Speaker 1:                           00:00                     Thank you for calling. You're welcome to Edmonton County Court our telephone lines are open from 9Am till 5Pm Monday to Friday the court building is open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM please be advised we operate a telephone counter appointment system, which is designated for urgent work.

New Speaker:                    00:16                     Good morning Edmonton County Court how can I help.

New Speaker:                    00:22                     hello. How are you doing?

New Speaker:                    00:24                     I am good you.

New Speaker:                    00:24                     Okay. Feeling a bit better.

Speaker 2:                           00:32                     How can I help.

New Speaker:                    00:32                     I was just wondering if you can tell me an update to where a case stands that's being held in your court

Speaker 1:                           00:38                     Right. Have you got a case number?

Speaker 2:                           00:39                     The case number is just right about here one second if fact two seconds because it keeps changing. I think it might be E.0.0.

New Speaker:                    00:50                     Hm.

New Speaker:                    00:50                     E.D.0.4.9.

New Speaker:                    00:50                     His got it

New Speaker:                    00:52                     E..0.E.D.0.4.9.

Speaker 1:                           00:54                     Ber, with me for one moment.

New Speaker:                    00:54                     [Staff Noise in the Background] All staff laughing together and - You’re dead.

New Speaker:                    00:54                     [Staff Noise in the Background] Ha, ha, ha, ha.

New Speaker:                    00:54                     Ha, ha, ha, ha

New Speaker:                    00:54                     [Staff Noise in the Background] Settle down.

New Speaker:                    00:54                     [Staff Noise in the Background] Yeah, yeah

New Speaker:                    00:54                     And your name is?

Speaker 2:                           01:06                     Mr. Cordell Simon Cordell.

Speaker 1:                           01:08                     Okay. Um, let me have a look. Right It went up to the judge and did not come back down yet.

Speaker 2:                           01:19                     Um, what do you mean what did, what would you would that mean?

Speaker 1:                           01:22                     Well, it’s gone up to the judge.

New Speaker:                    01:23                     What today.

New Speaker:                    01:23                     No, no. it went up on the 1st of June

Speaker 2:                           01:28                     on the 1st of June and who

New Speaker:                    01:28                     Hm, hm.

Speaker 1:                           01:31                     It can take a while before it comes, comes back down. [inaudible] if they [inaudible] let’s see, um, I think a claim about a lettering and that was sent up to the judge.

New Speaker:                    01:39                     A letter came in from who.

New Speaker:                    01:39                     From the claimant.

New Speaker:                    01:42                     From.

New Speaker:                    01:42                     London Borough of, who is it the London Borough of who is it London Borough of Haringey Enfield oh, Enfield

Speaker 2:                           01:49                     Enfield. Lemmy and so forth

New Speaker:                    01:49                     yeah.

New Speaker:                    01:49                     And do you know what, um, the last actual writ, what the actual order was on the 30th.

New Speaker:                    01:54                     I will have a look 30th of what?

Speaker 1:                           01:56                     Um, May.

New Speaker:                    02:02                     [Staff Noise in the Background] Your dead.

New Speaker:                    02:02                     The last order here was the 14 of May,

New Speaker:                    02:02                     [Staff Noise in the Background] [inaudible]

Speaker 2:                           02:03                     14th of May and that is

Speaker 1:                           02:05                     Ber, with me, Ber, with me two seconds. So, I can get into it.

New Speaker:                    02:15                     Uh, they claimant wanted the older to be amended. Wishes to amended the application yeah, and that went up I think the oldest upon; Da, da, da, da, da, [inaudible]

Speaker 2:                           02:31                     To my understanding, yeah.

New Speaker:                    02:34                     Hm.

New Speaker:                    02:34                     That the application has never been put onto me, what actually initially happened is there was a lady judge and she, she brought the court into the um, to the courtroom just as you come around the stairs. Like there's a little court room on the left there and you go for a little room and then going into the courtroom,

New Speaker:                    02:49                     Ok.

New Speaker:                    02:49                     she basically dealt with the case. I was just wondering if you could help me by telling me what Judges they are and telling me what court numbers they are as well. because I'm building my report and I want to put all of this information in it and on first time Lemmy put a first application in which is from Enfield council and he falsified the paperwork inside off all of that and I have all the evidence for it, 100% to prove. that he, he what he will get done for his target in Malice which is a 12 year sentence.

Speaker 2:                           03:14                     Yeah. And I would like that to be brought forward to him yet. And what my problem is, I explained to this judge, she was like a um, she was like a fair skin coloured um, lady. And I explained to her in that courtroom what Lemmy had done, she decided to abuse her position as a judge. And she forced upon, she let them force the paperwork through the court, eventually I kept proven what I was saying was right and I think a few others, what she'd done is she let other judges deal with the case in between. Now she's the one that initially opened up this file and allowed Lemmy to do these things. Now, Lemmy has continuously lost the cases and the points and the judges have dropped it out for silly reasons like time limits and that because they know if I get to trial I'm going to show the truth and it's goanna cause a lot more trouble than what it's worth, for Lemmy and that and now Lemmy and that seem to keep forcing the paperwork through that every time the judge strikes the whole application out he would just change the dates on it and then he'll repay for it to go back through again.

Speaker 2:                           04:13                     And then they reusing the same thing, less abuse, a process, unfair process. And, and that's been allowed to continue by the directors of your court and served.

New Speaker:                    04:20                     [Staff Noise in the Background] [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    04:20                     And I'm concerned about what judges have actually allowed this to happen. Now the other day I had the police come here and they tried to Nick me and activate the injunction. I was on the phone to a gentleman called Paul who was being quiet polite. He was being very polite, thought helping me and speaking to me and just doing what's right from both parties, basically [inaudible]. And then what I've noticed was that the police come in and try to activate the injunction and took me to the police station. I've proved that the claims were wrong anyway and fabricated, but I've also got video evidence proving that I wasn't served. That someone come into the affidavit of service from one letter box and they have accepted that and they've told me that then not going to activate the injunction for that and let me come back home afterwards.

Speaker 2:                           05:02                     So now I'm concerned that this judge, knew this judge, she goes, she, she allowed this to happen in the beginning now on the 30th I was supposed to have another man judge, but I think he seen how much trouble there and told her to clean up her own mess. She's gone into court and she's waiting. [inaudible] and let a new barrister in. She's pretending she was all friendly to me, but her true intentions were to try to kill me in that courtroom and abuse our powers and get me in prison when she knew the truth from the beginning and throughout and she's been informed by all the charges of what is happening on her case that she opened up and allowed to happen. Now I want this Judge struck off the register yeah, and I don’t play about, yeah, I've already got the Directors of Enfield and Wood Green going to court with me and we're going to the Old Bailey and I was going to leave this court alone, but I'm at a stage where I'm going to Sue this court and prosecute against this court as well now. Yeah, for what they're doing to people and what's not what's not right. It's a lower court and they shouldn't be abusing their powers in such a way. So I was wonder if you can help me with the list of the judges that have dealt with the my cases and I'll give you another claim number as well.

Speaker 1:                           06:03                     Right. You need what you need to do. Write in. you will have to write in.

New Speaker:                    06:07                     Ok.

New Speaker:                    06:07                     And the date that you had to hearing or the orders done, you need to write in and say right. I need the list of the judges that actually dealt with my case.

Speaker 2:                           06:17                     Can you tell me who the lady judge is now? You can just tell me off the computer. You can see her, I will come down to the offices if I have to with all of the paperwork and we will cause a big commotion down there.

Speaker 1:                           06:26                     Right, were is the order What was the last order that you got with a name on it?

Speaker 2:                           06:29                     The last order Yeah. Is there was a lady that attended what went into the court? She opened up the first injunction opened up all the upper injunctions. Now she has allowed this to happen thought in my name now.

New Speaker:                    06:41                     Yeah have you got the order in front of you.

New Speaker:                    06:41                     Year I have made all brand new books for the orders.

New Speaker:                    06:45                     Yeah, but what I am saying is that the order in front of you would have the names of all the judges that done dealt with it.

New Speaker:                    06:50                     Na

New Speaker:                    06:51                     That's what I'm saying

Speaker 2:                           06:51                     Na, what it has is, Na what it has is; I have got a book here for litigation and process, the English legal process and I've got a book to fill out. Any applications, civil law and co and everything. Now, I can, I've got the civil litigation 2016 and 17 book in front of me and it shows me where the stamps and the Seals should be how to fill out the forms and what should be happening,

Speaker 1:                           07:11                     but we're not talking about that. You want to know what Judges that actually dealt with your case.

Speaker 2:                           07:17                     That's who, that's who opened. That's who signed, signed, sealed. That could be the court clerk. That can be any person.

Speaker 1:                           07:23                     No, no, no. That's right. What you have to do, like I said, you have to write in.

Speaker 2:                           07:28                     I've got it in front of me now, in front of me right now, and the paperwork, you tell me any page or I should go to the first pages of any application. I made all special PDF books for them.

New Speaker:                    07:36                     There dead.

New Speaker:                    07:36                     Yes so now. Like if you go to adobe and InDesign and that, you can just wait a Epub book. Yeah. Now I've made brand new websites sick of the range the best of every angry calling.

New Speaker:                    07:46                     There dead.

New Speaker:                    07:46                     I've made all brand new digital books I've put them all up, we're there all interactive so things can jump out at the books and show them where their Frauded everything and I've done the whole lot the court is going to get ripped apart by a policed by IPOC, in a minute

Speaker 1:                           07:59                     Sir, I have to cut this call because I'm on the counter and somebody is waiting for me. What you need to do, you have to write in and ask for all the judges that dealt with your case, your list of their names. Yeah

Speaker 2:                           08:11                     It's this injunction order on me now

Speaker 1:                           08:13                     you got another injunction order have you before that, year

Speaker 2:                           08:15                     No, I've won every case.

Speaker 1:                           08:17                     Okay, so what's the, what's the name on that injunction order that you have got

Speaker 2:                           08:20                     I've got, I've got here now two case numbers and I won each one. I won the first case number in your

Speaker 1:                           08:27                     Ok, let’s just do this one that you gave me.

New Speaker:                    08:30                     There all ruined.

New Speaker:                    08:30                     There ruined.

New Speaker:                    08:30                     What is the name of this judges that you got on the order? What's the name of it?

Speaker 2:                           08:36                     There dead.

New Speaker:                    08:36                     I've got about seven of them on the application. It says in the Edmonton County Court claim EEO, blah blah, blah. The London borough, Mr. Simon Cordell, the district judge Leatham sitting at the County Court.

New Speaker:                    08:45                     Ok, that is one.

New Speaker:                    08:45                     Yeah,

New Speaker:                    08:45                     Ok, what is the other order that you have got there.

New Speaker:                    08:45                     I've got loads of them.

New Speaker:                    08:50                     yeah. But this is what's happening. It's.

New Speaker:                    08:53                     Yeah, but what you need to do sir is highlight on your order that you have all of your orders highlight the Judges

Speaker 2:                           09:00                     I have Yeah, I've done that already.

New Speaker:                    09:01                     Right.

New Speaker:                    09:01                     and I've copied all of their pictures and then I've got a.

New Speaker:                    09:05                     Yeah, but again you a hostage. Right

New Speaker:                    09:05                     wall of shame and I've put them in the wall of shame on their diaries. I've got every person that's in this application, I've got their names, but more judges than that have dealt with me. More judges have dealt with me.

New Speaker:                    09:17                     Okay.

Speaker 1:                           09:17                     You've got lesson that is one of the Judges that have deal with you. yes.

New Speaker:                    09:18                     Pardon, yes

New Speaker:                    09:18                     Was another judge there?

New Speaker:                    09:23                     [Staff Noise in the Background] Yes.

New Speaker:                    09:23                     Yeah, there has been a lot of Judges.

New Speaker:                    09:26                     And what is the other order. What was the name of that judge on the other order?

Speaker 2:                           09:29                     If I go to massive books hang on let me get it out for a second, give me one second yeah. This is the next order here. The first Injunction Order book here I have got them here in all brand new folders. So, the first injunction order when I open it, what happened is, Lemmy has put a copy. You got a copy of Caron's statement because they are all now Indexed. Lemmy's harassment. Lemmy, John Ivan’s statement in Wood Green crown court. And you have the initial copy, the initial claim forms, which would go in oversley.

New Speaker:                    09:56                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    09:56                     Because I'll put everything all indexed and everything we done brand new pages there brand new top of the range books.

New Speaker:                    10:01                     Hello

Speaker 1:                           10:02                     But what you do need to do, is look at the orders, just the orders I don't want to hear about claim forms get the orders together.

New Speaker:                    10:09                     ok.

New Speaker:                    10:09                     and then tell me the names of the judging.

Speaker 2:                           10:15                     Notice of discontinuation, hang on one second. Case history this is because Lemmy has put too much in here.

New Speaker:                    10:18                     Your Dead.

New Speaker:                    10:18                     What I'm goanna to do is go through them all myself now and let you explain to me after to go from one myself.

Speaker 1:                           10:26                     Yeah. write the name of the judges all of the judges. And then call us back.

New Speaker:                    10:31                     I will do that thank you.

New Speaker:                    10:31                     Yes. All right then. Bye. Bye. Bye.