Speaker 1:                           00:01                     How are you doing Paul? It's Mr. Simon Cordell calling here.

New Speaker:                    00:04                     Hi.

New Speaker:                    00:05                     I'm quite concerned Paul we've everything that's been going on, I've been going through our conversations that I've recorded recently and I've took a copy of the actual court order, which is just all of the court orders. I've made a new Transition a new, I've made a new menu for it all, so I've got everything that's happened in that courthouse and when I'm actually going through it use lot are trying to kill me in that court house and when I'm going through the tape recordings and what I'm informing you of. I'm concerned that you're still working in your position, Paul and I'm suffering the way that I am inside of my house and the recordings that I've got from beforehand of all the other employees like Lemmy and that use lot are letting Lemmy and that run in that courthouse with that company credit card and spend money on it and make lies and not once since 2016 have I been allowed to speak.

Speaker 1:                           00:50                     Yeah, and explain myself, but you've let, Lemmy run in there doing X part A's asking him to put 300 pound and no one would tell me whether I needed a criminal solicitor or a civil solicitor. So I'm not being allowed to solicitor all of the way through this. Yeah. Now I've been told I've got to get a criminal solicitor. I don't even know if the applications on me I, there's over 300 there's over 400 Lemmy just serve me a brand new application with over 315 pages i have teared it apart and checked every single page for what is in it.

New Speaker:                    01:18                     Every page is to do with the old claim number and he's just made up is he made up a load of lies on the phone like I explained to you the other day to set off the application. He, he, he say, he said that, I've threatened him when I've got the recording of him telling me, Down, the phone is going to kill me and my mother.

Speaker 1:                           01:33                     Then he sent the police to my address while I'm in the police station. He's coming to your court again, you lot have let him get the same application again and refile it how, Lemmy started it like I explained to you. Yeah. I've got all the recordings of all the directors Sally Gilchrist who set me up for the first Asbo and I'm explaining to them on the phone calls like, I'm talking to you going through the case saying look I am not a white person and in this case says that I'm a white person, so how am I getting sat for nine years? Sally Gilchrist, the legal executives breaking down on the phone to me. Yeah. So I continue with you've got. No signatures I break her to pieces like I'm breaking, you now? Yeah. You should listen to yourself. When I played back these conversations, Paul that we have had. Yeah you are. They're all in my report and they're all online now. ready to go public Paul, Paul I do not think, you're going to have your job for much longer after this. Yeah. And use lot are all running to the judges and telling the judges. You're concerned about our conversations. Our compensations are official. You're paid money to deal with me. Are you paid a wage Paul?

Speaker 1:                           02:35                     Hello?

New Speaker:                    02:35                     Hello I am here I am here.

New Speaker:                    02:35                     Yeah. You are paid a wage to deal with the public are you not, so why are you scared and telling the judges that you're scared to talk to me, to deal with me when I'm telling you things that make sense and why are you lot forge. the Magistrate's court. Yeah, at Highbury they called the doctors and the doctors said there was nothing wrong with me. When I started showing them corruption withinside of their court, I went to Wood Green, I showed Wood green corruption within it and they called the doctors and set me up. The first time I attended your lower court, that judge dealt with it and I showed her all the evidence that I had of Lemmy. Cause what Lemmy done is he made a procession. He was trying to threaten me and my mother. Yeah. To go to court to go to the civic centre for a meeting the reason he was trying to threaten me and my mother to go for a meeting is, me and my mother had put to over 500 emails into the MPS and the councils explaining what my neighbours, the Mathiyalagans were doing to me.

Speaker 1:                           03:27                     The people that are now supposed to supposedly the victims in your case load that use lot have got against me now. They were attacking me now I've got loads of videos. I showed the doctors, some of them, the other day in my flat and they run out of my flat. Yeh when I showed them the videos of what I've been telling you that I had already and asking you if i can bring them back to the court and you've refused, you use lot told me to put them through in a post box. You're outside the court. Yeah. I don't think that's fair. Yeah. And I'm suffering an injunction order cause use lot have accepted. God knows how much money off for Lemmy. You've not once, let me speak in that courthouse and explain myself or show one bit of evidence and you're making me suffer in mind. Now you're letting this one the upstairs try and sit me up

Speaker 1:                           04:06                     I can't even walk out to go to the shops cause I go to the shops. They follow me to the shops. Then start saying that I'm setting them up and try and activate this injunction order. Lemmy, yeah, Lemmy after the 500 emails to the MPS and the councils and all to the police and to everyone else, I've got them all in a diary and I've got all the, I've made special pub books, brand new digital books for them all. Yeah. Now I've got all the emails to 500 emails to the council. Then what Lemmy does is he says to me, I arrested for stan case in 2016 supposedly threatening Stan. What I was supposed to have said to Stan is, if you keep doing this to me and Shannon and banging on them walls with pots and pans at me, I'm going to get you in the park now because I said that to Stan in 2016 if you keep in dangering mine and Shannon and Hyde’s life.

Speaker 1:                           04:52                     I got, Stan got me arrested by the police for criminal investigation while that case was ongoing. I've got, I've got, I've got refused bail and take them to court the next day the court heard the case and he let me play a couple of video tapes to him of what Stan was doing to me. The judge threw the case straight out of the court. Now once the judge threw the case out of court, I come back home to my flat. But Lemmy got a message off the witness care team in Angel Islington saying that stan had lost the case. So now what's what Stan what, what, what's the, what's the what? Lemmy never gotten the message directly. Lemmy’s line manager got it because I've got a copy of it I strip their computers and got the copies of it. Yeah. And now so, the witness care message team message Lemmy Kanitchwa his line manager and said the case is over.

Speaker 1:                           05:39                     Then Lemmy started messaging me and my mum and started saying if we don't go from meetings at that civic centre about this dead case that I've already won at court, he's going to put a possession order in. I said to Lemmy that, that is entrapment. I've got all the recordings. That's entrapment. Lemmy please can you go to the first Asbo folder that is in your offices that you made and realize that there's no, no signatures. Now what Lemmy does is he goes to the first Asbo folder in the offices and he notices that there's a page on there that I could never prove before. This is like another part of the story. But in my first Asbo when I was going for trial, every time I went for trial, solicitor firm would try and run and leave the case cause they didn't want to do corruption.

Speaker 1:                           06:17                     Talk about corruption. Yeah. So what happened is on one of the occasions before the trial, the solicitor my solicitor tried to do this and that, my the judge said if, my solicitor, my solicitor can't leave without Michael Carroll the main director come in to court. They can't leave the case. Yeah. So now.

New Speaker:                    06:32                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    06:32                     now I had to wait another six months for another trial because this was the day before the trial. The day before trial again, solicitor done the same thing again. Try to scream and run out at a court case. Now this time the judge went back on his words, which I've got writing and what he'd done is he said,

New Speaker:                    06:49                     inaudible.

New Speaker:                    06:49                     are you're listening to this because this is important this part? Yeah.

New Speaker:                    06:52                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    06:52                     What? Lemmy has done what he has done. What, what? what the solicitor done. The second time she tried to run away from the case.

Speaker 1:                           06:57                     The judge let her do it before I got to the court. Now I went into the court and I had to go at the judge. I've got the paperwork, you said that the solicitors are not allowed to leave me. Yeah. And that they have been paid too much money. already? Yeah, but you've now let them go before I even got to court on the day of my trial for the second time now the judge said there's nothing he can do. He's going against his word, but I need to go to the solicitor firm, collect the folders, the Abo folders. So now I went to the solicitor firm and I collected the, Asbo folders later that evening for court the next day for trial. When I collected the folders, my solicitor had gave them all of my paperwork, my defence paperwork for the first Asbo.

Speaker 1:                           07:34                     And because I had done all the page numbers on it, she gave that to Sally Gilchrist. So Sally Gilchrist made a brand new Asbo application and changed all the page numbers when she'd done this on the third page, she used my bail conditions and my conditions and she made a threat, attend court and dis us and were re - man scribbling out words on it. Now I collected that of, my Solicitor Josie and I could never prove it cause I never had it digitally given to me. No one sent it by email. So my Josie could have done it to me or, or the legal firm; Sally Gilchrist and that could have done it. Made the threats in the folder. Now Lemmy on the phone. to Lemmy the other day after he forged the possession order what he done was he was forcing me for a meeting at the civic centre on the dead case with Stan, what he'd done is I told him on the phone, can you tell me the last complaint that you've ever had from me about me now this was on the seventh of 2017 yeah, he said each went on the computer like you hear him typing and he goes are the 1st of January is the first complaint.

New Speaker:                    07:34                    

New Speaker:                    07:34                    

New Speaker:                    07:34                    

New Speaker:                    07:34                    

New Speaker:                    07:34                    

New Speaker:                    07:34                    

Speaker 1:                           08:34                     So I laughed at him. I said, I, the time limitation act is out Lemmy all of your cases are out of date and I've been arrested for them already. Now he got the hump and what he'd done is he copied and pasted all of the dates and slammed them all over. So now everything that's happen in this happened three times and he served me a possession order. Now I've got all the councils history, what he done was, he made a big mistake and put all of the councils history for each claimant inside of the folder as well. So now I've took all the claimants histories and the dates that they went to the civic centre and they made a phone call and you can see all the extra dates that Lemmy copied and pasted. Now I also went to the council and got a freedom of information act just prior to Lemmy and I've got all of the counsel's information.

Speaker 1:                           09:17                     Any way that is on their computers. So now all these dates you can prove that Lemmy copied and pasted them, which is under the fraud company at 2006 and tried to Nick my flat off me at the same time. All of the letters he sending me, he is sending me like 15 letters saying if he can't get back into my flat to turn the water back on for the Mathiyalagans family to keep on assaulting me. He's taking my flat. That's what this was over. He wants to turn the water back on to let them, so that they can attack me. I've got loads of videos of what they were doing when the water was on. Yeah. No one's let me play them to them yet. Lemmy. I made 220 phone calls to the nine, nine, nine call centre in regards to them protecting me and I've requested all of them recordings.

Speaker 1:                           09:55                     It took a year to get them. The cops didn't want to give it to me, but then it gave me the recordings of me phoning about the Mathiyalagans and that. Yeah, so now I'd like to bring that in. Now Lemmy forged the possession order, which I can prove. Then he also, he also copied and pasted because of the dates. Then he also, when he went to the Asbo folder the first Asbo folder and he took the threats out of the Asbo folder and he forgot to turn he forgot to notice the signatures that were missing and he put the threats inside of the injunction order and he served it to me through email. Now I've got the email here, because Josie never served it to me by email. Neither did, Neither did the other firm with all the threats attend court and re - man, and were re - man and do your basically now Lemmy didn't know that.

Speaker 1:                           10:41                     They didn't send that to me digitally and I couldn't prove that he sent that digitally and he sent it in the latest folder, which means that the writing and the threats come from inside the civic centre because it's in their folders as well. Yeah. Now I want them arrested for this and I don't want your court to keep playing with me and I don't want your court to accept no more money off for Lemmy yeah, in regards to applications or ex - party applications. And not, especially when they're not telling me whether i need a civil solicitor or a criminal solicitor, yeah, now, I'm telling you I'm going to go public unless, you can organize this inside of your court. Paul, I'm telling you I'm going to go public and I believe I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm 1000% sure use lot are all going to get spun by special operation in you're goanna buy a IPOC all over you and you're going to have all the public at you as well.

Speaker 1:                           11:27                     Wanting to throw eggs and tomatoes at use lot. Yeah, because what I've got here, yeah. What, I've built what I’ve done an investigation on use lot. I knew you're court, couldn't touch me the same as the magistrates in the upper courts, because I've got the recordings to prove my innocence. Every time I've knocked on their front door, I phoned the police first before I go upstairs. I go upstairs after the police tell me they're not going to protect me and you can hear me knocking on their door like that normally. But you can watch me in my front room for an hour before I go upstairs and call the police and you can watch them attacking me. Bang, bang, bang, bang. For an hour beforehand. I called the police. Like a reasonable person. The police say they're not goanna do nothing. I'll knock on that door like a reasonable person.

Speaker 1:                           12:06                     The Lemmy’s copied and pasted, aggressively banging and aggressively banging. This isn't fair. Now you've got Lemmy because Lemmy lost all of the cases. He's gone and said he lied. I've got a record and he said that I frightened him on the 9th on the 10th January. That I frightened him down the phone when really in the conversation I'm saying you've been defrauding all this paperwork. Lemmy, how can you do that? I'm phoning all the executive directors. Lemmy's boss main bosses above Konnichiwa on this and I am recording all of them as well. I've got loads of recordings of heavy littler and all the emails to her that my mum sent in from 14 to 16. Every email my mum sent from 14 to 16 to all the MPS I have took all the names and I phoned them all up like I phoned you up Paul. And I've recorded every single one of them. Now I've recorded all of them.

Speaker 2:                           12:52                     Now everyone that avoided all the them FOI's all of the official complaints. Yeah, I've got them all on recording every everyone. Yeah. I'm telling you, you aren’t ready for more case when it comes to that court. Yeah. And half of you are going to get arrested. I'm not joking. I don't need to destroy no life’s. I don't need to do that. What I wanted was the keys to the park.

Speaker 3:                           13:14                     Um, obviously we know one would want anyone's to destroy anyone's life’s we are a court.

Speaker 2:                           13:19                     No you lot do and you're lying.

New Speaker:                    13:21                     I am a saint.

New Speaker:                    13:21                     at first. At first you didn't, but that you fought, you fought yet. You know what? At first you didn't use lot, use lot, while I was watching the court and recording it and use it. We're acting reasonably. Then Lemmy started. forging you, you throw. You struck the first Asbo folder out the first injunction order out, which the judge done, which was right that that judge did. Yeah. Then judge Cohn's, wherever his name is, John cohn's.

New Speaker:                    13:41                     non auditable.

New Speaker:                    13:41                     he sat there and he started going against what every other judge has done, reinstate it all, shyness. If you look at the right and the history behind this case and what they've done to me do you know how many times use lot have broken the laws. Yeah, use lot, use lot more than criminals in there more than criminals. I've done nothing wrong.

Speaker 2:                           14:00                     You've not let me speak once. Lemmy is writing his own caseload, this is Lemmy got me arrested for threats to kill, after forging all of this, after me record in all of the directors saying, Lemmy has forged all the possession order. I can prove it. All that is set me up to cover up the FOI's, he has stopped me from getting these people arrested. Then he's gone to the true perpetrator perpetrators. He's picked them and made them look like victims and made me look like the perpetrator when there's 500 emails and videos proving that these are the ones attacking me and Shannon and Heidi. Yeah, and they're going against you what your constitution says, they'd been let, let, let to do political persuasion and pinpointing me out for like HIV and AIDS and treating me worse than a person that's ever supposed to be treated.

Speaker 2:                           14:43                     Yeah. And I don't think this is fair. My personal date, it's been spread and I've got all the recordings and the clinics, the hospitals, everyone saying that there's never been nothing wrong with me. Yeah. In real life they banged throw my nans death. I was in my house, they banged throw my nans death yeah,. none stop, you watched the videos of what they'd done to me, throw my nans death, I had to put headphones on and listen to audio books on and rock in my front room, while stain and the Mathiyalagans family are banging, banging, banging, bang. I've got another woman after that, met another woman. We had a baby and they bang so much. When you have a woman come into my house that she lost the baby as well and I've got the paper, I've lost the child here. I'm locked in my house on conditions since 2016 because of your court and I've been all conditions from 16 all the way up till now and I and, and I'm not even done. Nothing wrong. Yeah. I'm not even allowed to be an explained myself or give use lot evidence once you, every time I go to your court, you shut me down. The only people that I can speak to, Paul is you lot and I'm telling you the truth. Recording you lot, and you lot are all planning on avoiding it all and putting the phone down and nothing's happening about it. What do you get paid for in there?

Speaker 3:                           15:48                     How can I help you on the phone right now?

Speaker 2:                           15:50                     I've asked you loads of times to call this back to court and stop it before these conversations wouldn't be happening if you had listened to me in the beginning and called it back before court and done the next part. I done, done a declaration of notice. I told you I had evidence to prove that I was innocent and I had videos to prove that I wasn't served. I've told you I had evidence of everything all the way through since 16 on the phone and so was my mother had been telling you and you've allowed it to continue and every time all you say is how can I help you on the phone? I'm suffering in my house. With conditions and this family upstairs are the family that done this to me Shannon and Heidi and made the whole wide world know all this shit about my personal data. That aren’t true. Yeah. And now use lot are protecting them in that court and trying to get me five years in prison and I never done nothing. Apart from build a community event in my front room and work hard every day. How are you lot letting this happen. You look court of Law, this is supposed to be the UK. We're supposed to have the best juridical systems in the whole of the world, in this country. So why are you lot acting so, with so much neglect and misconduct towards me.

Speaker 3:                           16:50                     Do you have your case number on you?

Speaker 2:                           16:52                     I've gotten this two case numbers. Yeah, I do. E my electrics just gone off on my house. I'd have to tell you, I'm going to go to the shop and get some more electric. I'm going to let you lot go. I'm going to come with my solicitor and sort this out with use lot.

New Speaker:                    17:02                     ok.

New Speaker:                    17:02                     Have a good day, Paul. Man,

New Speaker:                    17:05                     you to, bye.

Speaker 3:                           17:05                     too. Bye.