Doctors Coming to Mine 4 Meeting_chunk0.WMA


[00:00:31] Sorry. we are a bit late. AR, you have put the dog in the garden.


[00:00:38] Yes, that is correct.


[00:00:38] Thank you.


[00:00:39] You can sit here if you want.


[00:00:40] thank you.


[00:00:40] thanks Simon.


[00:00:40] I will sit here.


[00:00:40] you can take a sit and that I t is all clean I just everything has just been washed and is clean.


[00:00:40] Is he alright.


[00:00:40] Yes, she just has a scratch all the time when she is worried about the police coming here and that, Lady stop. It is when people are coming in, she has eaten all of her paws.


[00:00:56] Worried about who coming in.


[00:01:00] The police and yourselves.


[00:01:01] err,


[00:01:01] She's has eaten all of her paws. see her paws she has got no paws, no fur on her feet.


[00:01:07] she eats the compete paws because you've let Debbie Andrews who lived up above me when I informed you and Goodie and everybody that she was attacking me and I have got all of the videos.


[00:01:14] Simon, do want to sit here and I will sit next to Angela.


[00:01:17] I'm going to sit there and wait because of control my computer so, that I show you what's actually going on.


[00:01:22] Well alright, OK.


[00:01:22] I'm upset because of.


[00:01:23] What actually happened is that I am getting attacked.


[00:01:24] I've showing everybody that I have hmm, I was in this house for a Gazebo in 2013 and I've been on curfew since 2013 and I'm not been allowed outside of this house. I'm scared because your colleagues keep attacking me and because the Metropolitan Police keep attacking me. I'm lots of 100% percent evidence to prove I'm correct. Now, everything I have done I have put into an official website which is a new a new thing and I have made brand new books for everything all the latest Pdf Digital books, which is all of your work and everyone’s else and their signatures.


[00:01:54] Like. This is the Asbo and this is how it all started. This is all the emails which there are five hundred Email's and this isn't complete but is in a digital version there was 500 e-mails to the MP’s and the council 2013 I was I had the police knock at front door twenty-five police officers come into this house I had been throwing parties in London I would admit that I'm happy to admit that within the constraints of the laws.


[00:02:17] This was for the raves wasn’t it.


[00:02:18] No, this is this wasn't raves.


[00:02:21] Oh.


[00:02:21] What this was I went to the Civic Center I keep going to the business enterprise which you will be able to see in all of the emails, that are in all the index is to all of the books I will show you in a second and then basically I kept going to the Enfield Business center to anyone else’s showing them that I had built a festival and I trusted in Glastonbury management systems.


[00:02:37] So what I got was 32 folders.


[00:02:39] So every test you have to do to be yourself under the Mental Health Act I got the folder for all of your qualifications that you'd get for your city & guilds


[00:02:45] This isn't mental health Act assessment.


[00:02:48] This is this is a Mental Health thing but no I'm saying that if you are training to be a mental health worker, I put folder to which you have to take for your course.


[00:02:54] AR, OK.


[00:02:55] And You get past at the college for your city & guilds the same for a Mathamition the same for a police officer because I trusted in the Glastonbury files and in the Isle of Wight folder, Isle of Wight turns the whole island into a city so it runs under one constitution and it is managed through.


[00:03:10] The same process is as a festival is that same framework legal frame it's the mini festival side we're inside of the city when you get the same paper it's not all the fault there's no a brand-new constitution.


[00:03:22] i have built a Too Smooth Website and there was charity for the people I've been building it from 2010 I spent over 500 grands on the website up and all the stuff I needed to meet the regulations.


[00:03:31] Gosh where did you get over 500 grands from.


[00:03:34] I saved a lot of money.


[00:03:34] my mum and that inherited a lot of money when my grandmother died and we inherit a couple of million pound into the Cordell family.


[00:03:39] On the menu and I threw the cold out of the House of course the carpet which my nan's left for me of a house in Scotland I'm half Scottish so because I'm half Scottish I put before I even got mixed race and people more stereotypical about prejudice, I'm about equally to the last to present to the West when he pieces of land most white people get stopped to Scotland and then they become a guest on Scotland so this is new Scotland's backyard. It says on the police station New Scotland Yard. Yeah, enough people precious to me to tie me up I'll be banned from the country because I think they don't want to be disciplined for what I can prove. He wants to know what initially happened is usually happen it's 2013 2014 or just from in 2012 I was going to the civic center.


[00:04:20] Central Business was asking to stop a festival.


[00:04:23] They kept it seems to me pushing me out and kind of supporting me away. So, I went and met people. I got invited into a private party. My first party was in this area actually and I met a group of people are facing this much better being homeless and we're stuck in poverty. We got along with each other two fires on September there was a pipe for a black local Dylan. Same color as me and it was in hope in central London in London but moved to a standstill was all in the newspapers and every bad one was watching on the news. Dylan was a mixed-race bloke working with white people and he got banned from the country also. There were loads of pictures and stuff made about him nothing and I was my exams they left the country. Now I've come in front of the Civic Centre to lend to business class I'm all over the place in the cars trying to sell the best way to pushing me out. So, I've met the people I've got infected a asylum system. I put up seven planes before 2010 report them as pie for about three four years of seven planes making the money to buy asylum system here. Now once I put my sound system, they have their first flight in the hope and last and they use me as a pawn. I said do you want to come. They wanted to build. Fair enough so I went down at first by I was about to leave. This was just about November 2010 straight off to November 2010. Because it is a bit of history to it so it's best to explain so you understand the winners and that's I'm not someone that's trying to be deceitful cover my tracks so I think I'm picking up funding constraints a little 2010 piece what should we talk about building first.


[00:05:43] Everybody off the Senate brings before you the other thing is, they believed what they were laughing gas. Think that's Microsoft's idea. It's not working against you.


[00:05:52] I didn't want to sell drugs to my friend. I sent a fake food and the plane the size of a full back group of people when I not feel like I wasn't giving nothing back to the people in festivals. So, I throw my on last summer showed me a grappling. So, I thought well at least I'm giving something back and taking some money and not these people I want them to give me a tenner for a ticket they are going to be are going to run the company when I was younger. I want to do something bigger than just mug everyone. So, I'll find the blues. The festival's getting intimate fast as it brings. I'm waiting for him to bring that to you. I'm being like 55 some kind of stairs down there. Those are medical bills all glass can be is not put him in. And why are you doing this to our festivals. It's all in the sun newspaper pollutants pop up out of London let's say because I want to be the same as you. That's how a couple of people. This is a way it's a legal way. It's a loophole in the law now I'm getting sick. That would explain what I explain. So, let me continue in there anyway. Let's get the money for sound systems. Then I went to my first party which was 2010. So, on our terms the festival's first and a fund sports offer a stepping stone to get up to the festival I one where I was going in my head start building the paperwork paying for the websites to be fair and I think I needed the piece come in. I offer my first part of my arm after 2010 2012 come with front end times on offer. The other was build and taken up for some tech or something that. I'm not making me up two chess pieces thrown away as an empty place that some people are living in over me and. So, we missed out on Ivan and then together it's the space from Mitt coming to the peace to come when I'm on my own with my scientist and for the first time. Then it hit me. My asylum system to the asylum system of ninety-five and ten on the second part with the others. So, I looked at the asylum system for a year and it given back to me in April 2012. You can check my first ever fly in London minor and give Riverside system was a mother can attend this. Yeah, you can check it one day Mother Keiko when me was a system where you can check it then your own son. When did mother care when he started to fight until April my first part? I have my ups and downs shut down about 10 random speakers and then all three parties to 2013 in London. So, I pity parties in London on my own for one-year 2013. I hope the peace come here and meet that is by 2012. Coming up the front parties is in London for a year.


[00:08:05] Why would they. Because they should have you and there is a build.


[00:08:09] I met through the year. Front part of the main perspective. She has six children. She's got a lovely heart. When they find out she's there to help the family she become part of the main of the network looking after everyone. So, I respect the fact that she's going to get children taken from her one day. So, I went to her house hundreds of flights. The house was a terrible state so I'm pretty cool mermaids. We got the washing machine from the outside. They put things where order came from you. It was like got kids were going to show is bringing us all the clothes for the homeless people were for me and all the home of all the animals were wearing these building six names and the young children hand I were in a broken system and we're cycle in the moment of change ourselves. I'm happy to do a. Yes, check and I'm happy to go into training programs. I got all the emotional support and mutual concern. The refugees are dropping food to lots of stuff but not in the year and I'm throwing parties. Well to put it in the peace come in me for the gazebo. Because what happened is there was a building up to that one you support. It was an empty shell. Yet there was a point that a year prior they put a hole in the wall next door is the family where they buried stuff now but they don't just burn anything they've done with a brand-new disease. But is this toxic next season so much now. The underwear was too back when it got, they found will be stuck getting burned. O'Brien you stuff that energy to. I didn't know I was on curfew in this house but the gazebo. Thanks. Now when I release, he's asked me to do a birthday party no one would do anything for us. I said give me a plot outside in the park. Yeah. I can accept her choice. Where was the peace Sharfstein. So somehow it was in the next closest place. Is this the O show that we go to the front of the old show and there's a hole in the wall? So, in that way that gone in the year before. I've looked through the hole and the hole are not being ripped on the foot for my own life. It's something I would like to own myself so what I wouldn't want to see it damaged yet so I was upset and being Laden in Pakistan, a pipe dream followed and that's what needs to be a stomach so that we're doing with a few women ever think when you read them. Read forever and I think so you can imagine anyway I fix up all my days. I'm in the long run because all produced a receipt for it and held them bad conditions for a year. Yes, for real but far from going to central London I had to give my passport to the police so I wasn't allowed to leave the country. I find some time there. Sure. Yeah. Plus, I had to be. I just signed up to Section 4 but then I was on February 8 o'clock in this house. My four-year relationship best Diana had come out of hospital nose or told me about what season I was a 10-year-old pregnant. We spent two years went to sleep together for a year now because of the curfew I get from where she wants tmaking numbers Storiy BookOrginal diary start pack