Speaker 1:                           00:00                     Visit Enfield.gov.uk. Otherwise, please choose from these six options so we can get you to the right team. press 1

New Speaker:                    00:09                     03/10/2018.

New Speaker:                    00:09                     regarding council tax, business rates and housing benefit inquiries. It's two please note with immediate effect, this is the only option that can help deal with these inquiries. For help with waste and recycling. Choose three for inquiries regarding homelessness, housing advice or Enfield council housing. Please press four or to ask about registrars, nationality and settlement checking and citizenship. It's five for help with anything else. Press six, thank you for holding.

Speaker 2:                           00:55                     [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] yeah.

Speaker 3:                           01:33                     [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]

Speaker 1:                           01:47                     just so you know, we're getting a lot more calls.

New Speaker:                    01:51                     Good afternoon I ‘am customer services. Your speaking to Mek, how can I help?

Speaker 4:                           01:54                     Hello? How are you doing? Is it possible to speak to a personal to do with my complaint please and deal with my case load that is ongoing with inside of the Enfield civic centre.

Speaker 1:                           02:06                     Okay. Um, uh, one moment. So this, this case has been passed on already to complaints team, complaints and information department.

Speaker 4:                           02:17                     Yes, that's correct. It's been ongoing for a long time and it's never been addressed. Also I would like to understand what's happening with my housing in regards to a transfer, an emergency transfer that was supposed to have happened on the 16th of last month of octo

Speaker 1:                           02:31                     Okay.

Speaker 4:                           02:32                     September,

Speaker 1:                           02:33                     Are you in temporary accommodation.

Speaker 4:                           02:35                     No, I'm in, I'm a secure tenant, but I'm being, I've been victimized and assault in my house plus the erm employees for the Enfield Council have fraudulent fraud paperwork and put possession orders in which I can prove that they've done and they're still working inside of the company, like they are still dealing with my case. This person he's attacked me for two years since he started the company. Lemmy Newibuis. He fraudulently frauded, all of the paperwork and went for a possession order and he used the true perpetrators that I was already in contact with, the Enfield counsel and their complaints department, showing them what they were doing to me and he used the perpetrators to attack me. Basically he's tried to take my life and my home and him and force me into prison under fraudulent claims that he created.

Speaker 4:                           03:22                     And I can prove this from your timestamps, so I want something done about it. He is now supposed to be dealing with a transfer house in transfer for me alongside with the solicitor. That I advised; he never had a solicitor and I advised him to get a solicitor, which I've got the recordings to prove because I told him on the phone he had defrauded all of the paperwork and I could prove it from the time since I told him. Is he an illegal adviser? He, I knew that he had passed at Westminster. He said to me on the phone that um, no he isn't. He isn't acting as a legal profession. And I advised him to get a solicitor. He did get a solicitor, Ludminya, I've got records speaking to their, her bosses and for her, for her previous company and I've got recordings of me explaining to her what Lemmy's done and what she, he's allowed, she's allowed to do and she still went for possession orders and still went for custodial sentences and.

New Speaker:                    04:09                     ok.

New Speaker:                    04:09                     court costs against me. I want something done.

Speaker 1:                           04:12                     Ok i see and the complaint is related to your housing situation?

New Speaker:                    04:16                     Yes, that is correct madam.

New Speaker:                    04:16                     It did.

New Speaker:                    04:16                     Okay. Um, I can bring up a veto from my system, but it's really because you're in front of the switch codes at the moment. Okay. So it's really a beyond me at the moment. You will need to speak to the Enfield Council housing, regarding your housing situation because I don't have access to the system and regarding your complaint it's been passed on to complaints team. Let me just have a look at who is on duty today.

New Speaker:                    04:40                     Thank you.

New Speaker:                    04:40                     and I'll see if I can put you throw.

New Speaker:                    04:43                     Thank you.

New Speaker:                    04:43                     you are welcome

Speaker 2:                           04:50                     [inaudible]

Speaker 1:                           04:52                     okay. Just hold the line please. I will. Um, I'll see if I can put you throw but. I'll have to introduce the call. So may i take your postcode please.

Speaker 4:                           05:00                     Echo November, three, seven Juliet Quebec

Speaker 1:                           05:07                     and your house number, sir?

Speaker 4:                           05:08                     109 Burncroft Avenue

Speaker 1:                           05:11                     109 ok, Mr. Simon Cordell.

New Speaker:                    05:15                     Yes, that's correct.

New Speaker:                    05:16                     Okay. Thank you.

New Speaker:                    05:17                     Okay, thank you.

New Speaker:                    05:18                     Just hold the line for a moment and I'll see if I can get through to the complaints team.

New Speaker:                    05:22                     Okay. Thank you.

New Speaker:                    05:24                     You're welcome.

Speaker 2:                           06:09                     [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] yeah. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]

Speaker 4:                           08:16                     Hello Simon.

New Speaker:                    08:16                     Hello.

New Speaker:                    08:16                     Hi, you are Through to Mathew I am from the complaints team at Enfield Council.

New Speaker:                    08:16                     How are you doing? Mathew.

New Speaker:                    08:25                     Yeah i am alright how are you doing.

New Speaker:                    08:25                     Hmm. I am Okay. Not too happy to be quite honest. I'm very concerned about things I would like to get addressed. Is he, are you the person that could help me address, um, the framework and legal policies within the Enfield Council and its employees when they're not acting responsible or acting with neglect or misconduct? Can you help me in regards to them issues?

Speaker 1:                           08:49                     Yes so i work in the complaint team. Um, so my role is to sort of take complaints, um, Log them to the relevant services. And I also respond to complaints as well. Um, the woman you spoke with on the phone to before said that you have got an active complaint from Enfield Council.

Speaker 4:                           09:08                     I've had multiple active complaints but they've been pushed aside and now a gentleman called Lemmy while I was putting complaints in of what they were allowed, what the, what the employee ums and directors were allowing to happen to me in my house, which I've got video evidence of. Um, they pushed away about 300 emails that are logged on your computer systems and they employed a gentleman called Lemmy Newibuisi who works for the ASB team.

New Speaker:                    09:36                     Yep.

New Speaker:                    09:36                     and he has actually done and I can prove is I collected the data. I've collected a free freedom of information act from the Enfield Council but asking for any claims against me.

New Speaker:                    09:46                     Yep,

New Speaker:                    09:46                     of my neighbours. He's basically gone to the Enfield Council. He's a woman called Sarah Fletcher, was our neighbourhood office. while I was in a hospital when I wasn't in my property, she has found the perpetrators that live above and are in my first original 400 emails or 300 emails were about and basically she Sarah Fletcher has phoned them.

Speaker 4:                           10:07                     The Perpetrators the true perpetrators who live up above me. She has, I'm let them forge a statement. Yeah, with three claims in it. What they initially done was phoned up the Enfield Council, wrote to the Enfield Council and when the Enfield Council received a letter on the 17th of the 10th 2016 of a them and it backdated a month prior. And what it said is the, I'm a drug addict and now that is how this started, so from a letter you lot receiving a letter which was which on the 17th 10, 16 saying that I'm a drug addict backdate in a month. Prior you use knew that I already had all these official emails in regards to these people and what they were doing and they were attempting to take my life Article 2 of my human rights and that they were, they were violating in my private and family life.

Speaker 4:                           10:58                     Article 13 and so fourth year. Now use lot new the seriousness of the original 400 complaints. Then when I'm not living in my house this Sarah Fletcher has invited the Mathiyalagans family, you lot received the first letter. Then they've made three telephone calls to use lot updated complaints. While I'm not in my house, so I'm living in my house. they have wrote a drug letter now three, updated telephone calls, then Sarah Fletcher, phones them up and ask them to come down to the civic centre on the 11th of the 11th 2016 she does a statement with them. They can remember the drug letter date, but they couldn't remember the three days of the phone calls that they made and update on your computer systems. So they made a complete new three days up completely. So now that led to six days that they have made plus one more date, which was the drug letter date, seven days in total. So, but they couldn't remember the three telephone, the days that they telephoned you up on.

New Speaker:                    11:59                     yeah.

New Speaker:                    11:59                     when they send it.

New Speaker:                    11:59                    

Speaker 1:                           12:00                     yeah, but before you go, before you go on is it alright if i ask a couple of questions. Um, can you say that it was Sarah Fletcher's basically who sort of Um sent a letter you are saying that she shouldn't have well, was Sarah Flexure a neighbourhood officer?

Speaker 4:                           12:14                     Yes. Sarah Flexure. She's, she, she, she works under Jeffry oman who is the neighbourhood office watcher? The Enfield council.

New Speaker:                    12:22                     yeah.

New Speaker:                    12:22                     have their own police force. The metropolitan police force initially did not want the neighbourhood officers teams to be established in history in our history and our British history. And that is because they isn’t part of their own force in real life what they are. Is there a council's police force? So the neighbour team belong to yourselves and not to the metropolitan police. And that is in our history. Yeah. So these people are responsible.

New Speaker:                    12:49                     yeah, yeah, yeah.

New Speaker:                    12:49                     and reliable to yourself.

New Speaker:                    12:51                     i no this i no lee um.

New Speaker:                    12:51                     They're responsible and reliable.

New Speaker:                    12:52                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    12:53                     They're reliable and responsible to yourself and questionable to yourselves. Yeah. And two and two offers. Yeah. So now what I'm concerned about is Sarah Fletcher has done this. Yeah. This isn't even the initial problem on being held hostage in my house, but that's another, that's the beginning section.

Speaker 4:                           13:08                     This is what Lemmy has done. So after Lemmy's Sarah Fletcher's called them down. I phoned up Sarah Fletcher and I have a recording of Sarah Fletcher. And I explained to her, and I know that she frauded all of this paperwork because I wasn't living in my house at the time. Yeah. So I was living at my mother's house. Now I've got the record in our Sarah Fletcher. Sarah Fletcher left her job yeah,  because of it. So she's no longer employed as a neighbour team officer. But then what's happened is this Lemmy Newer Bush has been hired by yourselves. He's come straight out of West minister. So he's done a degree in law supposedly in the house in an all the rest of it. And what he's done is he's picked up, um, Sarah Fletcher's work. Now he's over, he's overseas, he's not, he's refused to look at any of the 400 emails that all your complaints departments were dealing with all the MPs are tied in and everybody else are tied in asking, you lot to protect me.

Speaker 4:                           14:04                     And then what he's done is he said, if I don't come to the Enfield, council in regards to Sarah, and these meetings and these allegations, that thing has done, he's going to put a possession order in and now. He tried to entrap me into the civic centre, into the civic centre for meeting and I refused in the recordings to go for that meeting because I'm being held in my house already because of the Enfield, council created a frauded Asbo application with the metropolitan police in your offices, which I've got the paperwork to prove, which is a bit of another story and I'm riding a nine year prison sentence in my house basically when I shouldn't be. Yeah, I never got arrested.

New Speaker:                    14:04                    

Speaker 1:                           14:43                     before you go on, before you go on, I'm on, I'm on. I'm don't mean to interrupt you but I'm just trying to take notes. So when i interrupt you don't take it the wrong way

Speaker 4:                           14:49                     Yeah, we'll I won’t do that. I won't do that. I won't do that. I've, I've built notes for you, I've built notes for you and I'll give you access to a website in a second if you would like and that website is going to show you all of the evidence that I've built and everything can regard on the report that I've built and that report shows my.

New Speaker:                    15:04                     yep.

New Speaker:                    15:04                     losses, my hours, everything that I've suffered through out and everything and I would like that taken into account.

New Speaker:                    15:09                     yep.

New Speaker:                    15:09                     and I

Speaker 1:                           15:10                     I'm just taking notes.

New Speaker:                    15:12                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    15:12                     too log this all down.

Speaker 4:                           15:13                     I'm going to be serving,

New Speaker:                    15:15                     Non auditable.

New Speaker:                    15:15                     I've got a solicitor firm and my solicitor firm is just letting me finish off the last bits and I'm going to come and officially serve the Enfield Council my full report and official report of all of what I'm talking about. I've gave enough opportunities for this to be resolved. Yeah. Um, from the initial problem of what's happened. Well, I'll, I'll go for the initial problem in a second of how it all started, but we're going to continue with up to date at present, if that's okay with yourself. Is that okay? Yeah.

Speaker 1:                           15:42                     Yes, yes. So, what i am writing in here. Lemmy has taken over from set.

Speaker 4:                           15:47                     Sarah Fletcher. Yeah. Yeah. And I want, here's what it is.

Speaker 1:                           15:52                     and he has refused to look at any of the letters, is that right?

Speaker 4:                           15:54                     Yeah. Well, no. pardon well he has refused to look at any of the emails on, on the computer, which is explaining the true facts of what was ongoing in the, in the, in these, on this housing estate. So what my mother was writing to Enfield Council and I was writing to Enfield Council and he has refused to look at them, he has picked up Sarah Fletcher's work. And there was also another case well two other cases that were ongoing with two other neighbours where I'd been set up which i have proved now. I got arrested for the other two cases, one with Stan and one with a woman called Karen and one a boy called George three cases. They all set me up and I went to court and won all three cases. Now a woman called Jean Burton, who's the witness care protection team for Hackney. She emailed a woman called Konichiwa whose, whose Lemmy's line manage yeah.

New Speaker:                    16:44                     No auditable

New Speaker:                    16:44                     And she told me,

Speaker 1:                           16:46                     okay,

Speaker 4:                           16:46                     yeah, Konichiwa. She in, I've got that email in that email. She, Explained um, Jeanette, Jeanette. or whatever her name is explains to Konichiwa that I have won the cases and I'm going to be released back home. So now Konichiwa, or whatever name is up, she, she messages Lemmy and she tells Lemmy to go to Stan's house. And to George's and that and to give them diaries. So Lemmy go to their houses and he gives them diaries telling them I'm goanna be coming back home and I've won the cases. Um, there's another day. Arrange that shortly. The day after with demo. So Lemmy arrange to go back the second day in his own personal notes when he gets back to the civic centre, he writes in his notes, which I've retrieved on his personal notes, that he noticed that there was no camera in my corridor.

Speaker 4:                           17:36                     So he writes that in his own notes and he didn't ever think I was going to get them. The next day he starts forcing hand delivering letters to my front door saying I've got to remove the camera. And knowing that the camera's not there and he's still force letter saying that I've got to think about the water pressure, which is another part of what's going on. Now he knows there's no cameras. Then he knows that the water pressure has been checked six times already by Sarah Fletcher a surveyor Thames Water the private plumber and Enfield Council plumber and all of them have said that there is no problem, now there force handwriting letters trying to get into my house and break into my house. Yeah. Now why? Why they're trying to break.

New Speaker:                    18:16                     Is this Lemmy.

New Speaker:                    18:16                     Yeah. Lemmy is forcing hand. Yeah.

New Speaker:                    18:20                     Non Auditable.

New Speaker:                    18:20                     Pardon? Pardon?

New Speaker:                    18:23                     Who is it that is trying to force letters on to you.

New Speaker:                    18:23                     Lemmy, Lemmy, Lemmy, Lemmy and other team members.

Speaker 4:                           18:26                     Yeah. Now you've got other players and there is a reason by hand. Lemmy doing this, but we're just, I'm just going through the Lemmy part now. What Lemmy does is iPhone Lemmy up and in the recording to Lemmy. I say to Lemmy, I'm not willing to come for the meeting with, you Lemmy and the reason I'm, I'm, I've just found it. I was okay to go through this conversation with you Lemmy, Lemmy say yes he is happy to talk with me. I said, this is the first time I've spoken to Lemmy and the reason I was speaking to you is because my mother just shown me all of the emails for the first time that I didn't know that was going on. Now you're trying to, you and all the other team members are trying to kill my mother in emails and overload her as an enterprise, knowing that she's a single person and all she's trying to do is protect her son me, which is within our human rights and the rights for us to live in this country and it's in all your equality policies.

Speaker 4:                           19:14                     Yeah, diversity, equal opportunities to found a new de. All of your, all of the talk that you use lot the company seems to give the enterprise use what represent gives. Yeah. Now Lemmy, Lemmy, Lemmy, what he done because I'm on the phone to Lemmy, I asked, Lemmy, can you please go onto the computer and can you check the last complaint against me? Now this is on the seventh month of 2017 we're having this conversation now. Lemmy gets upset and he goes on the computer here him typing like that in the recording. And he checks the date and he goes to me are the 1st of January. So now when he says the 1st of January, I know the laws that I represent. So I say to him, Lemmy, you're out at the time limitation Act. Yeah. These cases that you're trying to put me to force me to the civic centre for meeting for are out of the time limitation act, I've already been arrested for them and I've already been fan not guilty in court.

Speaker 4:                           20:06                     Yeah. So if you've had new information given to you, Lemmy, you're not a police officer. Give that to the police and the police do their investigations and then if you believe that there's, I’m found guilty then you as Enfield council can, you could representing Enfield council, can do whatever you believe is in the best interest for the rest of your Clow clients. Yeah. And what Lemmy does is he gets the hump and he puts the phone down now he copies all of Sarah Fletcher's work and he slams it in 31 seven times into a processional order and he slams a possession or the through my front door hand delivers it the next day and he goes to take my flat off me and steal it. Now he's copied and paste it. Now you can tell that the first statement that they'd done was we've Sarah Fletcher. Yeah, in a somehow a possession order got made in between that and all these got sent.

Speaker 4:                           20:58                     You can tell on the history there and then straight away Lemmy’s already prepare the statement covering up all the information that he's put in the possession order he calls the Mathiyalagans down again on the 2nd of August, 2017 and he makes them, they happily sign the forged paperwork that Lemmy's made and then they spend two years chasing me around in a court trying to steel my flat, making up allegations while this woman's chasing me and attacking me slamming toilet. I've got videos in every room record in every room of my house on what they've done to me in my font room and bathroom kitchen. Now the reason that they've turned evil, my neighbours have turned on me is because a sex scandal was created in my name and uh, and against me and my partner, which Enfield council played a massive role involved in. Now the way that I can prove that the council played a role in this is they put a Asbo against me and while I'd been on curfew for a year in my house, so I hadn't gone out and hadn't done nothing.

Speaker 4:                           21:57                     I was working for Enfield Council I took the keys from the local community Hall, Kemp hall and I was managing Kemp hall . I was doing kids with cellar palsy at winch mill Hill festival. I was doing lock to lock. Festival, with Enfield Council down next to Enfield lock. I was doing ponder end festival. Are you still there sir?

New Speaker:                    22:17                     Yes I am still listening.

New Speaker:                    22:17                     So I was a valued member to the community and I was making good commitments and ties to on relationships with people, networking and I was working alongside yourselves cause you're the red badge that use at represent this on every street post. and everything what is in all of the paperwork and the invoices that I got put through my bank account for doing these events. And so.

New Speaker:                    22:38                     year.

New Speaker:                    22:38                     I can prove that there was a conflict of work under the 1998 act when the Enfield council initially agreed to do this application for Asbo to be put through.

New Speaker:                    22:48                     yep.

New Speaker:                    22:48                     There is three different sorts of Asbos.

Speaker 4:                           22:51                     Yeah. There's a County court order. There's a standalone Asbo. Yeah. Which is what they've put on me. A standalone Asbo which is for like kicking a football up the wall. Then there's a CBO Asbo. Now CBO Asbo is what they should have most probably tried to put on me. And what that means is after criminal conviction they can put a Asbo on you. Yeah. So if something says the organization of illegal raves, it's illegal, means illegal. So I should have been arrested yeah. They never arrested me for this case. Yeah. If you did get arrested for throwing a party and you did go through the proper channels, get arrested, go for the police station, go to court. The maximum sentence is six months in prison. Yeah. Six months in prison and a 20 grand fine. Somehow they forgot to arrest me.

New Speaker:                    23:40                     What was the Asbo filed for.

New Speaker:                    23:40                     the organize the name.

Speaker 4:                           23:42                     The name of the application. Why we, it's called the organization of illegal raves. Yeah, that's what they're saying. Now I've got the paperwork here proven. I was never Found guilty.

New Speaker:                    23:50                     There all dead.

New Speaker:                    23:50                     I was never. found guilty in court. Yeah. Now what initially happened is if you picture this year for us, if you, okay. Cause if you, you know the area I suspect. Yeah. You've got, I'm on curfew for a year in my house for the gazebo case. I'm barred from central London. I've got a sign on eight o'clock every single day at the police station. I've got a tag on my leg and I've got bean in doors by 8 clock. I lost my first partner of 13 years, my first ever love yeah. And I've been with for 13 years. Diana, because she kept walking out of the door and I couldn't chase her after eight o'clock or nothing cause I was like a little kid on curfew.

Speaker 4:                           24:24                     Yeah. I ended up with not I while me and Diana broke up. I went out and met another partner. Yeah. I never had no problems with his partner. Me and her today have never argued. Yeah. At the same time as I met this new partner, the police served the Asbo folder outside my front door. Now that Asbo folder says it was created in your civic centre by Steven Ellis and by a Jane Johnson our commander now for an Asbo to be made. You need members of the public. Yeah. Now each police officers done a statements this hole Asbo is over people getting keep up overnight. At one place? Progress way. Yeah. Progress way is opposite. The BMW the new BMW factory on Lincoln road? Yeah. Where they sell BMWs. You know what I'm talking about sir?

New Speaker:                    25:12                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    25:12                     Now there's another place Southbury train station at Southbury train station.

Speaker 4:                           25:17                     You've got the old man build in, which is the white building opposite the train station. Now if you, if the old man building while I was on curfew, you can check in your files cause you lot went they're enough times, I've got all of the, I've requested all of the paperwork for freedom of information acts and you sort of gave me the evidence proving that you lot went there yourselves on noise abatement teams didn't that and serve notice on them. God knows how many times. Now that you've got a group of people that are living in that building. The old man building while I ‘am on curfew, I don't know now this gentlemen has, there's a gentleman called Chris well let’s call him Chris. He's his throwing a party in Essex's. Now the police have shut him down. A bloke, there's a police officer called Adrian Combs in Essex. Now agent Combs owns a company called big boss limited and he's in charge of every festival in the country. What he does is all the paperwork under the polices it big boss limited and you can check your up on the internet and he does all Glastonbury the lot. So he's a, he's a top.

Speaker 1:                           26:15                     Yeah. Before you go on Mr Cordell before, before you go in terms of your complaint as a hole who is your complaint against, is it the Asbo behaviour team and Lemmy or

Speaker 4:                           26:26                     I've got all of the directors on recording and I've been talking to them about their whistle blowing procedures and policies and I've got the full cabinet here. Yeah. And what my problem is.

New Speaker:                    26:37                     Arr.

New Speaker:                    26:37                     is that I've got all have a littler and recording. I've got every single one of them. I've got over 200 recordings here of me explaining to them all the different problems about the Mathiyalagans, how they were selling another house and living upstairs as temporary accommodation and had been left to attack me. Yeah. Use lot are holding me for nine years. Yeah. See a standalone Asbo yeah. Is not supposed to be a form of punishment by any form of way of means people get released. Yeah. From prison by early release of curfew. A curfew should never have been put inside of a standalone Asbo so, I shouldn't never be on curfew if six months, if you have not got enough for criminal conviction, at court how can you give me a nine year curfew even if you did have enough criminal conviction and maximum is six months.

Speaker 4:                           27:22                     Now I'm phone in use I and I'm explaining to you. I've got the police Asbo folder and every police office; all this is over. People getting kept up overnight. I spoke to this big boss, limited Adrian Combs and he said to me, he, what happened, and I've got all the notes here for it. He was phoning this bloke called Chris up telling Chris not to throw a party. Chris kept putting the phone down on him, not realizing who he was, that he's a, he's a represent a good police officer to know he's in charge of all the festivals. He's given Chris a chance, but Chris was being a rude person and putting the phone down him. So Adrian got in and helicopter. Chris tried to throw the party in Essex. Adrian got in a helicopter, I've got loads of news reporters putting them in the helicopter and he landed in the field and he shut Chris down.

Speaker 4:                           28:05                     He gave Chris Lurcher a noise abatement notice, which he's gave me all the paperwork for and he let them press all of it in the press newspapers. So I have got all of the newspaper press saying that Chris throwed, this party. Now Chris has shut the party down cause he's got kicked away and he's come to Enfield and he's gone to progress way. He never realized that the other lot were in the old man building. So any cars from Essex have followed him to progress way the rest have got on trains and they've got at Southbury train stations seen the old man building turned on and they've walked straight into the old man building now. So you can imagine all of the foot patrols have gone into the old man building and a couple of cars gone down to progress way. Now this is not my fault, the Adrian Combs sent the metropolitan police all of his work and sent a picture of Chris or white person in the folder.

Speaker 4:                           28:56                     Now the metropolitan police and the Enfield Council took Chris's picture out of it and put my picture in it. Yeah. Now imagine that. Yeah, put my picture in. And what made things worse was there was no phone calls to progress way or about progress way because no one really went to progress way. Everyone ended up at the old man building. So now all of the recordings say all of the nodes for the old man building are there all the nine, nine, nine. Calls. So when I opened up the Asbo, it says crown road, crown road, crown road, the old man building. Now under oath. When I got the police officers under oath on that day in call, we asked them, are you sure when you created this folder with the council that every one of these are progress way? He says under oath. Yeah, we're, I'm sure that all of these crown wrote, there was no party at crown road on this day. He's a 100% sure. Now he's lied because he forgot to take the X to Y locations out of it. He blocked out all the, all of the names of the streets, but when you check the X extra Y locations, they all show crown road all of nine, nine, nine calls in that Asbo are Really? Crown road. Yeah.

New Speaker:                    30:01                     Yeah.

Speaker 1:                           30:02                     Mr. Cordell before we're going to, we're going to have to wrap this call up, so what,

Speaker 4:                           30:06                     why would you want to wrap it up? If I'm talking about dishonour in your company, I'm going to turn my website on soon. I'm happy to do that and I'm confident that you're goanna end up with fraud departments. I'm sending it to the universal duh, duh, and to turn to the European committee, I'm going to send it to Christopher Jed it who's the queen secretary. I'm also going to send it to Teresa and I'm going to go online. I'm going to blast it everywhere. Yeah. You keep telling me to deal with this out of body. Yeah. Rather than inner body of yours.

Speaker 1:                           30:32                     I'm just, I'm just off just trying to wrap up the main details of your actual complaint.

Speaker 4:                           30:36                     Yeah. because, well, Lemmy, Lemmy, Lemmy has just try to steel my flat and your initial workers who are.

New Speaker:                    30:41                     yeah.

New Speaker:                    30:41                     Pat and Steve, which you are got in your release forms, who use it or who everyone's going to, you know, to do about Mr Cordell when me and my mom are writing Pat and Steve from the ASB team put the Asbo on him. Yeah. And so Pat and Steve are your players in your team and all your mates, all of Lemmy and all of that and in all of their release forms when they're all backstabbing me when overseeing and, and every time my mother writes to them says, please help Simon. Use lot to the doctors because the doctors say, are the councils writing to us again, telling us to come to you? Yes. I've got all the, all letters, all the doc letters off. The doctors proving that every time that use lot are.

Speaker 4:                           31:15                     phoning them every time my mom sends you an official letter the day after I got the doctor's at my house trying to kill me. Yeah. And that's because you sending them there because you're receiving official emails telling you now Lemmy went one step further. Yeah. What Lemmy done in his, you can go and check this on page 258 or 248, two five eight or four. Eight of his new indexed Asbo of his new index. I mean injunction, remember, Lemmy went for a possession order and in injunction then another injunction order. Then another injunction order against me over two years. Remember in my recording I told Lemmy that first one and I told him about the time stamps, I'm about the time limitation Act I said to Lemmy on the phone like I'm explaining to you, you go and get the first Asbo folders made in your offices and noticed that each police officer has done four statements each pretending that they're members of the public, but there's no signatures at the bottom of them.

Speaker 4:                           32:08                     They've got no members of the witness and members of public saying that anything has ever happened. This is illegal. What they're doing to me. Yeah. Even says the white people commit the crime and I never committed the crime. This is nine years of my life. Use lot are steel here. Now I asked Lemmy to go to the folder. Lemmy put the phone down. He goes to the folder and on the third page, fourth page of the Asbo, in 2015 when I got so called found guilty , which I can prove I never in the transcripts cause they couldn't prove a legality. The judge says it in the transcripts. We can't prove that nothing illegal happened. Yeah, so but now, but she still gave me a Asbo. Anyway. Yeah. Now what I told Lemmy to do was go when I got found, so-called, found guilty they made, they made my bail conditions up.

Speaker 4:                           32:51                     I'm not allowed out. I am not allowed to go to a party. I'm not allowed to go to an industrial estate. I'm not allowed to hire no sound equipment without Enfield Councils authority and all the rest of it. Yeah. Now someone went along and made threats out of it all they scribbled little bits of it and it says attend court and we'll re - man and we'll re attend court and dis us and we're re - man, that's what he says. Yeah, they made threats out on my bail conditions. Now I can never prove the person had done this because Sally Gilchrist, who is in charge of all of the cases, what she'd done was gave it to my solicitor Josephine as Josephine was walking away from the case from me. Yeah. Cause she knew how much trouble the case was. So I fought Josephine could have done it or, or Sally Gilchrist could've done it.

Speaker 4:                           33:34                     But I've collected the folders from Josephine's office. Yeah, you with me? Yeah sir.

New Speaker:                    33:41                     With the threats and that.

New Speaker:                    33:41                     Yeah Mr. Cordell.

New Speaker:                    33:41                     Now let me just explain this one. Let me just explain this to you because this is quite serious what I'm explaining to you. Yeah, please. Let me just finish this one part and I will stop. I'm not meaning to be rude, but we're talking about seven years and not nine years and me being held in this house. Yeah. Now what Lemmy went and done is I've collected the folders from Josephine Walden, Michael Carol's in hard copy, so I couldn't approve this Sally Gilchrist and put these threats in it, but then somehow Sally Gill, Chris mess gave used or copy of the folders. Now you've got all your mate. I'm Daniel Ellis and all that in order to be his emails messaging me when I'm talking to Daniel Ellis in the recordings and Daniel Ellis is saying he?

Speaker 4:                           34:15                     He don't have a copy of the first Asbo in that building. There's never been a copy of the first Asbo but now I know that's a lie. Yeah, because it's late being admitted now in paperwork. There is a copy in that in them offices. And what Lemmy went and done when I told him about the misses about the missing signatures on the time limitation, he went to the folder to check them and he took the threats out of page out of the first Asbo and put them into his in junction order. Yeah. So if you go to page two four, five eight or two, four, two five eight in his injunction you see the threats Yeah, from the first Asbo. that in 2015 when Sadie Gilchrist sent it to your offices. Now have you checked the emails that my mother was sending you at the same time my mum was sending you asking you lot to protect me and use lot are getting Sally Gilchrist, sending you all this forged paperwork that use lot know and you watching all the threats in it and then Lemmy, and you're watching all this happen and you're doing all of this to me and Shannon and Heidi.

Speaker 4:                           35:14                     Mr. Cordell.

New Speaker:                    35:14                     You have caused a sex scandal, in our names, your company has to cover up all of the holding me in my house for nine years. And I told Lemmy about emergency applications.

Speaker 1:                           35:23                     Mr. Cordell, Mr. Cordell, What i am going to do is speak with Lemmy's manager after this call as soon as we go off the phone. Um, but while I've been advised is that any communication should go through your lawyer,

Speaker 4:                           35:37                     Throw my lawyer, I'm not going out to a lawyer, I'm going to go public. I'm going to go public year, and you watch the police one into your buildings and grab you lot. if you don't deal with it internally, tell whoever's advising you to, to take sensible advice and to deal with me because I don't mind. I will wipe all of the corruption away like I've said in every recording and I will not talk about it to use lot. If you lot go and call an emergency application like I taught, Lemmy how to do and he's done for the last two years wrecking my life and you get this Asbo of me trespass was never proved. You can I will turn a copy, let me turn the website on for you now and show you lot how much.

New Speaker:                    36:11                     Mr. Cordell.

New Speaker:                    36:12                     Have you got Google about you.

New Speaker:                    36:14                     Mr. Cordell.

New Speaker:                    36:14                     Have You got Google about ya. Let me show you how I've updated this website. Let me show you the report and how much trouble will not ask your friend if he wants to advise you to. Same advice after. Do you want to see the website?

Speaker 4:                           36:27                     Mr. Cordell like I said I have been advised that all communication must go through your lawyer.

New Speaker:                    36:29                     No, it mustn't. listen to this If you get this right, there's a word called. There's a word, there's a word there which is called, I'm allowed to act for myself here. I don't need a solicitor to act for me. Yeah, I don't need a solicitor in a court. You don't need a solicitor to act for you. I am acting for you. You are my, you take money off me. I am your client under the landlord and reforms act alone. You are in breach of what? Of your agreement. You are signed into a mutual contract with me and you're refusing to talk to me about breaches within your company and within my contract that you've signed with me. We're in contract. So how are you not obliged into your part of the contract and acting with fairness and fair processing in regards to the issues that I'm bringing to you. I'll in a higher standard of evidence that is more relevant and beyond the reasons that I can use your own timestamps to prove what your employee's done when they was acting with neglect and misconduct towards my life and try and steal my property while in trapping me in my home. And you're telling me that you are not prepared to talk to me and to talk to her as Lisa in regards to my contract, but you still want to take money off me.

Speaker 3:                           37:41                     Hello?