Tape recording four z0000017


Outgoing call


Metropolitan police recording introduction


Police Officer; hello police how can I help

Simon; hello someone needs to stay on the phone to me and keep talking to me because, I am going to end up killing myself because of what these corrupt coppers are doing to me and I have got evidence in saying that I am correct in what I am saying, my name is Simon by the way 

Police Officer; “muttering un auditable”

Simon; and I have been locked in my house for two and a half year’s proof, trying to proof to the police that I am not a white person yes, that I am of mixed race and that I could not have committed the offence that they are setting me up for, yes and I am at a stage I can’t take it, they keep avoiding disciplinary action by pro longing the case in knowing that I cannot put a complaint in against them and that no one will deal with anything

Simon; I have put article six’s in yes and now Jane Johnson who is supposed to be intendent has been transferred to, somebody needs to do some think about this case, I have been phoning you lot up for so long just asking to get one descent police officer to oversee Steve Elsmore work and see the applicants case that he has put against me and no one will do it, it is not fair I should not be held hostage in my house

Simon; this is making me suicidal

Police Officer; you are being held hostage in your house

Simon; yes I am being held hostage under section 63, which is to do with outdoors, under the crime and disorder act 1994, which is to do without door events and all the incidents that I am in question for are for indoors and I was not even involved in them, for the organisation of illegal raves, I was not even found guilty at the court and my name has been tarnished in the newspapers, they have now pulled it out of the Metropolitan police website, it is not fair these police officers sat around a table and made false information reports, they do not have 101 police note books for none of the incidents that I am in trouble for, they have not signed none of their 101 book’s I am freaking out

Simon; and I am recording ever conversation that we all have, I have recorded about 20 I have so many, and I have got loads and loads of tapes, yes and I have got all of the court transcripts proving that I am right and that I was not found guilty, I got the court submissions proving that I was not found guilty right

Simon; someone needs to do some think I have got video tapes of cops coming into my house which shows that they are endangering my life and that all my neighbours are banging at me because of the information that the metropolitan police put into their website, this is not fair somebody needs to take this police officers Stevens Elmore’s work of him and over see it and stop hold me hostage in my house it’s incorrect madam I know that you might this might not be your problem but you represent the Metropolitan police force even as a civilian a civil person you are still representing them and this is why I am having this conversation with yourself

Police Officer; so, it, it Burncroft Avenue that you live in then

Simon; yes madam that is correct it is Burncroft Avenue that I live

Police Officer; and who do you live there with

Simon; on my own

Simon; I am sitting here

Police Officer; and what is your name

Simon; my name, my name is Mr Simon Cordell some body can’t leave these police officers running around dealing with other people’s lives and I am here clearly proving that they are corrupt, they sit down together and made the information reports and back dated the  created dates so that the whole lot of them went back other one year, I can check and every Urn number goes up numerically in order for one day when they were all logged into the police computers when they done it, then they created the cad numbers and I can prove all the cads were made and then they made the witness statements and the witness statement are not even real to their address, I could go to all the address alongside wood grove avenue right now and knock on all the doors and no one would tell me that they put any witness statements in to the police

Police Officer; err

Simon; I should not be in my house I shouldn’t feel like this when all it would take, I have heard that Jane Johnson was the supper intendent and she is supposed to see all of the police officers in Edmonton police station and now I believe that she was as corrupt as the police officers that she instructed to make the application and that is why her signature is at the bottom of all the pages and that is why she has not done any think over one hundred and forty days that I have been screaming that I am right and now she has been transferred

Simon; I believe that now there is a Colin Anderson and I want him to oversee the case because he is new and independent and he does not have anything to do with the application and all he has to do is look at the officer’s work and he could clearly see that I am correct and that these officers should face disciplinary action and I should not have to wait another one hundred and twenty days  and if I go to court in another one hundred and twenty days  what happens when another one of them coppers says oh I got the toilet problem or he is ill again and he cannot attended court what is that another six months of my life again till I can get another court date they have been putting this off for long enough long enough avoiding disciplinary action and I am suicidal because of what they are doing to me and it is my right under article three of my human rights no police officer or state official should degrade me or make me feel humiliated even vesicle or Mental health

Police Officer; “silence”

Simon; I am correct in what I am saying madam

Simon; and I really need a good police officers help right now

Police Officer; if you are Sue sidle do you need an ambulance

Simon; no I do not need an ambulance what I need I feel depressed because I am being held captive, what I need is a police officer to oversee Steve Elermore’s case and to make sure that the application being brought against me is within the jurisdictions and constraints of the laws, for the people you represent which I am one of those people which helps pay your moorages, you lot are here for us the people not for yourselves, you lot work for us

Police Officer; “muttering”

Simon; and I am telling you that one of your coppers that work for me is corrupt and I am giving you evidence

Police Officer; and if you do not leave your house, what do you do sir what do you do for a living

Simon; I was in the entertainment industry hire in sound equipment to lock to lock festival to Enfield Town Festival to kids with Cerebral palsy I was doing Durant’s park festival Enfield town festival I was also managing my community hall down the road plus I had the keys to club juice night club plus I had the keys to a few other place I was a valid member of my community and I was networking with the homeless and people in poverty at the same time exactly how Glastonbury and the rest of the festivals were created from people who were stuck in poverty

Police Officer; “muttering”

Simon; madam and right now I am not allowed to hire any sound equipment to anybody or even hire any equipment to anybody even for a house party

Simon; in your house madam you have the maximum extent to your human rights the only law in our own houses that stops us for playing any entertainment to anybody else is under the licensing act 2003  is if you make profit with an intention of making a profit in your own home so I do not understand how no one has talked about profit in over a thousand pages that have been wrote to destroy my life, yes so how is it illegal if there is nothing in the licensing act that says that and under section 63 says it is omitted in it that in open air  only in public only unless trespass has taken place I have never been arrested for trespass not even one of the police officers even talk about trespass in the application let alone profit the laws that they are supposed to be representing they did not even build the application under them grounds correctly I am being held captive by law and imposed with conditions that should have never been imposed on me

Police Officer; ok

Simon; someone needs to oversee this I am not asking for an ambulance I am asking for you to get one of these police officers and to oversee all of the corruption I have handed to different article six’s in and I have handed them in at occasions at the court with all of the corruption clearly printed out and I have also made three or four complaints in through this process such as yourselves just the standard police complaints process and nobody wants to pay attention to what is correct to the reason that you all signed up and that was to help people and to do right by people

Simon; I understand that when being a police officer sometimes it might be hard when you all signed up because you feel like a whistle blower, grassing up on your other colleges but you are not you have got to remember why everybody is there

Police Officer; I am just having a look at that now

Police Officer; well what where you accused of

Simon; I was accused of the organisation of illegal raves yes and it states illegal madam

Simon; I am sorry if I seem a bit abrupt I do not ever mean to be rude or disrespectful to you as a person I just want to put that clear yes

Police Officer; ok

Simon; I do not have a problem with ever police officer I have been in enough trouble in my life and I have always had good relationships with the ground force no matter what trouble I get myself into but these police officers crossed the line here and they forgot what they really signed up for and I am a man that is standing for my rights right now yes

Simon; I was arrested for the organisation of illegal raves No sorry I was never arrested, I have not even been arrested, I do not have no similar previous convections of any similar sort yes and it says the organisation of illegal raves  

Simon; if it states illegal and it is a criminal act under the section 63 I should have been arrested

Simon; I have never been arrested I don’t even previous similar convictions

Simon; and as an Asbo there is two to four sorts of Asbo’s a county order a standalone Asbo order or a Cbo Asbo order which is  a an Asbo on conviction for criminal convictions they never put the Cbo on me like they should of they put a standalone Asbo on me which is for civil proceedings  but named it the organisation of illegal raves they should have just said the organisation of raves because when they put illegal into it, it means that the Dps and Cps now have a say in what is being said

Police Officer; “Muttering you are dead”

Simon; and they are not following the correct protocols

Simon; yes, the whole case is upside down from the beginning of the go yes

Police Officer; but where the raves legal

Simon; pardon

Simon; no, no, no they are not raves they are house parties they are house parties and if you go Google

Police Officer; and how many people were at this house party

Simon; yes and if you go to Google, if any place is a place of residence madam yes 

Police Officer; hum

Simon; like this is the law yes, if any place is a place of residence or you live in it or I live in it or a squatter or any other person is living in it you have the maximum level of your freedom of rights within your own house, if I choose to swear in my own house and a police officer comes in, he cannot arrest me for swearing, all he can do is leave my house because I am aloud to swear in my own house, but In public he can arrest me for a civil matter or a breach of the peace, now, it is the same with the music we are allowed to play music in our own houses  or any place or residence the only time that we are not a loud to play music in our own houses is when we are outside in public which is what section 63 says in open air yes these are places of homes and because of that what the police have to do to prove that they are illegal they have to prove any think is prove that profit has been made under the licensing act 2003  under appendix four, we are allowed to play music in our back gardens and in our houses that is it that is the law about it

Police Officer; only up till eleven o clock

Simon; no until any time that we want madam

Police Officer; no

Simon; since 2007, since 2007, no sorry since 2013 since January 2013 the 7th they put new laws into place, which say that they are de restricting the licensing act and what they mean by that is from 8 am till 11 pm there is no noise pollution limits no more decibel reading limits you’re a loud to do plays and theatres and that outside and you don’t really have to apply for a temporary events notice any more

Police Officer; ha, ha

Simon; unless the police decide impose these conditions on you

Simon; I know for fact in your own home there is no noise limit all that can cause you a problem in your own home is if you continually do it over a consecutive period of time

Simon; what you have to do in your own home is run a company

Simon; in Face book ever person I n m y account says friend, that’s what it says friends because they are all my friends

Simon; let's be real about this

Police Officer; how many friends do you have on Face book

Simon; how many friends have I got on Face book

Simon; what I am actually in trouble for yes this is straight yes, what I am actually in trouble for is that in 2013 I had a friend birthday party in Bianca road yes, now and this was legal for me to do so because I got arrested the police came to my house and arrested me over a gazebo they took my passport off me and told me that I am not allowed to leave the country yes, for one year yes, told me, what they also did to me I had to sign on at the police station every day I had to be in my house on curfew   from 8 0clock £1000 pounds in surety, barred from central London after that case, I won my case yes, I proved my innocents yes, but what the police done was come a shoved an Asbo application outside of my house for the period of time that I was on my curfew accusing me of being seven of my friends companies Every Decibel matters he is his own company at company house you can go and check it at company house right now, go to Google and write Every Decibel Matters and I have got a letter of Every Decibel Matters director saying that I was not hired on these dates, they tried these Metropolitan police tried to turn me into a super grass and make me grass all of my friends for stuff for when I was on curfew yes, I am not in trouble for any think that I have really done wrong, yes I am in trouble for being seven other people, four of them I do not even know who they are but the other three I do no and are my good friends

Police Officer; Right

Police Officer; so how is this affecting your life I cannot even go on to an industrial estate right now

Simon; because I want to go I have been accused section 63 is for outdoor events only I got the transcripts here I got the transcripts of the court from trial I wasn’t found guilty because I went there and explained to the judge that section 63 is for outdoor events only and all these are incidents I am being accused of are indoors, yes I didn’t do any think wrong to cause alarm harm or distress while indoors yes and that is a fact yes the judge knew that I was right, yes, so she said I got it in the transcripts well I cannot find you guilty under the applicant's case but what I am giving you an Asbo for is because you had nitrous oxide in the car in 2013, I was like you could not even prove that it was nitrous in the bottles yes I was like if you ever listen to all of these transcripts of these, police saying that we copied and pasted all of the information out of the police national computer, I learnt over Steven kings shoulder and I copied and pasted his statements without him knowing, it is all in the transcripts, there copying each other's statements and stuff and it's in the transcripts and that it’s a joke

Simon; these ance between a charity because if I own am chalot are destroyed and I am trying to walk away from it and let me live my life and let them walk and still have their careers, they do not want their careers, they want to try and kill me other civil proceedings something I can’t even go to prison for, If I was a copper I would never risk my career over some think like civil proceedings over another person.

15;54 Police Officer; but how is it affecting you, what is happening right now I am  not allowed to go out, I am  not a loud to go onto an industrial estate after ten 0ccloc I can’t even go on to a Mac Donald’s  a 24 hour Mac Donald’s after ten 0clock because it is an industry estate I am not a loud to give a friend an amp because I  seem to be liable or prosecutable for their my friends actions I should not be I am liable for my own actions not for friends actions, I should not have to have a charity as it seems to have been said in the newspapers to be a loud to do what is legal right in the beginning yes they are saying that there is a difference between a limited company and difference between a charity because if I own a limited company I am not a loud to do what is legal but if I own a charity I  am a loud to do what is legal and they wrote that in the newspapers that is a joke what is the difference it is up to me wherever I  own a limited company or not charity they cannot force me about what I am a loud to do with what is legal from one to the other 

Police Officer; yes so how did it come a bout that it was raves 

Simon; how did it

Police Officer; how many people were in attendance

Simon; it does not matter how many people are inside 

Police Officer; yes it does matter

Police Officer; what do you agree about these questions

Simon; madam I never being disrespectful what I am explaining to you yes is that I know the law, that I represent even if I am mixed race

Police Officer; why is it that every time I ask you a question you do not answerer it?

Simon; what has been said to be a one of them at the most is 200 people at progress way that is what is said to be at the most yes but the building its self that the occupiers were occupying under section 144 Lasbo can hold up to 6000 people now for as long as there is no licensed bars inside that place and there is only music being played to our friends I would be a loud 6000 people in that building and there is not any think that the cops can do

Police Officer; who owns the building

Simon; you are not even aloud to put a section 63 on a dispersal order on a person’s home 

Police Officer; who owns it low 

Simon; who owns the building, whoever owns that building while it is under a section 144 lazbo while whoever is entitled to it

Simon; I was not involved

Police Officer; "mutter"

Simon; Madam I am being had a go at for being every decibel matters and other names at no point it Too Smooth the company that I own been accused of anything other than running legitimate activities for the community I ant in trouble I was not there I was on curfew I might have attended for five minutes outside of the gates and said hello to my friends. Do you know what is even worse when the police officers were making the applicants case yes they blocked when you look at your police computers recording all of the information when you make yes when you are inputting a 999 call yes for Met CCC I  know how it goes first, first you put recorded by ordinary or third party or whatever then they blocked all locations, lttn locations and blocked everything else out, but the idiots forgot to block out the grid reference numbers out, now when we was in trial at the magistrates they got asked under oath are they shore that every incident here is progress way, they swear under oath because I have got it in the transcripts that ever incident is progress way when we were making the development  now when you show them grid numbers it shows different locations all across the county, I could not have been in a hundred places at the same time these cops set me up now if you go to one of the main 999 call the first thing that the 999 caller that the 999 callers says is that I can see people entering a building and there all white males and females now the police officers go there and surround the building and they go into the building write every person’s name down put it all in the police computer and then into my bundle so that it is all in my bundle every person’s name that was really there, they hold them there hostage in their own place of occupation for eleven hours and when I turn up there on the eighth hour outside of the gates I do not even manage to get in there into the premises because it is all surrounded because the police have got the white people that they are referring to inside of the building and they have listed their names I get arrested  outside I get taken to the police station and I don’t even get booked in and get held captive for hours and then finally realised that is a joke they had them their hostage for eight hours and the 999 call saying it was all white people eight hours before I even got there and they forgot to block these silly things out of the applications  case when they were building it, they have gave me the evidence to kill them 

Police Officer; right Simon I am going to go now

Simon; so what actual, why are you, go to were, this is what I would to do 

Police Officer; I have got to take emergency calls that is what I am here for 

Simon; I respect that do you know that I respect that yes, but like am I wrong in anything that I have explained to you, because you have challenged me with a few things yes right

Police Officer; yes, but you do not answer the questions you talk about these places being owned by people, their own for the time you are in it 

Simon; there house parties do you know how many houses, I am in trouble for

Police Officer; there is not a house that can hold 6000 people so it is not a house is it?

Simon; it is a place of residence 

Police Officer; yes

Police Officer; yes but whose residence 

Simon; it’s a place of residence, you listen to this you may not like marmite but that don’t mean that you can go and nick every one that does like marmite

Simon; the law is the law and if it is not writing down that it is a law that you are breaking and this ant, you lot cannot make up your own laws and your own thighs because you do not like something 

Simon; and if it says that there is no limit to the amongst of people that you are a loud in your house party then there is no limit, that is it, just because you lot do not like it do mean you can 

Police Officer; it don’t have to be a house low does it 

Simon; no it does not it has to be a place of residence madam a place of residence or fixed a bow

Police Officer; "mutter" what like a 

Simon; it does not matter as long as it is a place of residence a fixed a bow were somebody is living and you can send your mail, you lot are happy as long as you have an occupier and he is living homeless some were and you want to put bail conditions on him you are happy to bail them to that address quick another, you would bail them to a squat quick another or bail them to a place like that as quick as you could 

Police Officer; "Silence no mutter"

Simon; what they usually do is fixed a bows 

Police Officer; "Mutter-what they usually do is fixed a bow"

Simon; no they do not if they give their door number and address they get bailed to the door number and address if they want to be cockeye and give no field a bow to yourselves that is what you will write down but if they are smart and give you an address you will put that address down because that is what they have told you and that is there place of residence 

Police Officer; yes but we will go to that place to do the bail inquiry 

Simon; yes, but as long as they are living there, there is no issues because they are illegally aloud to do so 

Police Officer; that is correct they are 

Simon; yes see so there is no issue

Police Officer; but that is not what we are talking about we are talking about raves 

Simon; no we are not talking about raves we are talking about private house parties madam

Simon; private house parties 

Police Officer; ok then 

Simon; Simon I am sorry but I cannot continue this with you any longer

Police Officer; yes but what I would like to know can Colin Anderson now who has taken over Jane Johnsons place oversee Steve Elsmore work

Police Officer; "Silence"

Police Officer; officers are going to come and see you and have a chat with you

Simon; who is what today, coming to my house today

Police Officer; yes, yes 

Simon; and that is one hundred present yes 

Police Officer; yes I am sending officers to you

Simon; what is your name Madam

Police Officer; my name is Catherin 

Simon; thank you Catharine I  hope that you have a good day Catherin madam I am sorry if I have gave you more than your jobs worth I apologise 

Police Officer; all right then thanks good bye

Simon; Good bye

Police Officer; bye