Speaker 1:                           00:00                     Nine, nine, nine. Now you can report in non-emergency crime. Fire our website at www.met.police.uk. please. that is www.met.police.uk for custody related inquiries. Please press one to report a new crime. Press two to provide or receive an update on an existing crime report, press three for road traffic instance, press four to contact an officer or individual press five. To hear these options again, press zero to speak with an operator.

Speaker 2:                           00:39                     [inaudible].

Speaker 1:                           00:43                     there will be significant wait to speak to an operator as we are busy dealing with emergencies. if you are reporting anti-social behaviour. Please stay on the line. If you are calling to report a crime or road traffic incident, you may find it quicker and more convenient. To use our website, simply go to www.met.police.uk

Speaker 2:                           01:14                     [inaudible]

Speaker 1:                           01:19                     metropolitan police what is your reason for your call.

Speaker 3:                           01:20                     Hello. I'm just trying to resolve some issues that I'm having and there quite high graded issues. I was just wondering if I could go throw them with yourself.

Speaker 1:                           01:28                     Okay. What issues are they.

Speaker 3:                           01:30                     Okay. One is I understand that there's a law which is called the efficiency act 1999 and 2003 and what the efficiency act says that. If I'm talking to any official like yourself. May I ask your name, who I'm actually talking to first?

Speaker 1:                           01:50                     Yeah. My name is non auditable.

New Speaker:                    01:51                     pardon?

New Speaker:                    01:51                     Yeah, my name is Nerinda

Speaker 3:                           01:54                     Nerinda. And , and, where are you attached to my ask?

Speaker 1:                           01:59                     What do you mean were am I attached to?

Speaker 3:                           02:00                     What, police station or what part, what borough, what command centre, or police station.

Speaker 1:                           02:06                     His dead.

New Speaker:                    02:06                     You have not come throw to a police station, you have come throw to the 101 line the none emergency line for the whole of London.

Speaker 3:                           02:10                     Yeah, the non-emergency line say to Met CC. I've gone through two itself, what centre have I gone throw to Lambeth, Bow, who am I? What borough am I actually, what command centre am I speaking to? What CCC?

Speaker 1:                           02:21                     Why don't you tell me what the reason is for your call and I will?

Speaker 3:                           02:23                     I'm just asking general inquiries. Who I'm actually talking to, which borough I'm actually talking to. Who am I actually talking to?

Speaker 1:                           02:30                     Ok, I'll give you the reference number, the reference number and my name are sufficient details to find out everything you need to know. What are you just telling?

Speaker 3:                           02:37                     Okay. What my problem is. under the efficiency Act 1999, if I tell you something that means that a colleague or another person that's representing the Metropolitan Police Badge has acted with misconduct and or Negligence, neglect or acted as an unreasonable person or has and is still at large still acting as an officer? You have a duty to the force to the oath of alliance that get signed up to and you have a duty to us as the public and yourself to actually report them. On goings now I've had to build a website because I've made multiple calls because I'm being held illegally in my house. Um, it's very clear that I'm being held illegally. I've had to build a website and I was wondering if you had Google available so I could show you why I'm actually complaining about I've had to build an official. Official Report.

Speaker 1:                           03:26                     Okay. You're calling to make a complaint.

Speaker 3:                           03:28                     Um, it's more than just a complaint, it's a matter of emergency. It's something that has to be dealt with today and should not be allowed to be allowed to continue. So yeah, it's a complaint, a complaint. We will lead off of this, but this is something that has to be dealt with as a, as a matter of an emergency, as a tire tear, graded level within the police force, there's corrupt offices that can be proved. I've got lots of police officers like yourself and lots of 'em or servants like I've got lots of people from Met CCC, that I called and throughout asking for help for this and I've been left, told me I've been robbed and nothing. I've had to translate all of these recordings and now they're all on my website. And I was wondering if you could have Google so I can just show you before, because I have not made it go public yet, so I'm hoping we could.

New Speaker:                    03:28                    

New Speaker:                    04:10                     Yep.

New Speaker:                    04:10                     still, there's still a chance that we can deal with this behind closed doors because I seem to have a lot of upper,

Speaker 1:                           04:16                     sorry to interrupt you, can I, is it because you'd been mistreated?

Speaker 3:                           04:21                     It's worse than I'm being. I'm being held captive in my house because police officers forged paperwork then missing all their signatures on the MGA 11 forms. I'm not the right colour to fit the crimes in the beginning. Plus the offense, the, they said the organization of illegal Raves, I never got arrested for something that's illegal, but they advertise in the newspaper that I have been arrested for something that is Illegal and I've gotten a, I've gotten a nine year curfew, we'll say eight year.

New Speaker:                    04:45                     There dead.

New Speaker:                    04:45                     curfew and that eight year curfew, if even if I did like wasn't enough evidence for criminal conviction, the maximum sentence a person should do is six months. I've got, I've got, I've got, I'm being held in my house with no signatures. Each police officers done four statements each and they're missing their signatures at the bottom of them. All of the timestamps to your 999-call centre go backwards.

Speaker 3:                           05:06                     Well they're all of them to this one Pacific location progress way because they, and they had to.

New Speaker:                    05:12                     There dead.

New Speaker:                    05:12                     make up the witness calls and put them in;

New Speaker:                    05:14                     Dead. You keep saying that I am is that you're dead. You keep saying down the phone because this is why I keep translating. If you want to go to the website and see like well me prove the other people doing this. They're telling me I've been robbed. Just like you're telling me I'm dead. I don't think that that's fair that you keep repeating that to me and that you're being paid a salary to do so. I think its unprofessional behaviour and I feel, I feel it is threatening my life. I fought for it and threaten my life for it. You can't blame me if you are saying something different because I don't believe that you are saying something different. I believe the term tape recordings I'm recording of this conversation now will prove that what I'm saying as the other officers and the other people that I've spoken to have told me, they've told me I've been robbed.

Speaker 3:                           05:51                     I'm a black boy on the block. If you go to my website right now, you have Google available to yourselves in there. Have you have Google available watch cause I'm not made this go public and I've got a lot of emails here to send this out or make it go live and we can deal with this behind closed doors. You and your officials and me in a in a way where you're not going to try and take my life to cover up just to make sure that police officers don't lose their jobs. Yeah. Cause my life is more important than any job that any person is doing. Yeah, I believe that. I believe that you should have a look at this website. Use lot should, the website is called horrific corruption.com and you can see the Asbo by folded Were

Speaker 1:                           06:31                     NON AUDIBLE.

New Speaker:                    06:31                     is this your website. Let me just take your name first so I know who I am speaking to. What is your name please?

Speaker 3:                           06:35                     My name is Mr. Simon Paul Cordell.

Speaker 1:                           06:40                     How are you spelling the surname please.

Speaker 3:                           06:44                     C. O. R. D. E.L.L.

Speaker 1:                           06:45                     Thank you and can I take your date of birth just for information.

Speaker 3:                           06:48                     The 26/01/1981

Speaker 1:                           06:51                     thank you and just to ask are you at your home address now?

Speaker 3:                           06:55                     Yes, that's correct. I'm at my home address right this second,

Speaker 1:                           06:58                     O.K. can I take the address

Speaker 3:                           06:59                     I'm about to go out but the address 109 Burncroft avenue. The website's about to go live right this second horrific corruption.com and the website and my address is 109 Burncroft avenue. I've got cameras in my front room and I've got cameras at my door. I've got audio equipment and my door and I've got and I've got a gate inside of my house to protect my safety. I also have a dog here and I do not intend to and do not want no police officers sent to my home address. The amount of recordings I have of police officers coming into

Speaker 1:                           07:27                     I am sorry to interrupt you Simon, listen what is your postcode?

Speaker 3:                           07:30                     E. Echo. November, 3, seven Juliet Quebec.

Speaker 1:                           07:34                     Okay. Is that in Enfield?

Speaker 3:                           07:35                     Yes, that's correct.

New Speaker:                    07:38                     Burncroft, Burncroft Avenue.

New Speaker:                    07:38                     Yes, that is correct.

New Speaker:                    07:38                     Ok, 109 and you are at home at the moment.

New Speaker:                    07:41                     Yes, that is correct.

New Speaker:                    07:44                     So, what was your website's called horrific corruption.com.

New Speaker:                    07:45                     the website is called horrific corruption.com and it's just going live right this second. It will be alive in less than three to five seconds from now and you can see all of them. You can see all the Asbo folders and you can see with the missing signatures you can see all the missing signatures in it. This Lemmy gentleman is now coming in 2016 for Enfield Council and he's made

New Speaker:                    08:05                     Non Auditable.

New Speaker:                    08:05                     exactly the same, same, same misconduct as what I or claim that the police officers here done what they've actually done. What led me is actually been found to do now is he, while I was in hospital, cause I got set up in a mental hospital because, and I've got the police officers who come into my house at that time and the council's on recording in there as well.

Speaker 3:                           08:24                     They all went through my medical notes. They're all going throw the Asbo and admitting that I'm not the right colour. And then there's no signatures. But yet they've still, since 2014 been able to deal with these issues and being spreading in the general public that I've got disease when in my front room, in 2014 in in them recordings, they all admit that I'm, that I'm not the right colour for the Asbo the signatures are missing and they go throw my medical notes and see I haven't got a disease so why have they victimize me and endangered Heidi life and Shannon's life and everyone else is to evade justice, which is them face facing, disciplinary for loss of their, for the things that they wrote and what they're making me Punishable and held captive in my house where I'm scared to leave my house before 10 o'clock cause they're still working in the same borough.

Speaker 3:                           09:04                     I've got the calls, when I phoned a police office.

New Speaker:                    09:06                     You have.

New Speaker:                    09:06                     for support the same polices friends are coming to my front door and they're telling me that I'm, I'm, I'm trying to do their friends. That isn't correct. Yeah. Now I've thought this horrific corruption.com and it proves what I'm saying, what they've done. Now Lemmy has gone himself and he has falsified all of his logs because I've got all of the councils history and the FOI through a freedom of information act of all of the claimants that was making claims of me. And on the phone I phoned Lemmy and explained to Lemmy who's a council official for the Enfield Council. Who made the Asbo We've use lot in the beginning. I explained to Lemmy on the phone that um, please, can you tell me when the last complaint is against me? I don't see why I should have to come for, to the end field council to meet you. I've already been arrested for these cases that you're accusing me of and I've been found not guilty at . You're not a police officer. That's in treatment now. He went on the computer. You can hear him typing on the computer and he gives a date for the last claimant's claim. Me being cheeky, me. I said to him well there out of the time limitation at 1980 on the phone. So Lemmy got, the hump.

New Speaker:                    10:08                     Ok Simon

Speaker 1:                           10:10                     yeah,

New Speaker:                    10:12                     Sorry to interrupt you but I've just made a new description of what you have been saying to me, I'll just put all of this onto this call, what I'm going to give you the reference number and I am also going to attach this to my duty officer, who will be giving you a call back, to discuss this further with you.

Speaker 3:                           10:28                     Yeah, targeted malaise is as it's a 12 year sentence and breach of public office, which are clearly can prove that a lot of your workers have done beforehand. Before I spoke to you, um, it's a 12 year sentence. Well, and I'm not joking about here. I'm about to go public. If someone doesn't talk to me behind closed doors and clean this up neatly. Yeah. And someone trying to take me or put me in fear of my life or scare me out of the country that I was born in is a very large mistake by them. Yeah. Because no one else is going to endanger my life any further than what it's been endangered.

New Speaker:                    10:55                     ok.

New Speaker:                    10:55                     I'm going to leave that website on for half an hour and if use lot want to go through it and please get a superior to phone me and we and we see if we can sort this out in a professional manner.

Speaker 3:                           11:05                     There is a simple way for this all to be dropped. Yeah, I really did get set up for them Facebook profiles to be a grass and grass up two people that buggered off and left me on curfew and three kids. I don't know. That could be your children. That just want to buy sound systems and throw parties. Now while I was on curfew I couldn't have thrown these parties. I'm being accused of then straight after they served me this folder and wanting me to grass up all these people, they're saying rib um rib um, ribbon

Speaker 1:                           11:32                     Listen, what I'm going to do is I'm going to pass that up to my duty officer and they will be giving you a call back to discuss that with you sir.

Speaker 3:                           11:37                     The Facebook profile is on one, on the, on the first Asbo and you can check out. You can listen to some of yourselves and you can see the transcripts on the audios and you can start seeing how use lot have been treating me or your colleagues have been treating me While I wana, or why I want to know why they haven't acted the efficiency Act 1999

Speaker 1:                           11:54                     and 2003 the efficiency act. Remember that? That's a good one.

New Speaker:                    11:59                     Okay. Okay. let me speak because I have listened to you now so can you listen to me please. I have written it all down for you it is a recorded line as you said it is all written down for you and I will be passing this information on to my duty manager and you will be getting a call back

New Speaker:                    12:07                     Ok, Ok.

New Speaker:                    12:07                     I got you a reference number Please.

New Speaker:                    12:16                     Yes certainly.

New Speaker:                    12:16                     the call reference number is Cad Carley Echo delta, seven five one one seven of today’s date.

New Speaker:                    12:28                     Seven five and then today's date.

New Speaker:                    12:30                     Yes.

New Speaker:                    12:30                     That is Perfect. I'm sorry to have to call you about this.

New Speaker:                    12:33                     No problem umm, As I say my duty officer will be giving you a call back to discuss this further with you

New Speaker:                    12:40                     thank you. Have a good day, sir.

New Speaker:                    12:43                     ok you to.

New Speaker:                    12:43                     Thank you. Bye.

New Speaker:                    12:43                     Bye