looking at any Facebook. I'm not going to be looking into anything that is in relation to this.

Speaker 2:                           13:04                     It's not Facebook. It's not Facebook, is its.

New Speaker:                    13:06                     Or Google, i am not going to be looking.

New Speaker:                    13:06                    

New Speaker:                    13:06                     Yer but a police officer, a police officer above you who is supposed to be who is supposed to be acting under the codes of conduct that he did. We worked efficiently and we'll deal with this and you will act under the whistleblowing policies and you will work to efficiently under your, under your cabinets policies.

New Speaker:                    13:22                     Ok Simon.

New Speaker:                    13:22                     Do you have what you, you are governed under the equality to Rights yer. Do you know what the equality work to equality to rights is.

New Speaker:                    13:28                     Simon please stop, i am going to.

New Speaker:                    13:28                     Non Auditable

Speaker 1:                           13:28                     If you do not stop shouting,

Speaker 2:                           13:30                     I'm not shouting I'm tongue tied. It's a disability. I get getting money for it.

New Speaker:                    13:34                     I do apologize to you.

New Speaker:                    13:34                     I said disability. You having a go at me because I've got a disability cause I'm disabled.

New Speaker:                    13:38                     I'm not.

New Speaker:                    13:39                     Yeah you are. You are. I'm you are. I'm sorry I can't help be in pressured speech. You are. I can't help being like this is the way I was born. I've got, I've got a finger under my tongue and it hasn't been cut so I, that's why I had to go to on the blue bus at school and and go and talk and they have to teach my speech therapy my whole life. I've been like, okay

Speaker 1:                           14:02                     Simon. Okay, I understand. Okay, I'm postural plate down for you. Would you like a reference number for your calls?

Speaker 2:                           14:08                     I would appreciate it and I would like to know if somebody's going to call me back and who's going to call me back?

Speaker 1:                           14:13                     I don't know the name of the officer who is going to call you back but it hasn't been passed through to thm ok.

Speaker 2:                           14:16                     Can I take the number then please and the Cad number two this call and the rest of it.

Speaker 1:                           14:20                     The CHS reference, I am on CHS and the reference is three zero zero zero nine all right.

Speaker 2:                           14:30                     30009 and then what got today's date at the end of it?

Speaker 1:                           14:36                     You put the dates.

New Speaker:                    14:40                     And what is todays date again.

New Speaker:                    14:40                     Sorry, let me finish speaking. Today's date is the 6th of October 2014

Speaker 2:                           14:45                     Ok, well, do you know what you've listened to this yer. If you check on Google mobile phone. Yeah, mobile phone don't show of the case files and all the coppers names and everything. Yeah. I'm going to turn the website on for an hour because I believe that some are used. I've got a PC and then you can actually see what's actually happening. I haven't even loaded up half of the audio and the video evidence software yet and I haven't even started on it. I'm about to start on it in a minute. That's why I'm trying to phone you and sort this iner body rather than just going to, I've got barristers and solicitors begging, have you worked at seven years holding me hostage?

New Speaker:                    15:15                     Simon i am clearing the line.

New Speaker:                    15:15                     Can I just say, well, can I just say one thing to you?

New Speaker:                    15:17                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    15:17                     Now listen to this. This is important for all of you.

Speaker 2:                           15:19                     Yeah. Seven years. Yeah. Holding me hostage here. If you work out the hours in seven years, that's one and a half million hours. Yeah. If you take away then $500,000 say I was asleep. That's 1 million hours. Yeah. The I've been up studying, doing my defense phoning use lot. Yeah. If I get one pound that means every pound I get in compensation every hour. Yeah. I'll get 1 million pound for the seven. It's seven years I've been phone use lot and explaining to you everything that's been going on. Yeah. I want I'm, I want to get what's rightfully mine and what you knew from the beginning. I've got recordings of them doctors in this house and the police in his house going through the Asbo in 2014 with me and always saying I'm not the right color. Notice in the missing signatures in the report in 2014, going through my medical notes in 2014 knowing that there's nothing wrong with me, and then use that. Continue spreading all these rumors and this sex scandal.

New Speaker:                    16:10                     Simon i am clearing the line.

New Speaker:                    16:10                     An endangered hedis life Shannon's life and the rest of us.

New Speaker:                    16:13                     Simon i am going to have to clear the line good bye.

New Speaker:                    16:13                     Yeah, we'll use, I have a good day then. Oh, good evening. Sleep. Well.