Speaker 1:                           00:00                     I'm phoning the Enfield Council then.

Speaker 2:                           00:30                     Hello, you're through to the Director of the Environment's office at the London borough of Enfield though I am unable to take your call at the moment. Please leave your message with contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Good bye after the tone. Please record your message. When you are finished recording, hang up or press the hash key for more options.

Speaker 3:                           00:54                     Hello.

Speaker 1:                           00:54                     Hello. I believe that I'm ever going to speak be speaking to a Heather Littler or an Angela Hugue who represents the chief executive’s team for the Enfield council and I just was in the conversation with Angela on the phone. This was our third conversation. I have recorded the other two recording. She's transferred me over to a non-existent number and today when explaining to her my listed priorities of emergency graded issues, she has been rude and uncourteous towards me and put the phone down. In understanding that she is being paid a salary to prevent these things from happening that I'm talking about the telephone number that I am phoning on is the 3910 number I believe. And if you check your own whistle blowing the Enfield Councils whistle blowing policies. Yeah. Which are published online for any member of the public to take hold of, you will notice that your number is the number within side of -

Speaker 1:                           01:52                     That whistle blowing policy that I am phoning now. So I do not understand why you are not acting in accordance to the whistle blowing policy that you set to protect people like me from people that are, that are acting in your company's name when they're act fraudulently or unfairly in, in a breach of process. Yeah. Please. Can you contact me back act fairly, and not act rudely towards my needs and to what is going on here. This is informal of yourselves and you are, I don't know what more else I can continue. It's very easy to continue. Listen to this. Please can somebody contact me back and take what is happening and very seriously.

Speaker 3:                           02:28                     Okay.