Tape recording four z0000016


Outgoing call


Police Officer; hello Metropolitan police how can I help you

Simon; hello I was just trying to work out some think, I just wanted to know who the new chief inspector is for Edmonton police station, is it true that it is a Colin Anderson

Police Officer; hang on a second while I just have a look for you

Simon; thank you

Police Officer; have you been on the internet to have a look, because all of the metropolitan police details are on our website

Simon; yes, Jane Johnson was currently the police supper intendent, I believe just up a till a couple of days ago and I have heard that she has been transferred to police royal diplomatic protection now or some think she is doing

Police Officer; right

Simon; and my issue was that I wanted her to oversee a lot of her officer’s conduct that she is or was in charge of doing, but the problem that I have had was the conduct that I wanted her to oversee that the officers had committed, she had signed and instructed them to do so, to act, to hmm put a case towards myself and I have got her signature on the application and now she has got and I understand that Colin Anderson has took her place in Edmonton police station  and now he is in charge of all the police officer’s there

Police Officer; hum, hum

Simon; so now I would like to arrange a meeting with himself

Police Officer; hum, hum

Simon; and I would like to be able to hand him an official copy of an article six alongside side with lots of evidence of police corruption he would have to agree with beyond reasonable doubt

Police Officer; right        

Simon; and I want him

Police Officer; all right, all right all right, well what I should suggest you do, ok take the hum documents letters or hum any think you got and go into the station ok and ask them if they could make a appointment for you, ok we don’t have details of his hours and times that he works where the station will

Simon; ok, ok, ok well that is perfect

Simon; and thank you

Police Officer; all right and bye, bye