Speaker 1:                           00:02                     Police are outside of my front door.

New Speaker:                    00:02                     Dog in the background.

New Speaker:                    00:02                     [inaudible] [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    01:10                     [inaudible]

Speaker 2:                           01:27                     I'm not ridding another two and a half year curfew, that's what you're asking me to do too and a half a year curfew on top of everything else and I am not allowed out of this house until 2020

Speaker 2:                           02:48                     You couldn't even interview me. Do you know how bad it looks when I'm explaining everything else on the interview tapes to use lot. I'm collecting them and when I go public every copper that has interviewed me is getting fucked as well, unless you lot do the right thing.

Speaker 2:                           03:39                     No, listen to what they're doing to me in my house while you are there though, because you are just listening in it so you are just there. Yeah. So why you are just there you can just like maybe hear what I'm going to play yeah then, this is just similar evidence I'm going to play to you lot in a second. Yeah. Give me a second.

Speaker 2:                           03:55                     I have got to work out why my volume level is not working.

New Speaker:                    04:14                     Do you know how much videos I have got in this house of what they are all doing?

New Speaker:                    04:14                     Look at this.

New Speaker:                    04:14                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

Speaker 2:                           04:39                     All right. Let me just play it on a normal player because that there is just fucking it up, I can play loads of it to you all, Do you know how many videos I have got of them attacking me and you lot are telling me you want [inaudible]

Speaker 1:                           04:50                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

Speaker 2:                           05:10                     Do you know how many videos I have got of all of this I phone your call centres up every time first time first.

Speaker 1:                           05:15                     [[Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!]

Speaker 2:                           05:15                     yeah, your all talking that it is just a Christie Vs Davey a noise complaint it's fucking hate crime what they have done and you lot take part in is attempted manslaughter. This is an Attempted Manslaughter

Speaker 1:                           05:19                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

Speaker 2:                           05:50                     I got bear videos the Mathiyalagan’s wife banging at me

Speaker 1:                           05:52                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

Speaker 2:                           05:57                     I got bear of them, I got so, many call's to your call centres that it is un real and to the Neighbourhood team office and every conversation that I am having I am recording

Speaker 1:                           06:06                     Of what you are all letting happened to me in this house.

New Speaker:                    06:10                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

New Speaker:                    06:10                     I want them done for attempted Manslaughter.

New Speaker:                    06:27                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

New Speaker:                    06:27                     This is a breach of my Human Rights.

New Speaker:                    06:47                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

New Speaker:                    07:28                     I have got recordings of all of your coppers as well. Okay. go and call that EGM meeting and write down the reasons that you have just heard all readying in that Audio I just played to you before I end up destroying all of you coppers and

New Speaker:                    07:32                     Rip the fucking Queens Head to pieces with it all

New Speaker:                    07:32                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

New Speaker:                    07:32                     I got all the audios I got Stain on camera who is supposed to be the head of the community I got all of them there is not none of them I have not got and I got all of your bosses Jane Johnson Sally Gilchrest on recording that have dealt with issues in this house.

New Speaker:                    07:32                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

New Speaker:                    08:07                     All of them I got everyone [inaudible]

Speaker 1:                           08:51                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

New Speaker:                    08:51                     You can see the date on the TV as well.

New Speaker:                    08:51                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

New Speaker:                    08:51                     I want them all to go to prison, you want to play with me and don't call an EGM meeting I am getting you all nicked. And get away from my front door I will rip this case to pieces. I will destroy it all in two seconds then I will come for everyone's names and badge numbers that's in the fucking paperwork, like I have done with the rest

New Speaker:                    09:17                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

New Speaker:                    09:17                     Come let me go into the other ones let's go and see what's happening to me I want to skip a bit, let’s go and watch it get a bit worse there is loads of them.

New Speaker:                    09:47                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

New Speaker:                    09:47                     I can't go into any room, I am getting attacked, look at the state of me and what they are doing to me in my fucking own home And use lot are fucking letting them do that to me in my home what they're doing to do.

Speaker 1:                           10:09                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

New Speaker:                    10:09                     Look at them bagging at me.

New Speaker:                    10:09                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

New Speaker:                    10:09                     Look at what they are doing to me inside of my house I can't even take my cloths of without getting attacked.

New Speaker:                    10:09                     [inaudible].

Speaker 1:                           13:17                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    13:17                     [Phone rigging in the background] My mother calling me back, telling me that she is outside and that it would be safer for me to open my front door to the police. I open the front door and let my mother and the police inside of my flat. A Team of police officers came into my home in riot gear.

New Speaker:                    13:17                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

New Speaker:                    13:17                     [I open the gate and my front door to the police and my mother they attempt to storm into my home but notice that I am being reasonable and that my mother was also present at this stage in time.].

New Speaker:                    13:17                     There is no need for that [Mother].

New Speaker:                    13:17                     It's alright, it's alright [Police]

Speaker 2:                           13:37                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    13:37                     I am not doing nothing bad to you lot.

New Speaker:                    13:37                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    13:37                     Your getting arrested.

New Speaker:                    13:37                     I unlocked the gate and what am I getting arrested for.

New Speaker:                    13:37                     it’s alright.

New Speaker:                    13:37                     Forget about that for this second, and listen to what I say

New Speaker:                    13:37                     Yeah I am not going to mess with you lot, I am not doing nothing bad to you lot. [inaudible]. Come into my house for two seconds.

New Speaker:                    13:37                     Yeah, alright

New Speaker:                    13:37                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

New Speaker:                    13:37                     Can you turn that down over there.

New Speaker:                    13:37                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    13:37                     [Video Noise in Background] What are you following me around in my house for! Banging sound coming from the audio!

Speaker 2:                           15:25                     [inaudible] CDs.

New Speaker:                    15:29                     We just need to pat you down. Have you got anything in your pockets.

New Speaker:                    15:29                     No of course I haven't.

New Speaker:                    15:36                     What am I actually being arrested for can someone actually tell me please.

New Speaker:                    15:36                     Alright, there has been an allegation, that earlier today that you shouted abuse at your neighbours.

New Speaker:                    15:36                     my neighbours I did no nothing.

New Speaker:                    15:36                     You made threats to kill them and the children.

New Speaker:                    15:49                     Background person Noise [ Yeah, and there chatting shit / Laughing] Police Officer.

New Speaker:                    15:49                     Background person Noise [And I am the one that started it in the Cad]

New Speaker:                    15:49                     You arrested for that one before.

New Speaker:                    15:49                     And you have an Injunction on you that prevents that.

New Speaker:                    15:49                     My Injunction is not on me.

New Speaker:                    15:49                     My Injunction is not on me. can I show you my.

New Speaker:                    16:06                     You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.”.

New Speaker:                    16:06                     Can we go inside of my phone so I can the evidence come on man.

New Speaker:                    16:06                     No.

New Speaker:                    16:06                     Alright, taking him out

New Speaker:                    16:06                     My injunction is not on me.

New Speaker:                    16:11                     Ok mate That will get resolved, alright.

New Speaker:                    16:11                     Yes, in two seconds.

New Speaker:                    16:11                     I know the officer that has just arrested you he is a good guy.

New Speaker:                    16:19                     If you let me go you will see good things, you can see that I am not a wrong on. I am not selling bags of drugs I am making printers and that to sell things.

New Speaker:                    16:23                     I will give you that.

New Speaker:                    16:23                     I am making my own constitution and that is the festival paperwork and all of that over there Yeah,

New Speaker:                    16:27                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    16:27                     I built all of that and a band new constitution.

New Speaker:                    16:27                     Yeah. They Throw an Asbo folder, they nicked me for Um, a gazebo from a building from a party building in the year of 2012 yeah,

New Speaker:                    16:36                     [inaudible]

New Speaker:                    16:37                     So, I got done for that. Year, And then I got put on stringent bail conditions for a whole year [inaudible] like locked in the house sign on at the police station and the rest of it I won the case after a year, year, I lost Diana because of it year, So now I have gone out and I meet another girl for two minutes. Me and her never argued I have never argued up an till date with her we still talk on the phone now Year, all of the emails are there year,. Now at the same time the police throw an Asbo outside of my front door and they falsified it year all of the timestamps

Speaker 2:                           17:00                     They are missing all of the victims statements out of it they have lost all of the audio recording. They've lost all the police PNC books. They have lost everything. Yeah.

New Speaker:                    17:05                     ok

New Speaker:                    17:05                     They forgot to arrest me for the organisation of illegal raves. When I should have been arrested, yeah.

New Speaker:                    17:10                     I think there should be a big pursuit.

New Speaker:                    17:10                     They gave me a nine year curfew when the maximum sentenced is six months under the raves Um, the thing I am on a nine year curfew. a CBO a Standalone Asbo isn't even a punishable offense, And I’m riding a curfew and a curfew. People get released.

New Speaker:                    17:23                     There dead

New Speaker:                    17:23                     from prison for that year. So I am building a Model constitution here doing everything, Yeah, and they just kept attacking me because I was phoning them and saying you've got next signatures, your out of order now. And let's just call an AGM meeting. I'm not going to follow you with no prosecutor.

New Speaker:                    17:34                     It won't be me going with you.

New Speaker:                    17:34                     Can I just continue saying what I am saying please.

New Speaker:                    17:34                     Just one sec, let me just check something [inaudible]

Speaker 2:                           17:37                     Do we need anything from Simon, like there is no searching it is all done and nothing that is required in this address

New Speaker:                    17:42                     No.

New Speaker:                    17:42                     This job

New Speaker:                    17:42                     No.

New Speaker:                    17:42                     So, we can go yeah.

New Speaker:                    17:42                     Yes. [Mother]

New Speaker:                    17:42                     Ok

New Speaker:                    17:43                     [inaudible] reference number.

New Speaker:                    17:50                     Can I just show you lot. Can I just have two seconds with you lads, me and the lads, because it's a bit like, it seems like I've been bad that everyone's blaming me like I have done bad to the police force, yeah but I haven’t.

New Speaker:                    17:56                     No mate.

New Speaker:                    17:56                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    17:56                     The force has done bad to me yeah. I was here building stuff for the people and I was doing everything right for us yeah.

New Speaker:                    18:03                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    18:03                     They had two choices. Tucker or me and they have just picked the white boy thinking that he's the right one.

New Speaker:                    18:07                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    18:10                     They make a mistake. Yeah, I was the right one. It was easy. They made the wrong perception do you know.

New Speaker:                    18:14                     We got no problem with you, If you are fine with us you are alright

Speaker 2:                           18:18                     no one's got nothing here anymore. Yeah, ******

New Speaker:                    18:19                     has had the lines for four years. What has anyone got. I was building a festival for us and I needed coppers. like yourselves from when, when I'm doing, when there is trouble, I need patrol coppers. I needed jobs for everyone.

New Speaker:                    18:30                     Here what was I going to say mate do you want anything from here

New Speaker:                    18:30                     Can I just show you,

New Speaker:                    18:30                     what do you want to show me.

New Speaker:                    18:30                     What do you want to show me.

New Speaker:                    18:30                     I would just like you to quickly come here.

New Speaker:                    18:30                     Tell me what it is.

New Speaker:                    18:30                     You can trust me.

New Speaker:                    18:30                     I just want to know what you want me to do it's a new procedure

New Speaker:                    18:30                    

New Speaker:                    18:30                     I just want you to come through and show you what I'm doing yeah, for a second so, that you lot can see.

New Speaker:                    18:45                     Is there any positions you need low? because I think that we are going to go shortly?

New Speaker:                    18:48                     There is not no positions but I just would just like to show you one thing of what's happening.

New Speaker:                    18:53                     What is it mate because you have got to explain it first that is all.

New Speaker:                    18:53                     My report on my computer.

New Speaker:                    18:55                     No, I don't think that we're going to get to that.

New Speaker:                    18:58                     Why? Not.

New Speaker:                    18:58                     Because, we are a busy team mate. we got to move along we are not just here for you

New Speaker:                    19:00                     well I am going to take my report, are you the arresting officer.

New Speaker:                    19:00                     Yes, I am.

New Speaker:                    19:00                     So can I while your holding me can I quickly show you right now the evidence. Which proves.

New Speaker:                    19:07                     Let me explain

New Speaker:                    19:07                     Because that is the statements.

New Speaker:                    19:07                     No, you're saying that the Injunction is on me now yeah.

New Speaker:                    19:09                     Right.

New Speaker:                    19:09                     Now. I got the paperwork on here now proving that the injunction is not on me and I would like to show you.

New Speaker:                    19:15                     That's one for your solicitor I think.

New Speaker:                    19:15                     I can’t bring that to court.

New Speaker:                    19:15                     We will discuss that in interview.

New Speaker:                    19:18                     No, because you are going to arrest me.

New Speaker:                    19:21                     Well he has been arrested anyway, hasn't he so,

New Speaker:                    19:21                     and you're going to refuse to release me. And activate the injunction. Believing that it is on me and take me to court. When I can just show you the paperwork, right now?

New Speaker:                    19:28                     I appreciate that mate

New Speaker:                    19:28                     Simon there is other matters that we need to discuss anyway so we need to do that in interview alright

New Speaker:                    19:30                     There is paramedics for mate.

New Speaker:                    19:30                     who organised it

New Speaker:                    19:30                     Alright.

New Speaker:                    19:30                     You got space.

New Speaker:                    19:30                     Just call the next one

New Speaker:                    19:30                     I have arranged all of that, once his back, yes

Speaker 2:                           19:33                     So, once he is in the back of the van we will be.

New Speaker:                    19:33                     That is what I am aiming for.

New Speaker:                    19:33                     Where's my mum she has to secure my premises.

New Speaker:                    19:42                     She is outside.

New Speaker:                    19:42                     Are you happy with her doing that yeah.

New Speaker:                    19:42                     Yes, can you let her into the premises.

New Speaker:                    19:47                     Yeah. where is the keys for it

New Speaker:                    19:47                     your mum is outside with your sister.

New Speaker:                    19:47                     Can you let them in house now please?

New Speaker:                    19:47                     No, we will bring you to the van and then we can handle the premises next.

New Speaker:                    19:49                     She wants to sort the dog out and then and then the premises and then we will leave it like that.

New Speaker:                    19:53                     Yeah, but I would like to see my mum at least come in here before we leave.

New Speaker:                    19:56                     She's outside. There's not much space, so.

New Speaker:                    19:57                     she's quite vocal mate at the moment.

New Speaker:                    19:58                     Just say Simon said be quite they are going to let you in? She'll come in and I'll come out. with you lot, come on I have done everything.

New Speaker:                    20:01                     No, sorry mate that is not going to happen.

New Speaker:                    20:01                     So, what you lot are going to stay inside of my house on your own.

New Speaker:                    20:01                     No, no, no were going to take you to the van and we are going.

New Speaker:                    20:01                     So, everyone is coming out.

New Speaker:                    20:01                     Yes, we will shut the door behind us if you want.

New Speaker:                    20:01                     Yes, come on then let's do that

New Speaker:                    20:01                     Do you want to give her keys low.

New Speaker:                    20:18                     Can one of you please pass me that blue credit card there.

New Speaker:                    20:18                     this one.

New Speaker:                    20:18                     the visa.

New Speaker:                    20:18                     Not the Business card the other one, my mum is going to get the keys.

New Speaker:                    20:18                     do you want your mum to get the keys yeah.

New Speaker:                    20:18                     yeah, see that dictate phone. Can you pass that over to me for a second? When you lot just come.

New Speaker:                    20:27                     [inaudible]

New Speaker:                    20:27                     I just want you to pass that to me for a sec. I just want to press play on it

New Speaker:                    20:27                     yeah I have got no problem with that.

New Speaker:                    20:27                     No.

New Speaker:                    20:27                     Oh, come on man. I'm not going to fuck you.