Speaker 1:                           00:09                     Good afternoon customer services Justine speaking. How may I help you?

Speaker 2:                           00:12                     Hello, who am, I’m speaking to Justine. It's Mr Cordell speaking and I'm phoning because I found a whistle blowing policy, the procedure that sort of Enfield Council and he has told me to phone up on and that this is the fraud line and that you will be able to handle any fraud that is outside or dealing with an employee for the company. I have proof beyond reasonable doubt that an employee is acted beyond, beyond what the company's procedures and that he has breached his contract that he has signed into with yourselves. He's invaded my privacy and breach my right to life and he has put me in threat of my life. He's not acted within fair process and acted in a bios manner towards me. I've had to make her web, I've had to make a website and I've actually put his voice recordings on and the evidence up on the website and I'd like to be able to go through this with a person. Is that possible please?

Speaker 1:                           01:11                     Yeah. shh. hold the line just give me a second what I can do sir is I can transfer you throw to HR department.

Speaker 2:                           01:23                     To what department may I ask?

Speaker 1:                           01:25                     HR.

Speaker 2:                           01:26                     HR. Okay. Okay. Human Resources. Is that where you're are and in regards to,

Speaker 1:                           01:32                     yeah. Human Resources yes..

New Speaker:                    01:32                     Non auditable

Speaker 2:                           01:36                     And who is it that we'll be speaking to?

Speaker 1:                           01:38                     That is the general line for human resources so they can check the employee.

Speaker 2:                           01:44                     What about a, okay. Okay. Okay. Human Resources is normally had Julia macnega. Is that correct? Resources. Operations Julia macnega. Enfield 0208-83793970. Eight three seven nine three nine seven zero

Speaker 1:                           01:59                     I am just looking now just let me check this now for you quickly

Speaker 2:                           02:03                     Julia macnega.

Speaker 1:                           02:06                     What's the name?

Speaker 2:                           02:07                     He's Julia macnega. J. U. L. I. A. - M. I. M. N. A. G. H. Is it possible to speak to her please?

Speaker 1:                           02:20                     Yeah, she, she's it is her but she is in a conference call at the moment. She's on the other line.

Speaker 2:                           02:26                     Okay. What is it put out? I'm happy to wait for her. Is it possible to speak somewhere else in the meantime then? Like James Rolfe, James Rolfe the director of resources or with Ian Davis is even better. The chief executive, I've been speaking to heather Littler, I have recordings of her and she is completely fouled the whistle blowing policies. When I've informed her of what her employees below her doing, I'm very concerned. She's putting me a fear of my life and I would like her or some investigate it at the same time.

Speaker 1:                           02:55                     What's her name?

Speaker 2:                           02:56                     I'm heather Littler is the chief executive admin and she's, she's, she's, she's a secretary I believe yourself, but she's, she's at the, um, at the chief executive level. I've been speaking to her so I can speak to Ian Davis in Regards because he's the director of the company and uh, and the recordings of what she's been promising me are just void of, of disheartened promise's, and.

New Speaker:                    03:20                     ok.

New Speaker:                    03:20                     I feel that I've been let down completely. I'd like to speak to Ian Davis himself or somebody at director, if that is possible. Christine Webster, the risk assessment management PR for the company because the company should be risk assessed and all procedures should be risk assessed. And I don't feel that my case has been treated. We've been in procedures either. So even speaking to Christine Webster, head of internal audit and risk management would do me fine at the present.

Speaker 1:                           03:46                     Yeah, she, she is in a meeting as well. I am just checking let me just check if she would be out soon just a second fast.

Speaker 2:                           03:53                     I'm pretty close to having to come down to the term to the civic centre myself and make this much more formal than what we are actually having and I believe that that's going to cause a lot of problems for people around the Christmas period if I do so. So, if we can deal with this behind closed doors in a more informative way, I make sure that both parties yourselves and you and your employees are happy and the, I'm happy. I'm happy too. I'm, I'm happy to do a settlement in some form of manner, but you seem to have solicitor firms in place and I'm concerned about them or I'm at a stage where I would like Pacific members that are acting as subcontractors for, for the Civic Enfield Civic Centre as their legal department such as Limidia Luviu. I believe that she's corrupt and acted in misconduct as well. I'm with foul player and when she's been informed she's not acted under the whistle blowing procedures or any of that and in accordance to the company's memorandum or statue of Article.

Speaker 1:                           04:51                     Okay. I'm just checking Ian Davis for you sir but he has been away for two hours.

New Speaker:                    04:57                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    04:57                     umm

Speaker 2:                           04:58                     I'm sorry, the I'm on track. I'm speaking. I'm sorry. I'm going through this with yourself I know that It's not something you would like to do

Speaker 1:                           05:04                     it’s a Lot of information. I'm trying.

Speaker 2:                           05:07                     I'm not even started if I had to explain. Do you have Google available to yourself?

Speaker 1:                           05:12                     Are we doing? Yes.

Speaker 2:                           05:13                     If you could go to a website called horrific corruption.com and I'm just going to turn that on it. Take me less than six seconds for you and I can show you the corruption and audio of some of it. What I have put up and the videos of what I'm suffering through and.

Speaker 1:                           05:29                     Right, are you talking about the Video's

Speaker 2:                           05:30                     Some of it is videos or audio evidence? I've actually made a full report and official report of every day of my sufferings and the neglect that I have suffered because the reasonable persons that represent Enfield Council and Enfield Homes have failed in their obligations towards me. I'm very concerned about this and I'm very concerned that the way that I'm still being treated at present and the employees are still working inside of the company in dealing with people's personal data other than mine.

Speaker 1:                           05:58                     Right, so that's a great cost of troubles, yes, towards you.

Speaker 2:                           06:03                     I'm just turning on the switch here. If you have Google available, it's just going to take me two seconds.

Speaker 1:                           06:06                     We do but I won't be able to view these videos, sir

Speaker 2:                           06:10                     you don't have to view the videos. You can just have a look, a brief look over that. The actual website itself and actually see I'm just, I'm turning it on right now. It's going to be on in less than six seconds. Horrific corruption.com and this is my concerns and they're official and then there are at large that they still haven't been being apprehended and been dealt with to an extent where I feel satisfied and I'm at a stage where I might have to promote this into the general public and I'm concerned that this can cause even further problems. And dis May and I would like to be able to have this dealt with as constructively and positively in an even quick and informative way and time as possible.

Speaker 1:                           06:51                     Right, Yeah. Just a second, sir. I'm just trying to check who I can transfer you to who can deal with the matter the Ian Davis has been away for two hours but he's going to be free at four o'clock.

Speaker 2:                           07:11                     Is it possible that, do you actually have control of his diary? Is it possible that we can arrange a time that I can actually call?

Speaker 1:                           07:17                     We not doing this here? Uh, no. If you could call us back then we can try and transfer you. Um, otherwise I won't be able to do it.

New Speaker:                    07:27                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    07:27                     Let me just check the other people for you. You're said about Christian Webster as well.

New Speaker:                    07:31                     yes that is correct.

New Speaker:                    07:31                     Christian Webster. She is still in a meeting.

Speaker 2:                           07:40                     Bob Chunkdick. C. U. N. D. I. C. K.

Speaker 1:                           07:57                     Yeah, Bob

Speaker 2:                           07:57                     Bob, Bob and then C. U. N. D. . I. C. K. Chung Dick.

Speaker 1:                           08:04                     Yes. I can see this person he's been away for 25 minutes.

Speaker 2:                           08:08                     Counter fraud manager.

Speaker 1:                           08:10                     I watched three

Speaker 2:                           08:14                     Ian Davis sounds just like the sort of person that I really do need to be speaking to in regards to these issues. So if I do try again at four o'clock would it be possible for you to explain to him that I will be calling at four o'clock

Speaker 1:                           08:26                     eh, you have to call, call back and explain your issue again sir.

Speaker 2:                           08:30                     Yeah I'm happy to. I'm happy to explain that but is it, is there a way that we can actually get a message on to his desk or a message to him that I am going to be called in at 4:00 for him possibly if he can arrange and fit me in Within his schedule.

Speaker 1:                           08:45                     Year we don't do this here. No unfortunately because we are customer services. We are not sending messages through the system to order so you need to call us back and we come transfer you, we've this met matter yes.

New Speaker:                    08:59                     ok.

New Speaker:                    08:59                     I could try Bob Cundick. He's been away, but maybe he will pick up the phone. Eh, let me, let me check. Unless she wants to call us. Back

Speaker 2:                           09:09                     I will attempt to call you back about four o'clock and speak to Ian Davis directly and see how we can get along. in resolving these issues.

New Speaker:                    09:14                     No problem.

New Speaker:                    09:14                     As discreetly as possible.

Speaker 1:                           09:17                     Yes. Solve the issue.

Speaker 2:                           09:19                     Okay. Well, I've left the website on for half an hour if you have some time. Yeah. Um, to be able to go throw it.

New Speaker:                    09:24                     I will have a look yes.

New Speaker:                    09:24                     At horrific corruption.com. Okay. Well thank you. Have a good day, madam.

Speaker 1:                           09:29                     Okay, you to thank you, sir. Thank you. Bye. Bye.