Tape recording three Z0000013


Incoming call


Police Officer; I am contacting you about a complaint you made

Simon; pardon

Police Officer; we received an email apparently you wanted to get in contact with the Borough Commander at Enfield

Simon; yes that is correct

Police Officer; yes

Police Officer; and it is all to do with a complaint to do with an officer in regards to an Asbo Order that was issued against you

Simon; yes that is correct

Police Officer; yes from my records I got that you logged a complaint with us on the 11th of Arial and that was sent to the director of professional standards who have then sent you a letter saying that your complaint will not be looked at until the court case is over

Simon; yes and that is correct and that is in relation to certain issues that are going on with the actual case its self but I made a separate issue of complaint now which is in regards to police practices and that is in regards to a Jane Johnson who is the commanding officer who is in charge of all the other police officers and basically what she has done is she has told a load of officers to go and make an application under Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, Baron Hogan-Howe permission which is for the organisation of illegal raves, she is supposed to be overseeing that herself they have clearly misplaced the case because I was neither arrested for something that states that it is an illegal offence

Simon; I bet that in her memo in his memo to her if he did tell her to put an application in for illegal raves then that meant she was told to arrest me and I was not arrested, now I am looking to call her up to the witness stand and I might have to go litigant myself 

Police Officer; yes

Simon; and what I am asking her to do is I have handed in two Article six’s as well as the official complaints

Police Officer; yes

Simon; and I have a copy of this here now and I have tape recordings of every time I have spoken to the police, like now I am recording our conversation, I have recorded every other previous conversation

Police Officer; yes

Simon; with every other officer and I have memo’s of every complaint

Simon; this is a complete breach, they have got the time stamps clearly wrong here in the application put toward s me and anyone can see that a lot of the grid numbers weren’t taken out

Simon; I have got all the police under oath under the transcripts and my barrister clearly asking them certain questions, like when you was making the development of the application are you sure that ever incident on the 8th of June 2014 is in fact progress way, when you blocked them out and we all knew that they had not because they were not in fact Progress way, it was mutable incidents that had happened on that date across the UK, London

Police Officer; Mutter

Simon; and

Police Officer; this sound’s like quite a complex case

Simon; yes, it’s not just that it is more

Simon; right now I have got conditions imposed, I was nether found guilty under what the applicant brought there case in to motion for, but some how the judge still gave me the Asbo application yes, for swearing at a  police officer even low I was  not arrested or no civil proceedings where taken against me in 2014 and she gave me the Asbo served the Asbo now that was a clear breach the Asbo was actually based upon the organisation of illegal raves section 63 of the crime and disorder act 1994 was imposed on me and the conditions are still being imposed now that is a clear breach of my human rights

Police Officer; is this what you are going to court with

Simon; but this is in September now what has actually been happening, I have been to court all ready ten times and I have got all them times memo in the Article six and all the time stamps that are wrong in the cad numbers also memo out in the Article six all the laws that where wrong where is was not arrested and the police do not any longer have the burden to say whether a case should be trailed or not any more

Police Officer; Muttering

Simon; now I have handed all of this into the judge and the judge has had two different copies of it

Police Officer;

Simon; I feel I have gave the police another time to drop the case against me and stop holding me captive against my human rights in my house and they have chosen not to do any think right about that and now it has got to a stage where I have to stand up for my human rights and who I am and what you lot really represent, I believe that you represent a company that is there to represent the people, which is us

Police Officer; ok, ok, ok,

Simon; and this is not correct right now I am stuck in my house and she is the leading officer she instructed Steve Elsmore to make this I have clearly proved that there is corruption within it and that all the Urn’s where wrong and made one after the other, with a minor adjustment at the end. I have written to all of the police Nsir and the police professional standards and they have said that this is a clear breach. I also wrote to the company that actually owns storm, Met cc and Arms and that and they have said that this would not be no error on their computers this is a human being that in development done this, an it is a clear breach of their codes of conduct and the Nsir conduct I have been shown every think

Police Officer; is it

Simon; some police officer needs to stand up for what they really signed up to and over see this and everybody is telling me that it is Jane Johnson’s job to do this, her job is to see any police officers below her position, she is the chief inspector, now the problem is she was asked to actually make the application in the start, she is not overseeing the official complaints made to your self’s which are three of them and she is not just throwing the case out the window

Police Officer; well that is not her job to do that

Simon; pardon

Police Officer; that is not her job to do that

Simon; yes it is, it is her job to oversee any of her police officers facing corruption that are causing corruption

Police Officer; no it is not

Police Officer; no I am sorry you are wrong there

Simon; oh is it not her job to do that then or to oversee that the police officers under her run within there procedures

Police Officer;

Simon; if she is the chief inspector then that surely this is her job, to make sure that every officer is running within a legal framework

Police Officer; Jane Johnson was the Borough commander and she has just left the borough now, as I have said I all ready have your complaint, what I can do is add her name to that complaint

Simon; what she has left this borough now and what borough is she representing now

Police Officer; she is representing royalty and diplomatic protection

Simon; pardon

Police Officer; royalty and diplomatic protection

Simon; royalty and diplomat protection what is that do you mind me asking

Police Officer; listen, it’s the officer’s who other an armed response and guard, remember the royal family and err there diplomats

Simon; yer I understand to a degree, Yer I understand

 Police Officer; in the back ground; there ruined

Simon; Police Officer; special not on the borough

Simon; yer I understand, this has been going on for a long time and I have clearly proved that I am in the right, the section 63 I have never been arrested for trespass yer indoors, you know and I should know that are human right outdoors yer our freedom of speech are limited but in our own homes there protected and you must under stand that any place of residence were is section or any forth, it is classed as the same and should be treated as a home

Police Officer;

Simon; and the only laws under the licensing act to make entertainment illegal is if in a private home or in a private back garden is if profit has been made with the intentions of making profit under appendix four of that act and no body has talked in the application about profit to even make it illegal but they have claimed it to be illegal and also the fact that section 63 is only for outdoor event’s unless trespass has taken place because of our human rights and because this is our place of privacy, in them breaching them rules there they have breached have the  rights to my hire of provision to any other house party, because I have been told and I have got the transcripts saying that if I  hire my sound equipment out to any person or any other person that I must have permission of the local council. I am then asking the local council by saying that I want to hire out my to my friend’s

Police Officer; Mr Cordell sorry to cut you of but to save you time here because I am not going to make a comment here on any think that you are saying because you have logged a complaint here in this court case

Police Officer; in simply terms what is your complaint against the borough commander as if in to say the x borough commander Jane Johnson

Simon; well at the time she was responsible for Steve Elermore and she was responsible for Steve Elsmore conduct and I have proved beyond reasonable dought that Steve Elermore and other officer’s while under her conduct, command was of foul play and manufactured evidence and I have gave them another time

Police Officer; right

Police Officer; is their any direct involvement because overtly as you can appreciate the officer of command is in charge of staff of up to 400 to 500 people and overtly she is not going to know every intermit detail of every little thing going on in the borough so as if in to say you Asbo

Simon; I can come and met you right now and I can hand you a copy of the Article six that is sitting in the court files twice with all of the information, Steve Elsmore has been sent of again now in the judge realising

Police Officer; is there any think that you are saying that she has done that you are saying the borough commander has had any involvement in it what so ever

Simon; what am I saying about the borough commander, I am saying that, I have got her signature all other this application my paper work her right now and she has instructed to happen

Police Officer; his right “spiting sound made by police officer down the phone to me”

Police Officer; “he is dead”

Simon; I got it every where Jane Johnson here right now, her signature right here “cnsmtye” I have got every page now what she instructed them lot to do

Police Officer; ok

Police Officer; what paper work have you got with her signature on it

Simon; I have got every think I have got a massive Asbo application like 2000 it must be about 1,500 pages by now

Police Officer; right what your saying is she authorised the Asbo

Simon; yes and her signature is on page six page seven page eight she has done every thing she is in charge of them officer’s and she has told Steve Hoddison the list of names that I am calling to court now and I am going to ask them the questions myself, under oath there going to be in a lot of trouble and I do not want this, I wanted good relationships I just wanted to have speakers in a park and look after my community and myself and family and it seems as if things have been turn right upside down 

Police Officer; right and I will record that for you and that will be looked at after the court case

Simon; what was your name again

Police Officer; sergeant Aaron Thomas

Simon; sergeant Aaron Thomas, so what you are trying to explain to me is: - that Steve Elermore has been told by a judge that Mr Cordell clearly knows the laws that he represents and that this case was wrong and he stormed out of the court room and it took about three judges to take this case on in the beginning place they also keep storming out and refusing, eventually they managed to get one judge to do it and she did not really find me guilty

Simon; now gave this new judge I gave this judge two article six’s  on my last two hearings at wood green at my appeal and his screwing with Steve and the rest of them you can tell and this time he has told Steve that he needs to go away and un retract every think in the whole bundle so that all of the true grid reference numbers, I got the true grid reference numbers, all the true address to the location he has to unblock yes and he has, and on certain pages they have gone in they have been calling me black boy on the block , Mr Cordell is part of black boy on the block

Police Officer; yes, yes Mr Cordell, sorry not to be rude but I do not need to no this but I will record your complaint and it will be looked at after the court case

Simon; yes but some one should deal with the police officer he is dealing with other people now low and the proof has been proven beyond reasonable doght I have supplied the evidence I am saying to you that I will come and met you right now and give you this evidence, some body like Jane Johnson who ever is acting in Jan Johnson’s case right this second who is the new person in dealing with it some body is in charge an d needs to take one of theses sections six’s and deal with these police officers appropriately     

Simon; yes and I am not happy with you to put the phone down on me

Police Officer; like I said

Simon; in this situation and tell me that I need to wait till the end of my court case in September

Police Officer; you know about the professional standard’s

Simon; yes I have all ready spoke with them and they have told me that I need to deal with you lot direct and that I need to walk over to you lot and give you a copy of my Article six and that I should be on the phone doing what I am doing at present, I have played them the tapes back and I have got every think else and they are saying some one is in charge of these officers and some one should be dealing with it

Police Officer; ok if there is any evidence that need to be collated ok

Simon; it’s all ready been handed in

Police Officer; ok listen that will not be looked at until after the court case ok so what we call early evidence retrieval so for instance if it is like custody cctv any think that we think that we are going to lose ok will be looked into and retrieved so that we can retain that, so that when the court case is finished we can overtly go on with the investigation 

Simon; but

Police Officer; you got every think you have all that for court, we can speak to you after the court case ok

Simon; there is no court case low because, this is the problem I keep handing in article six’s the right to a fair trial

Police Officer; I thought you said you was going to court in September

Simon; yer but every time I go to court, I show them and give them another article six, saying to them you cant make me have another trial with knowing about all this corruption, look at these time stamp I have calculated it all out blue printed it, if you ever see a copy of it you would go wow yes and the judge is going right now I do not won’t, how can I give him a trial Mr Cordell with him showing me all of this, I do not want, there ant no members of the public the only witness that is supposed to be in there  as a member of the public supposed to be saying some think

Police Officer; I thought you were appealing the Asbo

Simon; yes I am appealing the Asbo but how can I have a fair trial with there being so much corruption in the case and there being no witness, it’s the police who have brought this case against me not members of the public

Police Officer; so you were given an Asbo is that right yer

Simon; yes I have been given an Asbo wrongfully and I have got the transcripts to prove it

Police Office; ok

Police Officer; but you are appealing that decision aren’t you?

Simon; Yes

Police Officer; right so when are you going to court to appeal that decision

Simon; I was supposed to of had my trial a couple of moths ago on the February 22 23 24 but the judge has said that because I keep screaming article six that I can not have a fair trial it seems like he keeps sending theses cops away helping them hoping one of them is going to wake up like they should put a letter through my front door and just drop the case and all the cops are safe and I am safe but no body wants to do that  and none of them are waking up at the other end and keep bring the case back to court and I am screaming again how am I suppose to have a fair trial in September now and this has been going on for god knows how long now and I am trapped captive in my house now hoping one of the cops hold there hand’s up and say well do you know what like

Police Officer; it is quite simply if there is no court case the complaint can be looked at or if there is a trial the complaint can not be looked at

Simon; all I want is some one to over see Steve Elmore’s work

Police Officer;  no, no, no, no, no, it’s not going to happen is it until the court case is finish and if there is no court case yes then  it will be investigated

Simon; oh ok

Police Officer; we are going round in circles any way

Simon; ok I understand there is not much that I can do other than be captive in my own home, is there? To wrongful laws that do not exist and should have not been imposed

Police Officer; like I said I am not going to make any comment on your case at all

Simon; as well as manufactured and fabricated evidence created by these officer’s this is incorrect this is attempted murder conspiracy to murder

Simon; 20 coppers sitting there together creating information reports not creating them on there true dates and then backdating them event dates and breaking article three of my human right it’s human torture  this is incorrect some body should deal with it there is levels which should be

Police Officer; I will

Police Officer; what I am going to do is we are talking over each other so I am going to terminate this call ok good bye

Simon; ok good bye