999 Call Center 01.mp3


[00:00:07] 01:54.


[00:00:08] Emergency what service.


[00:00:08] Hello Can you put me through to the police please.


[00:00:09] Police, thank you.


[00:00:11] Sorry, I rung a second ago the phone was playing but I couldn't speak.


[00:00:17] Hello you are through to police emergency.


[00:00:18] Hello how are you doing. I've been contacting you in regards to issues I've been having in my house.


[00:00:21] You just recently yesterday sent a police officer out to my house.


[00:00:26] OK.


[00:00:26] And he was. He wasn't able to deal with any of the ongoings’. For some reason he heard he's passed it along to another gentleman. And every time my phone calls in regards to my neighbors attacking me they're flush in the toilet every time I go, above the toilet go to the toilet above my head. They're continuously banging above me when I'm getting in the bath. I understand the noise talks of law civil litigation. I understand that Christy v Davey is the first ever people banging each of which calls noise pollution. The police keep saying this is a noise complaint and if you check on your computers. I've called you over 130 times in regards to getting assaulted. by these neighbors that I once helped. Now they keep saying you lot keep saying it's a noise problem. I'm very upset that you've not realized that this is turning to hate crime which is a crime because it says hate crime and it's from hate crime it's turned into attempted manslaughter. I want these people prosecuted for attempted manslaughter against me in my own home.


[00:01:20] But why is there, sorry, sorry hmm but why is it attempted manslaughter


[00:01:21] Because we says.


[00:01:26] if it’s a noisy neighbor.


[00:01:27] Thought OK if we go through this very slowly year you understand that we live in. We live in the UK and we live under our human rights which is a 1998 Human Rights and when in 1942 in our continental human rights in our human rights just in Article two it says the right to life. We have that within the UK here. Now when somebody tries to take away my right to life that becomes attempted manslaughter or attempted murder. Now also Article three if my Human Rights says that if any person physically assaults me or physically or mentally assaults me. Both of them said they touch me or they physically assault me not touch me. This will amount to torture. So, it says that in equal free physical or mental sufferings yeah which are right now I'm complaining about that mental sufferings that they're mentally attacking me and my sanity. And that this is amounting in the way that they're attacking me will leave me in a hospital and could leave me and leave me with heart pains anxiety I'm having high anxiety pains in my heart I keep writing into the council.


[00:02:32] OK, can I stop you there. Can I stop you there so, basically what you err, saying is that you do not feel that it has been dealt with as adequately?


[00:02:36] two hundred and thirty phone calls to yourselves to you all I have got over.


[00:02:39] OK, OK.


[00:02:39] I have got more than three hundred videos of you all


[00:02:39] OK, OK I am just trying to establish the facts here, so do you so do you want to make a complaint. Because I cannot comment on the way that police have dealt with that. Okay.


[00:02:51] I don't know all of the details.


[00:02:52] But you can handle it you can handle a case from this second, I'm informing you my neighbors woke me up again this morning attacking me.


[00:02:59] Right OK, so how were they attacking you I just needed to get some of the facts here.


[00:03:04] They are getting pots and pans from in their kitchen they're entering their front room with the pots and pans and they're smashing the pots and pans above where I sleep. They're also doing this when I go into the bathroom.


[00:03:14] Right OK,


[00:03:14] In their bathroom room they have --- floor.


[00:03:15] So, they are being extremely noisy and they are trying to antagonize you.


[00:03:19] Not extremely noisy and in the extreme legalism and ignore easy when I don't really legally eavesdrop into my privacy yeah into my private home and I listen to what room I enter into when I enter into them rooms. Yeah, they will follow me into them rooms with their hate crime and they will try to cover up them left fabricate that they've made. Yeah, they're trying to cover up the fabricated statements and the fact that they've killed my unborn child in my own firm. I've got the medical notes my turn and they put me and my partner through so much through so much mental stress in our homes and you know not protecting us that she had a miscarriage in our own home when we should be safeguarded and have the right to a private and family life or equal 13 with inside of my home.


[00:04:05] I paid the rent and I I'm a secure tenant and they're not even secure tenants I'm not I think I'm goanna call them a customer.


[00:04:16] I do understand what you're saying. OK.


[00:04:19] But this has already been dealt with so I can deal with one happy outcome. A complaint each of the comments. I think you speak for me.


[00:04:34] Thank you. Did you call you back to discuss the issue? You have the ongoing issue and you feel the police to support you.


[00:04:47] I called your calls and an me.


[00:04:53] Well I can't tell you because you should not have attended my party once in fact to in five years in recordings, I've shown them video evidence of the people I talk to me it.


[00:05:10] It's not something I can comment on.


[00:05:13] Would you come. You can do it. We can do is do what the NSIR signed you up to do.


[00:05:17] Listen, listen, you are not listening to me are you.


[00:05:17] Of course I am madam.


[00:05:22] No, you are not, no you are not.


[00:05:23] Of course I am madam.


[00:05:23] You’re not


[00:05:23] I just have a different opinion to you.


[00:05:25] You are constantly speaking over me.


[00:05:27] I'm hurt, I just may have a different opinion to you for what your job tells you are there to do.


[00:05:29] If you want to listen to me about what I am going to tell you


[00:05:32] Your Constitution tells you that you must protect me.


[00:05:35] OK, I will wait until you are ready then I will wait until you are ready.


[00:05:35] year I will prefer that.


[00:05:36] Your Constitution tells you if someone calls you for as a CFS a call for services which I am calling you a member of the public. Your constitution that you sign so, that you can work for a company to friendly association social that you do you now.


[00:05:51] Right listen I am going to stop, I am going to stop you now, OK.


[00:05:51] You have NSIR regulations says this CD data says that you should protect me if I give you a graded listed issue yeah, and perjury is of the highest attempted manslaughter.


[00:06:01] Listen to me, Listen to me.


[00:06:02] You Look grading your issues.


[00:06:02] Listen, listen, listen.


[00:06:03] You need to get a police officer to my house within 60 seconds of someone doing it and take the evidence, under the evidence Act 1941.


[00:06:06] If you are not prepared to listen to me, I am going to have to clear the line.


[00:06:10] I am recording this and I am going to put this into my report.


[00:06:13] Yeah and I'm goanna play this back to the general public and within the next couple of weeks or months with everything else that I've recorded I've got your call centers is calling me a black bastard and telling me that I have been robbed down the phone I have transcribed every one of them.


[00:06:22] I do not believe that for one moment.


[00:06:26] do you want me to play it to you right now.


[00:06:26] This is something that you can discuss with


[00:06:30] don't challenge me.


[00:06:31] I am not challenging you.


[00:06:32] Don't challenge me if I'm telling you that I have got the evidence.


[00:06:33] I am clearing the line now.


[00:06:35] okay. you are being totally unreasonable.


[00:06:37] Can I please take a Cad number to this call, Please.


[00:06:38] Phone Put down.