Speaker 2:                           00:27                     Your call is important to us. Please continue to hold and we will answer your call as soon as possible.

Speaker 2:                           02:08                     your call is important to us. Please continue to hold and we will answer your call as soon as possible.

Speaker 2:                           03:49                     your call is important to us. Please continue to hold and we will answer your call as soon as possible.

Speaker 2:                           05:30                     Your call is important to us. Please continue to hold and we will answer your call as soon as possible.

Speaker 2:                           05:44                     Good afternoon Luran Speaking how can i help

Speaker 3:                           05:46                     Hello. How are you doing? My asking you speaking again.

New Speaker:                    05:48                     My name is Luran

Speaker 3:                           05:51                     How are you doing Luran,.

New Speaker:                    05:52                     I'm i am just trying to get a case resolved that I've seem to have ongoing. There is a serious miscarriage of justice and it was, I'm can i give you the case number.

New Speaker:                    06:03                     Yes, please.

New Speaker:                    06:03                     Hey, how you doing? And the case number is A20150064

Speaker 3:                           06:10                     is thatA2.

New Speaker:                    06:10                     A for Alpha 201500 (500) 64.

Speaker 4:                           06:22                     Is that a Magistrates Court number, sorry? Sor have you got another number that begins with eight one or eight seven one seven

Speaker 5:                           06:27                     no, this was in Wood Green. No, I actually, this isn't the correct number. Can I give you my name and do it through the number because it changed for the appeal date. The case number did. So, can i give it to you for the Appeal please.

Speaker 4:                           06:38                     all right.

New Speaker:                    06:39                     My name.

New Speaker:                    06:40                     Have you been even to them? have you been to the magistrates court?

New Speaker:                    06:42                     Yeah.

Speaker 5:                           06:43                     I went to this magistrates court and when I went to this magistrates court, I kept. I went, I, I had a case put against me for the organization of a legal rave's. So it stated illegal inside of it, I never got arrested for the organization of illegal raves. So i think that was a serious miscarriage in justice, that i weren't arrested for something that was illegal Me and my barrister, come to court in Highbury and Islington and what we understood is that we was fighting against defending myself against the organization of illegal Raves, I copied the Facebook accounts of the people that I was being accused of being, which I still have here now. And I kept trying and I didn't want to submit them in to the, into the files until the Crown Prosecution file 2011 I requested for MG6 b or e in regards to all criminal prosecutions of all of the people that was dealing with me.

Speaker 5:                           07:30                     And there's a bloke called Robert Taylor who was the barrister. He falsified all of the paper. He was also under criminal criminal investigation for another case for holding someone illegal. Now I have a court number here and is it, okay, if i give this to you with a pen and you have a pen.

New Speaker:                    07:44                     Yep.

New Speaker:                    07:44                     It's, it's called the clarity of Highbury Corner Court, magistrates commissioner of the place of Metropolitan 2007 1wlr1272 2006 ewhc 1869 and what that says is a case can't rely solely on hearsay and they agreed for that in Civil Litigation and criminal and also for Asbos. And this happened in Highbury Corner Court. Now when I went to court, I noticed that each police officer had done four statements in a second perspective, pretending to be like Um, writing for the victims and there's no victims Signatures at the bottom of none of the victims statements. So I kept asking for the witnesses to attend court and no witnesses would attend to the Highbury and Islington Court. now.

Speaker 4:                           08:39                     Ok, Sorry, just to stop you there. I'm not legally trained so I can only ask can only, I can only help you with some details of the case can i take your name and then I can look to see what's going i can look to see what's going on, ok.

Speaker 5:                           08:52                     My name is Mr. Simon Paul. Cordell. My Christian name is Paul and my last surname is Cordell, C.O.R.D.E.L.L. Now being held illegally in my house. I've got a nine year. I've got five years for the injunction order itself that they put on me illegally when there's no victim statement or signatures. Everything was hearsay in the whole file. Yeah. Plus on top of everything being hearsay all the timestamps to the 999 calls to the cads are are wrong. Yeah. Plus in inside the paperwork it says that white males and females commit the offense. Yeah. Now I'm an IC3 so I can't fit an Ic1 profile So, they knew it wasn't me. Now I've got these Facebook profiles here and I built a website called horrific corruption.com and i have put everything inside of it, that has happened. Made brand new pdf books for it all, I had 30 appeal dates.

Speaker 5:                           09:46                     and 20 appeal dates at wood green crown court and Wood Green crown court failed me and my Human Rights as well as this court. You had no, there was no witnesses in the court and you were illegally holding me in my house. Now if I got arrested for the organization of illegal raves, I could get six months maximum sentence and do three months inside prison and three outside. Now somehow I've got a standalone Asbo, not even a CBO, so it's not supposed to be a criminal prosecution under the Organization of Illegal Raves and somehow I got five years plus the two years for the injunction order, which makes seven years curfew plus on top of the seven year curfew, I've read a year for another case that I just won prior to that as well from the same court as here. So intotal, I'm riding an eight year curfew now it says lady howl and Prince Philip, who are who do the supreme crown court in their film It says that they can't even detain a erm, detain somebody that's going to blow up this country for that long inside of a house, let alone somebody less dealing with a civil dispute over music. Yeah. Now I'm very upset that I'm being held illegally in my house right now and at this court's authorized for it all to happen. Yeah. I'm documenting my report down every single day and everything that's happened to me in the meantime from my impact statement, from my recovery of my damages, that i am suffering throughout and it's been a continuation of foul play or breaches, a process and a breach of trust under the criminal attempt Act. Yeah, that has been found. It's been played from this court now I would like to, I would like to call a statutory Duty in the court and no is now, and I'd like you to help me issue that if you'd be great, if you'd be kind enough to do so. And I would like to be able to call this back into the court as an EGM meeting an emergency application. I'd like you maybe now if you,

Speaker 4:                           11:35                     OK, I can't do anything over the phone i'm a frade

Speaker 5:                           11:39                     Yes, but can you put me onto the court manager?

New Speaker:                    11:41                     I don't have the power.

New Speaker:                    11:41                     Can you put me onto the court manager.

New Speaker:                    11:42                     we don't have one, they don't have the power for that.

Speaker 4:                           11:44                     The Clark?

New Speaker:                    11:45                     Oh, they don't have the power for that.

New Speaker:                    11:48                     The Clark.

New Speaker:                    11:48                     Everything. Everything has to be submitted in writing to the court.

New Speaker:                    11:51                     Yes, I can. I can accept that everything has to be submitted

Speaker 5:                           11:54                     but if i come to the court today yer, or I come to the court tomorrow with my evidence that I've been set up by the judges in this court. In your courthouse. Yes. And that they understand the laws from the case number that I just gave you from 2006 that no case can rely solely on hearsay evidence without first hand witnesses. I requested the witnesses, I'm right. I shouldn't be riding a nine year curfew if they didn't have enough for a criminal conviction in the beginning and to arrest me. Yeah. They shouldn't have. They shouldn't have gave me nine years otherwise now on top of the nine years that I'm riding yeah. That I'm supposed to be riding, I'm not, I, I've, I understand that a standalone Asbo is not supposed to be a form of punishment, but I understand that I've got a 10 o'clock curfew and a curfew is used, people get that for early release from prison.

Speaker 5:                           12:41                     Yeah. Early release from prison. It's a form of punishment. So how if they involve a stand, uh, uh, a curfew inside of a standalone Asbo if they didn't have enough for a criminal conviction and to follow after with a CBO Asbo. Yeah, I'm very upset with that. I'm being held in my house every day and I've got lots of other government members now. I've had another possession order put on me since then after that possession Order i have had an injunction order put on me then another injunction order and then another injunction order and all my neighbors attack me in my house continuously because to cover up the missing signatures I was phoning up all of the 999 call centers saying to them that you're missing your signatures and you're missing all this stuff. Then I was recording all the conversations, the minutes to the meetings cause you your, your, your, your servant for the full fall for the queen now and you're being paid a wage.

Speaker 5:                           13:29                     So this is classed as a meeting so i am aloud to take the recordings of these meetings in a digital format, I can give you the case number. So I'm recording all these conversations and, and transcribed them up afterwards. You know, I made over a hundred phone calls to the court um, to the police station explaining to them about their missing signatures and about and requesting all the MG, all of the Crown prosecution 2011 files. I requested everything correctly and they've just they have just, they started to spread that I had a disease in the public to scare me out of the country. And, and I've never had nothing wrong with me. I've got all my medical notes and everything there to prove this, to cover up this case, now that I'm talking to you about, they, they use my a use, my partner and me and my partner have never argued.

Speaker 5:                           14:11                     She's not my partner no longer, but we never ever, ever argued throughout all of this happening. So we've still got I've got emails of me and her talking till 2016 that we never argued. Yeah. And texts in my phone, I put into my report yer, and we've never had it, me and her have never had a dispute. Then Sally Gilchrist, the head of the Metropolitan Police legal executive who was dealing with all of my cases and all the paperwork. She come to all your court, all the court cases. She, she started spreading all this stuff about my personal data and they've tried to attempt to put an attempt to murder me. Yeah. It's more than hate crime. Yeah, it's, it's an issue. They've tried to, to do that. There's a breach of our personal data in the beginning and it was an attempt to cover up what's going on. In this case, this court has turned.

New Speaker:                    14:53                     Ok.

New Speaker:                    14:53                     This court has turned its phones off for how long.

New Speaker:                    14:56                     Mr. Cordell.

New Speaker:                    14:56                     Can we call this back into the court please?

Speaker 4:                           14:59                     Sorry, I can try and put you through, but there's no guarantee that i think that someone will answer pick up the phone

Speaker 5:                           15:05                     How long has these court numbers,.

New Speaker:                    15:07                     i accept that

Speaker 4:                           15:08                     We are very busy at the moment.

Speaker 5:                           15:09                     It's an emergency. Meeting,

Speaker 4:                           15:11                     We've only taken over the calls for Highbury. We'ving the last six months.

New Speaker:                    15:15                     Year because Highbury.

New Speaker:                    15:15                     we deal with all the calls.

New Speaker:                    15:21                     How long, Go on sorry.

New Speaker:                    15:21                     We deal with all the courts for every magistrate court in London, so we've taken over their calls where we're an outsource call center. We're not based in Highbury Magistrates Court. We're not based in any magistrates court

Speaker 5:                           15:29                     Because they turned their phone lines because I was phoning them about all of this and recording it in the beginning. I except that.

New Speaker:                    15:35                     ok, So,.

New Speaker:                    15:35                     So, now. I know that. Okay. Okay. Like i except that I can understand what you're saying. Thank you for explaining that to me.

Speaker 4:                           15:40                     So, what I'm advising, what I'm saying as well, what I'm advising you to do. If you want. Any application you have, any application you have to make to the court has to be made in my writing. That's the only that the best you have to go before the legal advisors. It's not down to the court managers whether they can accept the hearing. They have to go before someone that is legally trained in the court.

Speaker 5:                           15:57                     i Except that this is how I use, I've got the contract that use lot have got now, because I was recording the conversations and over what I'm just explained to you and what they've done to me and my partner to cover all of this up and that why now they turned the phones off to the courtroom and now today I phoned for the first time in ages to check because I've been dealing with these other possession orders and an injunction orders that i have had overturned and I noticed it was back on. So I'm thinking I'm going through to the court and that's why I've been a bit more so if I've been, if I've been more than what I was when your job's worth, I apologize to you for that.

New Speaker:                    16:29                     So, what i will do if you can just hold the line for a second for me please.

Speaker 4:                           16:30                     I will, I'll do that cause he just hold the line for me. I'll see if I can put you through, if I can't put you through, I'll come back to you. And as I said, I can't, I can't, visicley can't do anything, but you need to send something in writing to the court. If you want to go down to the court you can do. But you have to go down when the public councils open. but i cant, there is know guarantee that i can put you through to someone because they are very busy. Can you just hold the line for one second for me. You'll hear some music and I'll just see what's going on. Okay, thank you.

New Speaker:                    16:56                     Thank you.

Speaker 6:                           17:49                     Right, thank you.

Speaker 5:                           19:24                     Hello.

New Speaker:                    19:25                     Hello, Highbury Corner Court how can i help you.

New Speaker:                    19:25                     Hello, can I just go through a case with you? So, may I ask who I' am speaking to?

Speaker 7:                           19:30                     Miss Mill's,.

New Speaker:                    19:30                     Miss Mill's i am the customer service.

New Speaker:                    19:31                     How are you doing Ms. Mills? My name is Mr. Simon Cordell.

New Speaker:                    19:34                     Hmm, Hmm.

Speaker 5:                           19:36                     and I have an issue with the court and a miscarriage of justice as the court is illegally detaining me in my house at present and it's an emergency. Matter, that I would like to be able to call back before the court, Hm, a load of police officer's fraudulently built an application in highbury and Islington Court and we'll out of it and brought, well presented it into Highbury and Islington Court. There was no witnesses that attended the court. And I've gone over the paperwork. It basically says is what it's basically says to the organization of illegal raves. I never got arrested for anything that was illegal. The maximum sentence if you did get arrested it would be six months, do three month's inside. Somehow they put a stand alone as Asbo against me, which is for non-criminal offense I went to court to defend myself against the claim, which was the organization of illegal raves. They couldn't prove illegalality in the court, but somehow I've ended up with a five year curfew and two years for the injunction order, which is seven years plus. I've ridden a year for another case hich i one, which is eight years of my life. I'm on curfew right now.

Speaker 7:                           20:38                     Have you emailed the court,

Speaker 5:                           20:40                     I've spoke to, I spoke to the court on numerous occasions in regards to it, but at the time the court,

Speaker 7:                           20:45                     so what was, what was you advised.

Speaker 5:                           20:47                     my advice, was at the time, we just.

New Speaker:                    20:49                     No, what was the deal? What was the advice given to you

Speaker 5:                           20:52                     at the time was to go through to go through the appeal stages? So I took it to wood green crown court and I went through the approval stages and we had 20 different dates in the crown court. I still never at the end of it all managed to actually have a trial in regards to my claims. They just kept trying to say, oh, I'm going crazy. And I kept winning by the doctors and proving there was nothing wrong with me. What each police officer actually done is they, they pretended that um, say, you've got, say there was two parties on two roads that are half a mile away from each other. The police knew that one party was going on for six months prior. Now that, that that was one had been going on six months prior is opposite a police No, opposite of a train station.

Speaker 5:                           21:32                     Now another party, got closed down in Essex and because it, I wasn't involved in none of this, I was in my house. Yeah. And that's the truth. Because the other party, got closed down in Essex, a police officer called Adrian combs, landed in the field and spoke to the people and served them in abatement notice, which I have a copy of here now, which he says he served Chris lurcher Lewis. Yeah. And he owns Hippie Fest Party, which I'm being accused for now. Straight after that, the police, this police officer, sent them Metropolitan Police to Chris lurchers profile and they took his profile out of it because his white and put mine in it and then they scribbled all over it. I'm a black boy on the block all in the application. Now I noticed yer, that all of the 999 call all of the CAD calls the timestamps go backwards and forwards for it.

Speaker 5:                           22:19                     So I know noticed that um, they, they're all for progress way. So because they are all for progress way, which is this, which is the other party to where the boy moved to. So now what the police done is they took all the crown road parties and put them into the folder and redacted most of the crown road name out of there and pretended that they were progress way so they made up the 999 calls for this other building and used another party that was going on on that day, but they forgot to take out the x 2 y locations. And on some of the pages they forgot to take out crown road. Now when i asked, when asked under oath if they're sure that every party in that folder is actually progress way, they swear under oath in your court in that courthouse. Now I've got the transcripts here that approve that, but now I've done my homework. You can see they're all really crown road and there really was no call's to progress way, which they've sent me up. Now they have each done four statements each and at the bottom of their statements. Therefore, therefore the members of the public that are supposed to be kept up over night, that's what this is all about. None of them have put their statements, their signature at the bottom of them. So there's each four police.

Speaker 7:                           23:23                     Hello, can i. Hello Mr. Cordell. I know that you are explaining to me and I'am working in the customer service department, right? What you're telling me, um, what is it you exactly want that i can transfer you.

New Speaker:                    23:32                     I need.

New Speaker:                    23:32                     Because I've got quite a few calls coming through

Speaker 5:                           23:36                     I need to be able to get back, I'm illegally being detained in my house right now. Supposed to ride another two and a half years illegally being detained in my house. I like to call an emergency application back into the court, a Stationary Declaration of notice.

Speaker 7:                           23:48                     well you need to email us with that. Um, you, have you got our email address.

Speaker 5:                           23:53                     I've, I've w I've got an email for the court.

Speaker 7:                           23:57                     Yeah. have you got the new, the new one the London north mc@justice.gov.UK.

New Speaker:                    24:04                     London north.

New Speaker:                    24:04                     Because, we changed up our email address.

Speaker 5:                           24:07                     Yeah, because now all the phone numbers because I was making lots of recordings.

New Speaker:                    24:10                     Let me finish.

New Speaker:                    24:11                     Yeah, because a lot of it has changed up now. So, what I'll give you is the new email address.

Speaker 5:                           24:19                     I have got that already. I just got it on Google just now

Speaker 7:                           24:22                     London North MC @justice.gov.uk.

New Speaker:                    24:27                     Ok. i have got that already. but can i not have.

New Speaker:                    24:27                     Hold on, hold on because what I'm trying to explain to you is that we. because we don't do thing over the phone now, thing have all change up. So what you just told me, so you could just put it in an email,.

New Speaker:                    24:40                     Can i not just come into the courthouse itself.

New Speaker:                    24:41                     No, it's not like that. Everything's all changed up now.

Speaker 5:                           24:46                     I got an official report here, which is thousands of pages and I can't send that to yourselves.

New Speaker:                    24:50                     Yer but i know, but you need to do it

Speaker 7:                           24:50                     Yer but i know, but you need to do it, before you come up, we cannot deal with anything because everything is done by appointments. So this is what I'm trying to explain to you.

New Speaker:                    24:59                     Yeah, i am listening to you.

New Speaker:                    24:59                     If he can just, if you just email and everything what you just said to me.

New Speaker:                    25:04                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    25:04                     Okay. Put a contact telephone number.

New Speaker:                    25:07                     ok. because we did not contact you by telephone. We will respond to your, um, email address. Okay. But you just have to bear with us throughout because we are a bit shorter staff. It's coming up to the summer holidays. I know that shouldn't be a problem. You know, it shouldn't be a problem.

Speaker 5:                           25:23                     I'm illegally detained in my house and I can't go out because of the police officers that have set me up for this.

New Speaker:                    25:30                     I know. i hear you, i hear you.

New Speaker:                    25:30                     Yeah, I followed them up and I'd been making phone calls.

New Speaker:                    25:32                     Mr. Cordell.

New Speaker:                    25:32                     May, I say something to you madam, I know you've listened to a lot. Yeah. Madam and I appreciate your time so far and I know you are an important lady and that you need to help a lot of other people. But in true in all truth, I was speaking to the court's making recordings and they turned off their whole phones to the whole court just to avoid this case. Yeah, now, they've just been turned back on. That's why the court phones got turned off. I've got hundreds of recordings explaining this and going through the, I've got formal complaints in regards to,.

New Speaker:                    25:58                     I do understand.

New Speaker:                    25:59                     they say that I'm a, white person in the paperwork? It says that I'm a white people. White females or males committed the crime. I'm an IR3 black 3.

New Speaker:                    25:59                    

Speaker 7:                           26:07                     Yes, but hold on. Hello Mr Cordell, I know that your frustrated and that you want to get your point across, but unfortunately what you're requesting, I don't deal with it, where customers,.

New Speaker:                    26:19                     Can i speak to the clark manager?

New Speaker:                    26:21                     Yeah, but that's what I'm saying thereall in court now it's half past two.

Speaker 5:                           26:24                     It's an emergency. Matter it a tier one level offence.

New Speaker:                    26:26                     We do not deal with things like that.

New Speaker:                    26:26                     Year, but there is corruption within your offices.

New Speaker:                    26:30                     There's is corruption within there and it's an emergency application. If, if I'm telling you that I'm illegally being detained, I can prove that right now.

Speaker 7:                           26:36                     Hello, Mr. Cordell are you going to listen to me?

New Speaker:                    26:38                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    26:40                     To get you sorted and to help your situation. I do not want to give you false information.

New Speaker:                    26:44                     Yeah, and i respect that.

New Speaker:                    26:44                     and when you come here or sell anything, it's not going to be dealt with they need to look through your paperwork, discuss it and take it from there. They might have to have an appointment and its down to them whether or not if you have an appointment or they class this as an emergency. You need to do everything by email. Everything has changed from the last time you've come here or attended court. This is the procedures and that's why I'm trouble.

New Speaker:                    27:11                     How long does it take for the, what is the, um, the response time for an email served to the court. What is the mandatory time frame.

New Speaker:                    27:18                     its normally between, Seven, seven days. But as I said to you earlier, Ron.

New Speaker:                    27:24                     there is a hold back.

New Speaker:                    27:24                     put on router, a rotter on emails is coming up to this time of the year. Now people are taking their annual leave. Okay. So it's a little bit, a little bit short of staff. So it might be a little bit longer, but I feel outside the ICU, send that email to us and puts at the top bit, wait for subject, puts it as emergency stroke urgent, Alright.

New Speaker:                    27:49                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    27:50                     And send it to the court I know I'm giving you all the information that that liable to you.

New Speaker:                    27:53                     i understand

Speaker 7:                           27:55                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    27:56                     Thanks for everything.

New Speaker:                    27:57                     put it in your email.

New Speaker:                    27:59                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    27:59                     And then we take it from there.

New Speaker:                    28:01                     Okay. Well thank you for your time today.

New Speaker:                    28:03                     Thank you. Take care and enjoy your day.

New Speaker:                    28:08                     Right. Okay.