Speaker 1:                           00:00                     Hello, mum.

New Speaker:                    00:00                     Yes.

Speaker 2:                           00:07                     Are you on your way? Yeah.

New Speaker:                    00:08                     I am on my way in the car

New Speaker:                    00:08                     So, Carron just phones up and says what? They just phone up and make it up the ' phoned up the other day, Lemmy phoned up and said I'm threatening him. Yeah, I threatened Lemmy no. I phoned Lemmy and said I've got the record in here and said to Lemmy your out of order Lemmy for what you're doing to me Lemmy yeah. Your falsifying all of these applications and I have not done nothing wrong. I can prove all the falsified applications because I've got all of the videos to prove it. Yeah. Then Lemmy go to me do you know I'm going to kill you and your mother down the phone. The next thing I know you lot are at my front door and nick me for threats to kill him when I've got the recording in here of him telling me that I'm fucking dead in my mum's dead.

New Speaker:                    00:44                     Open the door Simon.

New Speaker:                    00:44                     No, I'm not opening the fucking door to you.

New Speaker:                    00:51                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    00:51                     All of this is on recording. Yeah. And I am recording the whole fucking lot and i am going to plug the whole lot of what use lot are doing? Yes. She sent me up three times and the truth it has been proved three times treatment and he's being pre free times that Carron has tried to set me up. She got me two weeks in a Mental Hospital and I proved every time and you refused to arrest her afterwards and now you're letting her do it for a fourth time. I've got the camera evidence again to prove it and I've got Audio in my whole house. I'll play the audio to you now with what's going on.