Speaker 1:                           00:01                     Hello?

New Speaker:                    00:01                     Hello, I believe I'm speaking to you a little while ago, Mr Cordell and someone has just contacted my mother in regards to asking for my personal details.

New Speaker:                    00:11                     That was me. I called just to double check what your date of birth was so I can get you up. so I can send it to Ollie so he knows who you are.

New Speaker:                    00:20                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    00:20                     Yes. Okay.

New Speaker:                    00:23                     Pardon.

New Speaker:                    00:23                     Um, do you still want to querying are you still querying.

New Speaker:                    00:26                     Sorry I cannot hear you Simon it sounds, Hello it sounds like a hyena.

New Speaker:                    00:26                     Hello, do you still have a query in regards to my date of birth.

New Speaker:                    00:31                     No, no, I'm your uncle gave it to me and then I uh, I look it up and I saw you. So, um, I just sent those details over to Olli Maggie, so, he should contact you yeah.

New Speaker:                    00:42                     Can you see my information on the computer? My personal data?

New Speaker:                    00:45                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    00:45                     Am I allowed to, can you not see the last case files to who has actually been sent to my addresses? to my personal home house address.

New Speaker:                    00:52                     Um, No, not that I can see no.

New Speaker:                    00:57                     Or the doctor's notes?

New Speaker:                    00:59                     No, there's only so much that I can see cause I'm administration.

New Speaker:                    01:01                     Ok.

New Speaker:                    01:01                     so there's only so much access. I have, I did see that you made a telephone call two days ago and spoke to a night team.

New Speaker:                    01:09                     Yes, that's correct.

New Speaker:                    01:11                     Yeah. So that is all that I saw but I did pass that information on as well, to Ollie to let him know that you called the night team two days ago before to let him know that you have,

New Speaker:                    01:21                     Do you have a list of available doctors that use lot have? So, let's say now that you wanted to call somebody out of the team, like obviously if I said Simon to you, Simon Clark that would be the ex-director of the company and most people would, and I know that like you might not understand cause he, he wasn't there at your time, but then you'd still have access to knowing what, what like personnel is available, like Goodie

New Speaker:                    01:46                     Sir if you called and ask to speak to a certain person I will try and transfer you to that person i will try and transfer you to that person

Speaker 1:                           01:47                     So if I would like to see, I'm trying to get hold of um, Dr. Albaz, A.L.

New Speaker:                    01:56                     Dr. Albaz.

New Speaker:                    01:56                     Sir Dr. Alabaz from what I can see on our list. I don't think works here anymore. So, I don't, I don't actually know who that is or Dr Amin A. M I. N.

New Speaker:                    02:07                     I do not know who that is, either but I have passed this on to Ollie and he is aware.

New Speaker:                    02:11                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    02:12                     He is actually very smart.

New Speaker:                    02:12                     Do you know who did this gentleman Sam or Elan is that I referred to.

New Speaker:                    02:16                     I don't know who Elaine is that's why i have passed this onto Ollie because he is the manager only cause he will, he's the manager. So he will know.

New Speaker:                    02:22                     ok.

New Speaker:                    02:22                     many of the people.

New Speaker:                    02:22                     Well, I appreciate that.

New Speaker:                    02:24                     That’s ok Simon

New Speaker:                    02:24                     Thank you for, for your time. Anyway.

New Speaker:                    02:27                     That's alright have a good day yeAH.

New Speaker:                    02:28                     Thank you.

New Speaker:                    02:29                     Thank you to have a good day