Speaker 1:                           00:26                     Okay. Do you have the date of birth?

Speaker 2:                           00:30                     I don't have the date of birth of the patient. I have the name that he's living addressing.

New Speaker:                    00:36                     Ok give me the name.

New Speaker:                    00:36                     The first name. The first name is Ambrose. And the address, I don't know the surname.

New Speaker:                    00:42                     Can you spell the name for me.

New Speaker:                    00:42                     A.M.B.R.O.S.E.

New Speaker:                    00:42                     Ambrose, and his address is 113.

New Speaker:                    00:42                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    00:42                     Burncroft Avenue.

New Speaker:                    00:42                     So, so, C.r.

New Speaker:                    00:42                     No,

New Speaker:                    00:42                     B.U.R.N.C.R.O.F.T. Avenue.

New Speaker:                    00:42                     Yes.

New Speaker:                    00:42                     That is 113 Burncroft Avenue

Speaker 1:                           01:04                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    01:04                     And what about the postcode.

New Speaker:                    01:04                    

Speaker 2:                           01:06                     Echo, November, Three.

New Speaker:                    01:26                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    01:26                     and it might come up with Seven, Juliet, Quebec.

New Speaker:                    01:28                     Do you know his last name.

New Speaker:                    01:28                     I'm not too sure of his last name. No.

New Speaker:                    01:38                     Were are you calling from.

New Speaker:                    01:38                     I am calling from my home address. I understand his care worker is a woman called Jillian and I was trying to find out where Julian is based in your department or how I can contact Jillian because she is knocked at my front door once before and I have her on video recording, knocking on my door. And

Speaker 1:                           01:55                     are you a lady? are you a neighbour

Speaker 2:                           01:58                     Yes. I am a neighbour. That is correct. And I'm concerned about their client and I have video footage of the reasons that I'm concerned.

New Speaker:                    02:03                     Ok. Hold on let me find out

New Speaker:                    02:03                     Very large reasons.

Speaker 1:                           02:07                     Find her.

New Speaker:                    03:07                     Uh, do you think that this person is dangers to others?

Speaker 2:                           03:11                     Yes, that is correct.

Speaker 1:                           03:13                     You need to call the police then or l need to put you through to press line for Enfield area because he's living in Enfield It's it.

Speaker 2:                           03:22                     Yes, but he has a care worker called Julian and I believe is Jillian part of your unit of your team.

Speaker 1:                           03:28                     Jillian is not working in clinical here it is Wood Green area.

Speaker 2:                           03:33                     Jillian works in Wood Green area.

Speaker 1:                           03:35                     No, you, what happened the person that you have given me is in Enfield the best thing that I can do for you is put you through the place is called Trauma team in North the south border recovery team in Enfield.

Speaker 2:                           03:48                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    03:49                     You will have to ask them there.

New Speaker:                    03:49                     but how can I, I want to; I understand about the crisis team and Simon clerk and Emanuel now who's in charge of it and so forth, who's the directors of the companies? I understand, I believe that's correct. Lucas house you might be referring to and so forth. But what I'm concerned about is I'm trying to find an employee who has knocked at my.

New Speaker:                    04:09                     Yeah the person you are looking for does not work in Wood Green.

New Speaker:                    04:09                     front door and gave me her description,

Speaker 2:                           04:14                     She's working in Woodgreen now. How do I contact?

Speaker 1:                           04:18                     No, we don't have any Jillian in Canhecresenty, working here.

New Speaker:                    04:19                     We are mean fuck off.

Speaker 2:                           04:23                     So, how do I get in contact with, um, wood, green? Do you have a contact number for them or an address to them please

Speaker 1:                           04:31                     Ok, you are calling the Wood Green, this is Wood Green what you are calling here

Speaker 2:                           04:35                     are, this is what green cannon Crescent, is that correct?

Speaker 1:                           04:40                     Yes. this is correct

Speaker 2:                           04:42                     And we do not have any Jillian working here.

New Speaker:                    04:42                     So, I'm going to try and contact Lucas House as well. Well thank you for your time today, Madam.

Speaker 1:                           04:46                     You're welcome. Blah, blah, blah.