needs fixing

Speaker 1:                           00:10                     Hello Chief Executive department Heather speaking.

Speaker 2:                           00:12                     Hello is this Heather Littler

Speaker 1:                           00:15                     it is, yes.

Speaker 2:                           00:16                     How are you doing? My name's Mr Cordell. Simon Cordell.

Speaker 1:                           00:19                     Yeah.

Speaker 2:                           00:20                     And I was just calling. I've been through yourself. I've got a few emails that have been, you've been put in receipt of in regards to the problems that I'm having at my caseload at my house and there's a lot of problems with, a few problems that I was having with the company head that you represent. Um, basically the company is it ok to go through a couple of things with yourself.

Speaker 1:                           00:41                     Um, well you might not be talking to the right person. You might, you might need to speak to someone who's in the know about it.

Speaker 2:                           00:47                     I've got it.

New Speaker:                    00:47                     What is it.

New Speaker:                    00:47                     You definitely here. I'm definitely, I'm definitely talking to you. The correct person. I've got your letter here,

New Speaker:                    00:51                     Oh, yes.

New Speaker:                    00:51                     chief executive chief executive at

New Speaker:                    00:52                     Yep.

New Speaker:                    00:52                     24 November, 2006 and I've done a report. I have put all your emails into a full official report and I have done a questionnaire because there was lots of things that I'm very upset about joint circle within malefices of office within your office and um, for fraudulent act under the companies act and breaches of the lease, Hold and tendencies reform Act and breaches of the child protection Act subsection B 25. There's lots of things that I'm very concerned about.

New Speaker:                    01:24                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    01:24                     I've been recording lots of conversations with your company members since 2014 now.

New Speaker:                    01:31                     yeah.

New Speaker:                    01:31                     and there was, your company is, has to be in support for it started, it started with something very simple. How it initially started is I kept coming into the civic centre and I kept asking for support in throwing a community event a CIC, building a community CIC company and I kept going to Enfield enterprise and I was working with lots of other companies like um, in doing local events in the local area.

New Speaker:                    01:55                     [inaudible].

Speaker 2:                           01:56                     I started out, basically I kept getting pushed away by your civic centre. I say like pushed away. I've maybe wasn't ready to turn up the proposals and understand about the statutory Duties and things like that that have to be done. So at the time, so I ended up meeting the people on the streets and I'd invested in a sound system. Yeah, we for a few parties in, from 2012 was my first ever privately that I through private party until 2013 now 2012 so it was one year in London streets. Before that I was selling this stuff called laughing gas balloons and that for a few years, saving my money before that. So only one year in London did I ever have a sound system and ever throw parties. In 2013 what initially happened is the metropolitan police, this had nothing to do with your company head,

New Speaker:                    02:42                     Alright.

New Speaker:                    02:42                     but the metropolitan police come to me and they arrested me for throwing a woman's birthday party called Becky.

Speaker 2:                           02:49                     She had six children. She was always there in the community helping us met our lovely woman she had life really hard. So I was quite keen on helping her for anything. She wanted she, it was her birthday so, we throw a birthday party outside for her in South London. Police shut us down. And we got told no, we got told to move on to another location. So we moved on the location to where she had been living under a subsection 144 Lazbo. Um, and so we went to the place the police we've ok with everything. Basically a few months later the police come to my house and arrested me for handling stolen goods for a Gazebo that was set up in my back garden.

New Speaker:                    03:19                     they said it had got stolen, I got put on stringent bail conditions. So, 2013 after a year of throwing parties and getting turned away by the council yourselves and that, which I've got emails that prove all of this because I was writing from my personal license and stuff to the licencing departments.

Speaker 2:                           03:39                     Right.

New Speaker:                    03:39                     Basically what initially happened is I got put on curfew for a year. I stayed on curfew for a year.

New Speaker:                    03:45                     Right

New Speaker:                    03:45                     I managed to, I managed to prove, prove that the case wasn't my fault. I've got the case dropped after that year. I had my passport taken off me. I wasn't allowed to enter the central London and I had a.

New Speaker:                    03:56                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    03:56                     nightclub in Brixton. I was managing so I had a brand-new night club,

New Speaker:                    03:59                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    03:59                     that I was managing and I lost the contract for that because of it. Now, after I had to hand my passport in and I had to give a £1000 pounds insurity I had to sign on at the police station at four o'clock every day and eight o'clock I had to be on curfew in my house. I won the case after a year anyway, but this destroyed my 13 year relationship. I was with my first ever love.

Speaker 2:                           04:21                     Yeah, me and Diana.

New Speaker:                    04:22                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    04:22                     together. Yeah. Destroyed our lives yeah. So this is the first girl I ever slept with. She was living in my house for years. I lived in this council house nine years with her at this stage.

New Speaker:                    04:32                     His smart.

New Speaker:                    04:32                     I put a Freedom of Information Act into yourselves to make sure that there was no complaints and use lot sent sent me a freedom of information request saying that there's never been a complaint on your behalf about me or any other member of my public or nothing. I'm, I'm a good citizen basically, still yeah.

New Speaker:                    04:46                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    04:46                     Next thing I know I won the case the second I won this case. I had lost Diana I went out and I met another partner. Yeah.

New Speaker:                    04:54                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    04:54                     I was let out of my house after being kept on the, on curfew. All of 13 to 14 yeah, so I won the case.

New Speaker:                    05:00                     yeah.

New Speaker:                    05:00                     and then basically I went out and I met another partner.

Speaker 2:                           05:03                     The second that I won I met that partner, I started looking after her child. We're painting the kid's bedroom in our house. We've been together eight months. I agree to have a baby with her. She said she's feeding me the food and Diana has gone. So I loved her. I looked after her I took care of them, I done my best for them. Yeah.

New Speaker:                    05:18                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    05:18                     Now I've got all the emails still today we were talking when me and her have never had an argument in our lives. Yeah. I still talk to her to date now.

New Speaker:                    05:25                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    05:25                     And I have got every text off of her to date now. Yeah.

New Speaker:                    05:29                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    05:29                     `Now she's locked herself in her house with her baby. Yeah, because of what's happened and I've locked myself in my house because of what's happened. What continued after this? Yeah. Now straight after I won the case and I was looking after them painting the kid's bedroom.

Speaker 2:                           05:43                     She said, we agree to have a baby. She said she's going to go to the clinic and get checked. She went to the clinic. When she's in the chair, the woman said, Oh, and you have not got a problem internal you got problem external a spot on the top of your ass, now she'd come back to me one on painting the bedroom. Heidi's bedroom. Because Heidi used to cry downstairs cause she used to get, they, she did not have a bedroom when I went there. Yeah.

New Speaker:                    06:03                     yeah.

New Speaker:                    06:03                     So I was going to be with her, so I called my mates and got the bedroom plastered. We painted it on all the Disney stuff. When I'm doing it, Shannon has walked into me and said to me, sit down, Simon and let’s talk. I need to talk to you. She said our something about herpes. That I might have gave her that I might have gave her herpes or something like that.

Speaker 2:                           06:17                     I said Arr, that's impossible. I've been in my first relationship anyway. Me and her never argued. So, I went to my own clinic yeah.

New Speaker:                    06:24                     yeah.

New Speaker:                    06:24                     I went to evergreen on stead of South London clinic. I went into the clinic, done my blood test. I forced a blood test cause I had no symptoms. Yeah,

New Speaker:                    06:33                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    06:33                     in forcing that blood test because I phoned up my past partner, Diana and explained to her the circumstances that I was in and I asked her to go into a test and I asked another partner to do a test. I explained to Stain the on goings. My next-door neighbour, the old man, Stan, who's like a father, I do everything for him. Push the chairs up the road that he sits in when he fell over, took him to the door. I've never been rude to him. I've loved him, I thought, I told him when the time comes, I'd wipe his bum for him to make sure that he can stay in that flat

Speaker 2:                           07:00                     I loved him like a father. Yeah.

New Speaker:                    07:02                     yeah.

New Speaker:                    07:02                     So I spoke to him and said look I have been accused of this and I feel a bit upset. Now what happened? While at that moment in time, while this was going on, the police threw an Asbo outside of my front door which your company was in support of and a meeting was held on the third page with a Jane Johnson, the command Borough officer.

New Speaker:                    07:19                     Now what initially happened is I looked at the folder and I was quite knocked off my feet sort of thing. It accused me of six parties that I hadn't, that I had never thrown. Yeah,

New Speaker:                    07:29                     yeah.

New Speaker:                    07:29                     So I found out all of the names of all these parties, two of the people I knew, the people I knew who you organize. I know them and It's not wrong to know people. So now the other four, I didn't know their young children below my generation and below the generation below them I don't even know who they are.

Speaker 2:                           07:46                     They could be your children. Now what this application done was try to make me grass all of these people and saying, well that isn’t me. They aren’t my party’s. they are your parties.

New Speaker:                    07:56                     yeah.

New Speaker:                    07:56                     So what I done, what me and my mum done. We went to Facebook and we looked at the offense that these people had set up and we copied the Facebook profiles.

New Speaker:                    08:03                     yep.

New Speaker:                    08:03                     So I've got all the Facebook profiles for the people that organized the events in real life. I looked at the case and I thought, you know what, I'm not going to grass my friends in or these associates and I'm not going to go and I'm not going to do the police job for them, So I wrote a massive first statement. Yeah. Which says, I looked at the laws and understood what I represented on this land and the land that I live off, being a British citizen and understood that private parties that are in our homes, are not regulated under the license.

New Speaker:                    08:30                     Um

Speaker 2:                           08:31                     So the second were allowed to have private parties in our home, we're allowed to charge money. The only thing we're not allowed to do in our home is having intention to make a profit run a commercial business.

New Speaker:                    08:40                     Yeah. And we cannot continuously, frequently throw parties in the same house cause that can cause disturbance under the Christine and Davy. Who were the first person that caused the talk? No, as of banging at each other. Yeah. Which were the noise prop where the problems come into to the finger. I understand it. I understand the nominee laws. I understand the magnet Carta given the given class numbers, management system, fiber showed you the work I've got here. I wrote a brand new constitution model constitution for the Peotone on a lot of stuff. Hey and I am not being shown to anybody yet and I wonder minds plagiarize like 100% in grammar, a hundred percent international words, like a hundred percent I'm off the rocker.

Speaker 2:                           09:18                     I'm telling you with what I do, I'll show anybody. I'll, I'll do a test with anybody, you know, knock them over. Yeah. Now what I've done. Yes. Cause I knew this, I looked at the paperwork and I noticed that there was sections on all the doors on, yeah. On the, on the, on the cases. So I went to court with my section and said that I'm building my company. This is what I'm doing. I'm building a festival. I'm in contact, the licensing department doing this to not showed them all the good stuff in the application. And I showed them that there was a section two under the license. Now you've got no rights here. So you call this the organization of illegal raves. Yeah, so it must be illegal and I must be proved. I must be arrested for something that's illegal. You forgot to arrest me.

Speaker 2:                           09:58                     Not called it the organization of raves. You said it's an illegal offense. So my barrister's had to go at them 15 and the highest coppers went to call the neck. They kept trying to get the Hasbro on me. At first, when they first serve you, it becomes an injunction order. So now in 2004 enough served this injunction order on me. I'm going to court and I'm explaining to the judge, this is wrong. Now, four five charges threw the case on the floor and walked out the courtroom in 2014 and refuse to hear the case that they refuse to hear this case all of a sudden because Sally her, she had signed up by this stage, she had done about 400 grand on the case. She's the executive director in Hogan house. It is in Scotland yard. Yeah, no, I've got Sandy on loads of recordings telling a leaning out proceeds within this case and she's, I'm not going anywhere.

Speaker 2:                           10:46                     Right. I'll continue slowly. Yeah. But what happened is I went to co I, they couldn't get the case on me. Yeah. All the charges were laughing all on my side, like the Robin hood. I was a good person. So, what they'd done is they, my next-door neighbour, Ozzie must. I must've come home on my own one day after talking to Shandra, but it's not dumb or not a bit in my house. Oh bloody hell. This is a bit shit. And honestly you must've heard me. So he's phoned up the police and told the police what was going on between in my personal life. So the police phoned up the doctors and sent the doctors to my house for the first time. You had the doctors come to my house. Now this is all on my medical notes in Rio on the, on the, on the, on the computers.

Speaker 2:                           11:24                     I've got a copy of it all. Hey, yeah. So now the second that my personal date under the protection that goes EK back to the piece, the police shouldn't use it. It's protected under the DPA and it should never be an intwined back into the public's view and entanglement it. Yeah. Because it became a sex scandal with minor Shannon's name. We've never argued. We've never had a dispute. Yeah. And it's become a sex scandal. I'm very hurt. I feel in danger and my life's been put at risk in the public for something I'd never done. So anyway, I went to the clinic, I work, I'll show, I've got my blood test. When a woman phoned me back to give me my results, she said to me, Simon, sit down. You can't have sex with anyone ever again. You can't even have concession with a condom all on recording.

Speaker 2:                           12:04                     You can't kiss anyone ever again. So when I put the phone down [inaudible] thinking, Oh my gosh, she's like, you've got your four for herpes. Yeah. How's that fucking old house so used, my friend broke my arm, so I mean, yeah, and as I was sitting there, no, she didn't call me in for no meeting or nothing. I'm sitting in my hospital in part, I'm trying to still look off of Shannon as it's priced as what's happened here. Shanna's mom went and hung herself over all of this and she's tired. And basically what continued to happen was without messing it up, I got served the ass bro when I got served the ass, but I went to Oxford, they kept trying to get on me, couldn't get on me when to call or show to Sally and all that, that they were wrong. And I had the Facebook profiles in the beginning and that they were wrong in what they were accusing me, but I'm not going to give them to them and be across.

Speaker 2:                           12:49                     Yeah. Study. Still refuse to listen. And she refused to do what she was doing. So now finally, they may still turn in one name in the public with the sex scandal. So I went to call. Yeah. And now all of a sudden they got some woman judge who she does his stills with children. Yeah. Who have hope, who have been a assault eight and in sex offenders. So they've changed this. They caught some time, each charge against me. I looked at her statistics online. All she does is kill people for food. The right reasons. Now somehow they've got me in front of estrogen. She sent me paying up. Yeah. She goes, I'm giving you the injunction. We'll try and conditions you. I said, this is I. So now in 2014 after that six, eight months of them chase me, then you've got the injunction conditions.

Speaker 2:                           13:27                     Yeah. So I've got put in my house a bit longer now. By 15 our year are chasing me around a million pound into the application. Sally's finally got me into court with this, this horrible judge and if dummy over in the call that my parent's 15 police officers, the highest ranking police officers where they, yeah, so it's like a Miraj. I'm thinking, Oh, I'm not realizing about victims that there's, I'm writing to them saying where's the victims? I want the victims to come to court without a victim turning up to court. There is no case to answer by a lawyer. Now the 15 officers who went up and my parents, they're written pieces. Each one you ain't first hand evidence. Then the Paris laid, the police officers are getting off this off the Stein guy. No, we're sorry to the judge and I going out.

Speaker 2:                           14:11                     We could cause them [inaudible] awkward. The transcripts. I mean we copied the hat of a PC King statement, but I must do this. It's going on. This is out of order. You're not allowed to copy it the same way where you even at the event order them guy. None. None of us were at this location. So we'll have 15 copies in air and none of you were even at the event and there's no witnesses in there. This is illegal. What you're doing to him. You've not arrested him and it's all in the transcripts and I've got them here now. Yeah, no, I kept saying to them, this is our border. So I went under the trespass and never pointed. No one hurt. So when I come home and they sent me up, right. They advertise me in the paper, the organization of illegal raves. So I got upset.

Speaker 2:                           14:48                     So I started writing back in the response bundle to them. I don't know if you use, I have a copy of the response bundle now. I looked and I noticed all the timestamps to the call centres were out at date. So everyday their call centre starts at under suit regulations. They are, yes. C D communication. They are, they're recorded under EHCR regulations and legalization. Yeah. Under the regulations and the investigatory power to fast and light. Yeah. So this is how we're recording this conversation under NSI R and understood under our tree is rules. Yeah, no, I I the these, that call centre starts at 12 o'clock every day. Most members of the public don't know, and it goes cat one, cat two, cat three, cat four, that's it. Numeric number. So cut 500 happens every day. They get 15,000 calls at borough Lambeth and a M and at the Apple one, yeah, you've got arms met, CC and storm.

Speaker 2:                           15:38                     Now they're caught. Start 500 say, Oh look at cat 500 which is the 500 call. It says timestamp nine o'clock. Now look at cat 525 it would say one o'clock an hour before. And now this happens throughout all the cans. Yeah. Now when I'm looking in the cans, it says in the nine, nine, nine calls, when the PLO called up, he says it's all white males and females. And one of the incidents, for instance, so white males and females and the police go there, arrest, inspect, inspect the skin. It goes there. He Nicks a boy called Anthony Harris. I don't know inside that building with an incident. I'm not at this point. It's nothing to do with me. Yeah, this is at 10 o'clock. You can see in the cats, you and after the are in the cans. Then th th th then I turn, he blocks the whole Gates has been in the building until three o'clock in the morning.

Speaker 2:                           16:24                     Won't release them. I go outside the Gates where he's got surrounded. He arrested Anthony Harrison the building and he nixed me and I get the blame for the whole lot. And, and this is wrong here. I hadn't done anything wrong here. And now Moses, heroine, all that wrote me letters, a directors of the companies I've got, if you ever get a copy of the response, Bondo and look for it now I started saying, well look, the timestamps are wrong. Then I started noticing that there is no victim signatures at the bottom. So if you need members of the public into on top of your company. So I looked and I know it's the audit all the mg six, four mg, 11 forms, meaning that there is no, um, our personal witness statements and they have to be signed under oath. Now, even if they were signatures on them and the people refused to go to call.

Speaker 2:                           17:05                     Yeah. That means that there is no case to answer. Yeah. Now, if you looked at, if you went, for instance a, you weren't about dot code or as Bose a S B O S. dot. Co. Dot. UK. Then you click on a bow. Yeah. And then you scroll to the bottom of it and the bottom chapter explains the bruise on hearsay that if no one attends call and no one and then there is no case to answer. Yeah. There needs to be a fix him. So this, this is all illegal. One being held hostage in my house. Now I keep writing this to Sally [inaudible] wrote loads of it and my mom's row, it's lizard as a row. I've wrote every law of Moses and all the companies. I've then what was even worse. They say that I, I've ordered the incidents that I'm accused of.

Speaker 2:                           17:50                     There's only one that there's picked hymns in saying that they got kept up overnight. That's why I've got seven years. Yeah. I'd done a year for the gazebo and I've got seven years for this. The maximum sentence, even if you are arrested, is six months to three months inside. You wouldn't even do that for you. Do two months inside, one month tag and get released with a maximum sense 20 ago. I've got seven years after a year for the [inaudible] case. That's eight years of my life gone now. I've proved that there's no statements in that folder and it's illegal for them to hold me. Yeah, it's all in the response bundles then order. The only place that that was picked him supposedly was progress way, which was on Lincoln road opposite the BMW factory on the same day. There was a party on South. We wrote any old man building while I was on curfew in here.

Speaker 2:                           18:34                     I didn't know the adults were in the old man building. Nice. The only one with the train station, you know in that area. Now when I'm not [inaudible] what happened on the day of progress way? Was this a boy? A T cool Chris. Now I know him. He was thrown apart in Essex. Yeah. Now when he was frying the party in Essex. Yeah. A police officer called Adrian Combs whose ESIC superintendent kept going to his house. He kept telling him, Chris, talk to me with respect and we'll do something. Chris kept putting the phone down on him. Yeah, and you don't know how to speak to him about the lingos or sanitary policies. You don't know. It was just a good event and of course I ain't got his head on right. Yeah. So he's speaking agent Combs, his own big boss. Limited as well. Big boss. It is in charge of every festival in London.

Speaker 2:                           19:27                     Gregor Glastonbury. He wants all the policies. He understands all the statuary, like how I understand it all will hate Jim books. He knows the clue. Yeah. Now Chris didn't know how to speak to him. So Indian, Chris is putting the phone down on him. Sergeant agent comes, got fed up when he freed your friend in Essex, flew over there in a helicopter, landed in the field. We're below the press, took pictures of them all and served them all in abatement. Lo is told Chris is not allowed in the area for 48 hours. Chris moved out of the area and he's come down to this area while I'm on curfew. They're throwing the party down at progress way. They've jumped into the building or whatever. Whatever's happened. The police haven't had an argument or dispute that there's a section on the door now I've, I've been called on live, not come to, I don't go to the first location on [inaudible] wasn't involved, but then my friends are coming to my area.

Speaker 2:                           20:11                     I'm not seeing them for a year. So I went to visit the guy and they said, Oh, they've got a few little problems here and there, so I'll just say, I said, arc might be out to help you a bit. My services here and there and they're just trying to get better trainers on my pair of trainers on my feet. I've been locked up for a year before that. Yeah, sure thing. Next thing I know. Yeah. Police have used all of the nine, nine, nine calls that got made, aren't they? Cause and everyone got out of the train station, they've gone straight into the old man built with an inlay. No one's going to walk up all the way to the top and go to progress way. So order nine, nine, nine calls on that. They got me to progress way until the old man building. Now I've got all the cans in the order that they left on the peoples.

Speaker 2:                           20:47                     The quarter's numbers in. Now what you look at is the police officer. Late day they blocked that crown road on the top of all the cards, but they forgot to block out the X to Y locations. So now when you put the X to wire locations and it opens it to crown road, now under oath on the day in call, we are Steve. I was more, I've got the transcript. D are you sure that all of these locations are progress way in the, all these [inaudible] swears under oath, you know, I'm sure that all these are progress way and there was not another party on this day. Now I wrote to you that you gave me a freedom of information. It's proven that you sent cancel officers to that building on the same day to the old man building and you and I've got the press reports for that as well.

Speaker 2:                           21:29                     I've got all the letters of Sergeant Asian Combs proving that he sent the folder over Chris lurchers name and your pain and at the metropolitan police have took my his picture out and put my picture in there. Yeah, I've got all these cases are, I couldn't be [inaudible] like they're saying. That's what I've been accused of an almost and for your company to do now without you and with the victims. There is no case I was working for, y'all had the keys to the community hall and I was managing that for Diane or Tom or best for that. Yeah, I was. I had, I was doing lock to lock festival before this. I was doing ponders and festival kids. We sell a palsy Winchmore Hill. I gave them my CV and the police went to every single one of these places, the Scouts to beavers in this application, but they never went to one building on that and they say it in their photos.

Speaker 2:                           22:15                     We're not being mean to everyone to shred my whole life yet they've locked me in this house, use our locking me in this ass. Now knowing there's no pictures on loss and you to do is call and EGM me in. Yeah, and under the grants of trespass. Yeah. If you say that there's an error in the use, I've been noticed that there's an error in law under the grounds of trespass. Yeah. Then the case would just get dropped under that and arch get bit pap date, your payment. I'm going to buy a tent, get a diary and come up to use. I've got Myers on a big top tent and knock all the policies here. Now I've set the dates where you would get 20 copies and I'll get loaded and slowly let back into the community. We do something good. Yeah, I've got everything.

Speaker 2:                           22:50                     Use lot can dream of here. I've looked at your policies. You lot do 51st state? Yeah, so I go to all the meetings. When you lot, go online. Yeah. I look at all your policies that you gave 51 state and all of the secure policies and that. You've got that is child paperwork compared to what I've got here. Yeah. I've got the real deal. I've got ever folder i have got everything, for everything. Litter control policies. I've got the practices, codes. I know everything. Yeah. I want to do business. I don't want problems. I don't want to make you lose your jobs. I just want abit of back pay for, for the error in law. I do not want to go and put all of the corruption through the door. But if use lot don't accept responsibility for this error. Sally Gilchrist is not going to because she has put too much money in it to it all. It costs too much money and they ruined.